Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 11 Chapter 17: Sheepskin (2)

Unlocking the seal of the third floor of the "Samikina's Drive"?

Ye Qiyi, then unconsciously squinted his eyes - he was not dissatisfied with this transaction of the wolf; on the contrary, he was very satisfied, and even said that this was far from his expectations.

Is abnormal, that is, demon

The strange wolf could be used as a condition to unblock the "Samikina's Drive", so that Ye Qi had a new assessment of the value of the item to the wolf in the first time - "Samikina" The shape of a book like this is actually the existence of a special sacristy. Of course, Ye Qi can’t be unsightly, especially in this holy device, which is obviously a strong level and will never be lower than Yuehui. Even when it was the samurai of the Japanese glory, this kind of attention has almost become an exploration of Ye Qi instinct.

After all, the Sun Yat-class sacred instrument represents the strength of the Japanese glory, which is really a temptation for Ye Qi, who has always wanted to gain enough strength to "self-protect", and when this strength does not need Selling some of the existence around itself, or exchanging some of its own existence, will make Ye Qi fall into a frenzy.

In fact, even on the way back to Shaq, Ye Qi did not stop reading the "Samikina's Drive"; until he really set foot on Shaker's land, in order not to give himself extra In trouble, Ye Qicai took the "Samikina's Drive" to a safe place.

Of course, in order to get a powerful saint like "Samikina's Drive", in order to be able to use it as soon as possible, Ye Qi did not ask for help, but the other party's bargaining chip made him the first time. It’s wise to choose to give up – but now, the other party’s use of the “Samikina’s Drive” is used as a bargaining chip, even if it’s just a layer of unblocking, but it’s enough to explain the item’s Value

Precious and absolutely unparalleled precious

After all, this is a quarter of the value of the original price; and a quarter of the price of the sky, for the current Ye Qi, is still a high price, even if it is reduced a lot of things - the same The glory of the tens of thousands of first prizes has flowed through Ye Qi’s body. No one knows more clearly than him. When the target of the transaction is a powerful demon, how big can he get when he holds a high price chip. The advantage is that even this powerful demon is still in the semi-sealed state.

Breathing, taking a deep breath

Ye Qi’s efforts to restore the heart to the normal state because of the sudden excitement - he did not immediately answer the wolf, but carefully and seriously thought; one thing that usually does not want to jump into him In the brain, and with the influx of these things, Ye Qi seems to have appeared the throne with the golden light disk singing with the world...

Ye Qi believes that as long as he makes the request to the wolf, at this moment, the other party has absolutely great possibility to give him; and after obtaining what he wants, he has the confidence to use his own means to become a king and establish his own rule. ......

But is that really what I want?

That gold throne is my pursuit?

The highest power is the true self that I hide in my heart?

A feeling of wanting to laugh at the sky suddenly appeared in Ye Qi’s heart, not because of the excitement of obtaining such a rare opportunity, but also because of the disdain, but not the usual disdain.


It turns out that I am just that.

Nothing is different from the Lordans, the aborigines of this world.

There is no self-sustaining, no repression, only endless happiness and comfort. This sudden and cheerful laughter echoes in the hall of the entire sacred tower...

It’s doubtful that Blanc, who has been staring at Ye Qi, is puzzled – because Ferribe doesn’t understand why the other person laughs, if not because the other person has never looked at him, he even thought that the other party’s real identity .

Hessell and Blanc, who were hiding in the dark, were puzzled. Although they had the same doubts as Ferribe, they were even more surprised by the atmosphere of Ye Qi at the moment; the former kind of modesty was actually proud. The feeling of hidden sharpness is slowly dissipating, a more mellow, gradually becoming more ordinary, but the sharper the breath is like a seedling of buds, quickly breaking out of the ground.

Even if you close your eyes, just according to the breath, both of them will get the wrong information of two people before and after.

What happened?

Both of them looked at each other with the same questions, but did not answer.


"what's so funny?"

Compared with the other three people present, they are puzzled, surprised, and puzzled; the wolf is incomparably directly evolved, and even it thinks that Ye Qi’s laughter is a mockery of it; and no doubt, this ridicule has already come out of them. The bottom line between each other; therefore, the tone of the questioning wolf suddenly lost a lazy feeling, but a little cold.

"I don't have any ridicule for you." Ye Qi, who had stopped laughing, immediately felt the badness in the other's tone. He immediately knew the other person's misunderstanding and could not help but explain: "Just suddenly there is a hypocrisy about myself. Mask only"

"Hypothetic mask?" Ye Qi’s apparent self-deprecating wolf also caused doubts; however, it quickly threw this doubt aside - since it was not a mockery of its cross-bottom line ~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Then it doesn't matter about it, there is something more important to do, and where to take care of it - the wolf continues to ask: "Our transaction..."

"Of course, now is our transaction." Ye Qi smiled and said: "However, I want more" paused, in the silence of the wolf, Ye Qi continued: "Remove the drive of Samikina "Unblocking the third layer, I will also have information, information or information about "Samikina's Drive"."

"Providing me with the whereabouts of Besika"

Ye Qi, who had thought about it in his heart, finally put forward his own conditions - one that he really wanted after he had thrown away his self-righteous "passing superiority."

Ps because some things have been delayed, when it was decadent, it was already more than ten o'clock in the evening. I immediately started eating code when I got something. However, I still have to get it until now~~~唉, decadent that poor codeword. , decadence can only say sorry to everyone here~~~

Thank you again for your support. If there is a recommendation, a reward, a monthly pass, etc., you will come to the decadent, and soothe the decadent update~~~ in the middle of the night. . . .

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