Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 69: Visitor

Sitting in the chair in front of Ye Qi, Mark Beth’s waist is still straight and does not rest on the backrest; the mayor of Randenburg, although he has served as the mayor for nearly three years, but his army The style of birth has not changed; whether from ordinary words and deeds, or from people’s arguments, Ye Qi can conclude that this middle-aged man in front of him is a good mayor; at the very least, More qualified and competent than his previous few.

But this did not make Ye Qi’s inner anger any reduction. Although the port of Saskatchewan does not belong to Langburg, but as the mayor of Langburg, the other party is absolutely impossible to know nothing about what happened in Saskatchewan. And with the meticulous style of the other party in the past, SLR knows that there may be things tonight in Saskatchewan, so even if the odds are low, the other party can't let it go; especially, at this moment, when everything subsides, The other party suddenly, incomparably appeared in his bar; obviously, the other party clearly knows what, but in the end chose to be indifferent.

Such inaction is undoubtedly making Ye Qi feel angry at the same time, with a sense of disgust on pirates, Ye Qi believes that the other party is definitely more clear than himself; that has completely abandoned the good nature, It’s just the body that is filled with greed and killing. Most of the time, it can’t be called a human being. It’s just a walking dead that will think, will benefit and avoid being harmed by interests. If there is interest, they can forget it. The looting, killing, and burning are comparable to the locusts crossing the border.

Pirates are abominable, damn, this is the common understanding of all the people in Saskatchewan, but in Ye Qi’s view, the mayor, who has always been praised, is also less noble than the pirates. Where to go, even more despicable, ignoring the life and death of ordinary people, just for their own interests, and without hesitation to use the existence of pirates to achieve their goals; no doubt, such existence, in any case, can not Noble to catch up.

If you say it seriously, you don't even have to call it a person!

Although the identity of the demon hunters is destined to walk on the edge of the world, it does not mean that they will be separated from everything, placing themselves at any supreme point, despising all the demon hunters are very clear, they The job is to hunter, and their essence is human; the hunter who ignores the life of others is destined not to become a qualified hunter, only a good hunter, a good hunter who can use everything, but in the toss Beyond this glory, it is destined to be cast aside by people.

Just like the mayor in front of him, after putting his work on the highest point of all existence, he forgot his essence. He paid a hard work that ordinary people could not imagine in order to build and manage the city, but he also In order to better build and manage the city, he sacrificed the interests of some people, or life; he did not ask the thoughts of these sacrificed people, but only believed that this was the inevitable and necessary existence for the construction and management of the entire city; Or he asked, but the subconscious chose to ignore or forget, because these people are undoubtedly insignificant in his mind compared to the entire city.

After all, the sacrifice is only a small part of the people, the profit will be the majority of people, even those who are excluded from the sacrificed person; such multiple-choice questions have placed their work in all existence For the opponent on the highest point, it is too easy to choose.

However, in the face of such a person, Ye Qi does not have any sense of identity; even, the disgust in his heart is enough to make him slam the person in front of his bar, not allowed the other party to step into the half if not confirmed The other side did not have any selfishness, and Ye Qi did not mind cutting the other's head. ...,

"I see you, not letting you sit here and keep silent!" Ye Qi slightly squinted, leaning against the chair, faintly said: "If you want to say something, please say, my time is limited! ”

"Please ask your subordinate to revoke the entrustment of the dark mercenary! Four people have been assassinated by the dark mercenaries at home. If this continues, it will make the entire port of Saskatchewan, Langburg, and even the bay area. They are all in panic!" Mark Beth faced Ye Qi’s inquiry and answered straight; but this answer made Ye Qi smile coldly: "In panic? Compared to the consequences of pirate invasion These four people are really too insignificant, and they can be ignored. What's more, since they have done it, they must have the courage to bear them. Just by colluding with the pirates, they will die!"

"Even if there is a lingering death, it is up to the highest government's legal sanctions, not private actions like you!"

Mark Beth said in a deep voice, his eyes staring at Ye Qi without any retreat; and in the face of such gaze, Ye Qi, who has been squinting, has a strong contempt and ridicule on his face before the pirate invasion. The other party has such courage to face the words of his strong day, perhaps Ye Qi will feel admired, and even praised because of the previous number of faces; but after seeing the essence of the other party However, Ye Qi is unmoved.

