Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 30: Blood and fire

Several pirates faced Rhodes in this state of madness, and all of them retreated. Only Mary and another tall man sat in place without moving - the muscles of the knot filled the entire clothes, It seems that it must be blown up at any time. Under the high forehead, in the deep eye socket, a pair of gray eyes calmly look at the **** scene in front of him. Without any fluctuations, it is usually like his grayish long hair. Any anger

In Rhodes's madness, Mary's disdain, and finally the man's calm is undoubtedly eye-catching. At the very least, the pirates who are far away from the sneak are all staring at three people, especially Rhodes. The madness left a deep impression on these desperate people. The inner jealousy is far from the remaining two people, even if they know that the remaining two are not irritating, but Rode’s fangs are exposed. The attitude still makes the instinct of these desperate people more vigilant - they are invited here to participate in big business, but not for the sake of no reason, even if you forget the precious life of the dead, you will distinguish The value of death is still not worth it.


The crowd is clearly the two pirates who belonged to Rhodes. Looking at the captain who had already recovered, he immediately picked up the towels that had been prepared, and neatly arranged the instruments for their captains; the two pirates and others People are obviously very different, although they are all the same, but the whole person and the dress are very clean and tidy - although the pirates are born, they don't care about the instrument, but since their captain ordered Regularly tidy the meter within the stipulated time then they must do this; because this is their captain, the commander of the sea wolf admiral, a big pirate active in two routes near the port of Saskatchewan

"After the two entertainments, I think we should talk about it seriously."

After letting the two men wipe the blood from his body, Rhodes took off his glasses alone and took a soft cloth from his arms and wiped it gently; and, while rubbing, he said - although there was no name It’s not the fools who said the two, but their eyes are once again concentrated on Mary and the calm man.

As for the opposition to Rhodes?

For the pirates whose fists are big, the reputation of Rhodes, the manpower of the ship and the bloodthirsty are his fists; and it is clear that the vast majority of the people present are not the big fists; therefore, the choice of silence is the most Good choice; of course, if someone is not convinced to jump out and blame all the people around Rhodes are welcome

Like the excitement, it is the nature of these gangsters.

"Is there anything to talk about? The benefits are divided into four, we are one by one, and the rest are given to them."


"You are very arrogant."

"Do you know who I am?"


Mary’s very direct remarks immediately caused dissatisfaction among all the people except Rode and the calm man in the cabin. Although there were various reasons, most of the money and wealth were turned into desperados. The root cause of pirates; in the measurement and distribution of wealth, even the captain with the highest authority on the ship must abide by the corresponding distribution plan; otherwise, the rebellious captain is not one or two.

Now Mary's distribution plan obviously touches the roots of these desperados. Even if they know each other's reputation, one or two people stand up and stare at Mary in a bad looking manner; and when they have taken the lead, many people stand up; Except for Rhodes and his two subordinates who stood there, and the calm man, Mary stood on the opposite side of everyone for almost a moment.

However, in the face of this situation, Mary, the pirate female captain, smiled again and again with a disdainful smile. The mouth was ridiculous and her eyes were full of contempt: "It seems that it is enough to divide it into three now."


A one-handed sword suddenly appeared in Mary's hand, then waved forward laterally, and a transparent wave of waves rushed toward the group of pirates.

Divided into two, without the slightest effort, the pirates gathered in front of Mary are cut from the waist to the chest according to their height; without any screams or mourning, it seems to be still. Then the blood rushed out and did not face the boots of several people still standing.

It was very disgusting to shake the palm of his hand. He couldn’t see Rode, who had been excited to the madness before, and jumped directly to the bed. The two of his men did not have such good luck, and they were directly ejected. The water didn't pass the boots and the trousers were stained with red; however, the two of Rhodes' men didn't care too much, and then they were bored with cleaning; at this moment, their eyes were strangely in front of them. The scene attracted the past -

In the blood, Mary floated straight on it, as if it were a feather, completely lost gravity; and next to her, the calm man did not move, so he continued to sit; but the blood was like When you come alive, when you are a few inches away from him, you suddenly wander around and then gather together.

In the cabin that was soaked in blood, the only open space was formed.

