Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 15 Chapter 69: Pure land

Robben has a great grasp that Dekat will promise his 'request' - although the relationship between the two is not good, even if it is bad, but this does not prevent De Carter from having a good relationship with his father; Before Dekat faced his 'powerlessness', Robben understood more about how well the other party had a good relationship with his father; if it was not certain that his father had no other son, he thought He has an unknown younger brother.

Of course, this situation is impossible at all; after all, he himself is an unexpected product, how can his father's cleverness create another 'handle'; perhaps it is a bit strange to describe his father. Dissatisfied, but in the face of the facts, any description is just an explanation - Robben is very clear, if it is not the secret concealment of his unsuccessful mother, then he will never be born in this world; Ben thanks to her mother, but also hates her mother.

That silly woman never knows what kind of guy she falls in love with!

This sentence is a summary of his mother after Robben 'sees' some things; and it is from that day that he changed the name for his mother - 'stupid woman' became his mother's Hey, and he definitely doesn't want to inherit everything from that 'stupid woman'.

Silly woman, the old man goes down with you, your wish is fulfilled!

Originally, I intend to help you with this wish, but someone has done it for me!

Although I deserve to thank the two guys, the current situation confirms that I have no reason to give an excuse for thanking me!

I need to re-establish everything about myself. I want to go beyond the old man and reach the point where he can't imagine it!

You give me a good look!

The thoughts in my heart made Robben's face appear stiff at first, and completely relaxed.

"Listen, although I don't know where we will be brought in, but the result is definitely not something to look forward to!" Robben looked straight at Decat, his eyes were still aversion, but the tone had already appeared a bit steady. "Either you, me, or them, the status is now a prisoner; and if we don't want to face the prisoners' dues, then we should cooperate temporarily!"

"God said: The reason for everything is in my heart!"

Decate, who remained silent, suddenly spoke up; the face was as light as ever, and the tone was slow. It is like a breeze.

"Damn! Are you guys playing with me?" Robben, who was waiting for De Carter's answer, grabbed the other's collar. The forehead is facing the other's forehead, and the fierce look in both eyes is like a lone wolf who has been hungry for several days, not only carrying the most primitive desires. He said with a bite: "The old man and the high priest are dead, and the **** existence has never appeared! What the Holy See is our greatest enemy. They can't even deal with some of the demon hunters! I don't want to be those The Demon Hunter is thrown straight into the prison or some other prison-like place!"

"So, I ask you, can't help me?"

When asked the last sentence to shout, Robben’s eyes have already seen a touch of blood--the choice of people, and it’s definitely the truest performance of Robben now; and he certainly thinks so; if it doesn’t work. The words of leaving. Then he will kill the enemy in front of him and then wait for him to die silently; he understands the consequences of continuing to kill here, and the demon hunters will never let him go, especially his identity; in the Holy See, it will It was burned directly, although the demon hunter would be better there, but the black prison of a lifetime is absolutely inevitable.

In the face of the latter, he would rather choose to die!

Of course, this death,. It must be after the enemy in front of him, without regrets - he is holding his forehead, his eyes staring at each other's eyes, waiting for the other party's last minute answer; if not, he will bite the other party in the next moment. The throat; despite this way. It will be despised, even worse than the slave gladiators he knows; at the very least, those who struggle with the gladiators will not open their mouths because they are human beings. The last bit of dignity.

But he is different, he will not look for and mourn the hypocritical dignity. He only wants to live and be able to fulfill his wishes; and if he can't, he must die without ‘regrets’!

De Carter’s expression was still calm, and there was a touch of light in his eyes from beginning to end. He lifted his right hand and removed the gaze of everyone except Robben in the 'cell’, the right hand. There was a soft white light, and then in the exclamation, gently placed on the back of Robben's head; although it was found that something was wrong, but when Robben reacted, the hand with soft white light It has already appeared on the back of his head, and he can't do it at all.

Will I die?

Damn, you should start with a strong one!

With such thoughts, Robben was in a state of lethargy.

"Good sleep, my brother!" After holding Robben and gently placing it on the floor cushion, De Carter stood up and turned to look at the rest of the people, saying: "God has brought us a way of life. Are you willing to follow me behind me to find the light inside?"


Almost instinctive, the remaining temple believers did not hesitate to kneel down, and at this moment, Decat's body emerged with a pale golden light, a sigh of majesty made their voice of worship sound from the mind.

