Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 12 Chapter 59: Short ending (1)

The blade of the knives is once again stabbed on Tozan's 'Tower Shield' - the tip of the knife is in contact with the 'Tower Shield', and the translucent b-patterns that make up the 'Tower Shield' are swift. Twisting up, just like the clouds under the sun shoo, the unpredictability is unpredictable. Uploaded by friends ==

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Quickly retracting the knives, Ye Qi smashed the knives again with lightning speed, and the knives were accurately stabbed in the strong but uneven position of the 'Tower Shield' b —— —— In the blind bucket perception, these three are the most unstable three places after the 'Tower Shield' was attacked, and these three places were subjected to continuous stabbing at the same time, as Ye Qi expected to have, just a trace The crack appeared from the hitting of the 'Tower Shield' and spread quickly; it was like a glass that had passed through a high temperature and then quickly quenched.


After a burst of soothing noise, the 'Tower Shield' shattered and turned into a crystal full of powder, floating around. The incredible gaze blew from Tozan's eyes, he died. Staring at Ye Qi, it seems that I really know Ye Qi at the moment; however, Ye Qike did not stop to accompany each other's mutual meaning, giving up the hard-won offensive opportunity, but not his style; although he will be pity, But that's just the patent for the strong when dealing with the weak, rather than being free to use when facing a Japanese-level presence like him. ]


Like the first time when it was born, it was like a bird's beep and a worm-like sound. It appeared on the body of the knives. A ray of blue sè was flashing on the knives, just like a round in the night sky. The moon instantly burst into a faint ray of light -

阎 阎 斩!

The sharpest remote attack method of the knives is different from the general Ye Qi fast wave 阎 阎 阎 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带 带The energy of the sun, the moon and the stars are stored and slammed by the energy behind the blade; although the attached armor effect is only effective for the light and heavy armor that exists in the entity, and the glove that is far superior to the general metal formed by the momentum It doesn't do much, but it's still playing its own role.

A trace of blood and a trace of blood began to spread from Tozan's arms, and eventually to the whole body; especially as a pair of arms against the konjac, some places have deep visible bone wounds; although the last moment Tozan used the momentum After the steel gloves and the air cannons that have not been formed to maintain the swirl of the airflow for buffering, but in the face of the special ability of the saint itself, unless your own physical strength has reached the immortality of the sacred, otherwise it will still Injuries, even if they are powerful, are the same as the presence of the Sun Yat-sen.


The excitement of the call is not stagnate from the young hunter population. The scene in the field deserves their cheers. Ye Qi, who belongs to her own side, has no trace of injury, even the clothes are not damaged; The hostile side is not only full of ragged clothes, but even a lot of places have seen blood, and some wounds are obviously not a 'snapped' skin injury. From the blood that is still flowing out, it is obvious that Extremely serious trauma.

Although the final victory has not yet appeared, such a situation has already made all the young hunters believe that the victorious side belongs to oneself; after all, the other party suffered such a serious trauma, as long as Ye Qi can drag down, bleed It will also drag the other side; even if it is the strongman of the Japanese glory, the blood will flow, and it will definitely fall; the young hunters are convinced of this.

Compared to the optimism of the young hunters, the adult hunters are not too optimistic when they are surprised at Ye Qi’s sudden 'outbreak' that they have belonged to them - once on the battlefield. They have seen the existence of the Japanese glory. It is very clear that the real horror of the strongman of the Japanese glory is not only the strong strength, but also the will to be stronger than the mountain. Perhaps the injury on the other side. For any ordinary person, even the demon hunter, it is very serious, but for the Japanese tyrants, there is a strong body and will support, even if it is a serious injury, in some cases Can be ignored; for example: desperate situation!

This is why there are many Japanese tyrants who have been defeated in the history of Lorante in recent times, but there are few reasons for the stalwart powers killed in the battle - the desperate ordinary people are enough to train The well-known military has a headache, not to mention the existence of the peak of the Japanese glory.

Of course, these are not concealing the surprise and recognition of the strength of the adult hunter to Ye Qi's performance this time. Perhaps the hunter's headquarters for Ye Qi's propaganda is in place, but these gorgeous propaganda is only for young people. For the demon hunter, it is very effective. If you want to be accepted by the real adult hunter, it can be used not only for propaganda, but also for the hunter who wanders on the edge. One of the many creeds.

Obviously, the performance of Ye Qi and the Sun Yat-Sen in the battle against each other made these hunters recognize the existence of Ye Qi; after all, speak with strength, where is the most effective presence!

However, today is destined to make everyone suffer the most surprising days, just in the cheers of the young hunter, when the adult hunter looks at Jacob and asks if he wants to stop the next battle, in midair. Ye Qi moves again - not fatal skin injury, and can not determine the key to the outcome of a battle, will only make the other party more cautious, alert to their carelessness; at the same time, they will limit the opponents who give their own scars Anger; although the opponent is the strongman of the Japanese glory, but these Ye Qi guesses the situation will not change too much, at most it is because the other party and his teacher's agreement, so that the infinite anger becomes limited .

Therefore, Ye Qi knows that what he needs most now is to win the battle!


A sorghum, the heart of the trembled dragon yín suddenly rang through the entire sky. Originally in the clear sky, the birds and the beasts of the beasts suddenly became silent. Even the cheering young demon hunters became Silently, everyone’s eyes were attracted by the sudden dragons, and when they saw that the sky was quickly turned into a virtual shadow, everyone was surprised to breathe a sigh of relief, and it was unbelievable. Eyes -

Dragon! Dragon!

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