Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 9 Chapter 50: 3 side (3)

Chapter 50—Tripartite (3)

In the face of the girl's accusation, Merlin did not refute, but from the look of her re-distributing the pharmacy, she did not put the girl's accusation on her mind - looking at the re-starting of the pharmacy, Merlin, already used to each other The girl who walked my own way just frowned, and once again lowered her head and studied the map.

From the unfamiliarity in the sea forest, to the companionship together, there is not much difficulty during the period - a group of sudden El blame has become an opportunity for the two to join forces against the enemy, and the map is even more Merlin, who had left the hands of the wizard, had a decision.

As for the girl?

After proving the strength and showing sincerity, according to the thinking habits taught by the teacher, it is natural to agree - of course, the necessary caution must be there; it is because of this caution that she has been dangerous several times. Escape; the danger is not directly derived from Merlin, but the indirect relationship can not be separated.

The afterglow of the corner of the eye saw the medicinal agent that Merlin began to boil again. The girl couldn’t shrink her body and lean forward. She made an effective protective measure—the source of danger, which is the constant The explosion will not only attract the dark creatures in the sea forest; after all, the explosion itself has an insurmountable power; especially if it adds an unknown substance, even if the power is small, it will be enough for the girl to feel The hair of the whole body stood upright.

However, fortunately, this time the goddess of fortune visited Merlin, and after a few seconds, the boiling potion gradually returned to calm, and the color became translucent—the girl was slightly relieved, although she had not systematically studied pharmacy, but The basic basis for discrimination is still there. At least the intuition of the demon hunter can tell her that the danger has passed.

"One day, I will be killed by these things." Looking at Merlin, who started to organize the test tubes and medicine pots, the girl whispered; this time, Merlin did not continue to remain silent - the drug deployment was completed, All the spirits recovered from the experiment, Merlin, finally can speak, she reiterated: "Before the preparation of the pharmacy, I have laid out an effective magic defense array around, not only cut off the sound from the inside out And light, and also have a high protective effect on the explosion caused by the experiment; as long as you deal with it carefully, life will not..."

"Okay, okay," the same rhetoric, the girl who listened to countless times immediately raised her hands: "In order to be energetic on the road tomorrow, I want to rest now; there are still three days left, I hope we can Continue to stay friendly and friendly"

"of course"

Merlin nodded, and after slightly slamming the bonfire, he also got into the sleeping bag - with the presence of vigilance and defensive magic, the vigil became a dispensable job; although the girl at the beginning Persevere, but when I saw the power of Merlin's magical array, I gladly handed this work to the glory; after all, after rushing through the mountain road for ten hours during the day, I went to the night with the same exuberant energy. It’s not a girl who can’t be a hunter.

Of course, the biggest reason why a girl can sleep peacefully is because she saw a hawthorn inadvertently broke into the magical array placed around it, and the acid that spewed out of it instantly corroded into a skeleton and quickly became ablated. The passage of a pool of yellow water; otherwise, even if it is tired, she will not give up the work of vigil; after all, it is about her own life safety.


Like the sound of cold water pouring into the hot pot, the extraordinarily harsh in the silent night, and the girl who just entered the semi-sleep state is a diving jump out of the sleeping bag, homemade handcuffs and Beretta m first Time appeared in her two hands, and her eyes looked around with vigilance.

"what happened?"

The girl who did not have any situation looked at Merlin who had already held the staff. She only had a preliminary understanding of the magic array around her, and basically had no right to speak; and the problem of giving the problem to the expert was her. Very recognized.

"Someone invaded my alert magic array around me..." Merlin, who had touched her eyes and closed her eyes, immediately frowned. After opening her eyes, she looked at the girl with a dignified look: "And it has begun to crack the magic array." ”

“What level is the other party?” The girl asked subconsciously, but she responded with a clearer wording: “Is it higher or lower than you?”

"Be taller than me and there are more than one person."

Merlin’s answer apparently put the girl under pressure; the girl licked her lips and looked down anxiously – although the girl did not know what stage Merlin’s strength was in the dark wizard, it’s certain that the other Weaker than her strength, and coupled with the strange magic of the dark wizards, the girls do not think they have a 10% chance of winning the opponent; and now the unidentified "late night visitors" victory is not only high. Out of the other side, and still plural, this makes the girl have a decision in an instant.

"We are going to retreat immediately" the girl asked Merlin: "Is the other party not surrounded by all around?"

"No" Merlin replied affirmatively: "The other party followed the trail of our advancement, and at first I accidentally touched the eyes of my alert; therefore there is no enemy in front of us. ……you prepare……"

After the completion, Merlin is ready to leave immediately - after comparing the strength of both sides, and as a dark wizard, she is more wise than a girl to understand hard work; but see the girl squatting and groping But she gave her a glimpse.

The "trap" girl explained for his behavior: "Some simple traps; although the power is not great, it is enough to hinder the nasty 'visitors' behind them; of course, if they can let them go on I will be more happy when I am suspicious of the road."


Ye Qi, who has already achieved his goal, returned to his own costume and returned to the secret room of Oprah's light. There was no change from the scene that left a dozen hours ago. After checking, Ye Qi sat in the chair with confidence. Micro-closed eyes are thinking about the changes that will occur in a few days or a day, even after a few hours...

It’s raining, and a heavy rain in the evening is really awesome. In a flash, the weather is cool. A lot of ~~~~ Thanks again to c1aud_ 588, Holy Devil. Promise, T^T falling frog o (n_ ~~~~颓颓 Thank you for your support~~~~

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