"So, what responsibility should it take to let the pirates invade? What kind of sanctions are imposed by the law?"

Ye Qi did not keep the tone in a sarcasm, and asked the other party immediately. Mark Bess, who originally had a strong momentum, was a glimpse of the whole person. Then he slowly said: "Anti-defense, piracy, is The responsibility of the Northder family!"

The responsibility of the Northder family!

The other party's rhetoric made Ye Qi's mouth slightly upturned, and outlined a mocking smile. Mark Beth and the top government officials directly stationed in the port of Saskatchewan generally have their own affiliation to Saskatchewan. The idea; for a good, attributable to the highest government, single-mindedly for the mayor of the highest government, it is natural to have the real dominance of the port of Saskatchewan!

But this is only for the highest government, and for the people under its control, even if the other person is re-qualified, it is also unqualified; because even those who support him, when necessary, he will be the highest government. The choice to give up, just as he gave up the entire Saskatchewan.

"So, you chose to watch for the benefit of the highest government?" Ye Qi asked. However, it is clear that he did not wait for the other party to answer the interest, but instead waved his hand: "Since I chose to stand by Then, now you have no reason to intervene again; defending pirates is the responsibility of the Northder family, and law and order is naturally the responsibility of the Northder family!"

"I don't have any interest in knowing your lofty ideals. I am just a simple demon hunter. I only know that I don't value the existence of other people's lives, and I am doomed to its evil and ugly nature!"

Looking at Mark Beth, who still wants to explain, Ye Qi did not give the other party a chance, but simply ended the conversation that made him feel uncomfortable and pointed to the door behind the other party. Ye Qi said one word at a time: "I won't tell you about your authority. Those who are sacrificed by you are not my business. I am a hunter. I can't find you in trouble. I will remind you that if you walk the night." Be careful, those guys who have been blinded by hatred don't mind throwing a brick or dagger from the shadows! Of course, I suggest they choose guns!"



Although there is already a long way to go from the port of Saskatchewan, the storm that ravaged the port of Saskatchewan still brought a whole storm of heavy rain to the entire city of Langburg, so that people walking on the road at night could not have an umbrella. Even the raincoat, facing the raindrops that came from the face, is helpless. Therefore, the secretary of the mayor who waited in the corner of the bar, and then handed a raincoat to Mark Beth, was the first to open the door. And always walked in front of Mark Beth's oblique front, while blocking the raindrops from the face, but not obvious overstepping.

However, the next moment, the secretary understood his meticulousness. One of the most worried mayors ignored Mr. Mark Bass, who was walking in the mud and getting wet and dirty shoes and trousers. Secretary, clever choice of silence.

Although it was only after two years ago that it was applied for the other party’s secretary, it does not mean that the secretary’s ability to work is shallow; in fact, this job is already his fourth job after coming out of school; A three-point job is enough to make him understand when to say, what to do, when not to say, what not to do; especially in the face of the first time, this kind of face that he has never seen before In the two years of the mayor, at any time, the face of the entire Randyburg manager is always full of confidence, as if anything can not be the other side; and the fact is the same, anything is in the other side It’s always easy to get up and down, even if it’s something that everyone seems incredible in peacetime.

All the people who work and work in the city hall are admired by the manager’s ability, and the integrity of the other is to let some of the original doubts exist and become greatly praised as the secretary of the other party. He can guarantee that the other party is not deceiving, playing with a set of tricks on the surface, and a small set of tricks in private; twenty-four hours a day, almost twenty hours to follow him, it is clear that the other side of the other side. .

Ordinary people's three-five standard, even if it is not suitable for taste, will not waste any food; clothing, except for the set worn by important conferences, only two identical clothes are replaced; and the apartment rented in the name of City Hall For those who spend more than twenty-nine days in the office in a month, basically they have completely lost their due role; as for the car? It’s just the car left by the mayor, although it looks pretty good, but for some rich people, it’s already an outdated thing. Everyday life, he doesn’t think it’s disguised, the front three points. The work is enough to make him distinguish between the clarity, the truth and the disguise.

Therefore, Mark Beth, who is capable, clean, and has nothing to do with, is undoubtedly a good mayor in his eyes. A existence that can be worthy of his follow is the secretary, the driver, and sometimes the guest. The chef and the repairman are leading a meager salary. Without this approval, he can find a more decent and more rewarding job with his qualifications.

