Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 15 Chapter 59: Sword holding double

“The Thousand Marsh area is always so unpleasant!”

With a burst of laughter, Ted, who is tall and strong enough to reach the limits of the human body, slaps the lynx from the yīn shadow in front of him - there is an adult wolf-sized lynx full body hair, green sè The eyes stared at Ted; then Ted turned his head and smiled, and quickly turned into the bushes.

For such a small animal, Ted did not catch up with the idea. Apart from other tasks, the most fundamental thing is that he is very clear. The reason why the previous 'small animal' attacked him was because the most fundamental reason was He entered the other side's territory - in fact, in order to find the new "first to explore the road", the hunter was still in the apprenticeship, from the days after he joined the search, every day encountered This kind of thing; this time it was just a small mountain cat. The last time he met was an adult forest.

There is a huge monster of about ten yards in length. If it is not his timely response, I am afraid that the search team will have unnecessary reductions. Although this time, his existence avoids such a situation, but as the search distance continues to lengthen. In-depth, it is about to enter the unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area, even if it is difficult for him to ensure the safety of the entire search team - for the unexplored areas of the Thousand Marsh area, as the guardian of the Hunter's Headquarters First, Ted is really clear; after all, he has participated in two explorations of unexplored areas organized by the Demon Hunter Headquarters.

However, the two meetings that were explored were always unpleasant – for Ted, who likes to fight. Although he will enjoy the battle, he definitely does not like to see his own loss of soldiers; he prefers to be the first line of charge; but, unfortunately, the basic demon hunters think so; therefore, he is intact. Come back, and the hunters who walked with him died more than half.

For the first time, the words of the companion 'Fudge', the second time Ted, who was directly stunned, the unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area is a place that makes him gnash his teeth - so even at this moment De still has a loud laugh. But in this laughter, there is a war that is hard to cover!

If he does not explore all the unexplored areas of the Thousand Marsh area, how can he be right to confuse him and stun his companions?

And this is the only obsession in Ted's own hands that shredded the blood slaves who killed his wife and daughter. However, Ted, who is still clear-headed, knows that he does not have such strength now - 'If you If you want to get there, the level of rì曜 is the level you have to reach. The words of the moon tower tower Hessel, Ted is in mind.

Across the line! Across the line!

Where is it separated? Really a jerk!

Ted thought about his own strength, and finally he couldn't help but laugh again. After the wife and daughter died in the hands of the bastards, Ted had always smiled, whether it was a friend or an enemy. He has a smile; of course, the former is mild and slightly bold. The latter is cold and killing; and at the moment, it is undoubtedly a distressed and helpless smile.

Obviously, thinking about the problem is a slightly difficult thing for Ted, especially how the Yuehui class is promoted to the level of rì曜, which can not be solved by countless powers and scholars – from the touch to the peak of the moonlight At the beginning, it will be nearly three years now. As long as there is free time, Ted will think about this problem; however, he is still distressed from now. Anyone can see that he still has nothing to gain!

"You guy, what are you still upset about? So many Guardians are distressed, and not bad for you! Good 歹rì曜 level, for you is a line apart, for me there is still a very long Long distance!" Knowing the giants of his peers is why he is troubled by Stoic, and immediately hit Ted's shoulder with a force. Shouting loudly: "I am an enviable guy! What qualifications do you have, you are so sad!"

"I am thinking! Thinking! Although nothing has been achieved so far, Lord Hesel said that thinking more helps me to break through!"

I watched the face of the president of the squad. Ted immediately turned to the topic of interest - he didn't want to do more entanglement on the issue of strength; although the demon person did not care about most of the things, but the strength is their first concern, except for friends and relatives. Looking up and looking around, comparing the map in the jacket pocket, Ted sighed: "Stofei, you really found a guy who can't be awkward! Walking through this jungle, we will I set foot on the unexplored area!"

"The one I found is of course a very bad guy! Xìng is cautious but not lacking in decisiveness. It is good, especially the shooting method is very good! Just a little training is a good hunting demon!" Stoic looked around Starting a rare tree, I couldn’t help but say: "And when I was in the market, I was able to win the unrelenting apostle in the face of the moonlight. It is really a rare talent! But this guy It’s really timid. After I found this guy, I must take him with me for three years before I let him act alone!”

“Do you want to be bold?”

The only lady in the same industry: Kaqiu heard that Stoic was obviously blaming himself, but after always having a pleasing words, he couldn’t help but coldly said: "You are always stunned by this blood." Guys, if you are not daring, I am afraid it is not normal? Whether it is some old qualifications, or some new ones; always used to such a hustle and bustle! Hunting the devil code, you remove the prologue, the rest Haven't seen it yet!"