"Follow the people in front of you, go to my pure land!"

As the sound of the majesty sounds, the remaining temple believers are almost completely shaken. Then, everyone's face turns from desperate gray to joyful blush - their 'god' comes to save them. These lost lambs,!

"You know everything, your radiance is like the sun, you will be the only pillar in our hearts..."

Immediately, every day, they will be counted by the scriptures of countless times, and they will sound straight in this 'cell', and then they will become one piece. Everyone in the 'Jailhouse' is solemn and solemn. The arms are closed to the chest; and the strange wolf in the land of the seal is incomparably squinting.

Although Brees is a disgusting and intolerant guy, his followers are cute!

Especially these determined believers!

In the face of fear between life and death, still choose the faith!

As a parting gift, all of your believers have accepted it!

Soon after, these believers will see the real ‘God’!

With such an idea, the wolf is facing Dekat who prayed with these believers. The following instructions were issued - although Bryce as a type of existence, it is very much to look down on the existence of the same level; but this does not deny that at the level below this level, Bryce The same great, invincible; at the very least, no matter who is the inanimate king. Still the owner of the six towers at the head of the demon hunter did not find the way back for Breis.

of course. If you want to turn this road into a path that allows these mortals to move forward, you still need to change it. Naturally, this must consume some energy that it collects. But the wolf is so sweet. Once these people have reached its 'clean land'. If you work with Ye Qi’s friend, its spokesperson, then almost overnight, there will be more people available in its hands.

Whether it is developmental forces or missionary, these determined believers are stronger than those who are still training; at the very least. These people already have the ability to 'care' themselves.

"Follow my steps! We will go to ‘ Pure Land!’”

Recat, who had picked up Robben again, walked toward the room where the deepest part of the prayer room was meditation; the rest of the believers followed behind Decat, without any help, and everyone took them. Tough enough to make the demon hunter look and look in an orderly way - everything before it still exists in memory, but they are tested as a test; even the injustice of the temple is the same; now They are even more ignorant of this memory, with the most sincere heart, they are behind the 'God of the Gods'. As the high priest said in the past, he entered a ‘the pure land of no world.’

In an instant, a blue and white door appeared in the deepest room, and all the people went in and disappeared into the prayer meditation room. Only one piece of moonlight and tranquility illuminate the darkness.


"The pure land? You are really thick enough!"

With such an evaluation, Ye Qi sat in a chair and couldn't help but scream at the strange wolf who had uttered great achievements to himself. Obviously, for his own contract partner, he has enough identity as a hunter. And stand to express your disdain; especially the other party's words. Ye Qi can not help but think of those who often appear in the bar, relying on rhetoric or bluff. The scammers who show the ‘good’ side to the single-sexual opposite **** are like peacocks.

Of course, as a strange wolf, even a liar is definitely a big swindler across the century; for this, Ye Qi never doubted.

"Would you like to show Otto as 'clean land' to these poor people?" Ye Qi’s tone is full of disdain: "As far as I know, you are not only short of supplies, but even the places where you live. House, tree house? And you bring the guys like Robben there; I don't see the slightest 'purified earth'; after all, such a guy, death is his best ending!"

"The pure land is not material, more is the soul! A guy who doesn't have the slightest faith like you, can't understand at all! What's more, I am an expert in such a thing! And you, at most, my assistant. ... Hey, seriously, even the assistants are not counted, at most apprentices! Yes, it is an apprentice!"

"Who will be your apprentice!"

Ye Qi, who was sitting in the chair, immediately browed and opened his mouth and retorted it. However, compared with the previous words, Ye Qi was only a simple rebuttal. After all, the example given by the wolf was that he could not refute The identity that the other party once possessed, as well as the believers who have had countless counts, make Ye Qi unable to start even if he wants to refute.

Faced with this situation, the wolf is a proud mouth, continue his topic: "As for Robben? Perhaps it should be **** to you or all the demon hunters; but in In my opinion, he is a rare existence!"

"A rare existence? Don't say that the guy will be like my good friend or the young man named Dekat. It is a kind of faithful existence! Hey, arrogant, even without the reason that an adult should have, I am from The guy’s body can’t see the quality of anyone who believes in the firm!” Recalling Robben, who has only one side with him, Ye Qi has an indescribable dislike for this outsider; but the evaluation is also very loyal.恳 —— Although the demon hunter will judge a thing with preference, this does not prevent the demon hunter from giving the opponent the most fair evaluation.

