Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 15 Chapter 39: Ambition

In the face of Alcatel's lack of temperature, the elders waiting for the other party's answer, the back can not help but overflow into a piece of cold sweat - as a great elder in the temple elders, Ferent is very good for his own strength Confidence, except for the grace of God, even if he is facing the high priest, he will not think that he is too much; and because of this, when he faces Alcatel, his inner shock will be even stronger. And can't hide it.

Because, once again, he felt the kind of feeling he had basically forgotten - powerless!

When he stood in front of the other party, it was like this, just as he once again lost the grace of God and became an ordinary mortal - the seemingly random movement of the other side is like a head in his eyes. The fierce beast that ravages the human world; and he is the prey of the other's claws; casually determines the ultimate life and death by the other's mind.

This feeling is undoubtedly disgusting to Ferrent. At the same time, he also understands the seriousness of the high priest. In the face of such existence, if there is no God's help, they will be easily raised by the other party. In the meantime, it will be eliminated; there will be no residue left, let alone cooperation with the other side - the premise of cooperation will always be the reciprocity of strength; if not, then it will only become a unilateral request; And this kind of request, as time goes by, will inevitably become more and more fierce.

Fortunately, we still have God!

Standing in front of the other side of the temple elders, at this moment, the heart is extremely gratified; just as he was able to be elected to the temple when he was the same -

"Hello, the high priest has been waiting for a long time; please come with me!"

Ferrent stood in place. Once again, the tone is still respectful; however, the expression has returned to normal - with the existence of inner faith as a backing, he will be fearless.

"The way performance is expressed. It is not necessarily a contempt for life! As a blood family, we should pay more respect to what we cannot have!" Alcatel rushed to the young blood family behind him, slowly Said: "Because it is with their support that we can continue to live in this world; therefore, in the face of our food, we must pay tribute!"

"Know it. Adult!"

In the face of Alcatel's words, the young blood family replied incomparably and graciously, without any fierceness in the past—for the adult in front of him, he knew his ‘famous’. I don’t dare to have any arrogance; because, compared with the other side, his strength or behavior is nothing at all; and the other party’s special status in their family, even if the adult does not. Just showing any dissatisfaction with him, there will be a myriad of people who have emerged and cut his head for this adult.

Therefore, face such a presence. The young blood family will only converge on their own minions and express their respectfulness.

In the moment when the young blood family bends and bows. Alcatel stepped forward, and the surrounding patrol guards immediately separated the road that made Alcatel unimpeded like a tide—not paying attention to the fearful eyes around. Or the path of the great elders of the temple, Alcatel walked straight onto the scarlet carpet, and under the shining of the brazier at the top of the surrounding stone pillars, striding forward, it was like a king who patrolled his territory.

And those chilling patrol guards are completely thieves who bow down and bow down; the great elder Ferrent standing on the side, the anger flashed through his eyes, but he did not say more, just Silently moving forward - knowing what the high priest wants to do, he is very clear about what he should do at the moment; definitely not against the guests in front of him, but to cater to the other; even if it is only temporary.

In the face of aliens, even allies need to be wary – this is before their leader: the high priest has just spoken; for this, as a member of the Temple of the Elders, Ferent, immediately understood the deep priests the meaning of.

At the end of the long scarlet carpet, the Cathedral of the Temple appeared in front of Alcatel; looking at the different styles of the 'Cathedral', Alcatel couldn’t help but whisper: "Before, I thought I would endure The disgust in my heart; after all, those churches are always disgusting in my memory; however, this one is quite comfortable; at the very least, it looks like my castle!"

"This is the residence of God, please ask Alcatel carefully!"

Even if Ferent, who had been patiently patience in his heart, heard Alcatel’s words at this time, he couldn’t help but vocalize; and in this regard, Alcatel’s smirk suddenly flashed a sin, his voice suddenly lowered. Get up: "Cautious? If I don't? Are you going to treat me like the priest of the Holy See?"

"Lord Alcatel, such a joke is not funny at all!"

When Ferrent looked at the guests in front of him, he couldn't help but blame his own mouth. Before the welcoming, the high priest had already passed the temper of his guest, and he had to be careful; only Ferrent did not think that the other party would be moody. To this extent, and seemingly unscrupulous; even, at this moment, he is not clear whether the other party is joking, or serious; because the dangerous eyes flashed in the other's eyes, no matter how he distinguishes, are truly incomparable.

"Jokes? Then when it is a joke! Although I was still looking forward to it!"

