Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 9 Chapter 66: Concussion (4)

Chapter VI—Seismic dang(4)

Perhaps because of the recent role of Soss, although there is no hint of the system to acquire skills, but Ye Qi’s original acting is not rising, but at least, at the moment he said why he became a hunter, The people present did not have a doubt.

The Duke, who still had some ideas, also wisely gave up the rest of the lobbying; his faint black and red radiance gradually thickened, and a **** atmosphere permeated the corridor corridor - the death of his parents. The death of a loved one, the death of a friend, and the destruction of a home are not solved by one or two sentences.

He realized that the battle would be unavoidable - not every dark mercenary would escape the battle like a blast

At the very least, the duke is not

And Ye Qi’s screaming knives in his hands are a sign that he can’t wait – Ye Qi’s principle of not doing meaningless fighting does not include fighting against opponents of the same level; not to mention the original two are hostile.

Step on

The one-touch battle was broken by the sound of a footstep and several flashlights - the members of Moretti, who are the elites of the highest government, are naturally well-trained; plus the strangeness here, let them The location of Ye Qi was quickly determined.

"Ye Qi, Lord Bernard. Miss Taylor has just shot, is life-threatening." Special Service Division special forces members feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, seek the devil, the world, the most powerful, abandon the big week. The royal family will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night gods The throne seeks the devil, and the world’s strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty’s **** breath from the Duke’s body, can’t help but be enemies, but Moretti’s words are not forgotten – the tone will be respectful on the stage. The things that happened in life were repeated; at the same time, the more unsightly the eyes of the Duke were: "It is already possible to conclude that the murderer is a broken captain. The captain has reported the situation. The Director has already issued a thought on the broken state in the highest government. Wanted orders..."

Shot in? Danger to life?

Ye Qi’s whole person is a glimpse; however, when he heard the words behind the Special Service’s special operations team, he immediately relieved himself; at the same time, his heart’s vigilance against the sè dragon became stronger – it’s nothing to be jealous of others; It’s awkward to others and more embarrassing to others; it’s obviously the latter kind of person

At first, Ye Qi only thought that the other party would make some injuries. At most, the kind of face was serious. In fact, it was a harmless injury. Who knows that the other party is willing to use his life to make a bet in order to completely suppress the broken thoughts. Even Ye Qi, who has always regarded the other party as a potential enemy, couldn’t help but feel aroused at the other side’s “defiance of self-life behavior”; at least he could not do it.

Of course, Ye Qi’s heart is still more vigilant.

Compared with Ye Qi, he only looked back and immediately returned to normal. The faces of spiders and rockets were unstoppable surprises. They were successful, and they succeeded after hard work.

Is there anything more surprising than this success?

And the ice and the iron man are incredibly wide-eyed—they have become accustomed to organizing them. When the organization is about to suffer an inevitable and even unimaginable blow, the uneasiness in the heart gradually evolves into fear; As for the eyes of the two, they unconsciously looked at the most powerful Duke of the three people. Although the face of the duke opposite is still cold and peaceful, but pale face, it is enough to explain the problem. It is.

As for the blast?

At this moment, he was looking thoughtfully, as if he saw a little clue.


After a brief narrative of Ye Qi’s situation, the special service team of the special service department, with Ye Qi as the center, divided the left and right wings, quickly formed a circle surrounded by the Duke as the highest government. The elite, naturally, will not forget their own tasks; although it is still impossible to determine whether the person standing opposite is a member of the broken mind, but the title of the suspicious individual, the other party is absolutely unable to run.

Looking at the closer Secret Service team members, the Duke did not pay too much attention to the existence of these strengths in his view. He only gave a meaningful look at Ye Qi – the only channel in the corridor. This young man is his real opponent. Unfortunately, in this situation, fighting is not the best choice.

The Duke, who thought a little about it, finally made the choice that best suits his or her interests. The left hand was slightly lifted, and a **** light ball suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, and then it was not shot. It was straight. The duke's palm burst into the palm of his hand.


It is like a loud bang of a ton of explosives, which drives the corridors of the entire corridor to tremble; and the smoke from a collapsed wall obscures the eyes of all people - and because of the formation of the encirclement The more prominent special warfare players were rushed to the surrounding walls by the sudden impact of this sudden explosion; many people vomited blood on the spot and wilted to the ground.

