Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 15 Chapter 8: The most appropriate identity

Everyone has their own fluctuations. This kind of fluctuation is special and unique. Even the fluctuations between ordinary people are completely different. It is like there are countless leaves in the forest, but there are not two identical leaves. Generally speaking, therefore, everyone's volatility is the same, and may vary in magnitude and turbulence with changes in mood and strength, but its fundamental volatility will not change.

However, just now, Ye Qi’s blind bucket perception directly showed two kinds of fluctuations belonging to the same person; eyes staring at the body on the ground that had completely lost its sound, recalling that the other party suddenly produced at that moment. The tone of voice, the temperament of the face, and even the apostle's ability later; especially the two kinds of undulating changes that are completely different from each other - completely changed one person... No, it is just another person!

Ye Qi’s mind suddenly came up with such an idea, and all the facts he saw were supporting his sudden thoughts. Almost everything was evidence; but there was a fundamental problem— - How did this particular change occur?

"These guys are all dead! Even if there is trouble, I will testify for you and prove that you are trying to save me!"

Ye Qi silently stared at the body of the dead leader, which undoubtedly caused a misunderstanding of Stoic - a person who was born in the first indifferent feelings or some special possession of some psychological illness, any one in the first After personally capturing the same kind of life, there will be some special reactions. If there is no proper grooming, it will become a lifelong nightmare, and even cause the parties to become like the above two; for example: murderous or perverted killing mad.

The way the former ignores feelings is not only killing others, but also abusing themselves, even by hurting those who care about themselves, to obtain the so-called sense of existence; although this practice makes people feel incredible, but compared to the latter, But it is very normal - Stoic is very clear to remember that when he has not yet arrived in the Chima area, he has just become a trainee apostle. The degree of evil he encountered in his travels in Xia Lin has almost exceeded most of the evil. The existence of dark creatures.

Regardless of men, women and children. As long as the seventh person who appears in front of him at night will be dragged into the darkness by sneak attack, using the already prepared torture apparatus, madly lashing and cutting each other; if not, this behavior is abnormal with certain dark creatures. similar. It has caused the attention of the demon hunters, I am afraid that the other party's behavior will continue to continue; and even so, the number of victims in the other's hands has exceeded ten, which is only to find the complete body.

Stofei had seen those autopsy reports. In those corpses, there are at least fifteen people's corpses, only the ten that go out and try to piece together, but the remaining five are simply unrecognizable, except for some features that can prove that they are not belonging to others. It's impossible to piece together - like the meat stuffing of pie stuffing. Even the best corpse fights experts, but there is nothing to do.

And Stoic is definitely not willing to be a traveler in front of him to become any of the above two kinds of existence; therefore, he learned that his teacher said in his first killing of a scum: "The shooting method is good! Especially, you can kill such a scum that has already hurt a lot of people, and will continue to do so in the days to come. Your shooting is really admirable!"

“Although on the farm, I went to hunt for the autumn harvest, and I practiced shooting for a long time every year. Unfortunately, I am busy in winter every year!”

What is Stoic thinking about? Ye Qi Shi is too clear - as a demon hunter. After he did the same thing for the first time, his teacher also persuaded him; and absolutely it was just a simple imitation and more powerful than Stoo-do; however, Ye Qi, who plays 'Finger', is out Whether it is confidential or not, it will not refuse the goodwill of the other party; and, in order to cooperate with Stodo. Ye Qi immediately added 'supplement' according to the background information that Bernard. Taylor gave to Finger.

"Almost until I was twenty-five years old, I told myself every year to 'refuel. Finger! You must go hunting this year!' Unfortunately, I did not achieve this until one year before I left the farm to reach Dude; So, I don't expect to have such an opportunity anymore, but I didn't expect a day that I would really be useful, and the first time my opponent would be so incredible!"

"I should thank you for your annual shooting practice before leaving the farm to reach Dude, and your dreams! After all, it saved my life!" Stoic heard that the travellers in front of him were a little self-deprecating. Clearly, the other party has reasonably relieved the reaction of negative emotions; immediately, it reveals a hearty smile that will be revealed when faced with an acquaintance: "Re-recognize, I am Stoic. Timo! You can directly Call me Stofei!"

"Hello, Stoic, I am Finger!"

"Finger, I am very happy to meet you!"

