Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 13 Chapter 53: Small fish

"How far are those guys from us?"

“Not less than ten kilometers, and it is still approaching!”

"Damn, they don't have to rest?"

The iron man who had just sat down for less than ten minutes, immediately heard the radio, immediately shouted loudly; then he did not hesitate to carry the radio back and continued to run forward - starting from Xia Lin District, two The members who were not familiar with the broken minds gradually became familiar with the trust on the way to escape, but it took less than two weeks; and the two men escaped from the summer without the supply and backup. The forest area, straight into the Qiulin District, you can see that the cooperation between the two is quite a tacit understanding. (--

"They have three echelons alternately taking turns, chasing us, and having enough supplies and vehicles! If we want to get rid of them, we must first let their vehicles lose their function; therefore, we have to go into the mountains!" The radio smashed the forehead and smiled distressedly - although it was a member of the staff of the Broken Mind, he was more of a helper class, and analyzing the situation like this was not his good at it; Compared with the iron man who is carrying him forward, he is quite competent.

Without any hesitation, after listening to the analysis of the radio, the iron man with his upper body was ignoring the thorns of the surrounding mountains and rushing forward – this trust was built on several deaths. The Iron Man knows very well that if it wasn't for the radio, he would have been killed or captured by the people of the highest government.

Damn bullets!

At the thought of another member of the ruin that caused them to fall into the current field. Iron Man can't wait to directly twist the other's head. Tied into each other's **** - the whole organization fell apart overnight, although the iron man did not have much feelings for this organization that was only a subordinate and money transaction, but this kind of chased like a mournful dog It seems that a bunch of mice are eating for the inner discomfort that he has long been eroded by interest.

However, this kind of stigma was crushed in his heart; after all, even the life has no words, and the greater and more stigma is just that he feels uncomfortable!

Therefore, he must escape, even if it is only for future revenge!


"For the time being, get rid of it! We can take a break!" About an hour after entering the forest. The radio, which has been closed with both eyes, opened his eyes and said: "We can rest for about half an hour according to the layout of the previous special service teams!"

After hearing the radio, the iron man who has been marching with the perseverance of steel is not even able to put down the radio. He is straight on the ground and gasps in the mouth - the average of nearly two weeks Take less than three hours of rest. In addition, there is not enough food and water, and every time you have to do your best to run, run, and even fight from time to time, if you change to other ordinary people, I am afraid that the waves will have long gone.

Compared with the iron man's tendons, the radio is not much better. Although he has been fleeing by the iron man, he uses his ability to investigate all the time, analyze the best escape direction, consume and Not smaller than the Iron Man, or even more serious; after all. It is just ordinary human body that he can't compare with a powerful iron man.

"We have entered the Qiulin District now. Why are the Secret Service guys still chasing after them?" The iron man who tried to turn his body up and took a breath, asked the radio sitting next to him. The radio that shook his head pointed to the ground. "It’s just just entering the Qiulin District, and the families of several cities around the Qiulin District are not all dark families. They also have hunting for the demon hunters. The family of the devil; if we want to completely get rid of the chase behind us, we must go deep into the Qiulin District in this direction, where the dark family is the place where we can live!"

"how long will it take?"

"If there are no obstacles, it will take about a week!"

"one week?!"

The Iron Man stared at the radio next to him. .. After seeing the other party’s abnormally solemn nod, the heart could not help but sink – the time of the week, for ordinary people, it’s just that the length is not long, and the short and short period is very inconspicuous, but for them two A guy who is almost ready to burn out. It is extremely difficult, even a time that is simply impossible.

"We have to find enough food to replenish our strength. Otherwise, with my current physical strength, only by hitting the prey in the wild, we may not be able to support it for a week! Damn guy!"

Speaking of the last iron man's angry fists - no day and night tracking, very short breaks, so that they can not get food in the wild; except three days ago when they met a lake in the same water Drinking water has become an unexpected food. They basically rely on the sour and wild fruits of the wild and the villages and towns on the road to supplement food. But now after entering the mountains, the way the latter will get food will It will become a luxury; although the wild fruit will gradually increase, but for the two people who are in urgent need of high-calorie food, these wild fruits are simply better than nothing.

"Now we can only pray that the guys behind us will also have the same trouble!"

The radio smiled a bit, and it can be seen that even he does not believe his own words - although the highest government secret service team is not known for its absolute strength, the Secret Service team that uses the military structure is absolutely There are logistical guarantees that other organizations can't match; even one can fight in front, but there are dozens of people behind to serve them; and under such preconditions, expecting the logistical guarantee of the other party to be problematic, no doubt they are now Suddenly getting a table of delicious food is generally unrealistic.


