Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 10 Chapter 42: Knight sword under the giant python (on)

Chapter 42—The Knight's Sword under the Giants (Part 1)


With the orders of Lions, the disciplinary knights immediately woke up from the disappearance of their companions. In an instant, a group of seven, the horse head guarded the four men, including Lions, in the middle, forming a defensive formation. And the four people, including Lions, set off a hymn to the Lord of Light in the first place.

"The great Lord of light..."

The faint white light appeared from the four men, such as Lions, and soon radiated to the entire disciplinary knight; unlike the soft white light of the white robe, the white light from the disciplining knights was unique. Metal texture.

This layer of white light with metal texture is the pride of the disciplining knights - because of the special power given by the gods of faith; although this power cannot be compared with the power of the apostles, and in a separate case, the ordinary disciplinary knight It is also difficult to defeat the apostles; however, in the mutual cooperation of many people, most of the time will end with the victory of the disciplinary knight; because the ability given by the gods of their faith will be within a certain range. It has the effect of increasing.

The simultaneous prayers of the four people are enough to make a qualitative breakthrough in the strength of the entire disciplinary knight team; however, this does not seem to be of any use; in the moment when the white light enveloped the entire disciplinary Cavaliers, another scream rang.


The mourning before death is full of pain, making people feel scalp; but the disciplinary knights will never fade because of such a sound - an arrow wrapped in the light of the light from the scorpion of Lions; The increase in the light, with all his concentration, this time he clearly saw the attacker's trace!


The arrow filled with the divine power is faster than the bullets through the dark shadow that is about to retreat into the darkness; there is no screaming, exclaiming, after a hot knife cuts the buttery sound, the black shadow is lost. Falling on the ground - a pair of huge bat wings curled up in the dust, the fangs spit from the mouth all told the disciplinary knights its identity, the incredible look still hung on its face, ng mouth broke open The big ng of the fist can't stop decaying, just like a dead wood that has been stored for thousands of years, and it has spread to the whole body!

Looking at the silent and disappearing hands, although I don't want to admit it, but in the face of the Holy Light of the Holy See, the blood girl still looks awkward, and the cold face is unnaturally stretched more tightly - it is a gram of gram, and is suppressed from regeneration. Nearly depriving them of the advantages of being a dark creature; if it is not the reason for having enough shots, it will never take such a risk.

The blood girl shook her hand in the hand, and suddenly the figures flew out in the shadow behind him, and they attacked the defensive formation that had just been formed. The screams rang again, not just the disciplinary knight. There are also elites under the blood girl.

A penalty gun wrapped in the light of the rifle successfully pierced a **** batwing, and another disciplinary knight almost instinctively matched the rifle in the hand to the ng of the blood clan; a long gun such as the disciplinary knight I wish, in the package of the light, the ng mouth of the blood family that penetrated effortlessly; but the two of the blood family are like the claws of the sharp knife, and the netg mouth at the same time, the blood suddenly seems to break the watermelon. Splashing around - the smell of blood, the thorns of the **** girls, they run faster and faster around the defensive formations of the disciplinary knights, always in the defensive system, looking for a trace flaw……

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being called the genius of the Vatican family! Lord Ghost Lis, even his men are so amazing!" A full-bodied tone sounded behind the blood girl: "With such a premise, I I think we will cooperate very happy!"

"Remember your promise!" The blood girl did not look back, but said the voice low: "Not a compliment!"

"Not a promise, but an easy!" The shadow in the shadow slowly came out, the golden long, handsome appearance, the mouth of the mouth with an approachable smile - Lehmann did not hide it, he walked straight into a casual suit. Beside the blood girl, looking at the battle in the distance, the soft tone replied: "You gave me what I want, I will give you what you need!"

"Best so!"

With a scorn, the blood girl rushed to the battle ahead—except for the unacceptable casualties that did not want to see her again, and not wanting to stand with Lehman was one of the main reasons.

Even if I have decided to cooperate with the other party, this does not mean that the blood girl will have a good impression on the other party; and if it is not because the other party has a condition that she can’t refuse, she will never want to have any involvement with the other party. - A existence hidden in the Holy See, which is impossible to see through. In the eyes of the blood girl, any involvement with the other party is unnecessary and extremely dangerous!

Because no one knows better than her, and the cooperation with the other party is no different from the tightrope; even if it is just a breeze, it is enough for her to fall on the abyss on both sides of the wire - and Lehmann appeared in front of her, showing The attitude makes her believe that as long as the other party wants, it will definitely not be a breeze, but a storm that is enough to blow the entire wire!

However, no matter what will happen in the This is no longer a consideration for a blood girl; when the other person says something she can't refuse, she already understands what she should do. - Complete the easy as soon as possible, retreat as soon as possible, then take things back to the family and get back the reputation of the status they deserve.

Thinking of the status and reputation of the lost, the **** girl has already stopped beating, suddenly hot, like a **** moment wrapped in the general; the feeling of drunk, making her eyes slightly red, huge sickle The whistling sound brought by her, let her burst into the thrill of tremors from the depths of the soul!


The knight sword made of silver was blocked in front of the giant clams, and several Mars were picked up in a straight line. The mature Lions appeared in the tenderness, and the knight sword was held in both hands, and the dead girl was in front of the blood girl. Only by the momentum of the other side, he knows that if the opponent is rushed to the defensive formation, the situation that was still entangled will immediately tilt to the side that he absolutely does not want to see!

The blood girl looked at Lanes in front of her, and the disdain in her eyes flashed, holding the hand of the giant scorpion and exerting force...

Ps thanks to the ice water and the baby love moon ticket ~~~~颓废鞠躬 Thank you for your support~~~~~

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