Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 64: broken!

Chapter 64 is broken!

When the huge figure really plunged from the air and fully revealed itself, all the talents, because of the distance, they still miscalculated the size of the other side - the three sides are called the huge tower shield, the length of each side They are at least fifteen feet long and ten feet wide. Even those monsters known for their filth and body size can't use such shields, except for the Titans or giants who have long since disappeared in mythology. Normal use of such a shield

However, it is such a giant shield that is still too small to face the flying figure, and even one tenth is not.


Like an explosion of percussive sound, when the huge figure slammed down and hit the first shield, it rang in the ears of people; an invisible ripple formed by sound waves, like the ripples in the lake, toward The spread of the surrounding, the countless strength of the people, had to painfully slammed the ears, and some even directly on the body, fell to the ground, fell into a coma.


The unique sharpness of the metal rushed out of the huge body; immediately, the first shield broke!


The sharp air condenses into a knife, a blade with only four feet of shining, cold and glamorous, and the second shield is broken!


With one hand up and carrying the handle, the blue knife slashed through the night sky, as if to tear the earth and insert it, the third shield is broken!


It’s all broken!

All standing in the Northed family estate, whether in the square or in the main house, all have widened their eyes - these three sides were filled with the shield formed by the full strength of the Japanese sorcerer, even The effect of obstructing it didn't work, it was like a bean, and after three consecutive cracks, it was all broken!

Not only the three shields, but when the huge figure hit the first shield, the other two Japanese phoenix monks were directly one foot full of the fireball composed of the holy fire and aimed at the huge figure. It was a pity that, before the huge figure was touched, the sharp tears that had surged from the huge figure turned into a little white crystals scattered in the air.


In the shock of everyone, Ye Qi did not stop. After breaking through the three giant shields, the sorcerer in his hand was directly aimed at the neck of the monk who used the holy fire to construct a giant shield - no doubt, Compared with several other Sun Yat-sens in the Holy See, the monk who has already made a change in the Holy Fire in front of him is the strongest existence except the red archbishop Terry; and the two monks who issued the flame of the Holy Fire The strength is basically the same as the second bitter monk he beheaded.

Although it is already a strongman of the Japanese glory, but even the holy fire is not completely controlled, they can only be used in a small scope, but at most they just got rid of the existence of the word 'new Jin'; needless to say This use of the sacred fire to construct a giant shield, even compared with the first sorcerer who was wrapped in the flame by his knives, is also quite a distance.

The Holy Fire, a unique feature in the Holy See, envied by countless forces - compared to ordinary magic, the power of the Holy Fire is undoubtedly more powerful, not only capable of attacking, defending, but also having a deadly effect on any dark creature. Any creature with negative energy will have the effect of throwing a match into the gasoline as soon as it is touched, and it will burn all over the body.

Of course, if this is the only thing, it is not enough to make the Holy Fire envious of countless other forces!

The real use of the flame is to make the new Sun Yat-Sen strong, quickly become a shortcut to the true Japanese-level powerhouse - any ordinary new Sun Yat-class powerhouse needs a search for 'roads' In the process of its own, only the Japanese-level hero who has found the 'road' can be called the Japanese glory; otherwise, it is just a 'new promotion'; in the face of the existence of the Japanese glory, it may be unfavorable. But in the face of the real sun, but it seems to be vulnerable.

And the process of finding the 'road' and grinding itself is unpredictable - according to the record, the fastest takes about three minutes; the slowest is that it takes a full fifty years; even if it is The excellent physique of the Sun Yat-sen is 50 years is also a must!

The ruthlessness is enough to make the potential of any heavenly arrogant vanished, and lose everything that should be there - a Japanese-level powerhouse who found the 'road' in 50 years, even if it is still the sun, but its ultimate achievement is inevitable. Limited; in fact, the Japanese-level powerhouse who spent 50 years finding the 'road' died in a chaotic battle between the Holy See and the Dark Creature in the second year of finding the 'Road'.

At the end of the chaos, such a situation is too common. Every day there is a war. The number of people who die every day is even more numerous, if not because of his strong day, and the speciality of 'fifty years’. I am afraid that there will be no existence in his historical record.

It is precisely because of his existence that all the heroes of the Japanese glory and even the moonlight class have noticed a secret of the Holy See - all the Holy See 'new' Sun Yat-class powers, at most only need After a year or so, you will be able to have the strength to fight against the real day-to-day powerhouses; especially the unified white flame, which has made countless powerful people look around.

