Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 15 Chapter 73: Proceed

As long as there is a serious investigation of the Druids, then the name of the druid's natural mystery is absolutely unfamiliar—the sacrifices in the Druids, the birth of the next generation of leaders, and the elites. It is closely related to the natural secrets; therefore, for such a existence, everyone who knows will have a strong curiosity and want to witness it with their own eyes; however, the mystery of the Druids and the distance from the crowd make these curiosities People are disappointed and return.

Disappointment and curiosity are intertwined, and some legends about the natural myths of the Druids have been born since then. There are rumors that the natural secrets of the Druids store the treasures of the Druid collections of the past, each of which is worthless. It is also a rare sacred device in the world; even, there are rumors that as long as you enter the natural secret territory of the Druid, you will be able to gain the qualification to enter the threshold of the Japanese glory.

There are real and false rumors, most of them are catching the wind, but countless people still believe that this is true. In the sacred era, during the time when the Holy See was incomparable, there was more than one chase for the Druids. Outside the sectarian struggle; the natural mystery of the Druids is also a top priority.

However, several killings did not make the Holy See a wish; although they have slaughtered a complete Druid camp more than once, but there is a natural wonder, but there is no clue to any scales and claws - Druid does not Everything will be recorded in words, and the "Bade" that records all of this will not become a prisoner at all; as for the higher-order Owad and Druid, it will fight on the front line for the retreat of its own people. Run the last drop of blood.

Therefore, even the Holy See in the heyday did not find out where the natural wonders of Druidism are; even some people simply believe that the natural mystery of Druids does not exist at all—because they are absolutely I can't think of the place where the natural mystery really exists. It turned out to be an oak tree!

Different from the 'gift' in the Druid camp at this moment, the natural mystery in the many Druid camps at that time was only created by the ordinary oaks through the power of the Druids, although the final connection is still this. The golden oak that the current Druids call the 'gift'. However, the fundamental function has been greatly different between direct use and indirect use; at the very least, at the beginning of their druid, there is absolutely no way to 'give' the existence of the moonlight level; after all, at that time many virtues In Rui, they are not the strongest ones, and even the middle and upper class can't be ranked.

In this regard. Connor, who was still a strong man of the year, remembers very clearly in order to have more opportunities to enter the natural world. What is the price of their druids? Although the belief of the **** of nature keeps them away from the erosion of Kimpton, the relationship between the superior and the subordinates still exists; precious seeds, the cubs of the beasts Wait, become the qualification of their ordinary druid in exchange for the natural secret; and in order to obtain these. It is enough to make their druids pay a heartbreaking price!

After all, whether it is a precious seed or a cub of a beast, it is not a flower in the garden. It can be seen everywhere, they must go deep into various places where they are inaccessible, and in those places. The degree of danger is naturally self-evident; especially the latter, who want to get the cubs of the beasts, they must face the parents of the beasts - despite the prohibition of such 'violation' killings in the doctrine, But in order to gain the qualification to enter the natural environment, how many Druids can really do it?

Perhaps this is the punishment for us!

Imagine that in the past, in order to enter the natural environment, the white-haired Connor could not help but smile. In addition to their good fortune, they found a deadly beast of a parent and got three consecutive years in a decade. In addition, the other Druids did not secretly use the killing in exchange for such a quota; in this regard, Connor was extremely puzzled and even offended a number of powerful druids. It was crowded out by the other side in the natural secret territory.

Of course, more importantly, after leaving the natural environment, those druids with special quotas began to suppress the camp of Connor, whether it was food. Still a resource, their druid fell to its lowest point in just a few months.

The result of this is undoubtedly that Connor, who was still young at the time, doubted his own practice. Whether it was right or wrong - confusion, doubt, and incomprehension, it was almost the embodiment of Connor's synthesis in that period; until the Holy See began to sweep away dissidents. Rear. This confusion, doubt, and incomprehension are replaced by the pressure of survival.

Countless powerful Druids disappeared into the world overnight, and instead they were suppressed to the limit. Almost all the weakest of the Druids eventually escaped the Holy See’s killings and returned to the natural sacred place in each of their 'Owad’ prophecies—the towering canopy, the golden glow, the birth of life. Earth.