"The devil's code, in addition to the prologue, is there anything else?"

"It seems that there is no!"

Stoic asked Ted with a curious look; Ted seriously thought about it for a long while, and then nodded affirmatively; followed by a burst of laughter at the same time; and Kayqi, who was behind, was helpless. A sly face - the demon hunter code is an important document that every demon hunter carries with him to prove his identity and seek help and accept tasks in the local demon hunter branch; remove the identity of the demon hunter In addition to the proof, there are only a few things that need to be paid attention to by the headquarters of the Hunter.

These things need to be noted. Because it was placed at the forefront of the demon hunter's code, the hunter was dubbed the 'prologue' - although it was a nickname, but every hunter demon had a good grasp of this 'prologue'; after all, these were hunted The 'prologue' summed up by the Devil's Headquarters can be saved at a critical moment.

It can be said that for the Hunting Man Code. Prologue, every demon person will not be disgusted, or even a little loved; because they can feel the painstaking efforts of the headquarters to summarize these precautions and the love for them. - However, there are always some embarrassing things everywhere. The Devil's Headquarters is no exception, especially when the female tower master of the Wisdom Tower took power in the past ten years. Some of the top leaders of the Devil's Headquarters always like to add something to the devil's code.

Of course, these added things can't be said to be useless, but in the most conspicuous place of the Demon Hunter's Code, there are always some inexplicable names, especially the name will always be very obvious before the name. Mark it out - obviously. This approach makes all the demon hunters sneer; some of the simple demon hunters, straight away these parts from the demon hunter code. Keep only the original part.

After all, for them, the Code of Hunting Man with the ‘prologue’ is already complete.

As for other additives?

The places like trash cans are where they should go; the same is true for those who write their own.


A sudden explosion overshadowed the laughter of Stoic and Ted; and the two, including Kaqiu, jumped to the highest place beside the explosion. Looking in the direction of the explosion - two tornados of different sizes appeared in their field of vision; although they were somewhat unconscious because of the distance, the rules of motion and the faint power It has already made preliminary inferences for these three experienced demon hunters.

“In the unexplored area, will this create a tornado for no reason?”

Kaqiu, who has not been to the unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area, frowned and looked at the two companions beside him. The tornado is not a rare thing for the female hunting demon; even. In order to hone her whip, she also smashed the tornado formed in the storm of the sea; but the tornado at the moment gave her a strange, unclear, plausible feeling.

"This one……"

Stofei and Ted face each other. Did not immediately give an accurate answer - obviously, the female hunter has some feelings, both have it; and as two people who have been to the Thousand Marsh area for exploration, especially the former is stationed here all the year round, They are very clear, the environment in the area where the Thousand Marsh area is not explored is the endless swamps and poisonous insects, but there is absolutely no such thing as a tornado; especially before there is no trace of such a large tornado.

As a qualified hunter, especially in the wild, Stofei can be sure that if you want to form a tornado in the distance, even here, even before today, he should have It was discovered!

"That's not a tornado! It's a sword wind!"

The middle-aged swordsman with his bare-chested body suddenly appeared beside the three people. Even in the Qiangqu area where the bandits were rampant, the scars on his body were daunting. At this moment, the middle-aged swordsman was upright. The brightness of the hair is like the endless sharpness, as if you want to look at it from the long-eyed eyes.

"Sword wind?!"

Three for the demon hunter, Zaka, one of the leaders of the action, was unbelievable and exclaimed in unison.

"Yes, it is Jianfeng! It can form a sword wind of this scale. There is a strong man with a sword in the world!" Zaka’s eyes flashed with excitement and anger, and he suddenly looked over at Stofei. Asked: "Is there a camp for the cult!"

"According to the direction, it should be true!" Obviously knowing what the militant who wants to do in front of Stoic, after speaking, immediately find reasons to persuade: "Zaka, you calm down; Lord Blanc has not yet arrived. Before, we should not..."

"Lord Blanc, has already set off! It seems that he also felt something!" After Zaka glanced at Stoic, he immediately pointed his finger at him - as a sacred object with Zaka and others. The main tower tower. Naturally, he was asked by his good friend Hesel. However, the sacred tower tower owner is obviously not a person who is good at finding. After throwing the strategy of finding and dealing with cults to Ted and Zaka, As for the excuse of 'seeking old friends to drink', the disappearance disappeared without a trace.


