Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 10 Chapter 9: apologize

The Horne and other people who are far away, and the wolves who are running away, the nv cavalry commander can't help but grow a sigh of relief - the vows and the sword of victory are not what she can now, even if I follow Ye Qi every day. The way to communicate with this sacred sword of the Japanese glory is only to reinforce the combination of the two before being recognized.

Just like the moment, except for the pretense of the vows and the sword of victory, the enchantment of the king is her initiative. The rest is nothing but force; for example, the previous sword, she did not want to smash these dark wizards. Under the sword, but can not control the holy sword itself; and, even then, after the previous sword, the nv cavalry commander is unable to re-enter the second sword.

Therefore, the second time locked by Horn and others, was simply scared away by the nv cavalry chief using the vows and the sword of victory - for this result, the nv cavalry chief did not have any resistance; after all, she was just upright Slightly some old-fashioned stereotypes, and not just knowing stereotypes to stupidity.

Re-relaxing the transparent vows and the sword of victory back to the waist, the nv cavalry chief tried to adjust the breathing; the physical strength consumed by the use of the Sun Yat-Sen was indeed beyond her expectations; she believed that if it was not her usual If you are well-trained, you are likely to fall to the ground after the first sword.

After a few deep breaths, I finally felt like a whistle of the nv cavalry commander who had been burned by the fire, and summoned her beloved mount to a loud whistle. Now she is not suitable for running, and if it is only normal If the degree is like a walk, then she is better off staying in the same place waiting for the physical strength to recover; especially when she is going to see the two people chased by the dark wizard, the horse of the substitute foot at this time Especially important

Under the blessing of the vows and the sword of victory, her five senses were infinitely magnified to an extreme; therefore, even if she was far away from the nv child and the young nv witch, she still sees the other's looks. Clearly.

Of course, it is precisely because she saw the slightly green appearance of the two people and the jìng, the nv cavalry chief made preparations to talk to the two; otherwise, in this situation of physical damage Next, hurrying to catch up with the big forces is the best choice - as for why? The nv cavalry chief did not fully understand it. She just felt that she needed to meet each other.

Maybe because of their young age?

The nv cavalry chief took the answer he gave himself, patted the horse and chased him in the direction of the departure of the two...


Oprah's lights, secret room.

Ye Qi sat in the sand and looked at the box in front of the short coffee table. Even if it hadn't been opened yet, the faint smell of blood had already made him guess what might appear inside - this box It was sent ten minutes before Bernardie Taylor, what she called compensation for the "sorry" of the plan.

Gently open the box and glance at the head in the box. Ye Qi did not put too much attention on it, but took the head straight and looked away at the box; when I saw it, I saw it. After sealing the book with a plastic bag, his mouth is not tilted up slightly - this book that records the dark wizard magic is the key to this compensation.

As for the head?

It’s just a matter of course, Ye Qi knows very well about Bernard. Taylor’s technique, because if it’s him, he’s likely to do it – open the old books that record the dark wizard’s magic and look at the pages. Clipped note: the head of the radio.

Sure enough, it’s a happy person.

Ye Qi, who confirmed his own guess, had a bit of disdain in the smile of the corner of his mouth - the radio, which led him from Shak to Dude, and made him have to change the original bait, which was obviously completed. He has a u bait to complete the role, has already obtained the final end of the u bait.

After roughly flipping through the books in his hand and proving that it was indeed the book he wanted, Ye Qi put the head of the radio back with the piece of paper clipped in the title page and put it back in the box, often guarding the cemetery, in order to clear the darkness. The demon hunter who digs the grave and digs the grave can not say this to the deceased; of course, the demon hunter who often faces **** will not feel uncomfortable because of a human head.

Ye Qi just didn't want to charge the box for 1ang.

It’s a good idea to know that the rewards of every member of the current squad are quite impressive. For those who are about to embark on a new journey, it’s a good thing to pay extra for the road. - Although, Ye Qi has always had a price, but it is only relative to one person, and he is not just a person; not mentioning the daily life of the bartenders and a dozen children in the Hailin area; just for the wheelchair show In the underground forces of Randenburg, almost all of his Kimpton was hollowed out.

Of course, Ye Qi understands that this is only temporary. When the wheelchair passes the current exhibition period, it will definitely become a gold mine. After all, no one knows more than the demon hunters who are on the edge. Gold absorption; however, all of this must have a premise - time

Especially when that place is the Fort Lauderdale where the Northall family is located This time needs to be extended more - although the Northder family does not have underground forces built on wheelchairs because of his relationship Give a blow, but will never take the initiative to help; and Ye Qi is more clear that he can never touch the fundamental interests of the Northder family, or the style of the big family, even if there is his existence, promise The Sid family will never tolerate the role of wheelchairs, and will certainly uproot the underground forces built by wheelchairs.

Of course, as a buffer, the wheelchair's life is absolutely no need to worry; the Northed family does not want to lose the Ye Qi, an ally, it is impossible to shoot the wheelchair and the people around the wheelchair - so, When the alliance with the Northder family was still in the honeymoon period, Ye Qi had a special embarrassment on the wheelchair before leaving, and left most of his worth to the other party as a start-up fund.

"Do you really want to be a dark wizard?" The noise of the wolf is regardless of the time and place, even if Ye Qi is concentrating on reading: "Hey, that guy is sincerely apologizing to you." The book is several times better than the last two books. However, it is still far from being a qualified wizard. Do you want me to teach you?"

Ps thank you for your monthly ticket, thank you for your support.

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