Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 15 Chapter 33: Exploring

After leaving the market, the largest sight detection range in the Qianmuma District, and the blind bucket perception determined that there was no other existing fluctuations around, the moment before the moment, the average person walking speed Ye Qi, the whole body leapt in the next moment. Out - At this moment, Ye Qi, except for the necessary cover, is basically full of speed; because Ye Qi is very clear about the news about the temple from the mouth of Allen, it must be impossible to hide for a long time. After returning to the market, Stofei will be told to read the legend of Noah, the online game of the Demon Hunter Headquarters!

It’s only a matter of time before the style of the Demon Hunter’s headquarters has been intervened; therefore, what Ye Qi is going to do now is to get in front of the Hunter’s Headquarters and finish what he wants to do – killing the monster and the wolf A similar existence, gaining the benefits it deserves, and getting the location of all the relics that have the power of faith in the exploration area; after all, the Hunter's Headquarters is not as slow as the highest government, but it is all the devils. Are used to practice.

Stofei should now be in the b3 area that has been explored in the Thousand Marsh area. If he receives the news, he will be the fastest in his next replenishment. According to the habit of the Demon Hunter for one week, according to the last time. Then, the time for his next replenishment should be two days later; from the b3 area to the c2 area, the speed of the multi-persons of Stoic is only two days at most; however, if one person returns to the market...

Ye Qi, who is advancing fast, turns his brain quickly and calculates the time—although he had already prepared for the time when he handed Allen’s confession to Toka; Ye Qi did not expect that the people in the Thousand Marsh area would not be running by humans, but would use a flying hummingbird as a tool for communication; with the help of this hummingbird, Ye Qi originally calculated the Sto It takes about two weeks to return to the market, and it is reduced to five to six days.

And there are hummingbirds with this connection. The head of the Demon Hunter, which had taken a week to respond, was also reduced to about three days. With the reaction of the Demon Hunter Headquarters, I am afraid that the small-scale Demon Hunter team will reach the Chima area, and it will not exceed one week. ——In other words, Ye Qi originally thought that the full moon of a month was shortened by half in an instant, and even more of the world is reading!

According to Allen's confession, their so-called temple is in the depths of a canyon about three days north of the c3 area - they are also on foot. It takes about fifteen days to reach the market for the first time; but at my speed, it takes only about five days to get there. If the guy receives the message, he will start here without stopping. It takes about ten days at his speed; that is, the time left for me is only about five days?

Five days...

Ye Qi, who came to the final conclusion, couldn't help but look at each other. Then, the speed of advancement was three times faster. The Japanese-level level has completely surpassed ordinary people in all aspects. But the Japanese-level powerhouses with their own roads are best at different aspects, even if they are all thunder and lightning. The strong also have their own differences.

As a male, Tern is undoubtedly the most effective in destroying the characteristics of thunder and lightning. Every move has a breath of trial, and the atmosphere of Wan Leiqi; while Dreysi is like a spring thunder, even though it is amazing. But it is a kind of cycle that repeats like a river flowing into the sea like a continuous, if not the kind of electric light shining. No one apostle would think that there was a thunderbolt manipulator in front of him, but instead would regard Dyris as an ordinary manipulator who manipulated the water.

Of course. Regardless of the choice between the two, the characteristics of the two are different, but some basic attributes have not changed; for example: the speed of lightning - as Ye Qi who had a brief confrontation with both sides, but I have experienced the speed of both people, even those who are strong in the sun, whether they are fighting or when they are on the road.

And this is also the pursuit of a one-shot killing Ye Qi envy - perhaps, when the sniper sniper is pulled out, Ye Qi's speed is enough to eclipse all the Japanese-level powers who think they are good at speed. However, this is Ye Qi's combination of master cold weapon skills and his own physical qualities, and the instantaneous explosive force that condenses out, rather than the usual speed; of course, for the sake of protracted war, Ye Qi can also suppress such explosive power. It is in a position that is consistent with the recovery speed provided by physical fitness.

However, the power will suddenly drop; and this also fundamentally denies the pursuit of the killing of Ye Qi - therefore, Ye Qi is facing the same level or a higher level of enemies, especially when The number of enemies is plural; he will definitely reduce the other party for the first time, and then with a rapid recovery of up to 22 points; then, again, as in the North's family estate.

Of course, this is a brilliant record, still can not hide the fact that Ye Qi's speed is explosive. Although Ye Qi's agility is as high as 21 points, but after the lack of corresponding skills, Ye Qi is only the original game to play 21 points of agility The speed brought by; although it seems that there are enough people to look up in normal times, but this is not enough for Ye Qi, who is in urgent need of time now; after all, he can get ahead of his plan and will benefit his next plan. one cent.