The calm man sitting cross-legged, the gray eyes are printed with bright and fascinating colors around him, and they are unmoved, but the lips are slightly open and close, and a dry voice is revealed: "Divided into three, I want two copies"

The dry voice was unquestionable, and the original smile of Rhodes’ mouth at the bed was immediately stiffened, and Mary shrugged without hesitation, apparently by default. The pirate world, the higher the standing, the more you understand that the rules are as unreachable as the Thunder Pool; otherwise, those who have just been split into two halves are the best ones who don’t understand their strength and blur their own Positioning, can’t see what is facing, when it’s not enough

Mary doesn't want to be the guy under her sword that makes her look down.

Compared with Mary's simplicity, Rhodes is obviously more complicated than it is. However, the eyeball that is blocked by the lens slightly turns around. Then, the smile still promises: "Of course, no problem; the defender's proposal us Since you follow, please send a signal"

Looking at the signal gun that Rode handed over, the calm man called the defender, took it straight away - the right means the obligation, whoever fires the signal gun, this looting must be dominated by who; Obviously, Rhodes does not want to use the main force to attack the port of Saskatchewan on the premise of less points of trophy; after all, the guards of the Northstead family are not so irritating; in fact, if it is not the first contact of Ruth It’s him, and after the pirates are all in contact with him, Rhodes has already let this initiative go out.

For Rhodes, it is his favorite to be able to hide behind the other side and grab the spoils; even if he is taken away by the other side, the rest is enough for him to be happy with his men.

As for glory?

What does he have as a pirate?

Rhodes took his two men, smiled and walked side by side with Mary and walked toward the deck behind the defenders; and gestured to the two men behind him without a trace, immediately the two His men’s heart will once again fall behind one step – since he has made up his mind to be cheaper behind the other side, then Rhodes does not mind doing a thorough addition; after all, his men are also hard to gather. Being able to die less is one, isn't it?

And for his own captain's approach, Rhodes's men naturally have no complaints, can not sell their lives and have the money to give any pirates such conditions, will give their hands to agree

Although Rhodes was very secretive, she did not get through Mary's eyes, but this time, she just snorted and did not say anything - although she agreed with the defender's proposal, it does not mean She has no grievances; she agrees that she only obeys the rules of the pirates, but the grievances are strong.

Therefore, Mary does not mind Rhodes calculating for defenders. On the contrary, she has the same plan.

Rhodes looked at Mary's performance and couldn't help but smile at each other; after changing the other person's disdainful look, there was no difference. He continued to smile and followed the defender and set foot on the deck.

As for defenders?

It was calm all the time, gray eyes, no sensation; even if it stood on the deck, it was the same as the signal gun; it was like a lifeless cockroach


The pale signal bomb flew up into the sky, bursting open, and a sly gimmick grew up in the night sky, making a silent laugh.

On the orderly marching ship, countless sailors looked up at the gimmicks floating in the night sky, which had not been scattered for a long time; after a while, some experienced sailors immediately shouted loudly: "Pirates are pirates"


The sailors with the highest shouts fell into a pool of blood after a burst of knives; and there were several strange and strange people around them; no doubt, such changes immediately caused a chain reaction. All the sailors are subconsciously looking for the weapon of the hand--the existence of being able to live on the sea, all of them are physically strong, and some of the soft nature will become tough in the storms of the sea again and again; Some captains who follow the sailors themselves are doing nothing when they are unknown.

Therefore, the blood did not scare off the sailors, but it aroused the courage of these sailors; especially when some captains took out their own private goods, it made the sailors’ courage rise again. A slightly worn, but well-maintained T2 submachine gun, with a few precise shots, several screaming pirates fell into the harbor waters with their blood on their foreheads.

The captain of the wine glass and the mermaid, Ai Dong licks his favorite cigar, his hands firmly hold the T2 style that has been carefully maintained by him, and then like the ducks next to the reeds every fall, the pirates in the field of vision are one by one. Named as a veteran soldier, such a shot is simply as easy as eating and drinking. Even if it is not because of the old injury in his leg, he will definitely throw the gun in his hand and take it. The long sword fights with each other; it is like the captain of the Haas, the same as Haas.

"This is the ship of Lao Tzu, and no one can go up without the consent of Lao Tzu."