The smiling radio suddenly raised his head in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Looking at the alien of the radio. The Iron Man couldn't help but ask: "The guys are catching up?"

"No!" The radio shook his head. Pointing to the front: "There are people fighting about ten kilometers away from us!" After a pause, the radio looked at the iron man: "We..."

"Of course, go!" After waiting for the radio to finish talking, the Iron Man jumped up from the ground and turned the radio back to his back: "If there is a fight, there must be someone! And if someone is, there will probably be food!" ”


Shi Tu looked at the people in front of him, and the brow couldn't help but wrinkle up. The appearance and dressing of the other party were completely different from the information obtained. Although they were all young people, the people in the information were pale. Wearing a robe and holding a golden height of the adult scepter; and the person in front of him is a sharp eye, wearing a black gold-rimmed trench coat and the presence of a long knife; the two are simply irrelevant.


When I thought of a previous sacred ritual that appeared in Hongyecheng and landed in the hands of a young man named Fei Si, Shitu immediately asked impatiently; at the same time, he writhed his neck and slammed it. The crisp sound of the cervical vertebrae. Originally because of the knives and acid erosion, it became a bit more fierce, and even more frightening - although the other party is a member of the Red Leaf City Dick family, but in a Japanese-level sacred device In front of him, Shi Tu did not care about the identity of the other party; let alone a family member of a small town on the edge of the Qiulin District, such as Hongyecheng, even if the children of any family in the depths of Qiulin District got a day. The level of the sacristy, especially before this holy device does not cause resonance, he will not fear!

The temptation of the Sun Yat-class sacred device is enough to make the stilt become desperate!

This disregard of attitude is enough to make him look at some existence that must be paid attention to. For example: the apostle windbreaker with the top name, and the shape of the knives that are gradually known as the name of the Shack Dragon...

"It’s just a small fish! Sure enough, is the waiting time too short?"

"What little fish? The kid named Fei Si? Let him hand over the holy one..."


The fleeting knives interrupted the right of the company to continue.


The blood at the neck rises with his head.

Under the Japanese glory, is it really vulnerable?

Ye Qi looked at the opponent who had fallen to the ground, and couldn't help but frown. The other side in the Qiulin District has already belonged to a very famous existence. The reputation of 'murder claws' is even enough to make some dark families. The patriarchs felt a headache; but this was useless to him; the master-class cold weapon combined with the knifeless technique of the nameless technique, in the face of the presence of these lunar highs or peaks, only It takes a knife.

What he needs most now is the battle with the strong players of the Japanese glory - not only for the sake of enough fame to shock the existence of the intentional misconduct and the honing of unknown skills, master cold weapons, but more importantly, to gain systematic recognition. Task.

Since his promotion to a master class. The tasks that can be recognized by the system have become less and less. In addition to the one-level task that was obtained after the last battle with Tozan, no one has ever obtained one in the Devils Club in the War Zone. The task that can be recognized by the system - for Ye Qi, who can upgrade the level again with two b-level or one b+-level tasks, this situation is very uncomfortable for him.

Although the character level is only 16 levels, the distance is again obtained from the attribute point and the 19th level of the specialty and there are three levels of distance. However, for the 10 skill points obtained when the character level is upgraded, he has been looking forward to it for a long time; and the professional Dragon Warlocks 7 to 8 can only be a step away - the 8th Dragon Warlock can obtain the adult dragon scales. With the adult dragon's physique; regardless of the former's natural armor +2; or the latter's physique +2; various elements damage 40% of the attributes. They all have a very strong effect on the strength of Ye Qi.

In order to be able to smoothly prevent the Holy See from planning for the next ten years, he must strive to increase his strength every moment—whether by self-cultivation or the experience of the tasks recognized by the system. Ye Qi is bound to fight for it; but compared with the former, the latter becomes more and more difficult to obtain while his strength is stronger; according to Ye Qi’s current estimate, it is likely that now and Outside the mission of the Yaoqiang. Its level is difficult to reach above the level; and below the level of the task. The upgrade experience required for Ye Qi is really too small; after all, not all things can be done with a small amount of accumulation, especially in the case of limited time.

