Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 12 Chapter 75: Gray interlacing (9)

prophecy? !

The surprise in Ye Qi’s heart is simply unstoppable. I have seen Pedernange’s Ye Qi in the Tower of Knowledge at the Hunter’s Headquarters and will not doubt the strength of the other six towers, even if the other side looks on the surface. It was just a weak woman; however, Ye Qi did not think that the other party could have the extraordinary ability to predict this.

Similar to the apostle's talent, prophecy is not the ability to master through continuous practice; if you don't have the talent to predict, then even if you practice for a lifetime, you can't master the power of all people, even the gods will envy them. ——This is a description of prophecy that Ye Qi saw in a certain collection of the Tower of Knowledge. There is not much gorgeous rhetoric, but the connotation of its description makes Ye Qi still fresh! Du

Especially when asked about the strange wolf's ability to predict the prophecy, Ye Qi has no doubt about the authenticity of this ability, and as the book says, he can't help but be able to use it. The existence of this ability, even those who use this ability, can't control their abilities freely, even when they use it. They don't know when they use it. In that book, they describe in detail some of the history. The prophets who have appeared, these prophets, as mentioned earlier in this book, have no similarities at all. They are completely talented; but these people with special abilities have the same Features: No free predictions!

It’s like a piece of film that flashes in my mind, and I can’t explain it in detail—this is the author of the book who personally visited a prophetic talent, the prophet said, recorded by him. In the book, though, even if the prophet can see through the future, the true eyes can make most people crazy. After all, for some people, only a piece of information will completely affect themselves. Life.

Therefore, in the age of blood and chaos, the appearance of any prophet will be sought after; only in the sacred era, the time when the Holy See was in charge of the loran gods, the prophet will be sent as a heresy that violates the gods. On the fire box - however, Ye Qi privately inferred that these prophets who were sent to the firearms are definitely only a minority. Most of the prophets have been controlled by the Holy See; especially after reading a few things about the so-called 'God After the appearance of the trace, it is affirmation of its own inference. After all, the so-called 'miracle' is too coincidental, just like knowing the arrangement in advance.

In the current era of freedom, although the persecution of the Holy See was reduced, the prophet was increasingly scarred under the policy of the highest government 'covering everything'; most of them were sent to the neurological hospital, or the highest The government privately compiled, Ye Qi believes that the Supreme Government is absolutely very happy to do so; and it is for these reasons that Ye Qi has not seen a true sense except for Pedernange, the six-tower. The prophet.

Of course, even Pedernange, in the true sense, is not a traditional prophet, but also gives Ye Qi a kind of fog to see flowers, how can not see clearly; there is even a kind of cold from the heart, The feeling that made him stunned - the uncontrollable of the prophet, made the existence of the prophecy itself illusory; but Pedernange immediately made a prophecy after receiving his secret letter; this is like the Holy See The general coincidence of 'miracle', saying that Ye Qi will not believe it!

Pointing the inquiring eyes to the giant Han, Ye Qi hopes to get an accurate answer from the other party or seriously say that it is a more accurate information - the prophet's existence, its existence is unbelievable, some prophecy is more It is beyond common sense; Ye Qi does not expect the giant Han to explain to him clearly.

"His Pedernange is not an ordinary prophet, at least not in the traditional sense of the prophet in the written sense!" Faced with the eyes of Ye Qi and the little ones, even if they knew such a giant, they could not help but worry. Wrinkled and tried to organize his own language: "The content of the prophecy of Pedernange and the previous prophets are uncontrollable, and no one knows what to see; and it is more ordinary. The prophet will have to spend a lot of experience, even if the Petri Nange is a strong man of the day, after the prophecy, it will take a long time! However, this price has been changed, and you can be the Prince Pedernange. The ability to control when to start prophecy!"

Can't control the content of the prophecy, and after spending more energy, can control the ability to start prophecy? !

After Ye Qi and the younger look at each other, they all saw the shock from the other's eyes. The giant Han looked at the two people and could not help but waved his hand: "In fact, it is not as powerful as you think. It is said that even if Pedernange is free to control when to start prophecy, but for those who cannot control the prophecy, if you want to get what you want to know, it is half and half of gambling!"

"But Obviously, this lucky goddess has taken care of us!"

"Even if this is the case, it is already stronger than the prophet in the traditional sense. I don't know how many times!" Ye Qi compared the prophet recorded in Pedernange and the book, and could not help but sigh: "At least , there is already a chance; not a passive wait!"

"Impression is the devil, and passive waiting is a terrible existence than the devil!" I said that I did not know the statement from the book, the giant Han handed a letter to Ye Qi: "This is love The letter that Captain Erss gave you; because, I will starry night, so I temporarily acted as a postman!"

After glanced at the intact envelope, Ye Qi received the letter in his arms - even if he didn't have to look at it, Ye Qi knew what the female cavalry commander said in his reply; but this is what he wants; after all, He needed the letter to persuade Jacob to postpone his wedding with the female cavalry chief.

"Only these?" After the private conversation, Ye Qi certainly did not let the giant Han miss the official business; he smiled and asked: "At this special time, did the headquarters not give me the next step?"

"Of course!" Juhan, a deputy, said, pointing to himself: "Even people like me have to go back and forth, how can you have a holiday?"

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