I have to say that manpower is endless, especially in the era when you have to go crazy and pursue strength in order to survive. It’s only two months. Everything about the holy fire is investigated clearly – from only the day. The basic requirements of the elites of the glory can be practiced and used. Although it is not the way to find the 'newcomer', the quick help of 'new promotion' has become the effect of the true Japanese glory. People’s investigations are clear.

However, at the moment when the investigation was clear, all the people were greatly disappointed, even stunned—because the Holy Fire needed faith in God to be ignited!

This is of course no problem for the faith-based Holy See, but for other forces, it is simply impossible to do it - at the end of this chaotic era, except for the Holy See, any sectarian nature. The organization has been ruined by the Holy See, and there are no leftovers except for some broken palaces and statues.

In the face of the temptation of strength, born in the chaotic era, such a precarious, only the strength is the fundamental era, countless new Sun Yat-class powerhouses and a large number of peaks of the peak of the peaks of the peaks to the Holy See; When the Red Archbishop of the Holy See smiled and opened the gate of the Holy Forest, he greeted the first Japanese glory that was trapped in the 'new year' for 15 years, and the new day was in a short week. After the real daylight level appeared on the battlefield, countless new days and a large number of peaks of the moon-level peak swarmed into the holy forest area.

Some of them have succeeded, and some have failed. However, this does not affect the Holy See’s borrowing of this opportunity to become a giant of the true tyrant Lorante – the second year after a large number of strong influxes into the Holy See The Holy See declared the end of the chaotic era and the sacred age came.

For this incident, which was declared by the Holy See as 'the light of the gods shines on the earth', Ye Qi naturally read it in the Tower of Wisdom, and therefore for the root of all this, the Holy Fire, has paid a lot of attention; This kind of attention has made Ye Qi have a good understanding of the holy fire.

After breaking through the peak of Yuehui, becoming a 'new Jin', as long as the white flame appears on the palm, it proves that the 'new Jin' completely got rid of the name of 'new Jin' and is a real day. The strongest - but the holy fire is not the way to find the 'newcomer'; therefore, the road to be found must reach the white sacred fire to cover the whole body, to continue; to continue to become stronger; To change the original nature and appearance, it is undoubtedly the road that has been found, just like the monk who can construct a shield in front of him.

However, it is clear that the monk who built the shield has been broken, and its strength has been reduced by more than one level!

The blue knife is in the night, it makes people feel beautiful!

Of course, more is dangerous!

Flashing past, flashing again!

The previous Ye Qi has proved his speed to all people, but at the moment all the people are again, Ye Qi at this moment is faster than before - including the monk who can build a giant shield, three days The singular monks of the glory are like standing in the same place as the scorpion puppets; only the people with excellent vision can see that there is a subtlety in the necks of these three monks. The scars of blood beads are seeping out.

Hey! Hey!

puff! puff! puff!

The sorcerer slowly returned to the sheath. After the chopper and the scabbard of the hand guard made a crisp impact, the blood was sprayed from the necks of the three sorcerers, just like the two of their former colleagues. The head fell to the ground.

When the blood was sprayed out, all the people were stunned and watched what was happening in front of them. The bodies of the three sorrowful monks and the bodies of the two former monks were so fallen on the ground, without any The difference, the same corpse separation, is equally unbelievable.

Won? Ye Qi actually won!

Except for the little three people with a smile, all the people, including the Red Archbishop Terry, feel as if they are tumultuous in the heart, even though they are like singers and linings. This is so convinced that Ye Qi will win, but in any case they will not even think it will be so easy.

No, it's easy!

Looking at the micro-squinting eyes, standing in the middle of the five Japanese-level sorcerer's body, the face was light, even there is a kind of feeling of Ye Qi, the red archbishop Triton felt a scalp tingling; almost no hesitation He tore the reel that he carried with him—immediately, a white light appeared around him, and the white passage, the same as before when he appeared, slowly formed behind him.

The white light illuminates and the white passage gradually forms, finally letting the red archbishop of Terry sigh in the bottom of his heart - any strength is proved by facts; and in front of it, there is more than five What is the better proof of the body of the Japanese sorcerer?

Although Terry has repeatedly raised the danger level of Ye Qi in his heart, until now he has not raised enough dangerous levels before him. The young man in front of him is definitely the most dangerous except for his teacher and a few others. The existence of special standards - this time, will not be because of the other teacher's special standards, only because of the other's own strength.

"Bastard! Want to run if you lose? It's not that easy!"

In the moment when the white light appeared, Fletcher Northd spurred the trident in his hand and stabbed at the other side; but in the white light, the trident that was filled with his whole body did not move forward. Signs; this can not help but Fletcher North, the oldest existence of the Norther family, sent out unwilling roar.

