Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 47: Intermittent (below)

The screams and mourning moments broke the original solemn and continuous prayers: the bright blood gradually replaced the holy white and stood in the middle of the ancestral hall of Carter, and did not bother because of Delin’s killing: he was slow Going to the statue at the very front of the church.

Like the old man, it is like a pure youth, and the solid body is replaced by countless thorns, and the eyes are full of sorrow and looking down on the beings. Under the image of a real man, Carter raised his head and looked at it with a shadow across the hood: and, in the end, a sneer for the end of this pair of paintings.

"You are just a stone, a cold and ruthless stone! What qualifications do you have to be worshipped by people? Stones should have a look like stones!"

Raise the staff in the right hand and point at the statue: immediately a green flame is sprayed from the front of the staff, and the statue is instantly shrouded as if the high-strength sulfuric acid is corroding the object. The sound of the cockroach, the whole idol turned into a black mud and looked at the mud in front of him. Carter turned around and walked to the door of the Great Hall, looking through the columns and looking at the pier. The direction of the area is almost reddish, and the corner of the mouth after the shadow can not help but slightly upturn.

"Ignorance and stupid guys, let me make you understand what real horror and death are!"

The slightly excited tone, even if it is separated by the shadow of the layer, is obviously incomparable; a green ball of light appears in the palm of the left hand of Carter as the sound falls, and then he gently drops the green When the light ball touches the ground, it immediately melts into the earth like a snowflake melts.

Drop! drop! drop!

"It's really moving!"

The alarm sound of the electromagnetic detector EMS rang quickly, and several demon hunters in a small towed body, which was temporarily composed of two cars and some wire mesh, stood up immediately, and the rifle in the hand was aimed at the front. Although the cemetery received this semi-mandatory task from the temporary head of the branch of Datong at the beginning, several of them were extremely reluctant. After all, everyone knows that several cemeteries near the port of Saskatchewan are very calm. For them, it is almost comfortable with the parks in the afternoon, and how there are dark creatures there: And accepting such a task, especially if the fundamental nature is still free, is undoubtedly the performance of the brain.

But in the Randy Fort devils not crying in the bar, eating white and drinking several times, they are embarrassed to directly reject each other, plus more than a few of them are forced to accept this semi-mandatory task, including Hillier There are several famous lone rangers inside. Almost all the hunters in the Bay Area were forced to accept such a task called 'cleaning the cemetery, and they eventually had to choose to accept.

Although it was reluctant at first, after accepting the task, all the demon hunters began to organize the equipment and all the weapons and equipment, and proceeded to their respective missions as the center of the Gulf. There are no fewer than five well-known cemeteries. They are buried in the world from the two centuries ago, and the largest number of people buried in the cemetery is more than 20,000: As for some small burial points, including private family-style cemeteries, the number is much more unclear.

after all. As a Saskatoon port with many merchants, as long as it is a little worth, there is no urgency to hope that you can have a family cemetery: even after death, you can show your differences. At this moment, several hunters are at The cemetery is a family cemetery of a businessman who has a status in Saskatchewan: only a few hunters who chose and decorated the ancestors of the merchant’s ancestors could not reach the gorgeous cemetery. They are more concerned about what is buried in the cemetery.

The hunter who spoke before looked at the pointer on the EMS of the electromagnetic detector to the pointer in the red area, not only frowned slightly, but also unconsciously slammed his mouth: "So heavy negative energy. Is the skeleton in the entire cemetery alive? The **** Datong, how did he know that there would be a situation in the cemetery near the port of Sas?"

"Hurry up the spirit of the powder! Don't worry about how the little man knows. Compared to how he knows, I am more worried about things that are removed from the bones!"

The squad is clearly the presence of the leader, interrupting the voice of his teammates: then staring at the graveyard in front of him, he has to say that the ancestor of the businessman who has a status in Saskatchewan is alive. The existence of a small family cemetery, buried a number of hundreds: at the time, just before coming to the cemetery. The leader of the squad also praised the fertility of the businessman's ancestors: However, now I can't wait to hold the other's collar to ask the other person, nothing to do so much!

"Boss, let's burn with gasoline!"

"Unless you find me a tanker now, the two barrels of gasoline will be enough for you to order a few!"

