Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 15 Chapter 6: wait

Under the night, the fog that appeared in the sky above the Thousand Marsh area made the whole moonlight seem incomparable. If it wasn’t from the light behind the remnant wall, Stofei would never have thought that it would happen in the night of the marsh area. To a single traveler - the night of the marsh area, it is dangerous for any traveller, especially a single traveler like this, like a nightmare; because you don't know when your feet are at all Will change from land to swamp, or what kind of beast lurking behind you, or even dark creatures

Of course, what is important is that as one of the three characteristics of the Thousand Marsh area, those who are hooligans and wanted, the favorite is the traveller who is alone on the road; after all, such travellers mean they are in the vast majority of the time. There will be an extra income - although the people of the Chima area accept the currency issued by the highest government and accept the Kimpton that has been issued since the dark ages, but many times, the people of the Chima area still pursue the tradition of their ancestors. : exchange of things

Moreover, in the three areas of the Thousand Marsh area, no one will ask you where these items come from, how come - as long as it is not bloody, it can be exchanged; afterwards, except for what you need, Most of these items will appear in the market; this is not only the only income of the people in the Qianguma area except for collecting and guiding the herbs, but also the most wanted and wanted criminals who came to the Qiangqu area. Means of earning a living in exchange for food

Therefore, any individual traveller will be stared at most of the time as soon as they leave the gathering place where the people of the Thousand Marsh area live; and often after the first night, these individual travelers will disappear forever. In this world - of course, this is most of the time, there are many exceptions; for example: you are alone on the road, itself is one of those rogue, wanted

Therefore, when I saw Ye Qi, Stoic immediately looked carefully at the man behind the remnant wall. There was no panic or sorrow in the look. This is enough to show that the other party is not seen in the area. The hooligans, wanted criminals; and the dressing of a traveler is not the kind of sly, plus the attitude of the other side facing themselves and the posture of holding a knife and a gun, Stowe can see that the other is An experienced traveler

However, as the distance between the two sides approached Stoic, he saw the gun in the other hand, but he did not consciously glimpse, then picked up his brow and stopped and carefully looked again.

Seeing the expression of Stoic, Ye Qi could not help but shrug his shoulders. Of course he knew what Stoic was thinking about - unlike the hunters who pursued the actual effect, the old Daoge gave it to Ye Qi, because At the invitation of his son, Ye Qi faced several embarrassing compensations; this m1911 started from the gun body, and the gun **** had a pattern of ivy-like gold and black, especially the buttocks. Covered with a layer of crystal, the whole gun gives a feeling of craftsmanship.

Whether or not you have a soft spot for weapons, anyone who sees this m1911 will love the exquisiteness of this gun from the bottom of his heart - in fact, starting with the m1911, just by impeaching the barrel and the barrel Qi immediately immediately inferred that the chance that the gun was rarely used was mostly in a kind of decoration; but from the well-kept gun body, even the trace of each bullet was wiped. On the look, the old Doug is undoubtedly very fond of this gun, if it is not because of 'compensation' of himself, Ye Qi can be sure that the other party will never give it away easily.

Of course, in addition to the compensation, Ye Qi thinks that the old Doug is doing so much.

Why do you want to show it?

After entering the market, the old Doug family was invited by Ms. Kalia from the other nearby tree house to the first floor of the small building where she lived. The other person’s surprise and thoughts showed that it was enough to explain everything. - Although the old Doug thinks that it is very concealed, but under the perception of Ye Qi, the movements of ordinary people like Lao Doug are simply invisible.

Old Doug can see the intention of Ms. Kalia, Ye Qi can naturally see, even 'seeing' is clearer than the old Gaga - from breakfast, in Ye Qi’s perception, the other The line of sight almost never left him; even if he looked at him with a beautiful lady, it still made Ye Qi feel unnatural; especially the other person’s inexplicable eyes made him feel instinctive. Not right

Ye Qi is very sure, that is definitely not to seek an indulgence, stimulating eyes, but to add a look like a strange plaything--the excitement in this kind of eyes, completely a group of young children Child, take part in the first practice biology class, see the kind of eyes that are placed on the podium and ready to be dismantled

In the face of such a look, Ye Qi, who originally wanted to stay overnight, changed his mind and chose to go on the road immediately – whether it was originally not intended to be entangled with other people in the team, or now it is to be dismissed as a frog. Eyes are urging him to leave quickly

"Reassure, this is not robbed, deceived, nor stolen; it is a gift from a friend when the market was in a good time with friends."

