Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 25: "sparring"

Ye Qi’s invitation to ride a ride was not realized. The female cavalry chief refused his invitation without hesitation, and also bluntly pointed out how uncomfortable the knight’s ceremony was.

"The war horse is the knight's partner, brother! It's not the tool you used to pick up the girl!" The female cavalry's wheat-colored skin appeared a touch of dark red, but soon disappeared and began to accuse Ye Qi of being rude: "Mr. Ye Qi Please correct your attitude, as an apostle with the power of ordinary people, you should be more constrained by your actions..."

Dogma? Really a very simple girl!

Ye Qi, sitting on the horseback with her arms on her back, listened to the teachings of the female cavalry chief, watching the other party become more and more excited, and the corners of her mouth could not be slightly upturned. He really did not think of the other party's strict and mature appearance, and the heart would be as simple as the children who were not deeply involved. Suddenly, Ye Qi suddenly had a strong interest in the girl in front of him...

“Is it funny?” The female cavalry officer saw Ye Qi’s smile and said with some anger: “Is this Mr. Ye Qi so ridiculed to give you advice?”

"Of course not!" Ye Qi shook his head, then stared at the other person's eyes because of his annoyance, and slowly asked: "Is there anyone who has said to you, actually, how angry you look?"

"You..." The female cavalry commander was stagnant, and the towering chest quickly rose up and down because of anger, so that Ye Qi’s eyes were slightly stunned; and Ye Qi’s rude eyes clearly turned the female cavalry Enraged, reaching out and pointing out: "Go down! Get out of here! The Ranger Camp does not welcome you! If you are looking for a woman, there are a lot of places in the central square of Shak!"

"I have the order of the Hunter's Headquarters!" Ye Qi smiled and reminded the cavalry commander who was already angry and angry: "I must not directly deny the headquarters order with your current position?"


The female cavalry was so angry that she was trembling, but Ye Qi said that it was a fact that made her unable to refute. She only took a long time to find a sentence that she thought was insulting to each other, and then turned and left.

Looking at the back of the other side, Ye Qi gently touched the black horse's mane: "Groning, do you say she is very simple? Even the words of the monks will not!"


The black horse has no loyalty to betray the former female cavalry chief who has been excellent in it, and has invested in the embrace of the incumbent master, and nostalgicly noisy.

Seeing the approval of the dark horse, Ye Qi was very happy to pat the other's head twice, and then once again invested in the training of riding. Until the sound of the system sounds up.

"Comprehension skills: riding."

When the system's prompt came, Ye Qichang jumped out of the dark horse with a sigh of relief - before practicing riding, Ye Qi inferred through the skill of the first half of the year to wrestle and climb. It is sure that this is a Skills; therefore, when you basically learn to control the dark horse, you still practice. In order to get the system's recognition of this skill - only by the system's approval, Ye Qi can more easily and intuitively view and upgrade skills.

Glanced at the skill to ride the back of the representative level 1, Ye Qi sighed a little - although the skills can be upgraded by practice, but each skill upgrade requires time and sweat, and the more to the back, lift up The more difficult it is. Take the cold weapon mastery, in the thorns tower six months ago, suddenly found the direction of the upgrade, the initial increase in the number of leaps and bounds, one day can increase two or three levels, but later, two weeks and three weeks or even Only one level will be added in a month. Therefore, it took Ye Qi half a year, and the cold weapon proficiency only rose from 18 to 26...

Shrugging and feeling the hunger Ye Qi from the abdomen went out - if the camping camp is what makes Ye Qi happy, it is no doubt that lunch does not need to eat the "green mud"! Ye Qi, who has been eating "green mud" for half a year, has been bored with it! Although "green mud" has the effect of quickly recovering fatigue, it is absolutely not as magical as the giants said on the day to increase their physical fitness. The properties on the bar can be seen. Ye Qi is very skeptical that this is the scorpion of the Hunter's Headquarters in order to let the new apostles eat the "green mud", or there are some effects of increasing physical fitness, but the effect is very weak...

In the hot sun, at lunch time, all the active and reserve cavalry and the blacksmiths and handymen in the camp lined up in the center of the Ranger camp with a loud shout of several chefs.

Wrinkled nose, deep in the taste of the food flowing down the wind, Ye Qi straight into the camp team. With the reduction of people one by one, Ye Qi finally came to the front of the chef who distributed the food - with the plate full of food, Ye Qi smiled and bid farewell to several chefs, looking for a happy one. Sitting in a wooden box in a cool place, he started his only lunch in half a year.

As for "green mud"? Ye Qi and other new apostles would not use it as a food for lunch, just like its nickname, those are just mud! At most, the color is green...

Blowing the cool breeze of midsummer and eating a delicious lunch, everything makes Ye Qi feel so happy and comfortable. However, very quickly, when several active players of the waist knights of the Knights of the Knights came to him, Ye Qi was interrupted for the first time in six months. Make Ye Qi involuntarily frown.

Through the introduction of the female cavalry chief, and Ye Qi’s own observations, Ye Qi has been able to easily distinguish the difference between active duty and reserve in the ranger camps – active players, each of whom is adult and wearing orthodox Knight swords and firearms; and the age of the reserve players is undoubtedly much smaller, and each person is only wearing a short sword in addition to firearms.

"You are the new apostle transferred from the headquarters?" The leading cavalry took the Knight sword very rudely to Ye Qi: "Let's try it!"

Although the other party said that it was a test, but from the moment when the other party came in awkward, Ye Qi guessed that the other party was definitely not trying to see the apostle's ability; then contacted the former establishment of the Ranger Camp. Guess, Ye Qi guessed that the other person is likely to be the purpose of the transfer of his headquarters - to give the other party a few people to practice, to hone several people in actual combat.

Of course, it is also very likely to come out of the air - the female cavalry has long since escaping from his stable, and there are definitely not many people to see, and it is inevitable that there are not a few horsemen who are interested in the female cavalry. ......

From the anger of the other party to the murderous eyes, Ye Qi is more inclined to guess behind. However, whether it is sparring or venting, these obviously weaker rangers are not important to Ye Qi - only half of the lunch in the plate is the most important thing at the moment!

PS嘿嘿~~~ Thanks to European taste, lamb, leo91193, life geometry? A few brothers' rewards~~~颓废鞠躬~~~

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