Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 57: assistance

"The previous scene? However, it is the blood awakening! And, don't you think it is more appropriate to ask the little girl who sent you the horse? Of course, I am very much looking forward to your entry into the North's family estate. I met the guy’s hand!"

After throwing such a sentence, the wolf quickly sneaked into the land of the seal with a smirk - the nightmare, the demon that is superior to most ordinary dark creatures, is definitely the existence of the Holy See to clear, What's more, the owner of this nightmare is Ye Qi!

What happened to those guys?

Ye Qi’s lips were slightly upturned, and a cold and full of smiles were sketched out. After learning about the long-term plan of the Holy See, Ye Qi understood that his teacher’s work in the Shenglin District. For, or is his own contractual relationship with the wolf; he has completely stood on the opposite side with the other party!

There must be a demise between the two!

In addition, there is no possibility of another possibility!

And now or about what is going to happen, it’s just some prelude!

Looking at Groning, who is like a legendary nightmare, Ye Qi knows that the Holy See will definitely give him a big hat down - although there is no such thing as a nightmare in the history of Lorante, but when When this person appears and has hatreds with the Holy See, the Holy See will never succumb to his propaganda ability, and delineate a deed that is dark, fearful, and must be destroyed for this person!

In fact, as early as the beginning of the sacred era, nearly a decade or so, in order to quickly stabilize its dominance, the Holy See has done more than once against individuals or forces that might threaten the power of the Holy See; The banner encouraged the blind civilians to follow the disciplinary knight to encircle the encirclement, and then use the blood and hatred in the battle to completely demonize the other party, and finally pushed the main popular punishment tool in that era - the firearms !

Thinking of the souls who were dying on the firearms, Ye Qi’s smile was getting colder and colder – in the presence of those who were pushed into the firearm, there was no shortage of the demon hunter!

Somewhere in the Tower of Knowledge is very inconspicuous, until Ye Qi has the identity of the patrol to see the collection. The list of the demon hunters who died in the past year and the Holy See, has been stuffed into a book that has been filled with a width of ten feet and a height of fifteen feet. Divided into ten bookshelves - open these books, each of which represents seven or eight, and even more of the names of the deceased hunters and simple life stories, but hundreds of pages Books. It means that it is nearly a thousand lives!

There are no dead bodies, no relics, and except for the records in this corner, these demon hunters have nothing left; Ye Qi did not count in detail how many such books are on the ten-story bookshelf, but It is enough to make him understand the arrogance of the Holy See and the pride of the present - at the cost of countless lives. The glory of being is always so long; even those who are sacrificed are innocent!

In the face of the priests who maintain such a glorious tradition, even the faith of the Holy See, Ye Qi will never be soft-hearted - if it is in that sacred age, Ye Qi will definitely have scruples, but now is the age of freedom !

A supreme government has existed, the demon hunter has risen, and the Holy See will be in a free age!

A person will be divorced from the **** of God. Start a self-improvement free age!

A **** who will surely fool the world. And the free age of your minions!

"The so-called supreme everything, do you feel the excitement of long-lost? Because your old rival has been silently accumulating strength, waiting for you! Or you feel the worry that you think you will never exist? Because You found that in addition to your old rivals, there are more people waiting for you!"

Feel the sacred atmosphere of the cold and the more intense, and the clear white light of the magic, Ye Qi's left hand gently placed on the handle of the knives. The eyes of the tiny eyes are brilliant and the war is rising.


It seems as if I feel the war of my own body. Originally because of the third-generation nightmare that was born in the battlefield, it immediately issued its own unique beastly beggar--although it was only the third-generation nightmare. However, Groning, who inherited the blood of the nightmare, still has the ability to belong to his father and grandparents, even if it is deeply hidden, but after feeling the unique war, the silk is hidden deep and bloody. Being catalyzed and excited!


Gronin spurted a smoldering flame, and the flames of the four hooves became more intense and vigorous in an instant, and then leaped into the air with enthusiasm - leaping high Groning, straight beyond the entrance to the entrance to the city of Randin from the chaos of the age to defend against the ravages of the bandits, dark creatures, and then when the body reached its peak, began to fall back, Gronin fiercely Stepped on the ground, the body that had originally fallen back was pulled up and forward again.

Is this flight? !

Looking at the streets of Randingburg, feeling the airflow at high altitude, and the faster and faster speed, Ye Qi glimpsed slightly; then, the scenery around it quickly retreated, the wind whistling in the ear, and the clouds above the head gathered thunder and flashed. In midair, he suddenly laughed happily - since there are so many people waiting for you, then it is not bad for me!

Suddenly, Longwei, who was restrained by instinct in the ascending war, was completely liberated at this moment.