From the inside of the train. The first one to talk about the two 20-litre petrol barrels before they heard the answer from their boss, they couldn’t help but touch their backs. Under the faint moonlight, you can see that this slightly hunter-hunting demon person has a pretty young face with a thin layer of fluff in the corner of his mouth: no doubt, this year, in ordinary people's The family is still a child. You should enjoy the warmth of your family and accept good education: instead of guns like you do now. Keep in front of the cemetery.

Damn dark creatures!

Looking at this because of the loss of my parents and my sister, I was exposed to the dark world, and I just joined the juvenile in my team: I thought that the other party touched the demon hunter’s code with one hand a week ago, and the eyes became unshakable. In the scene, the captain could not help but feel the bitterness in his heart.

This time, really go...............

Silently sighed, the captain was very clear in accordance with the pointer index on the electromagnetic detector BU, as his young companion said, it is very likely that the existence of the tombstone in front of him, all must, live, come over One just thought about how many of them were going to fight against this re-live, live, and the number of guys coming over. The captain’s heart couldn’t help but stunned: Although he has been psychologically prepared since he became a demon hunter. But when it was really faced, the captain found that he still couldn't fully understand it.

"Ken, I need you to report back to the branch in Langhamburg!"

Suddenly, the captain suddenly said to his young team members that the other three adult demon hunters had a glimpse, and then immediately returned to normal, and nodded and smiled: "Yes, this situation is beyond our expectation." You must report the situation to the club to make an urgent response!"

"When you drive, you can return to Langburg for two hours!"

"Yes. Your guy's shooting method is too bad, so you can report it and you are no better!"

The three demon slayers are really clear about what they are facing in front of them; therefore, for their captain’s sudden proposal, they have lost their loved ones and friends in the traditional sense from the bottom of the pro-hunter. They have established a more intimate relationship: perhaps they have no traditional children, but they have a disciple.

The teenager in front of me, in a sudden accident, because the dark creatures lost their parents and sisters, they have been following them after being saved. Learning all their skills about the demon hunter, although there is no such thing as a teacher, but there is a real teaching, and this is undoubtedly the disciple they passed down, after they die, with their nostalgia for them, bring them The name, continue to be a disciple on the road to the demon hunter!

"You lied to me! I am not a kid who was cheated by sugar when you took it five years ago!"

The words of the companions made the boy's face instantly flushed, perhaps his youngness was still young; but he experienced unexpected pain compared to his peers. Undoubtedly different from the maturity of the age, including the captain, the intention of several companions, almost instantaneous, he was guessed!

The feeling of being cared makes him feel warm, but this is definitely not the reason he left alone!

Therefore, he immediately became stunned: "I was the official demon hunter a week ago! The demon hunter who escaped from the danger of abandoning his companion alone is definitely not a qualified hunter! But it is a species! Even if it is facing death, I Also be a qualified hunter, not a scorpion!"

In the face of the young man's scorpio, four adult hunters looked at each other. I can’t help but smile all the time: at this moment, they really have some regrets, why would this disciple be so intelligent: However, immediately after a burst of happiness, they will burst out from the bottom of their hearts, even if they are facing death, I will also be qualified for the demon hunter. Not a trick!

Isn't this the best portrayal of the demon hunter?

As the disciple of theirs said. He is really a formal and qualified hunter!

Long took a breath, the captain glanced at the three of his three full smiles, did not disable the force of the young boy's head; then shook his hand rifle, laughed: "You, It’s time for a big fight! How about preparation?”

"Boss, don't worry! Isn't it a bunch of bad bones? We haven't dealt with it!,

"Yes. We did not know how much we did before, and it is not worse than this one hundred!"

The remaining four players are as usual before each battle begins. They slammed their own rifle on their shoulders. When the division stretched out the right hand of the fist, the five fists were all together: then, together, the voice of the sky shouted: "We are not part of the light, we are not dark. We walked on the edge, we were originally for inner hatred; now, we are guarding, only for more people will not be swallowed by hatred: we are the hunters in the dark, the stackers of the monsters, the dark creatures Nightmare, we are hunters..............."

As a qualified hunter, including the young player, they know exactly what situation they will face, but they will not back down, just because they have the phrase 'now, we are guarding, just for more People will no longer be swallowed by hatred, the vows, every hunter has a sad past that is difficult to mention, no one knows more than a person who has experienced the pain in person. How much it will be experienced by one person!

Therefore, they can't back down, give up, but stick to it here!

Destroy every monster you see!

For the Saskatoon that is filled with ordinary people not far behind!


