Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 11 Chapter 54: Electric Flint-like fight (on)

//Chapter 54—Electric and Flint-like

Being able to leave a letter similar to the challenge on their vehicle, although it is impossible to determine what means the other party is using, one thing is certain, that is, the other party is definitely nearby; since it appears Nearby, then there is a certain possibility that they will follow behind them and come to the town of Choker; although the chances of doing things like common sense are almost zero, it is obviously not like the organization of the eye of the worm. Common sense to plan this real time 58.

Even if the other party is just an organization established by Jin, the confidence and superiority shown is real. Even Ye Qi can clearly feel a long-term existence, which is more than the top ten organizations in the dark mercenary world. A strong sense of pride - Ye Qi still has a certain understanding of this kind of pride and even the over-the-top organization and people.

Always taking it for granted, then the sense of self-superiority will always think that everything will change according to their thinking...


Ye Qi looked at Ava and nodded. The corner of his mouth was not slightly upturned, and his fingers were written on the coffee table in front of him—not a simple text, but a special text based on the secret numbers made by several people.

there's a few?

Two, one after the other, less than a hundred meters apart, alternating from this

I and Ava go to solve them.

The big man looked at the whispers of Ye Qi and Ava on the coffee table, and immediately wrote the handwriting.

Such a dark mercenary organization that emerged, we don’t have any information at all; we don’t want to kill people now, but we must catch the living. You don’t want to be stuck behind them like bones, from time to time. Come out and stab you, then disappear immediately, and then continue this cycle repeatedly?

Therefore, it should be shot by Ye, and the two of you will cooperate to grasp the two tongues.

The partner who was facing her side rolled her eyes and wrote on the coffee table. Ava and the big man did not object. The two nodded and said that they understood the meaning of the partner; however, Ye Qi was overturned. Looked at it; but, when he was about to write something, he was stopped by

Rest assured, I am fine.

Gazing for a moment, eventually, Ye Qi nodded, but when he left the room, a few yīn servants from the unconsciously into the room yīn shadow arrogant does not mean incompetence, able to God in their vehicles Unexplainedly putting on the challenge is enough to explain; even if they left the car at the time, it did not damage Ye Qi’s evaluation of the eye of the insect.

Even when the expected tail appeared, Ye Qi did not have any disdain for the other side; because this is probably also a trap, spread them apart, one by one to break the trap - and no doubt, in them Among the people, the one who has not been known for its force is the best target.? 5????

Apparently, the man also guessed the reason, which allowed him to go with Ava and the big man to prepare himself as a bait and lead the other party. For this proposal, even if he insisted on it repeatedly, Ye Qi would never Promise, the remaining yīn servant is an insurance; as long as the other party is not the strongest of the glory, with the abilities of these yīn servants, they can get enough support time for him.

Of course, the attacker is really a strong day of the Japanese glory. This is a very small idiom. After all, according to the rules of the system, even if his current strength has been many, but if it really involves the Japanese glory, then It is absolutely impossible to be a level-level task at the a-level level. At the very least, it should be classified as s-class. What's more, if the opponent's hands really have a strong day, it is impossible to use these useless means. Evolution has come and let them all be given to the ground. Isn’t it possible to highlight the purpose they want to be famous?


The partners left, and followed the arrangement to the tail behind them; they sighed and picked up the neat firewood that Joker had prepared in advance, gently placed in the campfire in front of him. Staring at the fierce, but the flames that are rushing, the unconscious smile

"No amount of firewood is pressed down, nor will it extinguish the bonfire, it will only make it burn more and more vigorously." He took the hot drink in front of him, and the man was facing the empty road behind him: "This gentleman, you said yes ?"

"The words of sinful swearing" a slap in the air from behind the man, with a thick disdain: "Even if the bonfire burns more vigorously, it may be overwhelmed by too much firewood."

"But as long as there is a trace of Mars left, you can know that the fire of the stars can be ruined." I took a hot drink in my hand: "Is it a challenge for the eyes of the insects?"

"Yes, it is me and the 'tail' that suddenly appeared behind you is also the two ordinary mercenaries I arranged." The voice of the man is full of pride: "So, you should be able to follow me, though, Let me kill you, but did not tell me that I can't hurt you. In the voice of smug, gradually oozing a yīn cold: "Do you want to be taken away by my limbs? Or are you honest now? Stand up and leave with me?"

"Are you confirming that the leaves appeared after they left?" The questioning statement was asked from the mouth of the person, but did not wait for the other party's answer. The man said straight again: "I really are like you. Imaginary in general, weakness can be bullied?"

"It's not an imagination, but a fact. Although you can become an apostle, your ability is doomed to be useless when you face us." Faced with such a lingering scene, the man's voice unconsciously appeared a sneer: "Toxins Very good ability, unfortunately, you are facing the eyes of our ancient insects..."

“A wizard lord who has been handed down from the dark ages?”

The other party did not speak By default, the whole person also emerged from the void, the other party obviously did not want to talk nonsense again - black sè and neat robes, cover each other's body, take off The hood reveals a young but full of yīn鸷 cheeks, especially the eyes that are picked up, just like a vulture looking for a dead body.


Gently sighed, and slowly stood up, a smile on the face of the young man opposite.

The ps decadence is really depressed. In the past few days, I have been dragged by my parents to visit relatives and friends. Then, I have a variety of meals, and I have to eat. I can’t stop drinking... Just drink, decadent body. It’s a cup, a variety of spit, dizziness...

And according to the current situation, the days of decadence will continue for a few days...

Hey, decadent will do his best: the bad state of these days, I hope everyone will forgive me. After all, in the face of all kinds of entertainment, everyone is not easy...

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