Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 11: Confinement

Even if you are a big family, what?

Even if you are good at it, what?

Even if you are the instructor at the headquarters, what can you do?

We are helpless!

But we have dignity!

Have the dignity of being the most outstanding hunter!

When Ted and Nobel were too late to stop, a thin man in the new apostles first launched an attack, and the black-painted dagger headed down to Pach. At the same time, the two followers of Koster, who had been standing behind Pacci, were also attacked.

After the withdrawal, when Pach, who was awakened by the attack, recovered from the state of losing the family sanctuary, it was already late!

More than twenty new apostles have launched their own abilities—the fire, the blast, the ice, and the numerous abilities of the anger, which bloom in the assembly hall.

As a target of being attacked, Paige was swallowed up by various abilities before he could react! It is not that he is not strong and can serve as an instructor at the headquarters. The strength is naturally beyond doubt.

But the ants are more like dead!

Moreover, the new apostles are not ants!

Hey! Thoroughly embarrassed!

When Ted and Noah, who had returned to God, stopped many new apostles, and then pulled Paqi and two followers, the three of Pach had already left a sigh of relief. Looking at the three people who had left a bite, Ye Qi, standing on the side, sighed with regret.

After bringing Paige to Ted to take treatment, Nuofa looked at the many new apostles in the assembly hall. The cold voice said: "It is a big deal to injure the instructor! Don't you want to be a true apostle?"

The blood of the new apostles' unreserved catharsis was shocked in the cold words of Nobel, and they looked at each other. Many new apostles who had just been excited and did not consider the consequences at all, could not help but start to worry.

"Does it still search for our body by his willingness? Let our dignity sweep the earth? As for the apostles? If the headquarters does not let us become apostles, we have nothing to say! Because this disappointing apostle is not the same "Ye Qi stood there and said softly.

Although the sound was very light, but it was introduced into the ears of everyone present, the eyes of the new apostles who were originally worried, immediately became hot and firm again! Several of the more impulsive ones have already stunned.

"Yes! This kind of apostle is not appropriate when you are not right!"

"Yes! Big deal, let's go back and continue to be our hunter!"

"Hey! The family of shit! The apostle of shit! We are not rare!"


Different voices, the same words rang in the assembly hall. The new apostles who were unruly and uncomfortable to see the people around them, in this same discourse, immediately narrowed the distance between each other and began to gradually come together, forming a line of faintness. In the face of the first Ye Qi who said their voices, the eyes of many new apostles are more kind and appreciate, and there is no previous provocation or disdain!

"I will tell you truthfully! As for how to decide is the decision of the headquarters!" Nuo Fa glanced at the thrilling new apostles, and the final gaze fell on Ye Qi, meaning the cold channel: "But Before I came back, all of you have been honestly here for me! If something happens again, as your instructor, I will never be light!"


After Nofar left, the door of the hall was closed from the outside. After Ye Qi and many new apostles looked at each other, they sat down in silence and waited for the disposal of the demon lord headquarters. The demon hunter closed his eyes again. This time it was not a break, but a search for information about the system.

Green Leaf (Star Photo): A sacristy formed naturally by jade that is filled with natural breath. Effect: Treatment of mild damage 3 times / day, vines change.

The entwined vine: the natural power that inspires the green leaves, turned into a vine with a barbed vine to attack the enemy, and the barb has a slight paralysis effect.

Looking at the system to give information about the green leaves of Ye Sheng, Ye Qi's mouth is slightly upturned. When the Kosher took out the sacred leaf of the green leaf, there was a feeling of hunger in the heart of the demon hunter. Reminiscent of the strange wolf once said that every piece of saint is a user who can resonate with the use of the statement, can not help but stay in the heart.

Therefore, after the fireball was used to blow the Koster into slag, the pre-prepared demon hunter directly took the emerald green leaf to the hand, and unexpectedly succumbed to it. Pach.

Think about the strangeness of Pach before, at least in the short term, it will never appear in front of him again; feel the green leaves that can be used without the help of the wolf, the mood of the demon hunter is exceptionally good at the moment.

"Hey, hello!"

In the quiet hall, a slight slick sound suddenly sounded in the ear of the demon hunter, and the demon hunter who gathered the green leaves looked curiously, only to see the first thin man who had previously shot him at Pach. He said hello to him: "I am from Datong in Qiulin District, I know you very much!"

"Ye Qi, I am also honored!"

