Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 12 Chapter 11: Blade to cold (11)


Chapter 11 Blade to Cold (11)

Shaker, the headquarters of the Devil Hunter in the suburbs. "Do you know the domain name?"

The cold-faced man holding a letter sealed by a lacquer walked toward the tower of the moonlight; he looked down at the secret letter that represented the highest threat, and the cold-faced man’s cold look became more and more cold, even The faint revealing of a feeling of being close to the living; the squadrons who met the cold-faced men along the way, after a slight salute, immediately shunned to the distance - Pedernange’s retreat behind the scenes, It did not affect the position of the cold-faced man in the headquarters of the demon hunter; although it was cold, his fair decision and ability to speak out were well-known and relished, plus Hessel’s body. For the elders' unique tolerance, the cold-faced man still plays an important position in the Hunter's headquarters.

A position similar to a secretarial adviser between the guardian and the top management; therefore, the immediate Knights who are the headquarters of the Demon Hunter will salute the cold-faced man and express his respect. However, it is precisely because of this position that the cold-faced man at the moment understands the meaning of his secret letter.

From being adopted by his teacher until he became a hunter, he went back to Shaq as his teacher and now Heser’s secretary consultant. He has only seen this twice. The secret letter; but no matter which time makes him do not want to recall - the broken limbs, the blood flow into the river, the roar of the sky, the helpless grief, the numb eyes...

Once again, one by one emerged from his mind, especially when he thought of being his life tutor, the old demon hunter who had been taking care of his life was taken to the head by the sword, which made him unable to ignore it. The irritability rose from his heart, and the sorrow of anger suddenly shocked the whole person—like the cold current that seemed to blow from the cold of hell, from the body of the cold-faced man to the surroundings; the chill of the forced man The rangers around the patrols stalked and stopped. 1

The Rangers looked at the standing figure with horror. From the other side, they felt the cold that the air had to freeze. Even with the cover of the armor, they could not control their trembling body. Xìng icy cold does not mean that there is no anger; on the contrary, when a chilly person bursts out of anger, it is really frightening, especially when the icy person has considerable strength.

"Hey? Isn't this our little law? How is your face so ugly? Is your stomach poor?"

When many of the Rangers thought they were going to become ice sculptures, a touch of joyful banter suddenly appeared in the ears of everyone, with the appearance of this sound; not only the coldness around them disappeared, but the people returned to normal. And immersed in the sorrow and anger of the cold-faced man also woke up, subconsciously looking towards the end of the sound-sounding corridor - a body robes, a squatting Molded with a thick book The cold-faced man who came to see him, could not help but wave his hand with a free hand, and walked quickly to the cold-faced man.

"It's so happy to have such a good weather in front of the Central Castle." Modred, the owner of the thorny tower, which is feared by countless people, said that he was totally incompatible with his identity, even a slightly inexplicable discourse. : "How? If you don't mind, please let me have lunch?"

"Mr. Modred"

Faced with the people in front of me, the cold-faced man respectfully bowed, and subconsciously took a step back - there are so many things that can make the cold-faced man bored, but the cold-faced man can be sure that even if he is all bored Gathered together, there is no more irritability brought to him by this seemingly young man.

Inexplicable, it is simply the words of the mind, and the expressions and costumes that change from time to time. The cold-faced men have already put the other party into the ranks of madmen; especially the identity of the other party, as well as the strength, it is the cold-faced man to the other side. After all, a madman is worrying, but a madman with strength and status is fearful - even if the cold-faced man does not want to admit it, but he also has to say standing in front of the other, his The heart will always involuntarily produce a feeling of being like a beast that is fascinated by the things that are in the middle of the matter, especially the unclear relationship between the other party and his teacher, and it makes the cold-faced man respect the other side.

Of course, this time is no exception.

"I have an urgent letter that I need to give to Heather, please allow me to leave first."

After the respectful salute, the cold-faced man who stood up straight did not wait for Modred’s answer, and immediately circumvented the other side and continued to walk towards the tower of the moonlit night--there was no place in the original place. Blocking the cold-faced man's departure, but scratching his head like a distressed look, a look of regret.

"Is it bothering to lose a 'toy' for myself?" Blanc, who was drunk, appeared in front of Modred, shaking his still full wine gourd. The drunken man said: "Be careful with this, Pedernange will find you trouble... slightly..." A wine cellar made Blanc have to pause, looking at the frowning Pedernange in front of him, could not help but laugh: "Or you originally planned to let Pedernange find you trouble, so again..."

Without seeing the influence of drunkenness, Blanc quickly turned a sideways, a long, long sword like a sword, rubbing his nose and nailed it to the back wall.

"Hey, talk about it, there is no need to come true." Blanc, who had escaped a sword, shouted at Mordred in front of him - a cold smile, and the recapture of the long sword of Modred. The slender eyes, the low yín, the cold, like a sickle-sounding voice slowly said: "Remember, you have completed the biggest wish without the next time and seemingly to create a holy device, you can die without regret. Is it?"

"There is no sense of humor." Blanc couldn't help but lick his lips. He continued to pick up his own jug and asked behind him: "You are Jayng De?"

"You are really idle, nothing to do? Can you die without regrets?" The strong and tall figure of the great Méng was struck by Blanc, and the powerful voice was back in the corridor: " Because of the reason of Ye Qi Nazi, you indirectly completed the forging of a sacristy, which is far from your original goal."

Originally a very powerful voice, after aggravating the tone, the words "indirect" and "very far away" suddenly became harsh.


Looking at the back of the tower facing the moonlit night, Blanc erected a **** very indecently; then, after pouring a drink, he staggered toward the tower of the moon and night, while bursting into a burst The faint voice came -

Is the head caught again? Wouldn't you still think about jihad? It’s a troublesome church

PSyīn rains ah... It’s raining for a day... all kinds of cháo wet...

Thanks to Xuanyuan Yuhe 100 coins for rewarding ~~~ decadent again, thank you all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~

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