The sorghum, loud, and thorough to the top of the sky, the dragons trembled throughout the city of Randy, so that countless people woke up from their dreams, the animals were instinctively fleeing; and only those who had deep memories of the presence of the Holy See, looked Passing through the dragon-shaped flames over the streets of Landingburg, the awkward squatting on the ground, shivering.


“This is the Northder family?!”

On the canopy of the temporary structure of Ava, the little man was surprised and widened his eyes. The tree selected by Ava is not only tall, but the lush canopy guarantees enough hidden space for the hiding people, and the position is extremely Well, standing in the canopy can see everything that happened in front of the entire Northder family home.

Therefore, when I just jumped on the tree, the little man saw the sea gods who were surrounded by hundreds of disciplinary knights, and the Dylan’s Gail, who faced one of the three presiding judges. Northd - Although the little man had the worst psychological preparation when he received the news of Ava, he never thought that it could be bad to this extent!

There is no one who should exist in the day of the glory, and there is no one of the moon-high sea gods. Even the better apostles did not appear; the little man on the trunk looked at the young goddess who was younger and slightly younger. If it wasn’t the blue armor, he even thought it was the Lexus gang. The little devil ran out to pretend.

"According to the news we got. Can the Nosd family's sea gods reach the moonlight level before they can be recognized? But now, except for the Linda who has an unclear relationship with the leaves, everyone else seems to be Didn't you meet the standards you deserve? Also, a big North family, the accumulation of the millennium, there is no one strong day! This is too strange?"

The little man whispered his face in confusion, while Ava and the big man next to him looked at each other and shook their heads in confusion - the information they got from the headquarters of the Demon Hunter. It is not basically possible to make mistakes; not to mention that even if the sea gods are not mentioned, the emergence of the Sun Yat-class powers cannot be concealed at all; and according to the Nosd family, there was a Japanese-style glory twenty-five years ago. The volatility of the promotion of the strong is that all the forces of the whole of Lorante are clear; together with the original strongman of the Norther family, the Northder family must have at least two glory days. The strong is in the right place!

If, in addition, the long-lived age of the strong vitality of the Sun Yat-class power is counted, then the Nosted family has the third strongest person in the day, and it is not something that is unacceptable. Because of this, when planning at the time. The young man and Gran Hill will directly propose the choice of 'training soldiers'; after all. There are two or three North Germans who sit in the town, even if it is the Holy See, unless it is the long time that the Pope, who is considered to be the closest to God, has not appeared in person; otherwise, don't worry!

As for the pope?

Unless the Holy See really wants to provoke a war that affects the whole of Lorraine! And this, in the short term. Basically impossible!

However, when I saw the current situation with my own eyes. But everyone, including the little one, feels lucky for a while!

"Lutir's arrogant guy didn't rush in to kill the Northder family. It seems that our luck is really good!" The little man's mouth was full of self-deprecating smiles - he couldn't imagine. If the estate of the Northstead family is swept away, the scene of the Holy See is in place; if, such a scene, the people who have planned the plan, including him and Gran Hill, will undoubtedly become the entire dark world. Laughing, and more importantly, he will no longer face Ye Qi who gave everything to him. Basically, only those who have been to the dark world in the Bay Area have a clear understanding of the relationship between Ye Qi and the North German family. After all, often, the devil does not cry the bar, and even has a permanent residence. The singularity of the bar is a good proof - and on this premise, the Northder family is destroyed, and the party belonging to Yaki is just 'training soldiers' and 'nothing to care about' the Northd family; as long as one When I think of such a message, the little man feels that his scalp is numb.

Even after the event, someone will doubt the strength of the Northder family, which is inconsistent with the reputation, but under the influence of the preconceived notion, such doubts must be extremely rare; even, the reason why the Northder family will It is easy to eliminate, it is Ye Qi’s remarks from the middle, and the little man is not surprised. For the despicableness of human nature, as long as his father and mother fell into a pool of blood, those who are usually relatives show ugliness. After the face, the little man will be clear again.


A little man who grew a sigh of relief and looked at the two partners beside him. The three men looked at each other and had the feeling of the rest of their lives. The difference between a good reputation and a bad reputation, even among three people. The big man can easily understand it; if Ye Qi has a reputation like 'seeing forgiveness and forgetting', 'seeing death and not saving', even if it is a strongman of the day, it will be cast aside, especially in With the help of the Holy See, I will definitely suffer a lot of trouble even if I do not care.

"Let's go, the time for watching the show is over; it's our turn to play the **** of the disciplining knight!"

