Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 9 Chapter 43: reward

Chapter 43 Harvest

"Get new expertise: secondary avatars"

"Secondary avatar: summons an offensive, invisible avatar for the host to share the worry; effect: after being called, the detachment can exist within 30 feet of the host; it can be invisible, withstand the attack and disappear, and possess the ability of the host itself. And 20% attack power; duration 15 minutes; cooling time 1 time / day. m book friend whole ~ Liti ~ for"

Glanced at the prompts on the system, Ye Qi looked at the introduction of the strange wolf to Glyyan Lapol.

"This guy is a very annoying existence even between us." First of all, the blame wore a definition of the existence of Greg Young Lapol, and then snorted and continued: "It always I like to decorate my own aesthetics with other people's creepy items, especially when it forces others to admit its aesthetics by force, and finally it will be forced to use it as a collection, which makes me feel very much. Aversion

"At the very least, when I get what I want, I always put someone else on the road or give the other side a little benefit." The wolf's rhetoric wants to show a different level of meaning to the other side; however, Ye Qi is a cold-sounding direct evolution that reveals the true face of this guy: "Let others have a way to live or give each other a little benefit? For the next better crush?"

Ye Qi’s counter-question made the weird wolf smile two times. Although there is no answer, it can be seen from the wretchedness in laughter. The wolf has already defaulted to it – whether it is Gregyan Rapol or the wolf. Ye Qi did not dare to be interested in the style of the two. After all, to explore the existence of chaos itself is a waste of time; he is now more interested in his harvest.

Although the secondary genre is very good, but Ye Qi can not forget how Glyyan Lapol escaped his blind sense; therefore, he is more eager to get this than the secondary avatar. ability

"Our contract for this cooperation is to divide the prey." Ye Qi reiterated the original contract and expressed dissatisfaction with the "unauthorized master" of this strange wolf: "And, I think that when I am awake, I divide the prey trade, It’s truly fair, reasonable and effective; not like now, when I wake up, everything has become a foregone conclusion”

"Yes, our contract is to divide the prey." For Ye Qi's dissatisfaction, the wolf is still plausible: "I get only pure energy, and you get the ability"

"If I remember correctly, the ability of Glyyan Lapol can shield my perception, not this detachment that can only be invisible." In the face of the explanation of the wolf, Ye Qi immediately raised the question: "Do not doubt I have mastered myself; believe me, I know everything about myself more than anyone else."

"Of course," the wolf had no doubts about Ye Qi’s statement, and nodded straightly; but the tone of the speech immediately brought a glimpse: "Glejan Lapol, even if he hates it, is the same existence as me. Even if it is sealed, you won't feel that you can get the same ability as you can if you hunt it."

Although he hates the screaming tone of the wolf at the moment, but Ye Qi does not refute, but bows his head and meditates - secondary? Can this avatar be upgraded like expertise? But how can I upgrade without the proficiency of proficiency?

Because of the strange wolf, Ye Qi, who suddenly fell into meditation, thought for a long time, still did not pay attention to the slightest clue, he had to temporarily put this idea in the bottom of his heart; at the same time said to the strange wolf: "Well, your reason to convince But I don't want to deceive me; the consequences of cheating me, you understand."

"Do not worry, how can I deceive my contractor?"

The wolf is swearing to be honest; but the reliability is probably only known to him; and Ye Qi is simply holding a disdainful attitude - believing that the devil will only be endlessly tempted Devoured, and finally fell into the abyss; this is the content highlighted on the first page of the Handbook of the Demon Hunter handed to him by John, and Ye Qi is convinced of this; especially when he is deceived and becomes the contract of the other party. After people


The apostle trench coat has been split in the battle with Glejan Lapol and cannot be worn again. Therefore, Ye Qi can only find other replacement clothes in the duffel bag; but when he pulls the duffel bag, he sees inside. In addition to the knives, the "Samikina's Drive" and the replacement of clothing, but not a glimpse

"This is our spoils." The wolf explained to Ye Qi, "I don't have the lofty character of making the spoils handy."

"I didn't have the lofty character of the spoils." Ye Qi nodded in agreement with the wolf's statement, while emphasizing: "So, this is just my spoils."

After the end of Ye Qi, ignoring the grotesque after the grotesque wolf, calm down to the apostle to feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the **** of the throne, the sacred priest, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family will kill the gods The throne seeks the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens Abandoning the fluctuations of the Ling Zhou of the Zhou Dynasty, but when he tried several times and could not perceive the fluctuations inside the wing, his look was a glimpse.

Not a sacrament?

Recalling the sharpness of the original wing and the toxins that were terrifying, Ye Qi is really unable to believe that the wing is just a normal weapon or a magic weapon; therefore, Ye Qi immediately began to try to detect the fluctuations inside the wing.

Although I don't want to admit it, the continuous attempt, continuous failure, has made him have to admit that the wing is really not a fact of the sacristy - Ye Qi with several saints, from the initial clumsiness to the current skilled separation It also took a lot of effort; although it could not be compared with experts who specialize in saints, he believed that it was definitely more than the general apostle.

Of course at this moment, he would rather be wrong - after all, even if he has several saints, he would not mind, one more piece

However, in the end, the words of the wolf smashed Ye Qi’s last illusion.

"The Spirit Wing is nothing more than the weapon that Glyyan Lapol has added to his own power, so it will be so sharp and how can thousands of snake venoms be used. However, after losing the blessing of power, it is just an ordinary weapon. Nothing

Obviously, the wolf likes to fight Ye Qi. At this moment, the tone is full of ridicule: "Of course, if you don't mind, you can still collect it. After all, the ordinary weapons that have been blessed by divine power will become extraordinary. If there is an adventure. If it is, it might become a very good saint."

PS today infusion plus a bottle of legendary imported special effects ... However, decadent feeling effect is very general ... but even if this has to continue infusion, it took two days, really depressed...

Thanks again to the Green Knight-Linnes 588, the winds of the moon 100, the Xuanyuan Yuhe 100, 369 100~~~ 颓 鞠躬 鞠躬 Thank you for your support~~~~

[Niu Wen no advertising novel dedication]

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