Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 13 Chapter 51: Unexpected (7)

The lines of a root, the symbols of each one are like water flowing and rolling on the ground - without paying attention to the struggles of the direct bloodline people of the Fofa family, the wolf throws them all into the magic circle; The light penetrated into their skin, forming a strange pattern; and at the moment of the formation of these patterns, the blood of these families of the Fofa all stopped struggling, became completely relaxed, and even slept with a smile. The past.


Ye Qi, who has been paying attention to the outside situation, couldn’t help but feel a sigh of relief. He might not care if he killed a person, but it’s the way he killed someone in the way last night. Unacceptable; not a soft heart, nor a morality as a demon hunter, but as his own bottom line, unable to allow him to go for food like the **** people, even the beasts.

"Hey, you are a hypocritical guy!" The wolf clearly heard Ye Qi’s sigh of relief. At the moment, he sneered: "Although the way is changed, their lives will be lost! You think so much." Way, useful?"

"Of course useful!" Ye Qi replied bluntly: "And, I am not doing it for them, just for myself! Don't you?"

"Always like the boy of sophistry!" The strange wolf grinned and suddenly said: "Since it is the way you choose, then don't lose it!"

"What do you mean?"

Ye Qi immediately asked with vigilance; unfortunately, before the strange wolf's answer, the magical array on the ground changed - the blue light shrouded the blood of the last Fofa family. Immediately, a red, continuous, bright and bright light came out of the magical array and penetrated the only wound on Yaki's body: the index finger.

Suddenly. A stream of heat rushed through the whole body of the singular red light, and a burst of sorrow and excitement erupted from the inside of Ye Qi's body - although I don't know the wolf that temporarily dominates my body. What kind of situation, but the sudden feeling of excitement made Ye Qi a glimpse, and then did not wait for him to wake up, the familiar and unfamiliar pleasure is like a flood that drowned him.

Said to let you not lose it!

The strange wolf shook his head and sighed; however, the corner of his mouth had a smirk that could not be concealed.

Well, I got the benefit. According to the previous agreement, you have to fulfill your promise!

Feeling the energy distribution in the magic array, the wolf closed his eyes and his fingers trembled; immediately. The red light that had been drilled into Ye Qi’s body was divided into two pieces of light about the length of the adult palm. It went straight through the wall and looked for the target. It promised Ye Qi, and naturally it would follow the contents of the agreement. To!

Of course, it never said what method to use!

I promise that information that will increase your strength. Definitely you can do it! And there will be no more things like blood sacrifices!

Really a big loophole!

The strange wolf sighed softly, then heard the footsteps coming from outside the bedroom, and immediately hesitated to return to its seal land, and returned the body's dominance to Ye Qi, who was still lost in the thrill of the thrill. -


As the bedroom door is gently pushed away. Two enchanting figures walked into the bedroom, the same similar, delicate face. At this moment, it is carrying a difficult flush, and this flush is after seeing Ye Qi, who is confused. Immediately spread throughout the body, so that the two people involuntarily pounced on Ye Qi...


"Captain!" The sniper quickly stooped to the front of the blond girl, whispering the mirror on his forehead and whispering: "Determining that there is one of the hidden strongholds of the broken mind!"

"Well, according to the intelligence of the combat drill room, because of our blows, we have already begun to withdraw from the core jurisdiction of the highest government in batches; here is the periphery of the Xia Lin District, and if it goes deeper, one side is Tallinn. The area and the Hailin District, the other side is the Qiulin District..." The blonde girl, carrying her gray eyes, made one after another on the spread map, and then pointed to one of them: "With a break The way of thinking, will never put all the eggs in a basket; since they can withdraw from Xia Lin District in batches, they will never gather at the border of Xia Lin District; if it is me, I They will also meet again after leaving the Xialin District thoroughly; therefore, here is their supply point!"

“Replenishment point?” The sniper groaned and then nodded abruptly: “No wonder the hotel will be used as a cover. In this border town, there is nothing more suitable than this small hotel as a supply point. It!"

"If you reply to Lord Moretti, you can only cut off the route to the Qiulin District here!" The blonde girl stared at the small town that had already rested early in the distance, thinking for a moment: " In the direction of Tallinn and Hailin District, let him add people!"

"Yes, captain!"

The sniper meticulously executed the order of the blonde girl and ran towards the radio station not far behind; at the same time, she made a warning gesture to the other members around her – although these new players were returning to Du Lin After that, the "new recruits" added by Moretti, but the quality of these 'new recruits' is undoubtedly said, snipers believe that as long as they go through a few battles, they will become qualified members of the squad, taking over the last time After the incident, they were an important part of the devastating squad.

