Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 12 Chapter 47: Technology and force collision (9)

Chapter 47—Collision of Skills and Forces (9)

Spiders, the unique existence of arthropods, their appearance and the cruel nature of ordinary people are not evil. In fact, many small and medium-sized organizations are in the dark places that many ordinary people do not know in Lorante. Named after the spiders; even in the era when the Holy See was gradually unable to catch up, many people with different hearts also used special creatures like spiders as a sign of sect. (

Of course, its doctrine seems to be high-sounding, but in reality it is evil everywhere, it is just a spider with a sly appearance, the latter looks pure as a little girl - although such an evil sect is not the main prey of the demon, but some evil The little sects will always happen to be on the line with some dark creatures, so that the long-time demon hunters have to solve these small sects while solving the dark creatures.

Whether it is Ye Qi or a small man, when he was a trainee, he once participated in such a task - although the real dark creatures have been solved, the only thing left is to face some ordinary people who have been brainwashed by cults. This is similar to finishing work, but this does not prevent the apprentices from seeing these cults far more than the true nature of spider horror.

Although small, but the disaster is endless!

This is a loyal evaluation of the hunters for these cult organizations that only reach about 100 people; there are similar evaluations in the highest government and the Holy See, except that the latter two are more biased towards implicit cover, another All the merciless ones are solved with flames.

After removing the appearance of the cockroach, the most interesting thing about the spider is its seemingly slender and tough spider silk and the real source of fear for ordinary people - toxins!

The toxins of spiders are extremely fierce. As long as ordinary people are bitten, there is a danger of losing their lives within a few minutes. However, even in the face of the strong Japanese, the toxins can be made even more violent. The little man doesn't expect the toxin itself, but pin his hopes on the filament that combines all the advantages of the spider silk.

Looking at another surprised Tozan, the little man’s face that has become awkward because of his ability to use it has a smile. Although this smile makes the face of the little man more horrible, even if it is, the hair The feeling of the heart is unmaskable -

"Toxins, the cooperation with these 'spiders', plus the blessing of your own ability, this is the route you should follow next!"

I tied my hair all over my head, and I wore a beautiful ponytailed nine-night innocent feet and sat on the swivel chair that was not in line with her height, looking at the little man who had just sat up from the operating table - since the other party After an accidental practice, after she discovered the other's ability to toxins, under her deliberate contact, the other party has become a frequent visitor to her newly built laboratory in Hailin District.

"What will your abilities eventually look like, I am very much looking forward to it! After all, I have wasted so many collections, I don't want to get nothing!"

For a smart person like a small man, nine nights without any purpose of concealing himself, straightforward expression of his strong interest in the other side - dealing with smart people, there is such a benefit, do not have to cover up their purpose Because the other person knows what you are interested in, it will not be like some stupid people think they are clever and think hard, and eventually make things that are beneficial to both sides worse and messy.

For the nine-night innocent, paying the price that is valued by the other party, and thus obtaining an extremely rare experimental material, it is quite an amazing transaction - as for the materials of her collection? It is a material that exists for the sake of experiment. As long as it is not wasted, there is no relationship at all.

From the current situation, the chances of her materials being wasted are minimal, basically they do not exist - but for the value of these materials, as well as their own 'works', nine nights remain intact. I plan my own development path for 'work'.

"Poison, not omnipotent!"

Pick up the clothes on one side, and the little one wears and says - although he knows that the other person just uses him as an experimental product, there is no relationship between men and women, but it seems like a pendulum The feeling of the frog that was going to be dismantled on the test bench was not a good memory.

If possible, the little man doesn't want to have any memory about the previous experiment -

Transplant surgery, reconstruction surgery...

Although he has acquired some unimaginable abilities, even his own talents, he has made a leap forward, but he wants to thank him, but he can't do it at all - For a month in a row, his life was completely integrated with surgery for a day; especially when the person holding the scalpel always used a kind of art to appreciate him with a fanatical look, if not the self-made demon Force, he vowed to let the other party understand what is called life is not as good as death.

"All of you are based on experimental data, and as the body of the experiment, my own feelings are more accurate than your data!"

In order not to let the last surgical wound collapse, the little man slowly walked down from the operating table; however, the answer to the nine-night innocence was extremely powerful - from the body to the inner side against each other, The little instinctively resists the other's arrangements, especially when he already has a big plan for his own path, the little man is even more unlikely to listen to each other's arrangements.

"My fighting style is doomed to me. I can't rely on toxins. Don't tell me to change my way of fighting. After I know Ye, Darlan and Ava, I already understand what kind of fighting I should use. The storm is not my characteristic. The staff and assistants will be my duty! The ability of toxins is just to make me better!"

The little man is facing the other person's doubts and explanations - although he hates the other's eyes, but this does not hinder the alliance between the two sides; the small man who is a smart person knows very well how to control the importance of his personal feelings; otherwise, Doesn't he seem childish to ridiculous when he has suffered so much pain for his partner?

"Weak man!"

The nine-night sneak peek jumped straight down the swivel chair and walked outside the lab - her biggest fun had already been obtained after the surgery was completed. The previous plan was nothing more than Incidental, since the other party does not accept, how can she intervene too much? After all, her relationship with the other party is nothing more than a conceptual relationship between the experimenter and the experimental body.


When the toxin is not injected into the body of the other person, the existence value of the toxin is zero! And can play the role of the ‘hopper 薳 f1 Jun  詈竽芄 詈竽芄 詈竽芄 詈竽芄 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 "暇    桓鋈嗽谡 桓鋈嗽谡 桓鋈嗽谡 桓鋈嗽谡 桓鋈嗽谡 ? ? ? ? ?

Feeling the more and more close, the smile of the little one is getting more and more free.

Ps thank you for the reward of 200 moons of the moon and the reward of 100 coins of the stars. ~~~ Decadence again, thank you all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~


Chapter 47—Collision of Skills and Forces (9)

Chapter 47—Collision of Technology and Power (9, to the URL

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