Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 11 Chapter 37: Large direction (12)

In the face of the question that has been identified as the existence of the enemy's identity, Ye Qi did not answer at all - just like the knives behind the burning hand, the enemy is always so direct and ultimately powerful. And full of danger.


The blade passed smoothly over the other's body, but Ye Qi frowned. The blade cut into the body of the human body or other dark creatures, and Ye Qi was unusually familiar, especially the latter, because of the professional relationship; If you seriously say that compared with normal humans, even if the magic knife is unusually sharp, but because of the difference in muscle density, the cutting edge of the blade will still make Ye Qi feel different.

Although it may not be noticeable at first, but with more people chopping, naturally it will produce an instinctive reaction, just like now - the knives and knives have passed over each other's body, and the other side is divided into two, in the sky. There is blood and rain, the blood is filled with blood, and the squirming organ is so harsh with the screams of the other side.

As the eyes see, everything is so real; however, the eyes sometimes lie - and Ye Qi believes more about his feelings and blind sense.

Not to mention, after experiencing such a torture like a waist, the other side's fluctuations are the same as the windless lake, which makes Ye Qi absolutely unwilling to believe the picture - suffering such pain, unless it is the legendary saint, Otherwise, no one can maintain such a "heart-to-heart"; at the very least, Ye Qi does not think that the dark wizard in front can do it.

Especially in the premise that the "feel" is wrong - although the other party is the existence of the dark world, the dark wizard itself has no special gap with ordinary humans; after all, long time with various instruments and books, and instead of sleeping with meditation The dark wizard is destined to be a muscle-like body like a werewolf.

At this moment, when the blade of the knives passed over the other side, although there was no neglected "stagnation" that passed the body of the werewolf, it was far from the hardness that ordinary people should have - 砰砰砰, five The magic missiles accurately hit each other's "two-section" body, and a flying fireball in the palm of the left hand of Ye Qi, who was withdrawing, is rapidly forming.


Five magical missiles with arcs hit the target in Ye Qi’s line of sight, but there was no imaginary position collision. In the moment when the magic missile hit the other side, the whole body of the other party was like a full body. The water balloon is smashed on the wall, and the water splashes; it is not the red color of the bright blood, but the real water; and after the water falls to the ground, the flying infiltration sees into the ground and disappears.


Ye Qi’s mouth was slightly upturned, and after a smile full of disdain, he forced the left hand of the fireball. Immediately, he couldn’t stop the rotation, containing a hot and explosive energy fireball, guided by his perception. The shot was directed at the volatility of the other party.


In the wild, the lack of reinforced concrete blocks, without the shadow of tall trees, the sound of fireball explosions is particularly loud; and the flames formed after the violent explosion are even more dazzling - after several breaths, the flames after the explosion The waves have completely disappeared, but the air contained in the high-temperature zone is still difficult to adapt; however, these difficult-to-adapt people absolutely do not include the physical existence of Ye Qi.

Squinting, in the only residual smoke, Ye Qi carefully looked for the other's body - although the other party has lost its life according to the disappearance of the fluctuations, but the confirmation of the body is the hunting demon must be completed after each mission An indispensable process; although this is not a task, the habit of making it is inevitable; not to mention, a dark wizard with a weak strength will certainly bring something of value.

Of course, after the experience of fireball, those books without magic protection, Ye Qi has no hope; he only hopes that there will be one or two pieces of high-temperature jewelry - these ornaments are in the black market or in the demon There are very high-value things, although they are not as good as the saints, but they are enough to be a gift to the female cavalry chief and his disciples!

It’s not that Ye Qi doesn’t want to use alchemy to make jewelry for the people around him, but sometimes it’s the kind of “fairness” that makes people feel a little pain in the lower abdomen. Ye Qi can quickly grasp the alchemy array that has gains on the attack. This degree is praised by the wolf; and the defensive or special auxiliary alchemy array, the same scene, also in the words of the wolf, is The word "wain".

Of course, it’s not that Ye Qi’s defensive or special-assisted alchemy array has no results; but he can’t think of it anyway, a “sturdy” alchemy array, except for places like armor and shields, how to portray it. Is it possible for his lover and disciple to suddenly take off the necklace when he is unable to use the weapon, and use it for a flail or a meteor hammer?

Let's not say what it looks like as a flail and a meteor hammer, and how to wear it; just as long as the above scenes appear, Ye Qi can guarantee that he will become famous overnight, even after his teacher. And, to be sure, for the sake of unnecessary onlookers, he must have makeup in the future.


In the position where the other party's volatility disappeared before, Ye Qi opened up the scattered muddy soil and pulled out a ruined wizard's robes. A faint fading magical fluctuation was coming out from above, and other than that. There is nothing left; there are no expected bloodstains, residual not even root hairs...

Obviously, the other party escaped at the last minute; as for the method used?

Ye Qi looked at the wizard's robe with faint magical fluctuations in his hand, and sneered a sneer—the demon hunter never worried about the shackles of dark creatures, because only such prey was worthy of their glory.

Holding the wizard's robe in his hand, Ye Qi walked to the place where the witch had fallen to the ground - although he lost a chance to harvest the spoils, Ye Qi would definitely cherish the remaining one...

"Damn, hateful demon hunter..."

Standing in a magical array of scattered white apertures, leaving only a lined tel, under the gaze of several wizards who are puzzled and humiliated by the cloak, countless curses from the ordinary face It overflowed.

Ps New Year's Day ah ~~~ New Year ah ~~~ decadent wish you all beautiful, and beautiful ~~~

The fastest} Thanks again [Anonymous] 1888 starting point rewards ~~~ and 1 big monthly ticket for the big cat~, 1 month monthly ticket without tears~~~颓颓 Thank you for your support~~~

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