If Gronin is...

Instinctively, at this moment, Ye Qi thought of his mount - Groning, who has a nightmare of blood, has given Ye Qi’s unimaginable help in fighting or on the road; even the kind of people in the Qianguma area The special hummingbird, compared with Gronin in speed, is also a little bit worse.

However, unfortunately, unlike him, he can change his appearance and even temperament with the help of chameleons; Groning, who just awakened the blood of the nightmare, is too conspicuous; any one looks at the four hooves and the fire in his mouth. The horses will be shocked, and anyone who is well informed will know what such a horse represents and who the owner behind him is.

of course. In addition to Groning, Ye Qi wants to increase the speed, and directly licking any of the remaining two attribute points has a great effect - however, compared to the precious points of the attribute points. Ye Qiningen’s plan failed, and he didn’t want to use attribute points or expertise, and any non-renewable resources derived from the system; after all, these are his cards.

Perhaps you should look for some skills that can improve your speed!

This idea of ​​rising from the bottom of my heart, let Ye Qi put it directly into his plan column, under the knife - of course, not only the speed-up skills, if possible. Skills such as strength, physique, and perception are also important to join, even if it is so difficult.

Ye Qi, who has the inheritance of the dragon as a reference, is very clear, after throwing away any magic-related lifting skills. The skills to improve strength, agility, physique and perception are few and far between, and most of them have quite strong side effects, and the consequences of using magic-related lifting techniques are almost equal - one is Squeeze life as a cost of use, one is to use the crushing potential as a cost of use; this is undoubtedly unfavorable for Ye Qi, who still yearns for a higher level.

And the rest. Although there are no side effects, the time and effort is enough to make any person who practices these skills feel like a collapse; after all, the time and sweat of the effort, the results are too terrible - even if some Simple sword skills. Spending the same amount of time and sweat is enough to make a person grow into a warrior. In the face of the former, it will be one thing; therefore. This is also not Ye Qi's choice. He is not afraid of hard work and sweat, but he does not have enough time!

So, now there is only one way to go to Ye Qi - look for some tips that can be called secret techniques!

Maybe, I should reappear after the end of the stage, back to Shake!

Another new plan that emerged appeared in the heart of Ye Qi. For Zach, who had taught him some special skills at the Hunter's Headquarters, Ye Qi can not forget; especially the other party. When he saw the special skills of the secret level, Ye Qi was still fresh in his memory. No matter who it is, after being knocked down by the same person dozens of times, it will affect profoundly. Even if the original intention of the other party is to teach some skills and knowledge that are definitely worth your effort.

Of course, the wolf as his companion of the contract will definitely know the corresponding skills - but compared to what might be paid and the bad taste that the other party has always shown; if, not the last step, Ye Qi is absolutely not going to propose anything to the other party; after all, Ye Qi is very clear, and with the other person's character, if he masters the initiative, he will definitely kill him!

Then, after completing the first goal and collecting the power of faith in the exploration area, I returned to Shaq as my original identity. After making such a decision, I’m letting go of my heart’s thoughts, and immediately buried myself in accordance with Allen. The direction of description began to step up; even the three-meal habits that have been maintained have been subconsciously ignored at this time; except for the fixed two hours per day as the rest time, Ye Qi spent all the rest of the time. Come to the next person.

Even so, when Ye Qi found the canyon described by Allen, it was already the fifth day of the evening; and looking at the faintly exposed buildings in the canyon, the leaves that had been on the road for several days. Qi finally got a sigh of relief - everything is normal in the exploration area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area; but after just emerging the c3 known exploration area, he has a problem: a piece of poison bee The group appeared in his vision.

In the subconsciously, a fireball was thrown out, and a piece of poisonous bee in front of it was burned to ashes, but in the next moment, Ye Qi deeply realized what was called a horse-horse - more, almost overwhelming poison bee colonies After appearing in front of him, Ye Qi immediately made the most sensible choice - temporarily retired.

It is not that Ye Qi can't eliminate these poisonous bees. Although these poisonous bees are pressed to cover the sky, if ordinary people face these existences, they will only have the option of escape; but if it is Ye Qi, If the knife protects the whole body and is supplemented by fireball or fire wall, these poison bees are not terrible things; after all, the most sharp part of them is the quantity and their own poisonous needles, and throwing them away. These poison bees can also be as annoying as flies at most.

However, the elimination of these poisonous bees was a waste of time for Ye Qiben, which Ye Qi absolutely did not want to see; therefore, after seeing the number of these bee, Ye Qi had to choose to retreat. And bypassing - the poisonous bee colony that almost covered the sky, undoubtedly blocked the original line of Ye Qi; let Ye Qi have to retreat back to the c3 area, and then spent more than five hours to bypass And rediscover the correct way forward.