The little man who clapped his hands and stood up. The first one jumped out of the canopy and rushed into the battlefield of the disciplinary knight and the sea god. The big man and Ava followed closely—although they were the Norther family. The identity of the patriarch and the owner’s Gail Northd is obviously more important. But all three can clearly see that the presiding judge who confronted Gail Northd did not hurt the other party at all, even if the scene seemed to be thrilling. But in fact, at every crucial moment, the presiding judge left room for it; otherwise, with the fundamental strength gap between the two sides, Gail Northd has long been dead.


For the three people who suddenly rushed into the battlefield. At the outermost disciplinary knight immediately shouted loudly; however, the answer to him was that the big man looked at the fist that would make people feel scared.

boom! boom! boom!

Just like a truck that had been galloped and smashed, one after another, the disciplinary knight in the strength of the fist impact, the original strong armor, shield, all broken and splashed. The body that bears the remaining strength, can not help but leave the ground, high flying, and then the heavy fall of the crowd, the ground - the companion being shot, immediately reminded the disciplinary knights who are encircling the sea gods, the present The disciplinary knights were split into two in the captain's shouts, some of which continued to fight with the sea gods; the rest were encircled by sudden invaders.

"Give it to me here, go and help the little guys!"

There was no tension after being surrounded. The big man looked at the heavily armed disciplinary knights. Immediately excited, laughing, facing the two companions on the side, waved straight to the shield wall composed of the disciplinary knight in front of them - a branch of the shield wall composed of the knight round shield The long sword from the middle of the depths, even in this faint moonlight, exudes the unique coldness of the metal weapons; but the big man seems to see these long swords. Straight up and rushed up.

Ding! Ding! Ding!


A series of sounds like a blacksmith's shop hitting a good steel ingot, accompanied by a faint, dull sound - a scent of the original. The straight sword stabbed the body of the big man without reservation, but there was no flesh and blood flying. Instead, a spark of spatter was spattered in the place where the blade and the muscle touched; immediately there were many long swords coming out of the hand, and in the next big man's impact, the remaining long swords were all bent and broken!

Then, the more closely guarded the shield wall, when it was hit by a big man, suddenly became a dry and flat spray bin cover, while the disciplinary knights with shields followed. The trash can lid on the arm, with a twisted arm, once again staged a trapeze!

Immediately, the original tight encirclement, there was a gap - the small man and Ava looked at another rushing into the other disciplinary knight, just like a tiger into the flock, the rampage of the big man, rushed into each other Another encirclement!

For those partners who are already fully familiar with the highest government special cheats 'chariots', they will not worry at all, whether they can discriminate against the knight’s long sword and strength, and they both express deep concern. Suspicion; after all, the bartender in the sea forest, once in a distance, with the 'chariot' hard against the t2 submachine gun, and the unscathed scene is really memorable; Gradually close, or even faint, there is a big man who surpasses the other side. In the words of the bartender, in the near future, his disciple will surpass the real chariot and become the strongest fortress in the entire battlefield, the most powerful. Fire point!

Although there is no clear time in the near future, this is enough for a small man and Ava to have confidence that his partner can be rampant in this group of disciplinary knights - except for sharp swords and strong armor, just There will be some low-level magical disciplinary knights, and there is absolutely no possibility of causing any trouble to their partners!


Regaining a replacement Trident's Linda Northd, watching a fallen companion, and then sweeping the long sword in front of him, immediately shouted - originally arrow-shaped, The sea gods who wore in the disciplinary knights immediately put their shoulders in a circle and quickly stopped the injured companion behind them. Then, they quickly moved to the origin of their injured companions. Just like a blue wheel.

However, it is clear that this is obviously futile, and the disciplinary knights who are accustomed to fighting with the gods are almost the next moment to find a way to cope. A larger double-layered round battle appears in the sea gods. Peripheral, and in the opposite direction of the rotation of the sea gods; and the remaining disciplinary knight ~ ~ immediately prayed on one knee.

The pressure is getting bigger and bigger. Every moment, Linda can hear the squeaking sound of her companion's injury. Every time the snoring sounds, Linda feels a convulsion in her heart. No, it is like this. Go on; I have to use that...

Just as Linda was determined to use the ability to have a strong aftereffect, the pressure around him suddenly disappeared—a thin man with a slick smile in front of her face appeared in front of her.

"Good evening, Miss Linda! Ye, let me bring him the most sincere greetings!"

Ps thanks to 5 ml of 1 starting point coin (scratch water, for a long time no one like this to give a decadent reward, it seems that you can eat meat tomorrow) and a monthly ticket reward, June snow 42 starting point of the reward, the sea of ​​wandering prodigal son 2 The starting point of the reward, the sdicsn1 starting point of the reward, the Xuanyuan Yuhe 1 starting point and a monthly ticket, the nxcx1 starting point of the reward, and the zero-one-one zero monthly ticket reward decadent here鞠躬Thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence (to be网.1.No bomb! Read ^-^

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