Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 10 Chapter 33: Gifts and messages (on)

Chapter 33 Gifts and Messages (I)

After adding 200% more speed and having a short flight ability, Ye Qi becomes a little easier when he deals with the demon who has almost no defense and is attached to Spas. Man is the advantage of the other party, a strong point, but it is also the disadvantage of the other side, is a weak point; after all, the huge figure allows the other party to gain powerful power, but also inevitably weakens the speed, even if it is huge The figure is just the same for both arms.

Of course, the degree of weakening of this disadvantage is only relatively speaking, especially in the competition of the opponent's slightly higher strength; however, when one of them suddenly increases the speed by 200%, and because of the unexpected flight ability At the time of the mistake, this disadvantage is enough to become a fatal mistake.

The wind that was brought by the flight made Ye Qi's whole person into a dark red "color" meteor, which appeared in front of Spas; the blade of the knives went straight through the other's chest - although the other party had already The dodge, but with two huge arms that don't match the body, his dodge is very clumsy, and even after the body is only slightly twisted, it is penetrated by the cold blade.

Leaning over the **** of Spas, he looked down at the knives that pierce the chest, and his eyes were full of accidents; then, the two huge arms instantly turned into the black powder and disappeared into the air - the other The devil did not sign a contract with Spa. At this moment, he only temporarily borrowed the body of Spas. Therefore, when the body that leaned over suffered huge irreversible damage, he lost the support of the media. The power of the demon **** disappeared without a trace.

Of course, if the demon **** signed a slave or companion contract with Spa, the situation is another one--the former, there is no damage to the devil, even when the slave is dead, the power can be recovered. Instead of disappearing into the air like this!

As for the latter, it is a little bad!

According to the wolf, the companion dies, and the other party who is a companion contract will also die. Under normal circumstances, the devils will never sign such a contract; after all, in their eyes, human beings are too weak! Signing such a contract is simply going to "suicide" - of course, the wolf, a guy who can never be calculated by common sense, is not.

" is..."

The blood spurted out with the whispering whisper of Spas - losing the possession of the demon **** and restoring him into an ordinary person, he could not suppress such a fatal injury; the lungs were cut by a sharp blade, even if it was simple To say a word is an unbearable burden for him.

"Because you have been blinded by the guys who are more than you!" Ye Qi looked at the slowly drifting Spas from the blade of the sorcerer, and after a faint sentence, the face was calm and the sword was paired. The ring on the index finger of the other hand is allowed: "Are you ready?"

"of course!"


With the excitement of the wolf, Ye Qi held the right hand of the knives and knives down to the next force - a crisp sound, the seemingly sturdy silver ring 阎 阎 under the magic knife instantly divided into two; a sinister The shouting silver ring was split into two moments and rang.

"Damn mortal, you will regret it! I will let you know the anger of Iguorunak! I will use your body to kill your loved ones! Let your eyes look..."

It is obvious that the owner of the voice is not so hateful to Ye Qi; the plan that took its countless time and energy to be arranged is shattered when it is about to be completed, and no one can accept it, even if the other is a demon god; even, It will be unacceptable; after all, their self-esteem simply makes them unable to accept the hand of a "mortal."

"Are you still not ready to do it? Still want to give up? In this case, I..."

The other party’s threat made Ye Qi’s brow pick, watching the black shadow that came from him in the silver ring, and the cold eyes of the tiny eyes flashed away – any threat, leaves Qidu will kill the cradle; of course, there is one exception; when someone dares to threaten his relatives and friends, although the other party will die, before the death, Ye Qi will definitely let him understand what is called a curse; even if it is The same is true of the gods!

"Impossible! How can you do this..."

The wolf did not answer, and expressed his meaning by acting straight away. When the black shadow floating from the silver ring flew toward Ye Qi, the air constantly twisted and changed; it formed a huge body fat without a skull. "Naked" male, the whole virtual shadow of the skin glows white, and the palms of both palms are full of blood; but when the shadow is a few feet away from Ye Qi, several black "smoke" smoke From Ye Qi's body, "shooting", like a chain, generally locks the other side.

Then, it is like cutting tofu, the chain is straight and the number of pieces is divided; the finalization is for the crystal clear and transparent particles wrapped in black fog and sucked into the body of Ye Qi - the last time I absorbed Graham Rapol Power, Ye Qi has been fainted because of the toxins; it is completely supported by the strange wolf; therefore, seriously, this is the first time that Ye Qi feels how to absorb the power of the gods.

However, if there is a choice, Ye Qi will never choose to feel the process, he would rather faint again; because the sudden pain is like the waves brought by the 12th storm, the moment is submerged and there is no Prepare him in the slightest!

Therefore, even if I feel the gradual appearance of the various forces in the Tallinn area not far behind, he can only stand in the same place, maintain the position of holding the knife, and do not move - the pain has already let Ye Qi lose control of the body. Ye Qi sense to ensure that this pain is definitely not from, because he feels like the pain of the soul being torn apart!

“Getting expertise: primary extraction darkness.”

“Primary extraction darkness: Since Darkness and evil will not make you fear; effect: When you are in a negative energy environment, your physical and mental recovery speed is 20% faster.”

Ye Qi never thought about it, the system's prompt sound is so sweet and pleasant.

When the prompt of the system sounded, the pain was like the sudden appearance before, and once again, it was like the "tidal" water. After feeling the control of the body again, Ye Qi glanced at the remaining wind. The wing, then turned and looked at the people behind him - with the wind wing as a point in time, Ye Qi understood that the pain before him made him feel like he was a year, just an illusion; although it is an unforgettable illusion, but he I will never miss it!

"Of course!" Knowing that the forces behind these parties were just after the arrival, Ye Qi did not have the need to weave lies, and immediately answered Lehman with goodness: "It’s just a dark creature!"

*Thanks to the two 100 and nyy*~~~颓 鞠躬 Thank you for your support~~~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *(), vote for recommendation, *, your support, It is my big motivation.)


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