Although on the way, Ye Qi did not encounter any more troubles, at most he saw only one or two beasts passing by in the distance, but it was also a glimpse. In Ye Qi’s own cautiousness, there was no More contact. But this does not mean that Ye Qi will have any small flaws in the unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area. After all, the endless poisonous bees are only appearing on the edge of the unexplored area. If you can, you can still see what is still unknown. But it is definitely more horrible than these poisonous bee colonies; and why those in the Qianguma area are full of fear about the unexplored area of ​​the Qiangqu area, and even call a place where c3 to the unknown area is called the abyss’ breath, that is, love Can be original.

It’s not that the people in the Kamuma area are timid, but the enemy they face is too strong – Ye Qi believes that if a group of people in the Qianmuma area were hit before. At this moment, it has already become a pile of sacral bones that are foraging. Although it is only a glance, it is very clear that Yezi’s eyesight is very clear that the poisonous bees are sharp and jagged. One who saw the pair of front chees. I will believe and be sure that the front chees are definitely not a display.

Moreover, it is needless to say that it is a person from the Thousand Marsh area. These are still in the traditional concept. Even a team of talented apostles encounters the former bee colony, as long as there is no sundial. The whole army may be slightly exaggerated, but the reduction is affirmative - after all, the speed of the poison bees is very fast, it is obviously impossible to withdraw all, and there must be a 'bait' left to block these poison bee colonies; And if no one is willing to sacrifice, then the entire team, even if they are all apostles, is likely to be wiped out.

It is no wonder that in the sacred time, the Holy See ruled Lord Lorante for almost two hundred years, and did not completely explore the Thousand Marsh area. If the edge is all these scalp, then ordinary people and ordinary apostles The exploration of the team is completely meaningless. It is just to add some fertilizer to the land. Only by the high-end, peak, or full-day strength of the Japanese team can you enter the Qiangyu District. The interior of the area was not explored; and, even after reaching a certain level, even such a team was difficult and had to choose to retire...

And it is possible to make a team of Japanese prostitutes fade, then the other side is undoubtedly more than the existence of the Japanese-level--in the style of the Holy See, in the heyday, for the larger territory and believers, to get a team of the top-level existence to go to Xinjiang Expanding the soil, Ye Qi thinks it is inevitable; however, it is clear that the Holy See’s approach is a mistake; although it is not clear what the final result of the top-level existence of the sundial is, the Holy See’s plan is undoubtedly a failure!

The three explored areas up to now and the large unexplored areas are the best proof!

Standing in a dense bush about two hundred yards from the canyon, thinking of the surviving surviving level that may occur in the unexplored area, Ye Qi couldn’t help but feel guilty – and this kind of heart made him more determined. For the time being, only the intention to explore the residual faith in the area will be collected; as for the unexplored area, if it is only the edge, he will consider it once it exceeds the 'safety range'; he will never touch it!

After all, just like the gap between the heavens and the earth when the moonlight level faces the sundial level, the Japanese-level level is the same as the existence of the sundial level. Although in the moonlight class, he once faced the sundial. The strongman of the class, and escaped smoothly; but it was in the other party did not take him seriously ~ ~ there is a contempt in the heart, plus his good luck results.

And Ye Qike does not think that he can have such luck every time - brave, although there are unimaginable achievements of ordinary people, but the end is often miserable; because they are used to a variety of life-based bet adventures And such gambling is doomed as long as they lose once, it will be ruined; even the previous honors will be put together.

Among the inferiority of human beings, cockroaches are the most common and the most terrible; and the filth caused by it is more and more popular - therefore, Ye Qi absolutely does not want to be such a brave, he only needs to be a qualified Hunting devils are good; after all, the demon hunter does not advocate life as a bet, but will tell you how to cherish life and refuse recklessness.

It is a great effort to be able to build a temple, an altar, and a similarity to you in such a place!

The distance of two hundred yards has been unable to stop Ye Qi from seeing the sight of the canyon. Although the building in the depths of the canyon is still invisible, he can only see some buildings in the front section of the canyon, which is enough to show the strange wolf. I am surprised!

Ps face is a little allergic ... doctors recommend eating less meat, avoid spicy and tobacco and alcohol ... after listening to the doctor said, decadent found that he really eats goods! ! At that moment, there was a feeling of unbearable love in the decadent... I really sweared at the greedy self...

Thanks to the 200 yuan for the prodigal sons floating in the sea, the reward of 4200 coins in June snow, the reward for sn100 coins, and the reward of 100 yuan for the quiet forest. Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence. . )

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