The tombstone was overturned, the tomb was opened, and the existence of the world had already left, and once again appeared in front of the people: under the decaying coat, a bone with carrion, filled with strange energy: blue The fire of the soul was ignited in the deep eye socket, and a silent roar!

There is no command, just because the instinct is disgusting to the living, and hundreds of shoes are rushing toward the five hunters!

boom! boom! boom!

The gunshots that came to the rifle rang in the graveyard; the four demon hunters, divided into front and rear rows, took turns to shoot, and by virtue of the rifle-specific rune bullets, they immediately formed a forward 120-degree range. Firepower: The first batch of dozens of smashing shoes that were rushed up were immediately crushed: the captain of the squad stood beside his team and specialized in the missing rifle, and the eyes were vigilant. The material of the tow body that was built around the side, whether it is the wire or the car, was soaked and wiped by the holy water and had a strong deterrent and lethal effect on these dark creatures: but this does not eliminate the captain’s doubts. No one knows better than him. Under the influence of the negative energy, the small cemetery in front of him is small. In addition to the resurrection of these shoes in front of him, there are still very few days that may appear, and some even worry him. The presence.

Some are absolutely deadly for ordinary hunters!

The captain’s line of sight has been staring at the circle of the spirits powder at the foot. For those who can’t see and hear it, the existence of the enchantment of the spiritual powder is their eyes. After the salt was mixed with the ears by the centuries-old tomb. Spiritual powder formed by special refining has a strong defense against ordinary evil spirits or virtual dark creatures!


When the spiritual powder at the foot appeared as if it was blown by the wind, the captain did not hesitate to raise the rifle. In the direction of the empty direction, it was a shot of a specially refined spirit powder. Although it looks like a powder, when it is sprinkled on the ground, it will quickly blend into the soil. It is not the ordinary wind that can be blown: the only thing that can make such changes in the spirit powder is only one possibility!

Undoubtedly, the existence that the captain has been worried about has emerged!

After a shot. The captain did not stop, but instead opened three shots at the top of the empty space and the left and right sides. According to the changes of the spirit powder, judging the position of the monsters that could not be seen by the naked eye, it is a qualified hunting. The devil must learn; and as the captain of a small team of demon hunters, although not a demon hunter with a high-level title. It is not the apostles who are talented, but the long time to become a demon hunter, the experience gained, is enough to make the captain make up for the gap: at the same time. It is also enough to gain the trust of your peers!

Therefore, when the two hunting demons who saw the captain saw their captain shoot at the empty space, they immediately subconsciously followed the empty plane and pulled the trigger.

"You are concentrating on those shoes! These guys who can't see it, give it to me!"

The captain shouted at the two players who shot and then, again, the trigger on the other side of the empty plane, he was very clear. Although his companions are brave, their experience is not enough in the face of these invisible enemies: especially in the face of the impact of over 100 pairs of shoes, if there is no reliable sustainable The support of the firepower network, then even without these glory, they are not far from the ruin.

Even if you have already made the worst plan. But this is not what they want!

At the very least, even if it is dead. Also, do not have these monsters in front of you and the monsters in the world!

One, two, three a total of five!

Through the invisible presence of the touch of the spirit powder, the captain quickly calculated a number of such existences; however, when he got this result, he was a subconscious frown, for this The owner of the cemetery raised a thick disdain and ridiculously glittering Kipton from the bottom of his heart, always covered with endless ugliness!

How is this invisible existence formed? The captain who is a hunter is naturally clear: except for a certain negative energy, the most important thing is the unwillingness and hatred of the heart: the means of murder. Undoubtedly, it is the best means of reluctant to hate infinitely in the heart. Under the influence of the negative energy of the gas, according to the captain’s estimation, it is most likely to form two or three ghosts: after all, for those businessmen At some point, he was still very clear about the bad means.

However, it is clear that for the despicable means of the businessmen, the captain discovered at this moment that he still did not have an accurate understanding. As long as there are more than 300% of the profits, you can ignore everything! It’s really nausea!

If it weren't for the fact that he was behind him, and then removed these merchants, there was the existence of other ordinary people: the captain really wanted to go straight and left: and, he can be sure that his proposal would definitely be taken by his players. Feel hands to agree!

It’s really cheaper for you guys!

After slamming into the ground, the captain again picked up the rifle in his hand.

PS hand pain is it yesterday that the pig's trotters have been retribution?

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