The demon hunter has a slight dagger, and he is not rude and not rude. He has a hand with the little man in the Qiulin area - from the Qiulin District, and the Deco family is also in the Qiulin District, watching him just shot hot. I must have a deep grievance against Deco. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Even if it is not a friend, is it not a good thing to have an ally in the future when facing Deco?

"Yeqi, what you just said, it’s great! And it’s killing the abominable Koster!” Although the tone is a little slippery, the little man has a completely different passion than his tone: “Although my money is not too good. More, but I will invite you to drink, how about it? Of course it may be just in some small places!"

"my pleasure!"

The demon hunter smiled and accepted the invitation from the other party.

The slick tone of the other party made the demon hunter unconsciously think of the profiteers who were far away from Tallinn. So after thinking about it for a moment, the demon hunter agreed.

"If you drink alcohol, can you count me again?"

The dialogue between the demon hunter and the little man was heard in the silent hall. All the new apostles heard it, and they all had some intentions, but only a tall, new apostle came over.

This tall, new apostle gives a feeling of solidity and solidity at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that the other person's face is very young or half-large.

"I am a local of Shaker. I am familiar with the grass and trees here!" The tall boy introduced himself with a little shyness: "Yes! My name is Darlan, hello!"

"Yeqi, Tallinn, I am very glad to meet you."

"Datong, Qiulin District, that Darlan, can you find a bar that is cheaper? If you drink two people, I will still have it! Three people are not enough!"

The shy and honest big man easily got the good feelings of the demon hunter and the little man, and joined the two.

"Well! I know a bar that is very cheap and has a good atmosphere! And I have saved some money, certainly no problem!" The big man took out a wallet and carefully counted it, looking at it from the surroundings. The new apostles issued an invitation: "Or else everyone will come together? Money is fine!"

"Count me in!"

"And I!"

"No money, everyone!"

"That is, we are so many people, it will definitely be enough!"


The newly-inspired apostles who had already moved were invited to join in, and several even directly threw the wallet into the hands of the big man - all the demon hunters would spend every time they completed the mission. A lot of money to relax your nervous body and spirit because of dangerous tasks, so even if every task has a lot of money, but there are few who can kneel down. The apostles who stand out from the demon hunters are no exception! Unless it is a rich family or has the opportunity to make a fortune, such as a sly demon hunter...

After many new apostles introduced each other, the big man began to inquire about the scenic spots of Shaq. When the bar was beautiful, the closed door was pushed away - the formerly left Nobu re-entered.

Suddenly, the Hunting Man and all the new apostles turned their attention to the cold-faced man.

"The final decision of the headquarters: In view of the fact that both parties have their own responsibilities, they will not be held accountable! But the next time they commit the crime, they will be severely punished!" The cold-faced man’s voice just fell, the new apostles cheered, and the hunter did not matter. Smiled - the law does not blame the public, wherever you can do it! Before the cold-faced man asked the headquarters the demon hunter basically guessed the result.

After all, these new apostles in the collection hall are carefully selected by the Demon Hunter Headquarters, representing the future backbone of the Demon Hunter! If it really caused the dissatisfaction of this group of people to the headquarters of the Demon Hunter, then the Devil's Headquarters could not be worth the loss - most of the Demon Hunter family, the Holy See and the Secret Service are eyeing every new apostle. In order to attract an apostle's participation, these forces will not hesitate to spend money! As long as the top leaders of the Devil's Headquarters are not crazy, they will never give up these apostles in their hands!

However, the smiling demon man who was smiling suddenly saw the cold-faced man squinting at him. I wonder if it was an illusion. The demon hunter actually felt that the cold-faced man’s eyes had some revenge after the revenge...

A bad premonition rushed into the heart of the demon hunter.

"But..." It’s a long stretch of the cold-faced man’s next words, confirming the previous hunch of the demon-hunter: “Given the cause of all things is the duel between Koster and Ye Qi; Koster’s death is exempt from investigation. Although Ye Qi is a challenger, it is not without fault! Therefore, the headquarters decided to sentence Ye Qi to a week of confinement! No complaints, immediately execute!"

Suddenly, the new apostles who were still cheering immediately stopped cheering. The big man grabbed a loud protest in front of the cold-faced man, while the little man narrowed his eyes and slowly touched his waist. The dagger between the two.

PS嘿嘿~~~ I used to be a character card last night, so it’s late for the decadence~~~ However, this chapter is three thousand~~~ used to thank the brothers for their support~~~ Of course, I would like to thank you for writing the book. Don't exaggerate, lost the two brothers of the worms to reward ~~~ Well, the brothers continue to read, decadent to go eat first ~~~ to be hungry ~~~

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