Ye Qi looked at his footsteps and looked at his Stofei, explaining loudly - such a handicraft-like gun is definitely not owned by ordinary people, and its value is far from the imagination of ordinary people; even if it is Ye The amateur eye can also be evaluated, this m1911 is the existence of at least two hundred Kimpton; and it is clear that the existence like 'Finger' is absolutely impossible to have a two hundred Kimpton arms

Although Bernard. Taylor wrote the words of wealth when describing the 'Finge', but wealthy is only a level of the average person, not far from the rich, but a real rich, even if the clothes are ordinary, But some small items that are carried with you are enough to show the difference between them and ordinary people - just like the team in his previous team, all of them are high-end travellers only for the rich, even though the costumes are already Very high-end, but compared with these costumes, the accessories of these people's fingers, wrists, necks, etc. are the places that truly reflect their own worth.

And these are undoubtedly not what ‘Finger’ does not have – the hunger from the farmer, obviously will not put the jewelry worth nearly 100 horses or horses on the fingers and wrists.

"Your friend is definitely worth a lot"

After responding to one sentence, Stoic maintained a safe distance of ten yards on both sides, bypassing Ye Qi and came to the other side of the witch's relics without regenerative fire, but sat down straight away - compared to Other large ruins, the remains of the witch are undoubtedly a miniature existence. Even if the secret room is counted in, it is just a small temple with only the main building; therefore, Stofei maintains about ten yards on both sides. The safety distance is almost the maximum width of the outer room where the witch’s remains are located. Two people almost sit on a diagonal.

Moreover, Ye Qi can be sure that if the foundation of the outer chamber where only the wreckage is left is a little bigger, the distance between the two can be expanded. Obviously, for his previous explanation, Stofei did not accept and believe.

It is rare to see the existence of a parting gift on the value of two hundred Kimptons, even if it is famous for its three characteristics: criminals, tour guides, and riches. Ye Qi can only play again. 'Finger' shrugged; he didn't care if Stodo was convinced; and compared to Stoic's belief, he added to pay attention to what Stoic came to the ruins of the witch.

Although there was not much time with Stowe before, but with his understanding of Stowe's personality, the other party itself is a very enthusiastic person who discovered anything, even if it is not related to himself, will participate directly; For example, if you find a traveler who doesn’t match the price of your own, you will definitely ask someone seriously.

But now it’s just a sloppy sentence that ends the conversation. It’s definitely not in line with the character of Stoic, plus the degree of sprinting that Stoic has shown in the blind fight perception – no doubt, it shows what happened. Big things, so that Stowe is innocent about other existences

Is the ruins found? Still a dark creature attack?

Ye Qixun shook his head after he could think of the possibility of this change in the Thousand Marsh area. If it is the former, it is no doubt that Jacob is the expert and should be Jacob. Yes; and if the latter, Fendi and Fendi’s squad, known as black bats, will always follow; in the face of dark creatures, any care and caution is a guarantee of life, which is used by countless predecessors. The lessons of blood and life, any qualified hunter will follow, and Stowe will not be an exception.

And whether it is the former or the latter, Stoic can't be sitting here waiting like a dignified look now - if not Stowe just sitting there waiting, and before Ye Qi has repeatedly confirmed the witch There is no outsider in the secret room in the ruins. Ye Qi will definitely think that the witch was discovered; after all, in addition, Ye Qi can't think of anything around the ruins of the witch.

Who is waiting for?

Once again, some dry wood was put into the bonfire, and Ye Qi, who wrote the message, sneaked into the eye and watched Sidfei, holding his own weapon javelin since sitting down, although he didn’t know Stowe. Who is it, but from the look and actions of Stoic, the other party is definitely not a friendly friend like

However, Ye Qi did not care if the other party would be malicious to Stoic; even if it appeared in the face of 'Finger', he also had enough confidence to make Stoic safe and sound - leaving the hunter to be strange. People's vigilance, for acquaintances, the demon hunters have considerable enthusiasm and friendliness; therefore, Ye Qi does not mind helping Stofei who has provided him with convenience.

As for the demon person who is also possessed by Stoic, is he wary of strangers?

When necessary, Ye Qi did not mind making some small accidents, so that Stowe was directly slumbering, knowing that this is not too difficult for Ye Qi, who has several kinds of pharmacy made by his friend Ava; On the other hand, if you don’t know the truth of the truth and worry about it, there are several kinds of medicines made by Ava. Ye Qi can completely make Stofei fall into a drowsy and then solve everything for the other party.

Therefore, Ye Qi chose to wait - the punctual attitude of the demon hunter to the appointment, as long as the other party is on time, Ye Qi believes that he does not have to wait too long; in fact, after the emergence of Stoic, the second time in Ye Qi When adding firewood to the campfire in front of it, there are several fluctuations within the scope of the blind bucket perception.

