Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 11 Chapter 92: Uncoordinated Sonata (25)

Chapter 92—Uncoordinated Sonata (25)

"It’s rude."

The slender figure was smashed after the doll was smashed, and the light version came out of the shadows - the pink evening dress wrapped the original slender figure, the bright red rose dotted the entire skirt; the pure white shawl was spotless, Even in the dense forests, it gives people a feeling of sparkling; the gloves inlaid with a series of purple gemstones magnify this light infinitely; the elegant wrists placed around the skirts are in the cuffs of the dresses. There was a hint of inconspicuous whiteness between the gloves.

Long hair straight down, the trimmed bangs are like ripples, although a small feather fan is in front of you, but no one will doubt the appearance of the other side; because the temperament of the other party is enough to attract Their gaze - However, Ye Qi's gaze is innocent to appreciate each other's temperament, the alert and killing in his heart, has long let his appreciation of the heart has not risen, it was shattered.

The gaze of Ye Qi’s killing is absolutely unnegligible. The woman who suddenly appears in front of me is no exception. However, she is very appropriate to cover up, without any pretense – a slight step back, the woman’s single-handed skirt The corner, gently owed a thin waist.

"My sister, who is not sensible, has added a lot of trouble to you. I am really sorry." The woman owes her apology, and the fan that has been obscuring the face has also been put down - exquisite to the stunning appearance again. Appeared in front of Ye Qi; for such a good appearance Ye Qi certainly will not forget, even the memory is still fresh; after all, the girl who was thrown in the temporary rented room before, has the same appearance


Ye Qiyan looked at the other side - the same style but different colors of the long skirt, the same long but different hair color hair, even the temperament of their own expression is Nanxun north; one is full of lively and happy, One is full of elegance and nobleness, although it is all the same hidden murder; but if it is not because of the almost identical face, Ye Qi can hardly imagine that the other is a sister with Elaro.

"I, Evro Dick, for the child's childish behavior, and sincerely apologize to the singer Ye Qi", the woman in front of herself introduced herself and reiterated here: "I am not malicious and grateful to Lord Ye Qi. Your enthusiasm for my sister" sneaked at the doll that had been cut off on the ground. Evro explained: "Of course, this is just a defensive measure."

In the face of the goodwill shown by Evro, Ye Qi did not immediately express it, but the brow was slightly wrinkled - except for the habitual cautiousness of her own, so that Ye Qi was alert to any strangers who appeared in front of him, more It is a misunderstanding of the other party's behavior; to know that in order to be able to fight with the Japanese Yaoqiang, but the other's sister directly broke the joints of the limbs, thrown in the room.

Although such behavior does not have any life-threatening danger, the suffering is definitely far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. If his own relatives or friends have suffered such pain, Ye Qi will definitely let the life that dares to use such means. It’s better to die; but the other person in front of him has no anger at all, and even has no extra expressions. It’s just an official apology.

Of course, Ye Qi understands that this is his own thoughts.

However, even if it is replaced by the traditional wizarding family in the world, this kind of scene is really strange. The traditional wizarding family in the world has always been the cruel law of the savvy. If you succeed, you will be the best person, enjoy the highest treatment, be cultivated by the family; if you fail, you will be the loser. While you are being punished, you will also contribute to the family and provide more resources for those who succeed, just like the cherry trees. The body of the corpse can only be more beautiful and dazzling if it provides enough nutrients.

In the face of the losers, the heirs of the traditional wizarding family will never have the sympathy that they should have - and the current Evro will block his way, not immediately come to her to take revenge but to survive for her sister. Fortunately, it is obvious that the other party does not belong to the former nor to the latter.

Delay time? Or is it a sister?

The idea of ​​rising in my mind was quickly denied by Ye Qi - the former, he was sure that he was careful enough, and that there was no strange fluctuation in the blind sense; as for the latter? The family of the traditional wizarding family said seriously, it is not without, but its value will never exceed two Kimpton...

When two Kimptons are exchanged for banknotes, there are as many as four hundred; the purchasing power is also very good, and they can live in a nice hotel for a week or so; of course, it is the kind that does not include three meals - therefore, it is pinned on this If the feelings of the two Kimptons cause miracles, it is better to join the Holy See and believe in the 'only true God'; at the very least, in general, the Holy See will safeguard the safety and interests of His Holies for its own dignity.

Of course, as a dark wizard in the world, there is never such an opportunity.

"Nothing thanks, I won't accept it" Ye Qi does not intend to have more entanglement with the other party, and said straightforwardly: "Please explain your intentions"

“It’s not a thankless thank you, but a sincere gratitude.”

Evro noble contains elegant temperament, it is easy to believe that the other party is true; however, this does not include Ye Qi, so I can't wait to have countless warning lines around the body.

"Whether you don't believe it..."

Looking at a face that was not so loose, Evro sighed softly, and the look of the embarrassment was absolutely fascinating to me; but in front of Ye Qi, there was no effect.


That's It's really pleasing to the eye, but can it be eaten? Is it important to have a small life? If you are hungry for three or five days, the aristocracy will not be much better than the scorpion; death will not be better than those who swayed the first frame and the two trembled prisoners.

The insatiable feeling in the heart of "please say your purpose" has made Ye Qi's politeness begin to be indifferent: "I don't give you unlimited time."

Ai Fuluo, it is clear that for Ye Qi, such a cold person, she is rare, especially a man, the unspeakable dull eyes flashed a glimmer of color; but soon restored calm, the tone of speech It is still dull, and even brought a taste of business.

"The eldest daughter of the Dick family, Evro Dino has seen the Lord Ye Qi; two months later, on the full moon night, the family will wait for you."

A dark black invitation crossed the air and appeared in front of Ye Qi, and was firmly caught by Ye Qi with his right hand with the sacred gloves and the blue star mark.

PS Thanks to the reward of the starting point of the fascist 588 and the reward of the 100th starting point of the starry sky~~~ decadent again, thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~. . . .

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