The powerful and powerful dragon slammed when Zaka reached out and pointed backwards. Suddenly, the Qiangqu area filled with various creatures’ sounds was quiet; the whole world seemed to enter a kind of everything. In a quiet environment; only the dragons that are endless and sound-shocking.

"The ability to use the sword of this size, the entire Lott is only a few, but this is what I am most looking forward to! Don't stop me. Otherwise I will even be jealous!"

Zaka’s whole person is like a wolf king who has been saved from the mountain forest. With a burst of high-pitched snoring, he rushes to the place where the dragons are smashed – the arm of Stodo and Ted’s block. In the end, they didn't lift it up; because they knew very well that the words before Zaka were not a joke; the guy who survived for the battle, if he really met that person, he might really fight for that fight. The six parents do not recognize.

"If it is that, I want to see it!"

"Yeah. Can teach Ye Qi such a guy, and have all kinds of legends. How can you not see it!" Stoic and Ted, in no particular order, said at the same time; then the two have a tacit understanding After a glance, he shouted at the same time: "Go!"

Hey! Hey!

After two bursts of sound, Stoic and Ted were behind Zaka at the same time, disappeared; only left a little bit of worry, Kaqiu, watching only one person left in the moment; Kaqiu immediately Lame, swearing: "It’s a group of crazy madmen!"

"However, if it is Lorient's Juggernaut, I would also like to have a look..."

The whispered Kaqiu suddenly blushes. Then I followed the three people who left before, and instantly disappeared into the top of the tree.



The broad sword took a sword wind and steadily held the golden sè scepter. The knives of Ye Qi’s right hand scabbard passed through a dazzling string moon and went straight to the other’s neck. - The existence of the body attached to the high priest, at the moment when the leaves of the knives are squirted, the gods on the face will change greatly; even if the clothes that were cut in the hurricane are not covered, the flesh and blood are blurred. It is not as general as it is now: God has a trace of fear!

Yes, it’s just a fear!

how is this possible! how is this possible!

How can such a skill appear in the rì曜 level!

impossible! impossible!

He is just a ant ant existence!

With a resentful cry, the existing scepter has a more intense radiance to resist the other side, affecting him, making him illusion that everything is slow. Avoid the inevitable knife - full of sticky xìng gold sè ray to a strip like a tentacle filament to the knives of the knives; unfortunately any filament facing the blade of the knives are one A 'cut off'.

One, ten, one hundred!

Cut off!

Thousands, thousands, countless!

Cut off!

Filled with the knives of Ye Qi’s murderous beliefs, the special knives of the knives themselves have been brought to the limit – no destruction, nothing!

move! Give me a move! Just move a little!

Calculating the trajectory of Ye Qi's blade, the existence shouted in the bottom of his heart, using all his strength to move; at the same time, a little bit of the existence of this source was also called by it - no doubt, calling these things, for The body of the high priest he possessed is unbearable; it is very clear that once it is used once, the body that it possesses collapses and becomes a waste product.

However, compared with the collapse of the body, it pays more attention to the damage it has suffered. The conclusions before Ye Qi are not wrong. They are attached to the body of the mortal and are killed. As a high-level existence, It will also hurt the source; therefore, in the case of being injured again, it is better to use these sources to do something else; for example, to avoid a blow that must be killed in front of you!

After all, the source of escaping in front of a blow is compared to the source of wasted after being killed. The difference is a little bit; for example, the former is only the size of the grain, while the latter is the size of the peanut - therefore, As long as it is a normal mind, you will understand how to choose.

In Ye Qi’s perception, a strange feeling appeared on the other side's body; and after this strange feeling appeared, the speed of the other party's dodge was obviously 'accelerated' - looking at this scene Ye Qiyi frowned; as a slasher, he was very clear, according to this speed; the final result: the other side will be dangerous and avoiding his slash.

And this is what Ye Qi absolutely does not want to see - from the beginning with the other side's broad sword, the other party's heart and contempt to begin, to use the other side's general idea, he used the sword skill 'sword style' to lay down a layer of bureau, leaf I am absolutely not allowed to spend such efforts, but nothing.

Thinking of this Ye Qi, there is no hesitation - deep inspiration, and then blow hard.


Ps is decadent today, it is estimated that it will drink more... So, it is updated regularly in advance...

Thanks for the 200 yuan of the prodigal son wandering in the sea, the reward of 4200 coins in June snow, the reward of sn100 coins, the reward of 100 coins in the stars, the reward of 100 yuan for peanuts, and 100 yuan for the silent forest. Reward ~~~ and the left hand of death, Xuanyuan Yuhe, always a l-monthly ticket for each l~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~

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