Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 12 Chapter 70: Gray interlacing (4)

what do you want?

A singular wolf that was broad and boundless was thrown to Ye Qi; it seemed that there was no limit to a very good choice, but Ye Qi had to frown. The original need for him was nothing more than more knowledge. With more powerful forces, but the former because of the relationship of the dragon's inheritance, has already made Ye Qi to reinforce all the memories of the inheritance, and does not need to be strengthened again; therefore, whether in the plan or in the actual situation, Ye Qi is the most All that is needed is the latter: a more powerful force.

However, this more powerful force is not a random one, but a kind of integration into his own power system - the core of the framework of the knife-killing technique, the system gives Expertise and spells as a guarantee of the power of the knife and the maintenance of certain long-range attacks and auxiliary means, although it can not be said to be perfect, but Ye Qi thinks that this is the most suitable for himself.

And no doubt, the best for you is the strongest!

All, for the power system that is self-constructed, Ye Qi does not have any meaning to change; therefore, as a premise of the big, the power he gets from the wolf must be able to integrate into his current system, not There is any conflict - knife is the core of this framework, undoubtedly the most important, any change is enough to make the whole structure of the change, even a bad is the danger of collapse; and in the inheritance of the dragon After the memory, Ye Qi has enough knives and other fighting techniques that any force calls esoteric; therefore, as the core of the knife, it was first ruled out by Ye Qi.

As the skill of blessing the power of the knife, assisting himself and the ability of the long-range offensive, the former is because the system is random, so that Ye Qi can't be put in the plan, even if they get the same existence as the strange wolf. Special expertise also takes a long time to honed, and it does not meet Ye Qi’s idea of ​​strengthening strength in a short period of time.

As for the latter?

The spells that are fully endowed by the system, although magical and powerful, but Ye Qi dare to abandon the ability of the spell, even a dark wizard apprentice who is just getting started is not as good; however, this point has the memory of the dragon heritage Through long-time reading, you can still make up for it. You don't need the teaching of the wolf at all. Although it is only a slight reading, Ye Qi can also be sure that the magic in the memory of the dragon is definitely more magical than the dark wizards now. It is powerful and countless times, no less than the ancient spells taught by the wolf, and even some places are older than the ancient spells taught by the wolf!

After all, in addition to its principle of avoiding the world, Time Dragon is the most talked about the control of time. No one has ever heard of the time dragon who died under the time of time; that long time is enough for every experience. Inheriting the Time Dragon, you get a memory that is called ancient by all beings, and all the ancient beings in memory.

After constructing the core of the knife, the whole system of blessing, auxiliary expertise and spells was negated by Ye Qi, the brow wrinkles of thinking in the middle of the leaf are even tighter - Ye Qi certainly does not want to let this extortion wolf Strengthen your own opportunities, but the premise is to strengthen yourself, if it is to damage others, Ye Qi will never do it!

What else?

Thinking of Ye Qi's subconscious use of the index finger to beat the steel bed edge, the crisp sound is very rhythmous in the tent - the habitual movement is undoubtedly useful for thinking, in the crisp rhythm, Ye Qi The frowning brow slowly stretched out, and he thought of a system of strength that he could avoid: the holy device!

That's right, it's the sacristy—because the use of the sacred instrument also takes the expense of physical and physical strength, and leaves Ye Qi deliberately avoiding its use in the general battle; especially under the same consumption, the holy device The effect is often not as good as his usefulness, but it is the habit of maximizing the benefits of Ye Qi to minimize the use of the sacrament; but this does not obliterate the power and magic of the saint; just like the green The ability of the leaf, although turned into the ability of the thorns of the vines to wrap the enemy, Ye Qi did not care too much, but the ability to treat 3 minor injuries per day is very valuable, although only mild damage, But for the holder, there is no doubt that there is a doctor who can carry it. The key moment is that it can save lives.

And this piece of green leaves is only the lowest star-level sacred device. The more advanced Yuehui and Sun Yat-class powers are undoubtedly unquestionable. Therefore, although his current power system has basically taken shape, there is no such thing. It is necessary to pursue perfection; it only needs more tempering to become more perfect; however, as a special existence, the sacred device can not only give him the original ability to increase, but also form a self-power system at the same time, without affecting Ye Qi. The original power system, of course, is the best choice for Ye Qi; especially when there is a powerful saint in his hand, this choice is almost no longer considered.

"Samikina's Drive, I want you to help me completely unblock the "Samigina Drive"!"

With the disappearance of the knocking sounds in the Ye Qi said his trading chips - "Samigina's Drive" is a book, but it is a special existence of the sacristy There is no doubt about its powerful ability, but there is no shortage of troubles to use it. Let’s not mention Ye Qi’s swearing out scenes for the demon hunter, just to understand the seal of Samigina. The reading time required is that Ye Qi can't afford it. What he lacks most is time. He is ready to use the next time to read the memory of the dragon's heritage. Ye did not spend the same energy again to understand. "Samigina's Drive"!

Therefore, letting the wolf completely unblock the "Samigina's Drive" is undoubtedly his best choice now - as the wolf said before, it is completely complete with the sacrament such as "Samigina's Drive". No way? If Ye Qi really believes in the words of the wolf, then he has long been betrayed by the wolf!

"Impossible, I don't have the ability..." As Ye Qi expected, the wolf still clung to his original excuse, but Ye Qi, who had already decided, broke the other's words: "No ability." It’s just the beginning of you; with the unblocking of strength, you are no longer the original, and the “Samigina’s Drive” is still the original saint! How? If this condition is not enough I can change another condition."

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