Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 14: Monkey play


At midnight, the bell in front of the prayer room in the church was ringed on time.

The rituals that began to pray after dinner were all sneaked out; Luditi, who had a black robe, did not get up, as if the bell did not exist at all, still whispering in front of the prayer room, "God said"; A layer of faint white light emerged from his body, illuminating the entire prayer room

The narrow, slightly dry cheeks, even if they close their eyes, are already abruptly sharp eyes, and the scar from the left eyebrow to the right corner of the mouth, even in the encirclement of the Holy Light is also the most eye-catching Where--the light that wraps Ludidi's light is also different from the white light, gentleness, and moistness of ordinary light. Although it is also white, it is a kind of pale, and cold and cold like a knife-like feeling. The people standing beside him felt the same chill

"The high priest, the Lehmann Sacrifice has left the Battle of Randin and joined the ranks of the crusades."

In the empty prayer room, a man in a black sacred suit suddenly appeared behind Luditi, very respectfully said; for the Inquisition, few people can make them like this, except the Pope and himself. Directly under the boss, the director of the Inquisition, even a large priest or a bishop can not make them convinced

In fact, the identity of Ludi's high priest has no effect on the existence of these inquisitions; the key is that the other believers are born – most of the mad believers are from the Inquisition and have been instilled with God. It is noble and unparalleled. They are being warned by the outside world as another sharp knife in the Inquisition.

The voice of "God said" was not interrupted, as if it was not heard at all, until the whole "God Say" was finished, Ludidi lifted his head and looked at the black dress in front of him. Sacrifice, there is no emotion in the eyes of the slightest, empty and full of pressure, so that the black dress that is stared down lowers the head subconsciously.

The pressure did not slow down with the retreat of one side, but it became more and more intense. Luditi, who stood up from the mat, was thin but not low; it was like the black of ordinary people. The clothing ritual was higher than a head, and the cold white light of the blade was the pain of the black robes.

"High priest..."


The words were not fully spoken, and they were interrupted by a painful cry. The black knees that had been kneeling in the knees immediately lie down on the ground and clasped their hands and clenched their chests. The mourning of the array is like a money-free exclamation from the depths of the throat; however, such mourning only lasts for a while, and it becomes silent and silent. Except for the convulsions left by the nerve reflexes from time to time, the whole person has no interest.

"The majesty of God is supreme."

Looking at the body in front of him, Ludi put his hands on the chest and stacked it with a stern expression, then said with a solemn expression; then turned and walked toward the prayer room - the empty prayer room, leaving only the body of the black ritual, until It took a long time for two figures to flash again.

"Not every step of the ancestors will have credit for it."

The same black ritual costume represents the identity of the two people in front of him. One of them looks at the dead body on the ground and can’t help but sigh.

"Young doesn't mean you can make mistakes; any mistake can mean death..."

"Well, work." Another raised the body's feet, and couldn't help but sigh at the still sighing companion. "I met those...the amount... I can only complain that this guy is unlucky."

"He seems to be recommended by the foreigners?" In the urging voice of the companion, the black priest who first started talking raised the two arms of the body, and then suddenly thought of something, whispered. : "And after being transferred in, I will arrange it directly to us."

"Who knows what's going on inside?" Looking down at the young face of the corpse, the next black priest who spoke, licked his mouth and said nothing: "But these are not our business, no matter what." Before the kid was offended, the person was deliberately thrown in, or everything was a coincidence. He is now a dead person and there is no objection to the death."

The companion did not have the slightest human interpretation, so that the black priest who spoke before could not help but smile and then stopped talking. He carried the body in his hand and walked toward a room behind the prayer room—in a cathedral like the Bay Area. The Holy Spirit Hall is also established in the same way as the church headquarters on the Holy Mountain; however, the Holy Spirit Hall in the Bay Area is not behind the prayer room, but on the side of the cathedral.

Obviously, the young black priest who just died is not eligible to enter there.

In fact, after the prayer room, the sewer that has been leading to the sea is his ultimate destination. The young black priest will enter the sea in the harbor of Saskatchewan with the sewage of the whole city and become countless fish. Shrimp food...

Of course, some people may remember the name of the young black priest after a long time; but for his disappearance, no one will ever ask; the black priest robe has long been doomed.


When the two black priests carrying the body also left the prayer The prayer room at the corner of the church was completely quiet, except for the burning lights and the wind, there was no more popularity. Of course, it doesn't include those animals that come out to eat at night—a gray mouse with only the size of a child's palm is motionless in the grass, and the clever eyes can't stop; any When people see the smart eyes, they think that this is not an animal at all, but a human eye.

In fact, as Ava’s strength grows stronger, the impact on animal partners is even more profound – at the very least, he was only able to understand what he saw through the expression of animal partners, unlike now In this way, it is exactly what the soul is attached to.

PS ran a log in for a day, finally log in. ah... always reminds the system is busy... tragedy

Thanks for the 100 starting point of the reward, the fat man flying, the 100 starting point of the money and the half-monthly floating two-month ticket, the one-month ticket of Xuanyuan Yuhe, the flying ticket of the wind in the wind, hereby thank you for all the support for decadence. Brothers and sisters have yet to be continued)

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