In this holy place, they are isolated from the world and prospered; and the passage of time has transformed Connor from the prime of life into the current white hair, becoming the oldest and most respected 'Owad' in the entire camp. ——The experience of youth, the last lucky escape, so Connor strictly abide by 'natural'; without killing, with the heart of nature, to face nature; the only remaining Druid fruit is restored to the original German The life status of the Ruis,

In this long period of time, of course, there will be young people who choose to leave, Connor will not stop, but they will set up a ban in their memory; after all, how those churches found them, Connor It is still fresh in memory; of course, the setting of this ban is frank, not secret; Connor will tell every young person who leaves the Druid camp - in order to protect the Holy Land, all those who leave will express understanding.

This situation has been going on for countless years until the young man came here with the saved Fia. For outsiders, Connor is no stranger; during these years, they will try to retain any outsider for them. Add new blood; if you don't want to stay, any Druid will not be reluctant, just follow their teachings and let these people leave; of course, the memory will still leave a forbidden, let them forget this Everything that happened during the period.

However, the young man is an exception!

Connor, who is the 'Owad' in the Druids, is good at medical skills and has an old experience, but he has become 'Owad' not only by these - prophecy and divination is that he becomes The real reason of 'Owad'; and precisely because of prophecy and divination, Connor saw the hope of Druidism in this young man; But it is like a mountain, so it cannot be ignored.

Under such intuition, Connor gave up his usual practice and chose to look at each other at the expense of 'time' - and from now on, his approach is undoubtedly correct; 'Shack's Dragon' The name of the youngest Japanese-level glory. He just sent people to inquire about the exact news; and the words and deeds of the other party made Connor confident; because. From some places, the other party has been obeying nature and knowing that it has not been confused by greed and has not used killing as a weapon of conquest.

This kind of people. Undoubtedly they are the only remaining Druids, the solid allies needed; therefore, even if there are more 'people' later, they still choose to accept, even if these 'people' have such problems; For this druid, it is not a problem at all; in fact. Except for those who have negative energy and are full of ice, the druids rarely hate a existence; the power of nature that has been believed has long made them mostly good old people.

Of course, what is most satisfying to Connor is the companion of the young man in the natural secret behind him; if it is not certain that the other parent has a parent, and the parent is indeed a mountain, he even suspects that the other person has left the camp and cannot Find the descendants of the children who are on the way home; after all, he has never seen such a harmonious natural force in any outsider.

And precisely because of this. Even if it is determined that the other parent is a mountain forester, Connor and the leader of the druid, Awar, still privately believe that the ancestors of the other party absolutely have the blood of the druid, and even the ancestors themselves are the catastrophe. Survivors; and it is this that allows Connor and Avar to observe it carefully for some time. It is a convenient door.

Every existence with the power of nature is our brother and sister!

Such beliefs are completely present in the doctrines of this Druid, and are the highest and the default; after all, their numbers are too few; even after a long period of reproduction. It is still only restored to the level of their own before the catastrophe, from the real druids that can form a scale. The difference is really too far--although they don't want to do something after the prosperity, but prosperity itself is the biggest wish of these old people.

This time, we can give birth to a 'druid' again?

Feeling the faint fluctuations in the natural secrets, Connor smiles - Druid, is a respected name; in the past Druids, this title is a Druid's main sacrifice, leader And as time passed, this title with substantial rights gradually became the glory of the Druids and respected the strong players of the Japanese.

The fluctuations are very light, but they contain the natural charm. This makes Connor very happy. It is that the old man has changed his place of preparation of pharmacy to the secret environment in order to protect such a wave of volatility. He seems to have been able to Seeing the scene in the mystery - in the green forest, next to the lake, the whole body stretched Ava in his sleep, giving a long breath; and on his stomach, his animal companion, the purple carat, also The ups and downs of the owner's stomach made the same rhythm of breathing.

I really look forward to seeing you wake up!

That day is coming soon!

After all, Fia is waiting for you to join her to become a 'Bade' celebration!

Gently stroking the golden oak, Connor turned around with a smile, sat down and continued to prepare his own medicine - although the prophecy and the fate of the entire camp were the 'Owad 'His most important function, but most of the time, Connor prefers to make more potions to help young people who need help; after all, the value of the old people is not better for the younger generation?