However, Ye Qi and others did not hurt Ye Qi, and most of them only had some wolverines. When the Duke cast a meaningful look, Ye Qi took the singer and moved back. The spider standing behind Ye Qi, also cleverly behind Ye Qi, squatting with the blast that was tied into a scorpion and the rocket still immersed in ecstasy hid the distance equal to Ye Qi.

For the special operations team members of the special service department, Ye Qi was indifferent, but simply scanned the surrounding area, and the collapsed wall - the sand and dust that was brought up by the explosion was quickly controlled by the special service at the secret service. The wind's team members blew away, and the corridor at this moment returned to normal again.

However, the Duke has long since disappeared, and the Iron Man and the ice have disappeared without a trace. The ordinary sand and dust can not block Ye Qi’s feelings about the surrounding movement; he can clearly feel the Duke with the Iron Man. And the ice moved away from the collapsed wall, but he did not stop again.

In this trip, his greatest goal has been reached, and there is no need to block it. Of course, the greater dark forces that suddenly appear behind the broken mind are also one of Ye Qi’s concerns; Before the forces and ability to cope, Ye Qi will never shoot.

And for the revenge after the ruin, Ye Qi did not pay attention to it at all - Ye Qi believes that they will not have time to pay attention to him when they are wanted by the highest government, at least not in the near future.

In this way, he gave him enough time - after all, what he lacks most now is that as long as there is enough time, Ye Qi believes that he can definitely face any threat.

As for the dark forces behind the broken mind?

Unless it’s crazy, it’s impossible to jump out with the supreme deterrent of the highest government; after all, Lord’s nominal owner is still the highest government – ​​and can guarantee that this name is not a religion like the Holy See. For the sake of control, the necessary force is not doubtful.


In the place where Dud was held by the highest government, although the assassination that was born two days ago was extremely sensational, it was quickly suppressed by the highest government using various means; even, the TV still appeared at this moment. Bernardie Taylor in an intensive care unit interviewed about clarifying rumors.

In this regard, in addition to sighing the highest government's means, Ye Qi is a pity for those reporters who were on the scene. After all, they were really risking their lives in order to interview the first-hand news that day; Whether it is a broken mind or a sudden abyss, it is not a benevolent existence. Once there is a hindrance, the lives of these reporters are worthless to them.

However, it is a pity that even the first-hand interviews that were risky to save have not brought any real benefits or reputational help to these reporters. In the past two days, they have been rumored to be rumors because of false reports. The bad heart, the arrested reporter has passed twenty

The highest government has blocked the news, and the unscrupulous concealment has always been the shame of the demon-hunter; Ye Qi, who is a hunter, naturally insists on his own position; therefore, at the beginning, Ye Qi’s encounter with the reporters Still holding a sympathy from the bystander; however, he soon felt ridiculous for himself or for the sympathy of the reporters.

Just after a group of reporters surrounded him and began to ask about the relationship with Bernard-Taylor - Ye Qi’s only sympathy was vanished; the rest was only bored.

Just like now, the reporter who has just been beaten by Oprah has come to a new one – because Taylor’s "bold confession" at the concert site, so that the name Ye Qi The degree of people's tongues is red.

And when a hotel monitor, there is a video of a suspected Bernard, Taylor and mysterious man, and sold to a newspaper at a high price; Ye Qi began to be disturbed by the endless journalist sa - even, Ye Qi I have to admit that these guys definitely have the best spy genes; because he hasn't got rid of those guys after switching to five homes in two days.

Even if UA took a lot of tricks and sneaked into Oprah's lights, it only delayed the other three hours or so - a police detective that was bought, very happy to be suspected of Bernard. Taylor The surveillance of the ten streets near the hotel where Ye Qi appeared appeared.

And unfortunately, there is the light of Oprah who was previously visited by Ye Qi.

"Teacher, Morriet is coming." Just as Ye Qi thought about whether to change a more secret place, the grammar went into the secret room; Ye Qi thought and nodded and replied: "Please come in."

Ps thanks to Xuanyuan Yuhe's rewards and monthly tickets~~~~~ and my wife's monthly halo~~~~~颓 鞠躬 鞠躬 Thank you for your support~~~~

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