"This failure is only the test of the Father God for us! Under the watchful eyes of the Father, the final victory will belong to us!" Standing in the white light, Terry looked at him in front of him, even his face Fletcher, who has been reddened by the power of the whole body, can not help but shake his head and flutter his head, Fletcher, useless! The defensive power of the shelter made by that adult is beyond your imagination! No one can break! ”

"is it?".

Originally a light red archbishop Terry, the whole person's body is a stiff; that light look, and then see the slowly coming Ye Qi, suddenly appeared unnatural.

"Ye Qi’s strength is natural and natural..."

The graceful, holy red archbishop who has always expressed his feelings, at this time, facing Ye Qi’s question, can’t help but answer it – although he has confidence in the strength of the grown-up, the strength of the young man in front of him is equally Xiao Yan; especially, until now, his ability to be filled with the power of death has made him a little overwhelmed.

The shelter can resist any physical, positive and negative energy damage, but it does not include the special existence of the power of death; this is the original words of the adult, but it has always been kept in his heart - watching the more Ye Qi, who is walking closer, tries to keep the calm Terry, and can clearly feel that the cold sweat is flowing down his back.

At about the next step away from Terry, Ye Qi stopped, his eyes narrowed, and the gaze of the Taoist ruling of Lorante was over when the first church burned by civilians appeared. Now; it is the age of freedom, any existence that wants to reproduce the glory of the Holy See in that era will be crushed! ”

“Just like the dark wizards who rekindled the war that year!”

"God will guide us on the most correct path!"

The red archbishop Terry looked at the white passage that was completed behind him and immediately stepped in. Then, slowly, he said.


Looking straight back to re-expressing a red archbishop should have the grace of Terry, Ye Qi disdainfully smiled and turned to go to Groning - with a strange wolf as a reference, for those who have strong strength and have Ye Qi does not hold any hope for their own preferences and feelings; just as he calls the other 'some have a strong presence'.

What's more, from the signing of the contract with the strange wolf, he is destined to stand on the opposite side!

"Thank you very much to Lord Ye Qi!"

"There are people fighting, there is Norther as the maintainer and guardian of Saskatchewan, don't let the people in Saskatchewan disappoint!" Facing the Gronins, facing the ancient nobles etiquette Fletcher Northd, who was slightly distressed, Ye Qi jumped onto Groning's back; then, pointing his finger at the direction of Saskatchewan, the clear voice spread throughout the estate of the Northder family.

"The Northder family will not let the people of Saskatchewan disappoint! Regus and Remus help the Saskatchewan with the fastest speed!"

Fletcher North's body trembled, and his brows couldn't help but wrinkle. When he saw Ye Qi's expression still calm, without any fluctuations, he couldn't help but succumb to Ye Qi again; when he looked up, he turned around. The straight-eyed people said hard.


The two men standing at the front of the Northed family, replied at the same time.


"This old man is very treacherous!"

Leaving the estate of the Northder family, the little man looked back at the sea gods and apostles of the Northed family who had been ready to go. The chin that touched it was just thinking about temptation just now! If it is not Ye You said that North Point when the Port of Saskatchewan, I guess that the old man will probably take the song, Linda to make a fuss! ”

"For the family, the interests of the family are destined to be higher than everything else! Moreover, the port of Saskatchewan is a gold mine that stores countless Kimpton for the Holy See, the pirates, and the merchants; but for us, it is simply A mud pit! Keep signing all kinds of documents, formulating various guidelines, arranging various deployments, and paying attention to the amount of trade items at all times; if you want to live like this, I don't mind going to Fletcher. What do you mean by re-expression!"

"No! I am very satisfied with my current life!"

In the face of the eyes of friends, the little man wants to refute it, but he understands that he is so self-defeating that he immediately puts his hand in his hand.

"So, let's do some work for the demon hunter!" Riding on Gronin's back, Ye Qi smiled and said, if you don't want to be rushed into the broth or directly in those cemeteries. If you spend the night, then we have to speed up! ”

PS is really alive with a sigh of relief! Keeping 5,000 words a day, not breaking one month, it is the first time for decadence, it’s not easy! And your support, let the decadence feel worth it! Every time you can't go fast, you can go through the book review, look at your comments, rewards, and monthly passes; especially in recent days, you have to turn it over several times every day; then, point to a computer screen. A piece of information, screaming loudly telling that this is the glory that everyone gave me, giving me the expectation, even if it is difficult, I have to insist, just because I don't want to let everyone down in 2013.

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