Ordinary people?

Feeling the intensity of each wave, Ye Qi secretly wrinkled his brows - nearly half of which is the fluctuation intensity of ordinary people, while the remaining half is serious, although the magnitude of the fluctuation is to be out of the ordinary person but the range Not many, still in the range of ordinary people; not to the extent of the apostles, high-level demon hunters, at most the level of trained soldiers

Obviously, the existence of such a degree is not enough for Stofei, who has the holy device as a weapon and whose own strength has reached the peak of the star-level level; if the number is several times more, It may cause a little trouble for Stoic, but as far as the number of just ten people is concerned, as long as Stowe is willing, it is possible to end the battle between face and face.

Is the stone that explores the road or the messenger?

With his head down, Ye Qi, who is playing with the bonfire in front of him, is categorized for these people; while Stoic, who has been sitting on the opposite side of Ye Qi, has been looking at the direction of the coming man after a moment of stunned. - The night of the marsh area has the commonality of all the wild environments: dark and quiet; any light source and sound will travel a considerable distance in such an environment; especially if the other party does not hide itself. So

Huge headlights, roaring engines, even after a certain distance, even ordinary people can be clearly visible, audible, plus needless to be trained hunting demon - should be a modified motorcycle, with The mastery of the level of mechanical transformation, the slight recognition of the leaves, distinguishes the real vehicle used by the other party; obviously, compared with the bulky car, the motorcycle is suitable for driving in such complex terrain as the Thousand Marsh area; From the perspective of the other party’s driving at the moment, the other party is very familiar with the surrounding environment.

Ordinary people are mixed with some of the well-trained military presence and familiarity with the surrounding, as well as the possibility of being a pathfinder and messenger. The identity of the other is immediately coming out – what is better than the Thousand Marsh area? One of the three major characteristics of the rogue, wanted criminals are suitable for such a thing?

Compared with the natives of the Thousand Marsh area, these foreign existences are undoubtedly willing to accept some special entrustments. As long as they do not leave the Chima area, enter the highest government jurisdiction, and have reasonable prices, they do not mind doing it. What kind of thing; after all, before they entered the Qiangqu area, most of them did this.

"If you don't want to get into trouble, turn off your bonfire."

Stowe, who was on the waist of the cat, stared into the distance, apparently confirming the identity of the other party. After a while, he turned his head and said to Ye Qi, trying not to involve ordinary people in the dark world where he was. Among them, only when they encounter the existence of being entangled with blood and sorrow like themselves, will they be frank about everything, this is the principle that all the hunters are sticking to the rules.

"Okay, sir"

With a look of sorrow, Ye Qi played the 'Finger' shrug, and then quickly showed the qualities of a traveler who lived in the wild all the year round - a pile of soil that was already ready to be fired was piled up On the poncho, Ye Qi’s hands straightened the two ends of the poncho, and then slanted upwards and forcefully; immediately, the soil piled on the tarpaulin slipped into the campfire; After stepping on a few feet and smashing some of the big mud pieces, the extremely bonfire that was still burning before was completely extinguished.

After doing all this, Ye Qi, who is an 'ordinary person', obviously heard the roar of the engine and the dazzling headlights in the dark night; continue to maintain a safe distance with Stoic, Ye Qi After quickly picking up the low wall parallel to the position of Stofei, he looked up and looked back. He retracted his head and asked with a special worry from the travellers: "These will not be your trouble." ?"

"Reassured, as long as you don't say anything, you won't be involved in you."

Obviously, I understand that Sage is ‘worried’, and he said straightforwardly – ​​Ye Qi naturally does not doubt, but his face still bears the doubts of ‘Feng’’

"Stofei? Stofei? Have you come this guy?"

The roar of the engine stopped However, the headlights of the motorcycle did not turn off and illuminate the surroundings; at the same time, a tall man came out and shouted in the direction of the ruins of the witch. ——By the light, whether Ye Qi or Stofei clearly saw that the ten people in front of him were armed with gunpowder weapons, especially the tall man who shouted, holding a t1 in his hand and a muzzle. Concealed to the front of the witch ruins

"I'm coming"

When the voice of the other party just fell, Stowe went out from the ruins of the witch without hesitation.

"Sure enough."

The tall man looked at the Stofei who appeared in the light, couldn't help laughing, and then suddenly waved his hand: "Shooting, killing him."

Ps drink stomach is uncomfortable... one day tomorrow, decadence really gave up...

Thank you for the reward of the starting point of the 200-year-old wave of the prodigal son, the reward of the 100-day starting currency of the celestial baby, the reward of the x100 starting currency, and the reward of the 100 starting currency. Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence.

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