After a simple self-introduction, Stowe pointed to the body on the ground: "That, Finger, you understand, I suspected you were a spy with this group of people! So..."

"If I see such a gang of wickedness in the agreed field, suddenly there is a person waiting at the appointed place, and I will be worried!" According to the long-awaited words, Ye Qi said slowly, and Gradually pointed to the point: "But, if I didn't spend my eyes, was the flame in the hands of the hapless shot that I shot? Is there a javelin you used before? In such a dark night, Quickly throw such an accurate and powerful javelin, your level is definitely more than the sports stars I have seen in Dude!"

"In fact, if you don't think you can hide your javelin, see that you have killed so many people, I have already turned and ran!" said, Ye Qi shrugged in the way of 'Finger': "And, just now my thoughts have always existed, even if my legs are a bit soft!" Then, lifted his arm and pointed his fingers at the legs that were burned by the flames before the Stoic: "However, then I found out that your leg burned by the flames is only a little damaged, I know very well what characters and events I have encountered!"

"Thank you for your keen observation, and a little soft legs, they and your gunman saved my life! I am not a great person, at most it is different from ordinary people; and it is me who blocks the flames. The pants are not my body!" Stoll laughed and smacked the burnt trouser legs: "This is the unique equipment of our group; only, most of them are habitually made into trench coats. The style; and I like the outdoor dress now; so. Spend some money and let them transform it into what I am now!"

"All things, I will give you an explanation!" Stowe converges with a smile. Very formal one finger on the ground leaving the traces of the motorcycle, said: "After I check these, I will tell you everything I know! After all, these are about the whereabouts of a friend of mine!"

"Okay. I will wait here!"

Stofei, who heard the answer, nodded at Ye Qi, did not stop again, and went straight along the traces left by the motorcycle wheels. And, the fluctuations of Stofei disappeared into blindness. After the range of bucket perception. Ye Qi immediately smashed the body of the leading tall man who had been shot by him before; for the change of the former man, he was curious from the bottom of his heart. If it wasn’t for Stoic’s presence, he would have been Check the body of the other person is different.

Ordinary jackets, canvas pants...

Ye Qi, who was there, took the body of the leading man in front of him from head to toe, and even after all the clothes were carefully examined. Only frowned and stood up - no doubt. Ye Qi’s meticulous examination did not have any gains; no matter from any aspect, the man in front of him was only a slightly stronger body than the average person; there was no such thing as an apostle.

But what is the flame? And at the last moment, the other side is exactly the same as another person's performance?

With doubts in his heart, Ye Qi returned to the low wall - in his blind sense. The volatility of the Stoic has reappeared; this fast time is obviously not a major discovery. It was nothing; but, after seeing Stoic’s frowning expression again. Ye Qi understood that it was obviously the latter.

"These guys are even more embarrassing than I thought!" Stoic looked at Ye Qi, who had a questioning look, and immediately explained: "They set up a temporary camp a few kilometers away from the front, apparently waiting there. After a few days, I waited until the traces around me disappeared, making it impossible to track down, and then sent someone to inform me to meet here!"

"Your friend, the gentleman named 'Fendi', is missing and related to them?"

"Fendi disappeared during the routine patrol a week ago! At first, I didn't find it wrong. After all, people like us often have some troubles and delay time!" More than first, I smiled a bit, then immediately looked at Ye Qi with a dignified look. "Next, everything I said, according to the regulations, is the truth of certain facts that can only be known after seeing some special existence. So, about everything I said, please ask Finger to keep it secret! Because this is about your safety!"


"Yes! Except for our existence, other existences, we also know the truth of these things! However, as long as we know about some special existence, whether we add or not, as long as we keep secrets, we will tell them. Principles; other existences, but using some special means! For example: forced to join, imprisoned or directly killed; after all, death is the best confidentiality treaty!"

Speaking of these facts, Stoic’s eyes kept watching Ye Qi’s expression, and after seeing Ye Qi’s slight surprise, he quickly recovered his calmness and thought after a slight thought; Stoic continued to say with satisfaction. Going on - the demon hunters will tell these people the real world after they meet those who have seen and know some of the existence of the dark world; and, send invitations; but this does not mean all people, Will be invited.