With a dull sound, the more robust Tiger has turned the wooden spear in his hand toward the opposite singer like a long knife. The power of the power is unique, and any teenager on the scene thinks. It’s definitely not an opponent, but the singer’s singer’s singularly light turn will hide the spear, and the wooden sword in the hand appears on Tiger’s shoulder during the wrist flip – just like before Like a spear of Tiger's squat, that kind of power will not make the teenagers doubt that the sword of the song at the moment will not make them doubt. Any teenager believes that at that speed. The singer's fine sword can easily pierce the opponent's throat with a slight offset.

"Power is not the most important, and it seems that it is useless to change the weapon!" The singer put away the fine sword on the shoulder of Tiger, and said proudly: "So, last time I was just not careful. It’s just a matter of meaning; is someone not the original form now?”

"You are stinky. I have the ability to hit me with a hard hit!"

Tiger looked at the savvy friend and immediately picked up the spear and stabbed it toward the other's buttocks. However, he was easily shunned by the singer again; he looked at the singer who easily evaded his attack. Tiger couldn't help but shouted; and in the face of Tiger's roar, the singer was with a smile of the nobles, and slowly waved his hand.

"One day, this is what you have prescribed! Have you forgotten it? And the ruler is long, the inch is short. I am good at speed, why should I go hard with you? If it is hard, why don't you look for it? Big sister?"

"Smelly muddy, don't be proud, wait for me to change new weapons tomorrow, let's fight again!"

In the face of Lexus who moved out of the grammar, Tiger could not arbitrarily refute - when the boss left, his righteous father and a group of instructors were busy, leaving only Darlan and Mori; no doubt Lexus is the most fearful existence of all the teenagers; as for Dardan and Mori?

Two often have a smile. Even if a person is a little treacherous, it is more amiable than a cold face, and a young female hunter is too amiable; especially when thinking about the taste of electric shock, almost all the teenagers present are directly playing. Cold war; then, all of the subconscious have gone to complete their training.

"Come on. I am waiting for you, stupid cow!"

As soon as the singers waved their hands, they also walked into their own corners. Although they were already among the youngsters, they could not be truly proud of them. His teacher, let him see what is really powerful, not to mention his sister is not far from his opponent.

Even if he is faster. Can you pass lightning faster?

Maybe only his teacher can!

Therefore, under the supervision of Leyx, there is absolutely no dare to be lazy when singing the grammar; after all, other teenagers are only slightly shocked, and when he arrives here is simply sitting in the electric chair - 'In order not to let you go out To shame the teacher, I will treat you with ten times the punishment; if you go out and smear the teacher's name, then you will be alive! ’

For his own sister, the singer can't be the ear; because he knows that the other party has no joke, it is completely serious; if he really smears his teacher's name, then his sister is really Will kill him - of course, if there is such a situation, the pride of the song will definitely not allow him to live; therefore, in order to be able to live longer, after Ye Qi left, sing Training is even more powerful, and even in some sense, it is already a life.

The sandbags in the sandbag array have all been replaced with iron sand. Not only has the weight doubled, but the number has doubled. I have already experienced the slogan of such benefits in actual combat, and I will not give up this kind of teacher to personally design for him. Training method.

call! call! call!

With the help of several teenagers, the sandbags swayed quickly, and the sings in the center of the sandbags sneaked like ghosts. In the eyes of ordinary people, there was almost a phantom.

This guy has not done his best before!

Standing on the side, Tiger picked up a stone lock that was almost the size of his upper body. He danced up and down and looked at the speed of the melody. He couldn’t help but frown. As a friend, although he had some talent for singing. Oh, but this does not mean that Tiger will admit defeat; let alone if you admit defeat What qualifications are you to be friends with each other?

How to win that guy tomorrow?

Tiger talked about the stone lock and thought about it - from a month ago, he had thought about all the ways he could think of, but the result was still losing more and more wins; and this is still not using all the strengths in the lyrics. In the case; he is very clear, if he goes on like this, his fight with the grammar will end.

Although this does not affect the friendship between the two, it is lost, but it is not what Tiger wants.

"Tiger! Tiger!"

The original lighthouse boy, now rushing into the basement, shouted to Tiger: "Master Dardan, find you!"

Lord Darlan?

Tiger immediately looked puzzled at the little Tom in front of him.

Ps promised everyone's plus ~~~ was originally in the morning, but the hand was broken... Although it was a bit late, but still sent ~~~

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