Listening to the looming radio adjustment sound behind him, the blonde girl gestured to a player next to her; immediately, the player took off the uniforms of the special service and replaced them with a special outdoor suit. A backpack that has already been prepared has also appeared on his back - any investigation is far less effective and practical than entering the inside of the enemy; of course, the premise is not discovered by the other party!

Looking at the already prepared subordinates, the blonde girl reminded me again -

"You go to the hotel tonight, write down the structure and staffing of the hotel. After purchasing enough food and water tomorrow morning, ask someone about the situation in Qiulin District, then around ten o'clock. Take a ride from the people in the town to the station in Qiulin District, and then confirm that no one is tracking and then return here; understand?"

"Understand, captain!"

"Captain. Lord Moretti has already made representations to the Tallinn District. The team of the Secret Service will soon be able to enter the Tallinn area for the cofferdam arrangement!" After the team member who sneaked into the temporary replenishment point, he contacted Mo. The sniper of the sniper returned to the blond girl and whispered.


The blonde girl who heard the word couldn’t help but ask the subconscious.

"There, there, it is not entirely the highest government! After all, there is the hometown of Lord Ye Qi!" In response to the blonde girl's questioning, the sniper replied extremely, but after seeing his captain's face sinking . Immediately explained again: "This is not the meaning of Lord Ye Qi, but the routine inquiry we made to show respect for the Lord Ye Qi; with the orders of the adults of Didders, the highest government any action on the Lord Ye Qi , all need to be asked! And..."

Looking at the captain who is getting worse and worse. Eventually the sniper wisely chose to stop - he was very confused, why he clearly missed the other team's captain every time after hearing the other party's news, always such an elusive expression.

It’s really a woman’s heart!

The sniper took his own sigh and entered the alert position. Although his captain is a woman who is younger than him, this does not mean that he can ignore or assume that his captain is unknown and may develop into anger. Emotions.

The actions of the sniper and the vice captain undoubtedly reminded the new players around. Everyone subconsciously moved the position with the blonde girl as the center - although they are not the old partner of the captain like their own vice captain, they understand the relationship between their captain and the rumored Japanese-level powerhouse, but Every time the captain heard the name or news of the strong man, the unpleasant expression was enough to make them understand something. At the same time, they also understand how to do it under such circumstances.

Japanese glory? Very great?

I thought of what my vice captain said before. The blonde girl’s lips are tight – this is not the first time; after the guy becomes a Japanese glory, everything seems to have changed; everything is going to be around him; even himself The favorite work also needs to be asked!

just thought of. Mo Lieti embarrassed at her own face before when referrals led combat mission, she could not help but want to look fists severely beat that guy!

When, even my work, you can interfere!

With an angry mood, the blonde girl frowned, especially when she thought of a whisper in her inside. It was just a frowning brow, and it was suddenly locked together.

Next time, next time, I must give you a good look!

The blonde girl roared in the bottom of her heart, but when she returned to God and found the player who had clearly left the alert position and moved her position, the former roar disappeared without a trace, and she was ashamed from her. The bottom of my heart rises; but very quickly, this shame becomes shyness - bastard, you make me ugly! Our account has added another sum.



The itching of the nose caused a sneeze in the sleeping Ye Qi path, and woke up from sleep.

what's going on?

Ye Qi, who was a little sleepy, immediately opened his eyes after seeing the situation in front of him - Evelo and Elaro appeared on his bed, their arms and legs were dead. It is entangled in him, and more importantly, their current state: no time, honesty.

What is going on? !

Ye Qi, who was slightly picking up his eyes, tried hard to think about what happened last night, but a headache caused him to stop remembering it. It was like a hangover, and the feeling of being opened was unbearable. The soft voice.

"You give me out! What the **** is going on?"

Although he couldn't recall the things that happened after the magic circle was opened last night, he is sure that the wolf must know it; and now this situation is absolutely irrelevant to the other side.

"What is going on?" The grotesque wolf appeared in the heart of Ye Qi, but did not admit the intention of what he did last night. It’s a screaming voice: “I’ve been dodging the other side and sent it to the door. I didn’t expect it to be a sister’s flower! You’re really hypocritical! The guy who makes other men envious!”

"Shut up, I am asking you now, what is going on here?"

