Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 9 Chapter 58: Under the stage (2)

Chapter 58—Under the Stage (2)

"Now, I have one thing to announce..."

The song stopped a little, and Taylor's crisp voice spread throughout the square, letting the cheering fans quickly quiet down, focusing on the pretty standing on the stage, their idols - after the opening song, from the black Bernard B. Taylor, who turned into a white dress, stood under the spotlight on the stage, holding the microphone in his hands, with a shallow smile on his face, and his body unconsciously showed a sense of holiness.

"After this performance, I will temporarily withdraw from the stage..."




"Miss Taylor, who are you at risk?"

"Yeah, please tell us, we will never forgive those guys."


Bernard. Taylor has not finished, the whole concert will be immediately rioted on the scene, with all kinds of doubts, incomprehensible voices gathered in the whole - Ye Qi sitting in the VIP room, glanced at the private room An excited fan, listening to the sound of almost roaring; he would not doubt that if the chameleon said at the moment who threatened her, that guy would definitely be torn into pieces by the fans.

It’s crazy, but this is really what you need.

Looking at the chameleon with a smile on the stage, a trace of sarcasm appeared in Ye Qi's mouth - it is obvious that the chameleon does not intend to give up the identity of the big star in front of him; however, after this incident, although the other party is because of the public figure For the sake of this, even if it is not too much involved, even if there is some sacrifice, the party that is the victim can definitely get a lot of compensation; but disappearing on the stage for a while has become a foregone conclusion.

Therefore, in order to maximize this compensation, the impact of disappearing on the stage is minimized. It is just too good to find an excuse at the moment; even with the current preparations, once the accident, these fans will not leave. Instead, she will escalate her enthusiasm to an obsession.

He took a lingering milk tea, and Ye Qi took a sip. This kind of control of the overall situation, in exchange for the best interests at the least cost, he did not object; John once told him, similarly.

As for the previous sarcasm?

It’s just a disappointment.

Yes, it is the disappointment of the chameleon - originally in Ye Qi's thoughts, the other party should use more clever, no traces to get rid of the immediate identity; but now it seems too general, or even completely Does not match the style of the other party...

“Everyone please calm down” Just as Ye Qixin was slightly disappointed, and when he got ready to get out of the private room and go to the place agreed with Moretti, the chameleon standing on the stage opened again, and it was obvious that the chameleon knew how to deal with it. Like the current situation - Bernard. Taylor's eyes are reddish, eyes with twinkling tears, a pitiful, extremely helpless look, the voice of the voice with a hint of whimper: "Everyone, please Listen to my explanation?"

"I am in love"

The fans who had been quiet because of Bernardie Taylor’s outstanding acting skills exploded again at this moment, and they were more violent than any previous one.

"What, how is it possible?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible"

"I must have got it wrong."

"Yes, we have an auditory hallucination."


The impossible is full, Bernard. Taylor continues the previous topic.

"I used to think that I would be different from other women, but when love came, I made a mistake now." Bernard. Taylor's face with all the women's shame, happiness, and Satisfied - she looked at the black-pressed fans in front of her, as if she was whispering in her own words: "He is so difficult to stop, and in an instant I have lost the opportunity to resist. This is what I am now and ordinary women, really. No difference

"However, I really feel very happy at the moment, so I hope everyone can bless us."

Said, Bernard. Taylor slightly apologized to all the fans in front of him - the riots in Bernard. Taylor's narrative and the final time of the smashing action stopped; although some fans are still unacceptable, but some fans are still unacceptable, but Some people have chosen tolerance, especially those women who are of the same age as Bernard. Taylor are now her most persistent support.


The flashing lights have become one piece, even over the lights on the stage - if the people inside are the most excited, these reporters who are crowded under the stage are all; at this moment, every reporter is looking flushed. With both hands holding the camera, the film is like a movie.

If you can, these reporters will definitely yell at them to scream their excitement; even, at the moment, in their minds, the headlines of the early morning heads already have the most eye-catching titles - Bernard Mysterious boyfriend appears, the wedding is coming

"Miss Taylor, who is your boyfriend? What kind of person is he?"

One of the excited journalists, shouting loudly under the crowded stage - this behavior was quite rude during the performance; however, this time, neither his peers nor the fans around him blamed it. Excited to the reporters who had forgotten it; instead, they all quieted their voices and looked at Bernard. Taylor on the stage.

Like ordinary people fans are also curious; even more curious than ordinary people, because the object of concern is their idol

As for the reporters?

As a driver who is almost driven by others, only one level higher than the paparazzi, if not for security guards, they have already rushed to the stage to put the microphone in front of Bernard. Taylor.

Under the eyes of the audience, the reddishness of Bernard. Taylor’s cheeks made the whole person look a little shy. Under the eyes of everyone, the whole person was quiet for two minutes, and everyone thought that this When the lady was kept secret or Gu Zuoyan was right, when she was ready to give up the questioning, the lady actually spoke.

"His name is Ye Qi" Bernard. Taylor introduced his boyfriend, a face of satisfaction: "It is a very good person."

However, Ye Qi in the private room is at this moment, but his face is stiff and even his mouth is twitching...

Ps about the update of the character card, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, decadent will summarize the update ~~~~ Thank you again~~~~~ Your support is the motivation to continue the code~~~~

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