Alcatel shrugged his shoulders with his own sinister smile; this time, Ferent did not talk again, just stepped forward and pushed Alcatel to the door of the church - though The other party is a different kind, but when their high priest chooses to cooperate with the other party, they are already in the same camp for the time being; and the other person is a guest, even if the owner is dissatisfied, but as a ceremonial, a simple welcoming ceremony still has to be some.

"Welcome to Lord Alcatel!"

At the moment when Ferrent pushed the church door open, a crisp shout rang out—two rows from the church gate, and in front of the church statue, nearly two hundred girls in white gauze dresses were half-squatting. On the ground. The hand holds a basket full of flowers; the white, delicate fingers hold the blossoming flowers and then throw them high.

Immediately, the entire church was caught in a flower rain.

Along with the colorful flower rain, a group of hymns similar to the Holy See appeared inside the church; but in this chant there is a local whispering tune in the Qiangqu area. Although listening to it is not a taste, but the content of the sing is a hymn, it seems a bit non-negligible - but the line behind Alcatel did not notice this; from the moment of the rain, behind the Alcatel The **** people, their eyes did not leave the nearly two hundred girls wearing white gauze dresses; there are various desires in the eyes without feelings.

There is appetite, but also sex. More is the possessive desire of red fruit!

After all, there were nearly two hundred people at a time, and the body shape and appearance were excellent. Even if it was rich in storage. The **** family with amazing wealth is also difficult to get together. For the **** people whose life is almost infinite, they will not be pure-minded. Instead, they will use their desires to kill time that they are hard to exhaust. In fact, most of the blood races They all have their own blood slaves for their own hunger needs. But they are still happy with hunting; because they need all kinds of excitement to make them feel that they are alive.

Alcatel, who was at the forefront, ignored everything in front of him. His gaze looked at the most prominent presence in the vestibule of the cathedral, the idol; he looked at the statue with an 18-foot-high statue. Looking up and down the white horse and the instruments suspended in the surroundings; Alcatel's beautiful cheeks showed a cold and sarcasm.

For things like God, he always thought it was superfluous - whether it was before. Still now; especially now, since these existences have disappeared. Then you will follow the tide of annihilation in the long river of history. Why do you want to appear again?

It's a superfluous existence!

Put away the extra look in the eyes, with his own usual evil, look at the five men of different shapes and postures under the statue.

"I have seen Lord Alcatel!"

The remaining elders of the five elders stood under the statue, and when Alcatel’s eyes swept, he bowed respectfully toward Alcatel – no doubt, the high priest of the temple also faced the remaining five The elders sighed the same words; and compared to the great elder, the five elders clearly knew the difference between their strength and each other; there was no slight resistance in their hearts, and they completely obeyed what their high priest made to them. Standards of words and deeds.

"Where is your high priest?"

Alcatel’s gaze did not stop in front of anyone else. After the sweep, the voice calmly asked.

"The high priest is already in the back hall, waiting for you for a long time!" One of the five elders stood up and reached out and said: "Please come with us!"


Sure enough, he!

Ye Qi, standing in the shadow on the second floor of the back hall of the cathedral, looked at the people who came in. When he saw the presence of the red trench coat, he immediately blinked his eyes and converge on his own eyes. His impression is too deep; even, at the moment when he senses the other party's fluctuations, there is a feeling of trepidation; although there is a 'winning' experience of the other side, but Ye Qi does not think that is the strength of the other side.

The inanimate king: Alcatel; the most powerful existence of the blood family in modern history, possessing the strongest fighting force in the blood family: the command of the Clin guard; once a man slaughtered a country, a Principality of more than three million people overnight Between the two became a dead city - the other side of the **** windbreaker, white long hair, and a sinister smile, was hailed as a transcendental existence.

Such a person exists, Ye Qi does not think that the other party has only such ability, even if it is the help of profiteers, the other party should not be defeated; after all, from some chattering of the wolf, can be overnight The existence of the entire upper and lower airs of a whole Principality has definitely surpassed the existence of the Japanese glory; and in the era when the chaos is coming to an end, the other party can escape the glory after doing such a 'glorious deed'. The pursuit of the Holy See for a time is enough to explain all the problems. In the style of the Holy See, there is such a existence. If you do not get back, it is absolutely unwilling to open a sentencing conference and use your opponent’s body to promote your greatness. In those days, the power that the Holy See was able to dispatch was definitely beyond the imagination of all.

although. For the next thing, the collection of the Tower of Wisdom did not introduce too much, but from the other side to spend the sacred age, and still walk in the free age. The other side will undoubtedly continue to be active - and such a existence, how could it be defeated by him!

