Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 13 Chapter 21: Qiulin District (3)

Chapter 21

Qiulin District

A piece of engraved gold matrix is ​​gradually forming in the hands of Ye Qi - about a week or so, it is not too easy to make a top grade, enough to finale the magic items; it can be said It is said that there is not much to say a little less. If the one-time success is enough, the time will be enough. If you fail once, the time will be stretched. Therefore, Ye Qi is very careful and cautious about the production of this magic item. Www..

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Of course, if Ye Qiken spends 5 skill points and raises the level 25 alchemy directly to the proficient level, it is absolutely able to cope with the auction in front of him; however, compared to the skill points, it is only for the auction. Yes, it is simply not worth the loss - after feeling the pressure to upgrade the character level, Ye Qi has decided to leave all the skill points in the cold weapon of his core strength master to break through the bottleneck; this is not a kind Paranoia, but Ye Qi habitually cautious.

From ordinary to proficient, from proficient to expert, then expert to master; the level required for each stage of a cold weapon is a straight upward; from the beginning of the ordinary to the proficient 30 Level, up to the 80 levels from the expert level to the master level, plus the excess of the two big stages in the middle; from the ordinary level to the current master level, a total of 160 levels are required, and the 160 levels represent 160 skill points!

And Ye Qi now only gets 10 skill points for each level of character. With his 16-level character level, unless it is not added at all, it can meet the needs of the cold weapon to be promoted to master level. Moreover, before Before the transfer, he obtained less than 10 points of skill points. This is why Ye Qi, who has earnest statistics, is paying more and more attention to the skill level of skill points. He is more certain that he has developed the usual practice of relying on practice and bottlenecks. Point of practice.


The round, only the thumb-sized iron plate is placed in the cold blood of the blood - although in the dark world, there are countless strange creatures, but if the resilience is simple, remove the troll and other rare Outside the race, the blood race is undoubtedly second to none; and the power of the blood family comes from their blood, and even in the **** age, some people are paranoid that the blood of the blood family can be made into elixir through the refining of alchemy; of course, the true and false Ye Qi will not make a pointless evaluation, and he is not currently making the so-called elixir, he is simply relying on the magic of the blood of the blood family.

Of course, this is definitely not an orthodox method. However, in order to simplify the whole process and improve the success rate, Ye Qi still chose such a dazzling way - when the flame-roasted red disk has no temperature in the blood family. When the blood cools, a small piece of secret silver block, which is only one-third of the fingernail's fingernail, is quickly placed in the metal beaker containing blood blood.

Suddenly, the cold blood seemed to be heated, boiled and boiled up, and there was a blisters, and the original bright red blood quickly turned into a translucent, shiny silver, which kept rising. It’s like putting a searchlight on a cup filled with mercury – Ye Qi’s eyes are looking at the changes in the metal beaker, although he uses the blood of the blood to simplify the alchemy array on the magic items. The process of magic, but the constant type of this method is not so ideal, it must be like the high magic items such as Mithril to strengthen the magic of it, forming a constant magic of sustainable charging.

Of course, although all this has been simplified, the engraving of this magical array has been real. If possible, Ye Qi does not want to use the same amount of time to paint magic again and again in the size of the coin. And, the value of that Mithril also makes Ye Qi not want to face failure - knowing that this time to buy magic materials to rebuild the bar, which naturally contains Mithril, and the value of Mithril accounts for the sum of all magic materials. There is more than one part; the Mithril just now is one-tenth of the total amount of Mithril that they invested in rebuilding the bar. Therefore, if it fails, Ye Qi will have to bear the bar reconstruction fee. The total amount of fierce is increasing by a factor of thirty.

Although one-thirtieth seems to be a small score, when it is built on a rather large base, the final conclusion is enough to make ordinary people feel collapsed; although Ye Qi will not collapse like ordinary people. However, in the face of the two-hearted and black-street businessman's heart-wrenching eyes, it is enough to make him feel a headache; therefore, Ye Qi is very hopeful that this manufacturing will be a one-time success.

However, nothing can be achieved with the individual's will - when the silver liquid in the beaker retreats, and Ye Qi re-enters the new magic item in his hand, his face can not help but reveal a disappointment; Obviously this item failed; of course, it was not a failure in the traditional sense. This item still has a certain magical power, but it is far from the expected plan of Ye Qi.

The index finger gently strokes the magic item of this coin size - although it hates failure, but since it fails, it will learn from it; this is the basic common sense of the demon hunter, and the one that Ye Qi is most willing to observe. common sense!


With a crisp and pleasing The magical item of the coin looks up by Ye Qi, falling on his bedside - a failed magic item, although not able to enter the auction But it does not mean that Ye Qi will give up his randomness; it is very suitable as a gift for the younger generation at a festival.


After a long sigh of relief, Ye Qi once again squatted on the bench and picked up a circular piece of metal of the same size as before, which was more seriously portrayed; in the previous inspection, he had found that it might have caused The reason for failure - people are not machines after all, even if they have absolute control over themselves, but a visual difference will make all the achievements of a magical item completely abandoned; but compared with the machine, the learning ability of the person is also It can't be compared, as long as you recognize the mistakes, people can definitely be better and better than machines.

It’s so cold today... the cotton coats that have been used for the winter have been put on...

Thank God for seeing Wang Wang 2 tickets, Xuan Bing hunter 1 monthly ticket, World of Warcraft Blood Peak 1 monthly ticket ~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~

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