However, the rareness of the Sun Yat-sen is also recognized in Lorante; otherwise, Ye Qi will not think of using the gimmick of the Sun Yat-sen sacred to attract the mighty glory of the Japanese glory - although it It has reached the level of the Japanese glory, but for a Sun Yat-class sacred device, I am afraid that all the strong players of the Japanese glory will not refuse; after all, the Sun Yat-class powerhouse with the Sun Yat-class sacred device. Even in the Japanese glory, it is a very special existence; just like the man who claims to be the strongest man on the earth: Deides.

If it is not because Didders itself is a Japanese-level powerhouse and has a reverable Sun Yat-class sacred instrument, even if he has the strength of the Japanese glory, it will not be able to make the highest government develop to this point, let alone obtain The title of 'the strongest man on the earth'.

Of course, any idea is beautiful. But it is expected that the shortcoming will always exist - in Ye Qi's original idea, about two weeks or so is enough to attract the attention of the people, but from the time when I only met some small fish and shrimp, this time is still too much. It is short.

"Every strong person has a strong inner heart, the necessary caution is also necessary!" The wolf is unceremonious in his heart to evaluate Ye Qi's slightly naive plan: "There is no sense of the unique features of the Sun Yat-Sen The fluctuations are just a few gossips, but they are not worthy of the attention of those who have already reached the peak of ordinary humanity!"

"Fluctuation? Before, was the fluctuation of Elaro and the sacred ritual of the Japanese glory? Isn't it enough?" Ye Qi doubted and asked - since the previous plan was made, Ye Qi certainly had something According to the fact, the fluctuations caused by Elaro and the 'Hayao-level saint' are naturally taken into account by Ye Qi.

"Of course not enough! The previous one was really dim. Just like a shy little girl, although it is lovable, it is definitely not as attractive as a girl who is stalking." The wolf is extremely inappropriate. Metaphor, explaining to Ye Qi: "The so-called sun-level sacred device, you have also studied, have you not found its falsification of forgery?"

In the face of the temptation of the Japanese sacred sacred device, Ye Qi is naturally curious, and at the invitation of Evro, he has entered the treasure house of the Dick family and carefully studied the 'Yi Yao-level sacred device'; The result is undoubtedly frustrating. It is not a saint of the day. It is not a sacrament. It is at best a workmanship with exquisite workmanship and special secrets. Evro was not surprised, even after getting confirmation from Ye Qi. It’s just a slight sigh; after all, from the appearance of this ‘Yi Yao’s sacred device’. It is a coincidence that the study of this ‘Yoshio-level sacred instrument’ caused the loss of the elite of the Dick family to the grandeur of the Fife family. It was a coincidence to coincidence.

"Do you have a way to make this sinister counterfeit exquisite?" Ye Qiyi stunned, and immediately responded, and asked straight: "Let's say, what conditions?"

"I will be such a robbery person?" The wolf's performance is stunned, but the words are as smooth as a profiteer: "The next time we find the corresponding blood, the benefits we get must be four or six minutes again. You four I am six!"

"Just next time, once?" Yike confirmed. The more times he traded with the wolf, the more cautious Ye Qi was. Even in order to show the chip, Ye Qi asked again: "Nothing." Attached?"

"Yes, it's just one time! And there aren't any additions!"


Ye Qi, who got the confirmation answer, immediately agreed to another transaction with the wolf, and could not wait to prepare to return to Hongyecheng to begin preparations.

Of course, before going back, there are things that still need to be dealt with -

The left hand was placed on the knives of the waist, and Ye Qi’s eyes looked toward a big tree in the distance; without any words, just the Longwei, which was always controlled, was slightly released. turned away and strode away.

After Ye Qi left, the iron man and the radio hiding behind the tree seemed to be fished out of the sea, and the drenched softness reached the ground.

"Awful horrible guy! More powerful and dangerous than the last memory!" Recalling the last rush of Du Lin and Ye Qi, the Iron Man couldn't help but feel the cold chest: "Just rely on breath to make it I feel the death, should I be glad that I survived in front of the other two?"

"The new Sun Yat-class powerhouse, the famous Shake's Dragon? The day's Yao class, really strong!"

Compared to the iron man's luck, the radio whispered silently; however, after a few minutes, the two men recovering from the shock rushed toward the body at the same time - although the inner shock was still there, it could not Let them forget the original purpose of coming here: looking for food.

Ps these days, strong winds, heavy rain and snow, decadent feelings instantly enter the winter! ! The hand is so cold... I want to protect my hand...

Desirable here, thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~To be continued. , vote for recommendation, monthly ticket,,.

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