Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 12 Chapter 65: Short ending (7)

“Besides, do I have other methods?”

Ye Qi, who looked at the other side, moved slightly at the corner of his mouth. If it wasn't because the little man was still weak at the moment, Ye Qi promised that he would give a punch to the other person's smile and vent his hatred. Book mí group 4∴8 (six)

"Maybe there will be; but I think we should eat dinner and talk again! After all, people who are full have the strength to think about the problem, aren't they?" The little man's eyes crossed Ye Qi and looked out of the tent, nose. After a few hours of forced chōu, I chuckled and said: "I smelled the scent of the cow ròuhún mixed with potatoes! There are roast uòu and bread!"

"In fact, people who are full because the stomach needs to digest food, most of the blood will flow there; the blood supply to the brain is not enough, it will not make your head smart!" Sighed with anger at his companion. Ye Qi went to the mén mouth of the tent. Under the influence of the blind bucket perception, the b-motion of the entire temporary camp was clearly reflected in his mind. Even without a small reminder, he was still in the tent from the other side. When there were about 20 yards, I noticed that the two were full of green chūn vitality; of course, the taste of the food, he admitted that there really is no small nose spirit, except for the smell of beef ròu and potatoes, the taste of roasting uòu He couldn't tell the difference; after all, the taste of the potato stewed cow ròu was too rich, and it completely covered the smell of roasting uòu.

"Ava, help put our table up!" The tent's curtain was picked up at a corner, and after a little smile at the two people who were getting closer, Ye Qi was working on the side of the tent. Ava of the yào grass shouted: "I think for some people, the role of yào grass is far from the food that is coming soon!"

"Food is essential for everyone! The same is true for yào! Right, Ava?" The little man pleaded, and he blinked at Ava, hoping for the cooperation of the other side; however, it was clear that silence Awa got used to the truth, even if he smiled at the little man, he still said straightforwardly: "I think yào things are more important for the injured!"

"Oh, Ava, you can't treat a wounded person like this. If you want to recover from injury, you have to have a happy mood!" The little man lying there seems to have endless pain and said: " After being hit by you, I found signs that my injury was aggravating..."

"That, that, Datong, is there nothing?"

A groan, the appearance of a faint voice interrupted the little man who was pretending to be a 呻yín--wearing a leather dress that most hunters would like very much, a little short stature and a tender face, brown sè The eyes of the hair in the next pair of gray eyes are looking at the little ones; and when everyone’s eyes are found in the tent, they immediately hide behind the companions.

Apparently, Randy, who is a companion, has been very accustomed to this move by Nuo. Without any surprise, she smiled at Ye Qi and everyone in the tent and raised the plate in her hand: "Ye Qi, this is mén Luo. Uncle's dinner!" He said, turning his head to look at Newao, who still dares to hide behind him. He apologizes to everyone: "Newo has no offense, he is just too shy!"

"The shy men are all good men!" After taking the plates in the hands of the two, Ye Qi smiled and nodded at the two teenagers, and pointed out that he had completely concealed himself under the captivity because of misunderstanding. I shrugged and said: "Like Datong; again, thank you for the dinner you sent; believe me, I can eat this kind of food in this wild, no less than the one I spent in the New Year! ”

"Uncle Ménro knows, I will be very happy!" Yate's appreciation made Randy very happy. She pulled the New York behind her and looked at Ye Qi's politeness without introducing any traces: "Of course, Randy and Newo are equally honored to have dinner for you!"

"Lanti and Newo?" Faced with two juvenile courtesy actions, Ye Qi patted each other's shoulders and said: "I am very glad to meet you, I hope I will have a chance to talk to you next time!"

"Well, we are also looking forward to it!"

Randy took the splendid smile of the rare nv and the red face of the neon to the other people in the tent, and then left the tent briskly - as for the plate and other tableware, all breakfast before tomorrow morning The person will automatically send it back; after eating the food and returning the tableware, this is the habit that the demon hunter has always kept, and will not change because of the change of identity; even if the Lord of the Six Pagodas is in the same way; after all, he has experienced blood. Sè, húnluàn, the hunter of the three hunters, even from some records, can also appreciate that food is worthy of respect.

"A very clever little girl; she is very prestigious in the younger generation!" After the two teenagers left, the little man drilled the bed again, staring at the dinner with his I don’t forget to tell Ye Qi and Awa’s companions about the details of some things in the temporary camp: “No matter the appearance or the inside, and the ability, it is very rare in her age; if there is no accident After the trial of the headquarters, she will gain a high reputation. As long as the head of the headquarters is not broken, it should be focused on this little girl!"

"People and people can't really compare each other; I remember that when I was at the same age as her, I was still worried about how to get enough for one hundred Jinputon!" After the comparison, the small man couldn't help but chuckle. Shaking his head, obviously, he couldn’t help but feel a small man. Ava, who has always been silent, said subconsciously: “I was trying hard to complete the trial of how to become a qualified hunter; even the demon hunter didn’t know!”

"Don't look at me! I am almost like you. I was still learning the course of the demon hunter under the guidance of the teacher!" Ye Qi looked at the eyes of the two companions and immediately spread his hand: "I didn't even have it at the time." Decide what kind of hunter should be a hunter! Be aware that my teacher has always taught me to be safe first, even if it is hún to eat and deceive, it must be safe first!"

"If you let those teenagers hear what you are saying now, I am afraid that the idol will collapse!" The little man smiled unabashedly, and Ava also had a slightly upturned corner; even the purple sable car that felt the good mood of his master was Jumping on the table.

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