Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 10 Chapter 15: Talbot

Chapter 15 Talbot

The sudden movement is not one party, but from the left and the right, that is to say, there are two people who suddenly appear in the range that he can perceive - except for the one that exists in memory, the rest Another stranger, but Ye Qi unconsciously glanced at the two Rosswolves who were nailed to the wall.

Because this movement is still unique to the werewolves, but they are two more than the previous Ross, this one is actually too strong; even he has to fight the degree of wholeheartedly.

Of course, if it is just like this, it will not be able to make Ye Qi frown. The reason for his frown is more because the existence and the movement in his memory - Lehman, this is the most sè dragon, he is the most Taboo people; like a sè dragon, the whole person seems to be covered with a layer of mí fog, so that no one can see; even if the other party and blood glory lead Fei Ninle de Aja's love can not make leaves Odd to remove the other party from the dangerous list; after all, the other party likes Fisinor de Aja, who can also give life to him is also Fisinur de Aja, not his Ye Qi .

Even, Ye Qi can be sure that if his presence blocks the relationship between the other party and Fisinor de Aja, the other party will definitely not hesitate to use the means to remove him - this is because of the other side for his sake After being able to meet with Finnishor de Aja again, he would not hesitate to throw the key pieces of the last days of the holy weapon to him, and he could see one or two.

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the young, the imperial family, the more and more moving, Ye Qi Putting aside the yīn shadow thorns, he has only recently researched the shadow field that is more suitable for yīn servants to cooperate with. After all, this research is only the existence of auxiliary battles he studied in his spare time, for the real strong. There is not much effect at all, but it will make the hard-won yīn servant suffer.

And now the two coming, whether they are unsuspecting werewolves or Lehmann, belong to the level of the real strong; therefore, even if you want to fight, you should use his knives.

I ignored the two werewolves, Ross, who had given up hope behind them. Ye Qi turned around and focused on the room mén, waiting for the arrival of the other two - Jin Sè's long shoulders, smooth Under the forehead, he has an enviable handsome face, and a rare smile hanging on the corner of his mouth will make countless less nv excited and screaming.

"Ye, I haven't seen you for a long time"

Lehman in a casual dress walked as relaxed as if he saw an old friend, walked into the room and greeted Ye Qi – for anyone who helped him see Fisinor de Aja again, Lehman would Give the greatest respect; not only because of the sense of jī, but also because of his joy after the reunion with Fisinur de Aja, so that he is so beautiful and bright in the world.

Of course, some unsightly things still have to be removed; for example: let him and Aja have been separated for more than ten years, and even later will be dangerous to him and the church where Aja lives...

"Lehman Knight, long time no see" Ye Qi also politely replied, and also said: "There is another guest, maybe we should first call each other, then come back to the old?"

"No problem at all"

Lehman smiled and nodded.


Derek Hilduqi is running fast, and no obstacles in front of him can stop it for a moment - fast, fast, and I will get everything I deserve right away.

The ancient Talbot, you have been decayed by the years, need fresh blood to rejuvenate the netbsp; and you must have a new name as this memorial - Hale, this will It is your future name; it is also a destined name.

As if I had seen a scene in my mind, Derek Hale ran a few more points faster, and its nose was even filled with that scent of breath - for the fish that escaped from its hands, if not In order to cut off the blood of Talbot, to make the upcoming great surname of Hale the real surname of the wolf that it wants to command, and become the only voice, it does not mind letting the two see it. Come to strength and continue to live with the existence of miscellaneous fish; however, unfortunately this is not possible

Of course, even if it may exist, Derek will never allow this possibility; its sultry and ruthlessness has already determined the beginning of this event - unfortunately, the exhibition of anything will always be Expected, just as Derek is about to meet Ye Qi and Lehman; although the sensitive nose tells the two strangers there, but the confidence is full or the Derek of the blood of Talbot is not at all care

In its view, two strangers only have to solve it.

And with this idea, it has already been doomed to the result of the whole thing...


When Derek Hale appeared in the mouth of the room mén, a hot fireball with explosive energy appeared in front of it with a beautiful tail flame - in an instant, there was no Delhi that turned into a werewolf. K. Hale is sweating upright, and the instinct of the beast makes it appear different from the fireball in front of him. Immediately, a flash has broken into the room faster than before.

After all, the corridor blocked by the wall is even more unsuitable for its dodge, far less suitable for the room where the attacker stayed – with the explosion of the Hale safely rushed at the last minute When I arrived in the room, I used the inner wall of the room to block most of the flame damage. However, after the fireball explosion, the flame 1ang still burned some of the clothes on the body into a coke; even the slightly rolled head, It is a stinking stench.

However, these are not the things that Derek Hale wants to pay attention to; the knight sword with a touch of cold, mixed with its unusually disgusting silver composition, has now appeared in front of its throat - Delhi with rich combat experience K. Hale, after seeing the standard Knight of the Holy See, immediately screamed and instantly turned into a werewolf; at the same time, he jumped behind and escaped the blow of the other sword to the throat.

And at the moment of taking a step back, Derek Hale immediately shouted loudly: "The **** Holy See"

In this regard, Lehman, who has just understated a sword, shrugged his shoulders without hesitation; however, the sword that followed was a sharp three-pointer...

Ps is late, just enough for this chapter...

Thanks again for the 588 and the monthly ticket of the ghost soldiers, and the monthly ticket of Xuanyuan Yuhe~~~颓 鞠躬 Thank you for your support~~~~

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