Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 13 Chapter 10: Knife name. Demon (6)

chapter Ten

Knife name. Demon (6)

Hey! Hey! Hey!

After a rapid break, the humanoid target in front of him had more than a dozen puncture wounds of small finger thickness; however, the rituals of making all this were somewhat dissatisfied. He frowned and went to the humanoid target. Before and after, look carefully - the attack of the previous ritual is not unconscious, but very objective, extremely clear; some places on this humanoid target are painted with red ink pens. Only a circle that is thicker than the little finger, and every attack of the singer must stab the center of these circles, with a slight deviation, it will encounter the situation of 'off-target'. Www..


With a hint of embarrassment, the singer quietly looked at Ye Qi – before he had just boasted to his teacher, saying that his current melee strength would never be second to any star-level apostle; As a result, just finished, it was defeated in the test of his own teacher, which made the lyrics simply unacceptable.

"It’s much better than I thought!" Ye Qi patted her disciple’s shoulder and attracted the other’s gaze. Then she pointed to the wound on the humanoid target and said, “I’ve put a lot of marks on it. There are fifteen positions that must be attacked. Two of them are located on the inside of the armpit and the thigh. They are blind spots facing the attack, and the remaining 13 offensive positions, you directly stab the indications!"

"As for the remaining two?" When it comes to this, Ye Qi looks back at his disciple and smiles and says: "That is after you lost the blind spot attacking the two sides of the thigh and the inner side of the thigh. The failure caused by the next!"

"Old, teacher, you said, I can finish it?" Looking at the look of the singer's face, Ye Qi nodded again: "This test, you only need to be able to complete more than ten offensive positions in an instant. Even if you pass the customs!"

"But what's left?"

"The rest? Of course, you have to work hard during this time! Of course, if you can complete the piercing of the fifteen must-attend positions within the six-month period I have specified, I can give You are a surprise!"

"What kind of surprise?"

"Since it is a surprise, of course, it is a surprise to stay in the end!"

In the face of the disciple's questioning, Ye Qi smiled mysteriously - although the experience of Ye Qi's educational disciples is very thin, it can almost be called no, but some of them as a simple "big stick plus radish" he still understands. And, looking at the current situation, the effect is very good.

When the grammar was re-entered into the practice, Ye Qi turned and quietly left the room. For his disciple, Ye Qi was still very confident. Since he set a goal for the other party, he did not finish this. Before the goal, his disciples will never be distracted by other things; of course, the food for each meal needs him to prepare.



Out of the room of the grammar, I was attracted by a familiar shouting voice - a slightly worn-out leather armor, messy hair and a messy beard, although the owner was obviously taking care of it, but it was still like that. Messy; the most eye-catching is undoubtedly the huge knives behind the other side, the scarlet scabbard, the handle of the red ribbon, all of which make this sly weapon more and more horrifying.

"Hilaire, I haven't seen you for a long time!" Looking at the apostle he knew in Langeburg, Ye Qi smiled and waved straight into the bar, glanced at each other's moon-level apostle silver-breasted trench coat and very no After the natural look, deliberately said: "What do you want to drink? Today I treat you! Congratulations on entering the moonlight class!"

"You guy, is you taunting me?" The original knifeman, who was still somewhat cautious, immediately shouted: "Although you are a strongman of the day, I am only one level lower than you, I am very soon. Will catch up!"

"Of course, I believe!" Ye Qi looked at the normal knifeman and immediately threw a bottle of beer with a smile - although he also tried to learn about the bartender from the bartender, but the facts prove that he is fundamental There is no such talent; therefore, this kind of friend’s long-awaited reunion, Ye Qi is consciously not giving out ugly; seeing the unscrupulous direct bite of the bottle cap, snoring and sighing the other party, Ye Qi again Threw a bottle of beer and said: "But I won't wait for you!"

"Who wants you to wait? My speed will definitely surprise you!" The knifeman who finished the beer in one breath, did not wait for Ye Qi’s greeting, turned straight over the bar, and took a copy. At the top of the wine cabinet, filled with beer casks, he said, "I still drink so much; really, those guys are still worried about what, I said that even if you enter the Japanese glory, it will not change. ......"

"Of course, in the face of friends, partners, loved ones, and loved ones, I will always be the same regardless of what I have become!" Ye Qi continued to throw the two glass bottles that the knife had finished in the corner and continued: "Only If it is an enemy, he will sleep all night!"

"It's a guy who is careful and loves to avenge!" The knifeman first dismissed the opinion of Ye Qi in front of the enemy, and then directly said his own opinion: "If you face such a guy, you can cut it directly." Enough!"

"I think that kind of guy, whether facing me or facing you, will feel pain!" Ye Qi turned a blind eye at the knife: "Well, I still have something to deal with, it will be before dark." Come back; this time the bar will be handed over to you for the time being!"

"Give it to me? What about my wages?"

"Not in your hand?"

"But don't you say that you treat you?"

"When you pick up the I regret it!"



Walking on the outskirts of Randyburg, Ye Qi walks straight to the seashore - practicing unnamed skills, and then reaching a certain level, in a close to a completely natural environment, there will be better harvest; this is the dragon Inheriting a certain piece of memory about the unnamed technique, Ye Qi is remembered when he looks at the whole nameless technique; anyone who has a strong heart will be very serious about how to strengthen his own strength.

However, Ye Qi did not think that he would use it so soon.

Sure enough, protection is very useful~~~ Then, continue~~~ 颓 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求

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