"That's because you only see the superficial phenomenon! I only saw some real things in the memory of the child! Especially the blood of the child..."


Ye Qi whispered a little, and asked questions.

"Of course. You won't forget the father of this child? The big elder of that guy!" When the wolf mentioned the existence similar to it, the tone also showed a bit of disgust; but, soon, it turned His own contract companion explained with enthusiasm: "In the whole temple, only the so-called high priests and great elders have the power of that guy; although very few. But in essence, there is no change! And as the guy is big The son of the elder. This child can have something similar; after all, the blood is irreversible in any existence!"

"Even, seriously, this child has the blood of the gods!! Although it is very thin. But if it is excited, it is also a bad person; after all, my guardian knight, there is not yet a formal The candidates! Although Otto and De Carter are rare people, they are only suitable for the priests, not the knights!"

"I hope that the ‘child’ in your mouth will have a true ‘good character’ as you wish!”

Ye Qi ended the topic he couldn't intervene in a sarcasm tone - how to sing a strange wolf. Teach 'the guy who seems to be hopeless in his opinion, he is not interested; in fact, when the wolf talks about 'the memory of the other side', Ye Qi has an uncontrollable resentment; as a presence with any existence The secret that he could not be told, Ye Qi was wary of any act of peeping into the memory of others.

This kind of vigilance naturally becomes disgusting with the development of time; whether it is for himself or others, such behavior is what Ye Qi does not like.

"Okay, okay, my righteous gentleman, gentleman's Ye Qi. You are the one who really has the 'golden' character of the knight; if you were born in the sacred age, your achievements will definitely make people who know you feel Surprised!" The wolf certainly heard the dislike of his contract companion, and immediately yawned and said: "However, I have to remind you that the lady you are waiting for is less than 20 kilometers away! Please You are ready to go!"

Finished. The wolf did not wait for Ye Qi’s counterattack, and disappeared. The Ye Qi, who was sitting in the chair, sighed slightly, then sighed helplessly—he was very clear, and the strange wolf had this bad guy. interest. The disappearance of the present is only temporary, and it will wait until the businesswoman appears. The other party will definitely appear again from the seal land; even in some 'exciting' moments, loudly applauded.

Really a despicable guy!

With such an idea, Ye Qi quickly sorted out the reasons and excuses in his mind - although the strange character and inferior interest of the wolf is unquestionable, but the ability of the other side is also unquestionable; It is 20 kilometers, then this number must be very accurate.

And Ye Qi believes even more that at the speed of a businesswoman, the time left for her to reorganize is not too long; after all, when the other party received the news of his return, according to Toka’s statement, it should still be in the Chima area. Exploring a certain area of ​​c1 to c3 in the area is right, but now it is only one day, the other party will come back; this speed is almost incomparable with the new Sun Yat-class power. .


Before the sun plunged to the horizon, a clearly modified 'chariot' ran straight into the market; for the weird vehicle that I had seen, all the people in the area had no obstacles, and As the other party passed, they also greeted the chest--the Toka was not concealed for the investment and development plan of the businesswoman who was about to be here, and this is enough for all the people in the Qianguma area to express their heartfelt concern for the businesswoman. respect.

"Where is Finger?"

A woman in an outdoor outfit smashed out from the ‘chariot’ and went to to get a message loudly, and asked Toka, who had been waiting in front of the small building.

"In the small living room on the first floor!"

Toka answered truthfully, and then pulled a small Doug, who wanted to go along with it, and watched the back of the businesswoman disappear behind the door. This turned around and looked at himself with a dissatisfied look. The little Doug, shrugged and shrugged: "The little guy, disturbing others for a long time, but will be condemned! I think you are still looking for Lemoah or Kosol now, they should be near the gate at the moment!"

"Remember, it is forbidden to stay near here before dinner!"

After that, the head of Toka, the market leader, and the female bodyguard who just jumped out of the ‘chariot’, blocked the door in front of the small building.

It’s raining ps! ! Great rain

I would like to thank the prodigal son of the four seas for the reward of 200 coins, the reward of June 4,200 yuan for the snow, the reward for the sn100 coin, the reward for the 100% of the silent forest, the soul of the soul, the new arrival hour, and the monthly ticket of id1234321. Thank you for all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters.

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