After a pirate even took a knife and smashed the bow, Haas, who had already reached the middle-aged lower abdomen, pulled off his captain’s suit and hat, shouted loudly, and rushed to the springboard again. Pirates rushing on the Haas


A bent sneaked behind Haas, the pirate who just raised the knife was shot, the bullet hit the eyebrow, the impact even knocked on the other's skull, the blood and brain pulp immediately spurted to splash Haas a neck However, Haas did not care about it, looking at the bright red in his hand, laughing and laughing at Ai Dong with his long-handed harpoon - the fisherman-born Haas is more popular than the sea. A fine sword or a one-handed knife, whether it is weight or sharpness, he likes the harpoon in his hand.

In fact, this is the case. Ordinary pirates face Haas, whether it is a sword or a knife. As long as they are swept by Haas’s harpoon, they will be dismissed, and the brave elements holding the weapon will not even be together. Haas swept into the sea; especially with the addition of Ai Dong, Haas did not have to worry about being kicked out after the cold gun was shot. Haas, who was shirtless with his upper body, wiped his own beard and laughed in front of him. The pirates are fighting like his ancestors did - pirates, as long as they are living on the sea, whether they are fishermen or businessmen, they have an unforgettable hatred with each other.


The screams condensed before death are undoubtedly bleak. They loosened the hand held on the shank and kicked the other side into the sea. The sailor who was almost exhausted physically sat down on the deck. "Houh", even a violent breath, so that his chest can not support ups and downs, and even his vision is blurred

"Ken? Maier Harvey..."

A series of names shouted from the sailor's mouth, but unfortunately there was no response until the last name; the effort took a breath, and in his vague eyes, a group of fierce pirates boarded them and kept guarding them. The ship, looking at him

"A total of six people, plus one just, you still owe us five"


Pulling out the short knife at the waist, the sailor rushed up again without hesitation.

The ship fell into a ship and fell into the control of the pirates - facing the well-equipped pirates who made a living by looting, and the brave sailors were not opponents; although they could stop for a while, they could not stop it. I

"The **** of the **** bastard harbor is dead? How has it been so long?"

Haas, who is drinking in the shackles, has been breathing a little, even if he is strong, he can't resist the invasion of time - once again sweeping the pirates in front of the sea, watching the distance once again set up a springboard, eager to try, Countless countless pirates, Haas couldn’t help but look around him.

Hybrid **** hybrid

When he saw the number of people around him, Haas immediately blurted out—as the Haas, who ran the cargo transportation between ports, the number of full members reached 50, but now, including Captain Haas himself. There are only ten people left in it; more than forty people have died forever in a cigarette.


Ai Dong walked behind Haas with his legs and said faintly.

"Your wine glass and mermaid"

Originally, the subconscious would have to refute Ai Dong’s Haas, and suddenly saw the blazing fire – it was Ai Dong’s boat: the wine glass and the mermaid

It is the only property of Ai Dong, the pension that he exchanged for his leg, and the only property acquired after years of hard work.

"The wine glass and the mermaid are my friends, I will never allow him to be a pirate's car."

Ai Dong’s face was dull, but his tone was slightly trembling; obviously, Ai Dong’s heart was far from the calm on the surface, but he was restrained by his own willpower.

"The storm has returned in about three hours. These guys won't go there. It will be their next goal..." Ai Dong pointed at the pier in the distance and said softly: "Yes, our next battlefield"

Haas followed Ai Dong’s finger and looked at the pier in the distance, his face was cloudy – from a lowest-end fisherman, to now he became the captain of the Haas, named after himself, and the hardship was only Haas. It is clear to me; originally, Haas intends to use the Haas as a boat owner to keep his own descendants, just like all the traditions of the fisherman’s family, the son inherits the father’s ship, and the grandson inherits. The son’s ship, passed down from generation to generation

This is the most normal and suitable

But now, facing a group of jackals that have opened their mouths, his Haas...

In the end, Haas stumbled and shouted: "The little ones, burning the boat, jumping into the sea"

As Ai Dong said, their boat can’t be a pirate’s car anyway.

Hybrids, let’s see you later.

Before jumping into the water, Haas once again glanced at the pirates who couldn’t stop sneaking and fighting the fire on their own ignited Haas.

PS woke up and it snowed again...

500 ml 588 starting point reward, 100 starting point reward and always late L one month ticket, n98 one month ticket decadent again Thank you all the support of decadent brothers and sisters to be continued)

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