I only saw and learned that some people in the dark world are different from their friends and family who have been attacked by dark creatures and even died. In a sense, most of the former only saw the dark world. It’s magical and powerful, but it doesn’t even understand the cruelty of the dark world – and in the absence of this cruel 'grinding', these existences that have joined the dark world are undoubtedly the most easily lost groups of people; of course, It is also the group of people who are the easiest to lose their lives.

Therefore, in the face of such a presence, the demon hunter will inform these people the real world, but the invitation to send is selective - Stowe is no exception; but, equally obvious. Stoic had a very good impression of Ye Qi’s ‘Finger’; the shooting method was good, and he had a certain level by hitting the target by about 30 yards. Especially when observing sharpness and calming down, such conditions, in the view of Stoic, are the basis for becoming an excellent hunter.

of course. The foundation is the foundation, and it is never the best in the expectation - therefore, Stoic will not be stunned and will continue to send invitations, still following the process of the demon hunter.

"Don't expect, law or kindness!" refers to the bodies outside the low walls. Stoic said in a near-cold voice: "These existences are beyond the scope of law and kindness, not to mention the one I will tell you; it will only be a cruel, dark reality! You will face more than you. Imagine the enemy, your life will no longer be in your own hands, there is only darkness in front of you, and if you withdraw, there will be only an endless abyss behind you!"

"So, Finger, are you going to continue listening?"

Facing the question of Stoic. Ye Qi worked **** the position and character of ‘Finger’. Showing a very assertive and calm thinking, but still limited to the appearance of ordinary people - Finger's life experience is absolutely rich according to Bernard. Taylor's description, but because of this richness, it will be As he matures, he loses the impulse and blood of young people. Hesitant to hesitate; especially in the face of something completely unknown, this hesitation will be his main performance.

Although Ye Qi is not a hesitant person. But it is not too difficult to play a hesitant person; after all. Habitual caution, in the eyes of outsiders, sometimes it is no different from hesitation – and this is why Ye Qi chooses ‘Finger’, which is the most important reason for removing travellers’ identity for going out.

Of course, the problem that Ye Qi will face now is how to put hesitation in an appropriate time, so that Stoic can accept a cautious but not cowardly 'Finger' - as a 'Finger' traveler As a cover, it is obviously a very good choice; but it can never be compared with a person who likes to travel and has just acquired the demon hunter; because, for the leaves that have already been used by some demon hunters Oddly, nothing is more appropriate than being a another demon hunter!

After encountering Stoic, Ye Qi’s mind once had such an idea; if it was not because of the attitude of the demon hunter facing strangers, and rashly proposed it would only make everything more Misunderstanding, Ye Qi has come forward to work hard for himself to become a demon hunter again.

However, after an attack, everything is incomparably reasonable - now only needs Ye Qi how to behave himself; and no doubt has the experience of being a hunter, although the performance is amateur, but it is enough ,!

In the face of the hesitation of 'Finger', Stofei did not urge, but waited patiently - such hesitation, in the eyes of the demon hunter is not a shortcoming, on the contrary is admirable; because, not careful, A cautious choice, once faced with the fact that it can't be accepted, there will be only regrets!

And regret, whether it is for the demon hunter, or for other existence, is the most deadly!

"carry on!"

After hesitating for a long while, Ye Qi played the role of 'Finger' and took a deep breath, then nodded hard.

"Okay! Although every time I try to make myself describe the I want to scare some people away; but it seems to have failed again! Even if I describe the facts!" Looking at Ye Qi's performance as 'Finger', the cold and rapid convergence of Stoic's face reappeared with such a hearty smile and the sound was normal: "The legend is true! Whether it is a vampire or a werewolf, The wizard and all the monsters that eat people are real..."

"So, in the face of these existences, the injured people spontaneously organize themselves, so that other people are no longer hurt more!" After some familiar knowledge about the history of the demon hunters, Stoic sent himself Invitation: "We call ourselves a hunter! So, are you willing to join us?"

"I am willing!"

After hearing the invitation from Stoic, Ye Qi, who had been waiting for a long time, answered without hesitation.

Ps the first month of the 16th ah, the first day after the real festival, all kinds of true heart does not adapt ...

Thanks to the prodigal wave of the four seas, the starting point of the 200 coins, x100 starting currency, sn100 starting currency, Yiping Feng cold 100 starting currency, quiet forest 100 starting currency, soy milk Earl 100 starting currency rewards in this 鞠躬 Thanks for all support decadence Brothers and sisters (to be continued.)

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