Above the sun...

Ye Qi more carefully hides his body shape - although the possibility of being discovered is not great, but Ye Qi is very clear to face the existence of Alcatel, no care can be overemphasized; after all, once If you find it, the consequences will undoubtedly be unimaginable; even if you don't lose your life, you will definitely lose half life.

What is he coming here for?

Ye Qi looked at the elders in the temple in the back hall and the other side came out; Ye Qi did not think that the two sides were opening a forum. In particular, the former has built an enchantment with the power of faith, and it is undoubtedly to put the latter again - the inanimate king, wherever there is a need to be guarded; in the face of any carelessness of the other side, I am not responsible for my own life.


Standing in the shadows. Feeling the sudden fluctuations in the power of faith, Ye Qi couldn’t help but because – this fluctuation gave him a familiar, but unfamiliar feeling; and with this fluctuation left the faith After the enchantment built by the force, the familiar feeling became more and more intense!

but. The sense of strangeness did not disappear because the feeling of familiarity became more and more intense; on the contrary, the growing sense of familiarity made the strangeness more and more sudden – just like dropping a drop of ink on a piece of white paper; The ink does not disappear with the whiteness of the white paper, but it will become darker and darker. It is getting more and more attention.

However, Ye Qi can remember very clearly. He has not seen this volatility - any fluctuations, even if it is not worth noting. Ye Qi will also have an impression; not to mention that the volatility in front of him has reached the level of the Japanese glory; if he has seen it, he will certainly remember it; not just familiarity.

"Welcome to Lord Alcatel!"

A touch of familiarity with Ye Qi, when the door leading to the prayer meditation room opened in the back hall, was worn out from inside; and when the other person’s face appeared in the line of Ye Qi’s line of sight, Ye Qi’s straight stunned - Lehmann and Lanes battled on the Wizarding Road near Hailin, and one of the two uninvited guests appeared in front of him again; the same expensive costume, oak rod...

How is this going?

For the middle-aged man who once wore a costume and dressed in luxurious costumes, Ye Qi once asked the old wizard who belonged to the wizard's strength, and the other party did not know the origin of the former. It was only the former who visited the wizarding tower. - After the event, Ye Qi also inquired about the origin of the other through the channel of the demon hunter, the channel of the dark underground forces; after all, in his view, the strength of the other day's glory is undoubtedly the firefly in the dark. It is very conspicuous; however, the result is that Ye Qi frowned; in the nearly 100-year history of modern times, no one is in line with his description of the Japanese-level powerhouse!

In this regard, after Ye Qi investigated again, it is wise to choose to give up - the Sun Yat-class power is rare and eye-catching, but this does not mean that any one of the Japanese-level powers will be well known; At least, in some big forces, there are some hidden Japanese-level powerhouses; for example, inside the Holy See, there is a way to hide the fluctuations of the birth of the Sun Yat-sens. For such a strongman, look for it. It is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, or even a waste of effort.

Therefore, although Ye Qi once thought about how he would meet with the other party next but did not think that he would meet with the other party in such a situation, and the other party is that he has been waiting The high priest of the temple; of course, what makes Ye Qi pay more attention to is the change of the other party's volatility - the fluctuation of one person. Under normal circumstances, although the amplitude will change, the frequency will not change; The change in frequency proves that this person has the basis of volatility - the soul has also changed; and as a person who has a contract with the demon, the change in the frequency of fluctuations has only one possibility...


"Yes, that's what you think!" The wolf wore a smirk and said: "It seems that the other party's failure for the last time, but he is so worried! I even sold my soul! It is amazing. Perseverance!"

"Perseverance? This is just an escape, the coward!"

For the admiration of the strange wolf, Ye Qi was a cold-blooded brow.

PS is hot! ! ! ! ! ! ! So hot! ! ! ! ! ! God, give a bathtub filled with ice! ! ! ! I want to cool down! ! ! !

Desperate and sincere, I did not expect that Sanya would become like this, I really didn’t think of it! ! I want to stumble on the ground! ! ! Especially at noon under the big sun, in order to find the shaved ice, the feeling is really between the hope, the expectation and the irritability, like the broken egg like life and death! ! !

Growing and decadent in the north, the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes are shaken by the sun in Sanya! !

Keke... Finally, thank you for your hospitality! ! ! Although, seafood, you can’t really eat it... all kinds of allergies... But thank you for your sincere

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