Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 12 Chapter 5: Blade to cold (5)

chapter Five

Blade to cold five

The battle was very smooth, facing the enemy's strength consisting of only a group of ordinary black deacons and black rituals with two disciplinary knights. Ye Qi did not solve the problem of too much. How weak the opponent's strength is, but after accepting the inheritance of the dragon, Ye Qi became more powerful, even if the last dragon's inheritance did not end, but in the face of such strength, for Ye Qi It’s just a little activity; just like the little nv team of the blonde meets the Holy Day’s strongman, it’s the same reason that the opponent’s casual wave is eliminated. Update all in]

After all, after entering the monthly level, the difference in strength is not the amount that can be compensated for. However, at this moment, Ye Qi has no difficulty and happiness after the victory of the battle. His brow is slightly wrinkled together, not Because the place is too weak, Ye Qi is not satisfied; to Ye Qi is not a fighting mad who fights for a living, he does not mind his opponent is weaker than him.

As for fairness or not?

This kind of almost naive problem will not exist in Ye Qi’s heart. If the fairness really exists, Ye Qi has long been sleeping in the cemetery; of course, this is the best result. The bigger possibility is that there is no death. In the land, even the bodies are used as food for dark creatures or some stepping stones for climbing up.

Although such a character is enough to be said to be despicable in the eyes of some knights, Ye Qi will not care about these gaze. He is a hunter, not a knight who obeys the Eight Codes? However, Ye Qi, who is a hunter, also has a bottom line, at least he is a singer. Starting

Therefore, when the two players who saw the blonde less nv suddenly violently stunned in front of their eyes, they thought that they had said to the blond little nv that 'there must be all safe to bring you back to you', Ye Qi’s brow wrinkled unconsciously. ——Ye Qi can be sure that the other two are still alive before he turns to clear the few remaining nets. Even though he is seriously injured, the state of the gods expressed by the two is definitely not just a matter of interest. Work hard

Once again, I looked at the sniper with a sad face and contacted the situation before and after. Ye Qi thought thoughtfully and could explain to me, is this the case? "Do not jump words.

"Ten minutes, they are fighting with their lives." The sorrow on the face of the sniper is too strong to be opened. The tone is full of the 'final yào' agent for each team, so that we have The last choice"

The last "yào" agent?

Ye Qi, who has slightly guessed the situation, slightly squinted his eyes and disdained his lips. The last choice? If you can choose, it is not the last moment.

Really deceive yourself

For the highest "political f", the sly smile appeared on Ye Qi's face; however, Ye Qi did not express his will to the sniper in front of him - just like he thought The decision-making level of the highest "political affairs" has always been self-deception, and what about other people in the highest "political affairs"? Even the unusual sniper in front of the previous battle, in the depths of the heart, is not a lucky one, I think that I will not encounter similar things, and thus accept those "yào" agents?

"It’s a very mean person." The silent wolf once again emerged from Ye Qi’s heart. He said with a voice that the last choice was to die in dignity. Still living in humiliation? This is very in line with the warrior's way."

"No, it is very in line with the warrior." When talking about some truly respectable existence, Ye Qi's disdainful tone all converge, and the bottom line of his heart made him solemnly nod, and did not refute the wolf. Said, just the point of view, although they are all respectable people, but I am not a warrior, but a hunter."

Although I won't do it, but for those who do, I don't think I will ridicule the other person's stupidity or self-reliance, but learn to respect each other; because they have done what I can't do - this is One of the bottom lines of Ye Qi’s belief is also one of the few advantages except for the integrity.

"The demon hunters who walked on the edge could not understand the way of the warriors. Although we also love life, the different understandings of life are doomed that we can't sit in front of a warm fireplace like a friend, and talk about it." paused. Later, Ye Qi’s tone once again brought ridicule – in the face of the fact that the warrior’s way has been established, Ye Qi will not go to the laborious rebuttal; after all, any speech is invalid in the face of facts; as long as there is no madness Ye Qi will never do such a thankless thing; however, this does not mean that Ye Qi will not counterattack the wolf itself and the warrior's way of such a heartfelt remark is from your mouth. Speaking, it will only insult the existence of those who follow the rules of the soldiers."

"Sure enough, the person who is extremely mean, but it is my contract companion."

Once again, the wolf sighs like a sad old man who has made a mistake. The, but with the smug tone, immediately violently "lù" out its true version. Xìng』; For the blame wolf real "xìng" has long been known to ōng's Ye Qi face the strange wolf as a sudden brake change, there is no slightest accident, gently snorted, wait for each other's ——Although after hundreds of years of seals, the wolf has a tendency to become a slogan, but for the usual kind of ambiguity and the tone of this “business talk”, Ye Qi can still distinguish between the two. There are very different differences between them.

"Although you have killed some of the guy's men, I should be happy. But some of the smells I found from these guys made me unable to be happy." The wolf will unrelentingly take its opponent's opponent. The believer sees a piece that can only provide after-dinner entertainment. For its opponent, the wolf is a resentment from the bottom of the heart. Any chance of belittle the opponent will not let go; however, the wolf is even more It’s absolutely impossible to understand that it’s absolutely impossible to avenge your mouth; therefore, after a brief vent, the wolf quickly returns to the topic. If you don’t want you and your friends, even

Only if some related people are sent to the firearms, then you'd better go to the holy forest area in the recent period!

"Go to the Holy Forest?!" The words of the wolf made Ye Qi’s brow instantly wrinkled together, and after repeating the other words, he responded and asked: "Why!"

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