Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 20: Unexpectedly


The sound of the waves hitting the beach, after Ye Qi’s method of sensing the weapon in the primary stage recorded by the original nameless technique, echoed the statue and suddenly rang in his mind; not only the sound of the waves, but also the next moment. As if he was walking by the sea, and a huge wave in front of his eyes was coming to him, as if to crush him and crush him.

Subconscious, Ye Qi’s right hand touched the waist

阎 magic knife...

Is this an illusion?

After touching an empty Ye Qi, I immediately reacted to the scene in front of me. It was not true. However, the sound of the huge waves made him unconsciously raise his eyes - not only the knives were gone, Even his ability to be given by the system is gone, even he himself has become an ordinary person who has not exercised at all; in this case, he has to face the huge waves that can be covered by the sun and the moon. Even if it is an illusion, there is a trembling in the depths of Ye Qi’s heart.

The degree of the huge waves is unusually fast. It was just a white line at sea level, but it rushed to his body in the breath.

Flash off

A violent drink rang in the bottom of my heart, and the blame wolf did not have the sound of laziness and treacherousness in the past, so that Ye Qi, who had been biting his teeth and standing in the same place, prepared to resist the huge waves, and subconsciously stepped back.


For an ordinary human being, it is a huge long knife that appears on the floor in front of Ye Qi, and the same huge palm of water is held in the long knife. The handle of the palm of the hand and the owner of the palm is a giant composed entirely of water.

Although compared with the statue of Poseidon, the sudden enemy in front of him only has the height of Poseidon, but it is also a giant. It is especially seen that most of the enemies have not entered the stone floor of the hall. I felt that the hair on the back spine was all upright - he stood there before, but if it wasn’t a warning from the wolf, I’m afraid that he would be seriously injured at this time; although his body has already become more common, But this does not mean that under such a huge blade made of hard ice, it can be achieved.


For the strange wolf who saved his life, Ye Qi did not hesitate and directly thanked him. The contractual relationship between the two had already determined the special relationship between the two, which was mutually dismantled and guarded against their own interests but was scrupulous to the safety of the other. Relationship

"Hey, your life is about my life; can you tell me what to do next time? Even if you are not responsible for your own life, at least you are responsible for my life."

"What is this?"

The grotesque wolf's cockroach was interrupted by Ye Qi's path - the water giant who took out the long knife, and the squatting face of the hall was again directed at Ye Qizhen; a jumper escaped the attack and Ye Qike had no time and effort. The strange wolf bickering, he is very curious to know what is going on, what is this in front of the giant, what is completely composed of water?

"Just, what is going on?"

Although Ye Qi was only in the hall before entering the hall, he did not go through a careful inspection, but he can be sure that there should be no traps in such a hall; after all, as a temple for worship, worship, other The place can't guarantee it, but there is absolutely no such thing as a trap in this hall. It doesn't need to be said that in the blind sense of the moment, there is such a huge existence that is violently fluctuating. This huge existence is completely silent before. The best thieves who have no interest than Ye Qi will have to trace their possessions; this is simply impossible with the other side.

Therefore, Ye Qi can be sure that it is absolutely what he happened to be drawn into the illusion of fantasy.

"Guarding the sea **** guards of the Tanah Lot"

The wolf gives a name that is recorded in the legend - in the records of Lorent's books on mythology, each **** has its own guards and guards to defend its inviolable dignity; just like before the front The goddess of the sea god, in mythology, is to eliminate the existence of the abyss of the sea god

However, what is slightly different from those in the mythical story is that although the giants in front of the water are huge, they use scenes that can be used to drive storms and thunderstorms.

"You should be thankful that this sea **** guard is far from being a half-remain in the heyday." The wolf seems to know what Ye Qi is thinking, and immediately said: "If we were in our time, we have our shelter, so Guy, you can hit you with one hand."

"So I should be lucky?"

I also escaped from the one-click Ye Qi’s self-deprecating slap in the mouth and quickly rushed toward the water giant. After a huge body, after gaining the unimaginable power of ordinary people, his agility will inevitably fall; in the mythology there are gods. Asylum, these weaknesses naturally do not exist at all, but by now...

Ye Qi, who rushed to the front of the water giant, jumped into the air, holding the right hand of the knives and slashing forward - immediately a crescent-shaped knife flashed in front of the water giant


The giant, composed entirely of water, collapsed immediately; the water on the big beach fell on the ground, and suddenly a splash of water was splashed. The unique sound of the water was like the mourning of the water giant - '锵' the blade with the ice Straight in the hall, Ye Qi, who took the knife, turned around, and his eyebrows wrinkled and looked at the ice knife.

The violent fluctuations of the water giant have not disappeared, and they still exist, from which the ice knife is uploaded.

Is the body just a cover?

Feeling the fluctuations in the perception of blind fighting, Ye Qi’s eyes glimpsed—because the water giant’s huge body as a cover for Ye Qi did not know exactly where the fluctuations came from; even, looking at that It doesn't move, it is like a strong ice knife that is inserted into the ordinary weapon after the owner loses it. Ye Qi is completely For someone else's unexpected knife, he is so frustrated or directly injured or even Scene of death

Tight arrangement

Looking at the ice knife in front of him, and then thinking of the previous illusion, Ye Qi couldn't help but admire in his heart; of course, the praise in the heart did not stop Ye Qi's hand, just smashed the knives, again Out of the sheath, the blade points directly to the ice knife

When the blade of the knives had not approached the ice knives, a chill came out from the surface of the blade and spread toward Ye Qixun. A visible frost in the direction of the cold was frozen on the ground.


The cone-shaped flame emanates from Ye Qi’s idle left palm and hits the cold straight.

PS lined up to buy a train ticket, delayed... For a lower ticket, it took four and a half hours to be decadent...

Thanks to the qrup123588 starting point reward, the 500ml 588 starting point reward and the feng+1 one-month ticket, the intoxicated ger's one-month ticket is invalid here. Thanks to all the supportive decadent brothers and sisters to be continued)

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