Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 11 Chapter 88: Uncoordinated Sonata (21)

Chapter 88—Uncoordinated Sonata (21)

The 阎 阎 不同 is different from the other sacred pieces of Ye Qi, and has not gone through the 'help' of the wolf, and the knives that are awakened by themselves are more powerful than others. The power is still a little better than a few - although Ye Qi did not understand the feeling of 'human knife and knife' mentioned in some books in his hometown, but when his hand holds the magic knife At that time, the feeling of integration makes Ye Qi believe that this is 'humanity and knife'

As for the knives themselves?

The Holy Spirit in the Holy Ghost, although it cannot be described and expressed in detail as a human being; but the way in which the language is difficult to describe is clearer than any detailed description - therefore, Ye Qi understands Don't worry so much, because you just have to believe it.

Sharp and unparalleled: the blade that is blessed by the slasher's belief will split the steel.

阎 阎 斩: absorb the energy of the sun, the moon and the stars between the heavens and the earth, store and the blade, and spurt out with the knife, with the effect of armor.

Sunder Armor: Ignore the defenses caused by various physical light armor and heavy armor, and increase the damage of magical armor by 50.

The sharp and unparalleled and the konjac is the special ability of the scorpion knives as the sacred instrument itself. The former gives the knives the invincible force. The latter makes the knives have a certain ranged attack power, and the armor The effect is to make the first ability to be sharp and unparalleled to a higher level; therefore, whenever the knives are unsheathed, Ye Qi always habitually throws a scorpion konjac, will smash the magic knife itself The power of the play is maximized.

This time is no exception - I believe in the magic knife in my hand, I believe in the knife that I pursue; the magic knife that goes to the front, the blue knives that sway the blue knives, like a round of reflection in the clear lake water Month, lonely, dazzling, glamorous, and deadly...

Unlike the snakes hidden in the bushes, the deadly knives of the knives are bright, just like now - the knives following the 阎 阎 砍 带着 带着 带着 带着 带着 带着 带着 带着 带着 带着 带着 带着 带着 带着 带着 带着 带着 带着 带着 砍 砍 砍 砍 砍 砍 砍 砍The iron. At the woman.


Under the konjac, there is an unseen scratch on the black body surface of the metal. The mark is a rapid rupture like a glass hit by a heavy object, first from the center, and then quickly spread around; then, in the more fragile sound than the glassware, the iron is completely female. Smashed...

However, Ye Qi did not have the slightest surprise, but at the moment of the iron. The woman smashed, it was an enthusiasm; the knives in the hands of the knives became a light curtain that was impenetrable—hey, Countless children's arms and lengths, the steel thorns with the thickness of the thumb and the sound of the wind like a smashing arrow, directed at Ye Qi.


The anxious knives and steel thorns not only brought up countless Mars, but the sound was even more, and the loud bang was like a blacksmith shop that was rushing to work. The old man was still sitting upright. In the recliner, it seems that everything in front of him has nothing to do with him; just after glanced at Ye Qi, who has been cutting a lot of steel thorns, he sighed slightly: "The complete control of yourself is not just your own body. With ability, but including everything around you,"

"Give up, as long as I don't feel tired, these steel spurs, including these instruments, are inexhaustible." It seems to prove the old man's words, and another iron. The female voice appears beside him, indifferent. The sound of high above continues: "You have a talent far superior to ordinary people, and a sacristy that highly resonates with your own soul. All this is your capital; but the gap between Yuehui and Sun Yao is simply... ”


The huge, high-pitched dragon screams interrupted the words that were full of preaching meanings. The dragons that were formed by Ye Qi’s own momentum appeared, and all the torture instruments and the continuous steel thorns around it Fly 'is; right is 'crash fly', just like a few scarecrows stopped in front of a fast-moving truck, ruthlessly flew into the straw of the sky - so far, Ye Qi's strongest attack means Undoubtedly, it has reached the master class of cold weapons; however, Ye Qi is even more clear that even if his strongest blow, it can not cause real damage to the Sun Yat-class power.

It’s not about the other, just as the other side said, the real gap between the moonlight and the daylight is not compensated by ordinary external skills; although Ye Qi can definitely improve the master’s cold weapon skills. The next level, even if it reaches the peak of the master's cold weapon itself, is completely capable of dealing with the strongman of the Japanese glory, but not to mention that he is only the level of the cold weapon master level 1 at the moment, just for the cost. Skill points are far from what he can pay for - 23 points of skill points seem to be a lot, but for the master cold weapon skills, it is not enough, the best use is naturally as a breakthrough bottleneck The 'catalyst' to use, or simply not to lose.

Therefore, it was decided that Ye Qi, who used time to improve his master-class cold weapon skills, could not spend skill points again, to make a 'sudden advance' attempt - therefore, he was destined to play only the cold weapon master with only 1 level. The way to the limit, only the rest of it is not intended to attack it.

And this is the most important step for Ye Qi to face the Japanese glory directly tonight. It is the key to whether he can safely retreat from the whole body; therefore, from the time he saw the old man in front of him, Ye Qi always controlled himself. It is a good role to play the role of a 'monthly peak' - no doubt, as Elaro praised, Ye Qi has a strong performance talent, and can even turn to be a cast actor; The audience of such a 'choosy' is not in the slightest sense of their own, and they will be perfect in their performance.

Perhaps it is the self-signaling of the old man's glory, he has a contempt for Ye and let Ye Qi's performance become perfect - look at the 'monster' in front of the dragon and the dragon, The film movie hidden in the heart of the old man is like a film of memory. It usually appears in front of his eyes; although the 'monster' in the memory is different from the 'monster' in front, the fundamental power is generally the same.

Not right

The current ‘monster’ is even more dangerous

The old man, who has always been indifferent, has unbelievably surprised and unbelievable on his face.


The unspeakable snoring sounded at the bottom of the old man’s heart.

PS呃, originally intended to be updated before zero, the result is already 11:40 when I get home... I have finally tried to get busy with the 'chaos' in these days... Summarize two: pits... A special definition of feelings is: potholes, your sister’s

Thanks to the wind dance leaf 588 starting point of the coin and the starry language of the 100 starting point of the reward of ~~~ decadent again thank you to all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~. . . .

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