He sighed low to the strange wolf at the bottom of his heart. Ye Qi asked his teeth - he didn't plan to make another entanglement, so he always refused Alero, which was almost inverted, but now it is not only Elaro's sister Evro. In his own bed, Ye Qi, who has been persistent, felt frustrated; of course, more was the anger of the strange wolf that made him fall short and frustrated.

"It's all done by yourself, what about me?" The wolf said in an unusually relaxed tone: "I didn't remind you not to get lost in it? And this is the result of your loss!"

Saying, a memory of last night appeared in Ye Qi's mind - of course, this memory has undergone some minor modifications; for example: the red light once split out two measures. And the strange wolf evaluation of the transaction loopholes on both sides.

"Why don't you stop?"

Looking at the two sisters of Evro and Elaro, and the fragments of Ye Qi, the strength of Ye Qi’s whole body could not help but disappear without a trace.

"Why should I stop? Is this any danger or bad for you?" The wolf said vowedly: "And in order to prevent you from saying that I am fooling you with something that is impossible, I think it is better to let it happen!" ”

"What do you mean?"

“Did you forget the transaction we had before?”

"You guarantee that information that will increase my strength. It must be what I can do! And there will be no more blood sacrifices!"

"Yes, yes, this is it!"

When I heard Ye Qi personally tell the contents of the transaction, the wolf was very happy and nodded.

"Don't you say that the information that can increase my strength is this?" Ye Qi frowned and glanced at Evro and Elaro, who was holding his eyes tightly. He couldn't help but say: "This and you." What is the difference between Linda Northd’s proposal?”

"Of course there is a difference. If it is Linda Northd, you will definitely get more benefits than these two gimmicks! After all, the blood of the **** can be more than the purity of these two gimmicks!" The wolf said with conviction: "And, I have not violated our trading content at all, 'I promise that information that will increase your strength. You can do it! And there will be no more blood sacrifices!" 'This must be something you should be able to feel?'

"Get special expertise secondary lightning damage, secondary lightning reinforcement!"

Secondary Lightning Damage: The special presence in the bloodstream allows you to give the opponent a special natural damage during the attack. Effect: Gives the opponent 5d5 points of lightning damage while having a 20% chance to paralyze the opponent for 2 seconds.

Lightning enhancement: a special presence in the blood. Allows you to be immune to each other's attacks when subjected to special natural damage; effect: Immunizes the opponent of 15% of Lightning damage when he receives the damage of the other party. And reduce the chance of paralysis by 40%. ”

"Get, **** baptism!"

The baptism of blood: special blood has a special, magical, and amazing effect; although it is impossible to determine the exact gain effect, each time has an unimaginable effect; effect: +1.

The two prompts appear in sequence on the prompt screen of the system's light blue.

Undoubtedly, the effect of ordinary lightning damage and lightning enhancement to secondary lightning damage and lightning reinforcement is significant; not to mention other auxiliary functions, just change from the 10 points of lightning damage that would have stunned an ordinary adult. It is a qualitative improvement that is 5d5 enough to enter the actual battle. In the interpretation of the system, all the damages expressed by clear numbers are only an injury to ordinary people; only When the change is in the special attribute of the floating damage, it can be put into actual combat; just as Ye Qi is interpreting the system with a torch, it will only be 1 or 2 according to the size of the torch and the precision of the production. Point, while the level 1 magic burning hand is 1d4 ignition damage per level.

Of course, what makes Ye Qi pay more attention to is the subsequent system prompts, which directly adds a little attribute point - you need to know that for each level of four levels, you can get a property point and expertise of Ye Every attribute point is precious, even if it is impossible to determine the correct gain effect, it is enough to make Ye Qi feel overjoyed; not to mention, this familiar point is directly added to his biased physical attributes, making his physique It reached 22 points and increased the strength by a third on the original basis. (Before a book friend raised this question, now the property is increased by a certain amount, and the original one-third is calculated.)

However, even the big surprises can't make Ye Qi feel relaxed in the face of what might happen next.


After a slight embarrassment, Evro, who had a strong constitution, was awake - she opened her eyes and felt the strangeness and pain rising from the inside of the body. She raised her head slightly and looked down at the viewer. Ye Qi, the two sides silently look at each other.

Ps Huang Yi has come to the starting point~~~

Thanks to the Xuanyuan Yuhe 100 starting point of the reward and the wife came to a hay, a monthly pass, the son of the son of Shajia, a monthly pass ~~~ decadent thank you to all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ Finally, decadence is still seeking Monthly protection and other protections~~~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.). . . .

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