But today is such a difference. Before the departure, that kind of confidence disappeared completely, and after returning from the bar that seemed to him to be a large-scale and good passenger flow, it was even more difficult, even completely called It’s a stunned drive while driving from the mirror and knowing the Franklin manager who still keeps his brows at the moment. The mayor’s secretary suddenly feels that he can follow him from the bottom of his heart. People who have such a change in the bar have raised considerable curiosity.

What is there there? What happened again? ...,

“Go back to the town hall! And call the heads of all departments in Randburg!”

"Yes, sir!"

The secretary who was thinking about it heard the voice of Mark Beth and watched it become a former Randyburg manager. Immediately, he calmly responded to the bar he had thought before. Many words

At this moment, he has already been left behind by him; after all, compared to the order that Mark Bass must complete in his heart, there is only a place that makes him curious; except for curiosity, it is useless, and the mayor The order of the gentleman is related to the lives of countless people!

Compared with the former, the bar that caused him to be curious is not worth mentioning!


With the sudden extreme weather facing the Bay Area, Shaq is always so quiet and indifferent.

On the outskirts of Shak, on the central castle, there is a little starlight in the high night sky; under the bright moonlight, the silver-white flowers are covered with a layer of unsuspecting plain coats; A breeze blew through, and the scent of the vegetation was so unstoppable that I closed my eyes and enjoyed the blessings of nature.

However, a fierce laughter broke the beautiful atmosphere of the night; in particular, the patrolmen in the patrol were more nervous looking at the place where the laughter came out, until they saw the other person’s body and appearance. After that, he reverently retreated to the side of the giant Han Ted to run at the speed of his own speed to the tower of the moon and night, but the inner excitement made him unable to calm down; The news came, until the third time, after confirming that he was not mistaken, the excitement that could no longer be suppressed, accompanied by the loud laughter, almost spread throughout the central castle, attracting countless people.

Especially the new apostles, who have just entered the central castle of the Devil's Headquarters, are faced with a variety of unclear trainings that are extremely sensitive to any new things; and young people are unique. The move is to let them know that they will receive very laborious training tomorrow morning. If they do not rest early, they will be punished by various failures, and they will still turn their attention to their instructors one or two bold. It was rushed to the side of the giant.

“Ted's instructor, what makes you so happy?”

“Is your strength broken?”

"If my strength breaks through, everyone will know it! And even if my strength breaks through, there is no such thing to be happy!" Giant Han waved his hand with an excited smile, but he did not forget the excitement. His duties refer to these newcomers, and the apostles who are still in the apprenticeship stage: "If you don't want to get double training tomorrow, give me training immediately!"

Suddenly, a few apprentices who were soaking around the giants immediately prolonged their faces like a bitter gourd; however, in the next moment, in the shouts of the giants, they smiled.

"If you can finish training on time tomorrow, I will please the Dolphin Bar!"

"Haha, the instructor is ready for your salary!"

“Yes, we will definitely finish training at an absolute speed!”


In the cheers of the apprentices behind the trainee Juhan Ted straight into the tower of the moon night, rushing ahead of the two tower guards of the moonlight tower because of his laughter A smile, the giant Han strode to the study at the top of the tower; then, astringent smile, very respectful knock on the wooden door with a specially designed tower top, enough to block any noise, even if he shouted under the scorpion, Unless they are knocking on the door or the owner of the room is willing to lift it, they will not hear anything.

With the understanding of the giant Han, the agent who is in charge of the entire hunter-manufacturing association will never be lifted at work; therefore, knocking on the door is the best choice.

"Come in!"

The knock on the door just fell, and the old but powerful answer from Hether was heard in the study.

PS Chinese New Year, decadent this really busy, it is nine o'clock to go home today, but fortunately know that today to entertain, yesterday smashed more than a thousand words; otherwise, today has to be sad reminder; but even then, not Four thousand words, the guy who squandered this hand is also coded for almost three hours! ! It’s really handicapped! !

And the main thing is to continue to entertain tomorrow!

Oh, really sad!

God, give me 10,000 speeds per hour!

Thanks for the reward of June Snow IV200 and one monthly ticket, the reward of 200 yuan for the prodigal son floating around the sea, the reward of sn100 coins, the reward of the magic moon の 殇 100 coins ~~~ and the monthly ticket of the black fire Reward ~~~ decadence, thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~

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