Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 15 Chapter 76: Occasion

The ponytail, which is not long or short, is placed under the neck, and swings with the owner's movement, and can't tell the playfulness; plus the kind eyes under the forehead, even if I know the other party's fine Ye Qi, I can't stand it. I have a more glance at the living - if the chameleon and the businesswoman are both a headache and feel very troublesome, then after the two are definitely closer to Enid in front of them; even, compared For the first two, the latter is, to a certain extent, more troublesome.

After all, whether it is unpredictable or strong in character, it is not as strong as it is unreasonable for personal injury, especially when this is a powerful hunting demon, especially when Ye Qi is very There is reason to believe that if there is not the existence of his other elder Kuchi, the character of Enid will never become a demon hunter, and the head of the demon hunter cannot make her a hunter.

Not afraid of trouble, does not mean that you like to get into trouble; and with the militants like Enid, even if you don't want to get into trouble, you can't do it – unlike Zaka, who knows how to control himself, just touched it several times. Ye Qi can be sure that Enid’s existence is completely fighting by virtue; although it will distinguish between right and wrong and good and evil, but whether it is good or evil, as long as the strength is strong, she wants to play with you!

Did Aunt Kuchie come too?

Ye Qi’s blind bucket perception did not appear another familiar wave, immediately let go of the perception, and inquired about the strong atmosphere around him - about his identity as an elder, after learning the identity of his teacher and profiteer Ye Qi naturally will not look at it with ordinary eyes; although he is only a few days ago from his identity as a teacher, Ye Qi has reason to believe that this news will be immediately sought by the elder of his teacher. I know that the character of the other party will definitely appear in the Thousand Marsh area immediately.

It’s just that Ye Qi didn’t think it would be so fast. Looking at Enid, who is less than a hundred yards away from him, Ye Qi’s brow couldn’t help but wrinkle – not only is there no fluctuation of his elders in the blind fight, he uses ordinary atmosphere. Perception, also did not find the existence of the other party; when the last separation. Ye Qi clearly remembers that his elder was acting with his disciple Enid, and because he had defeated Enid, his elder was obviously not convinced, ready to teach Enid some advanced The skill; this did not conceal Ye Qi; in fact, when Kuchi said this. Ye Qi stood by. However, in the identity of the other party, Ye Qi can only stand there honestly, and at most it is a bitter smile.

The advanced skills that can be in his mouth of the elders, just think about it. Ye Qi understands that it is definitely not a big road. More than 80% is a secret such as secret surgery. If you want to learn a secret, without the support of the system, Ye Qi thinks that even if it is too For more than a decade, he has mastered a fur at most, and those who claim to be geniuses exist. For example: Enid himself, if he wants to master, he must at least take the year as the unit; but he wants to thoroughly integrate and become his own thing; at the very least, he needs to double in the original time - therefore, follow Time, Enid appeared here, then his elder must be in the vicinity; after all, according to his understanding of the secret, if you want to master the special situation or the words and deeds . There is no better way at all.

And to the extent that his elders loved his disciples, they would not be as lazy as their teachers. Although most of the hunters now think that John is a successful teacher, as long as Ye Qi himself understands, What kind of virtue is his teacher? Even though he is training himself, he is meticulous. But those are the basic training of the demon hunters, the so-called advanced training, that is not at all, he was still filled during the year of Shak’s apprenticeship; and the old rumored old John worked hard to train him. . Even more nonsense; after all, his teacher's greatest hobby in his impression is drinking and crediting.

If it is not because of the other party's own teacher. Ye Qi will definitely reveal the true face of the other party.

As for the bloodline theory?

In this regard, Ye Qi is only a slight smile - this kind of talent is completely used to obliterate the words of others' efforts. If he can, he wants to give each other a knife. As long as the other party does not die, he is willing to conduct an in-depth exchange with the other party. .

Where does Curry Aunt go directly to the Grand Canyon?

After Ye Qi’s slight glimpse, there is a new speculation – the safest place in the entire Qianguma area is undoubtedly the peripheral market, and the “sole” road in the Qiangqu area is there. And now, Enid came from the other side of the road; arranged the disciple to a safe place, and went to investigate the truth, very much like the style of his elder.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

The crisp questioning voice made Ye Qi regain his gaze - when he made the correct speculation, the female hunting demon who swayed the pony tail had come to him and looked at him curiously.

"It's nothing!"

Ye Qi, who knows how to trouble the real face of the other party, immediately waved his hand and walked around the other side - although it would go a little further, but in comparison, Ye Qining would not want to go any more. Enid has any kind of connection, and hopes that he will not cause the other party's 'interest'; however, everything can't be done, especially with the existence of Murphy's law, which is like the 'law'. This is the case.

Almost Ye Qicai took a step. Enid went to Ye Qi again in front of him and blocked Ye Qi’s way. Ye Qi could only be a confused figure, watching Enid ask: “Return Problems?"

"do we know each other?"

The answer to the question was from Enid’s mouth, which made Ye Qi’s subconscious glimpse and then immediately shook his head – he confirmed that his disguise had reached a very high standard, but as Lehman said before. In this way, this extremely high standard is only a relatively vulnerary in terms of the existence of a real profession. Such disguise and performance are basically full of loopholes.

Was it discovered?

Such doubts made Ye Qi a little nervous. If he was discovered by Enid at this time, then he really was a 'failure'; even though he had the relationship of the elders, the other party would never reveal anything, but the other party also I will definitely take this as a key point – as for what? Even if he thinks about it with his toes, Ye Qi can guess that it is nothing more than playing a few games or more; Ye Qi will not be afraid of the battle. But the battle with Enid made him feel helpless.

The relationship between the two sides is doomed to be absolutely incapable of using all the strengths; and the personality of Enid’s militant will definitely allow you to use all the strengths and fight with her really; and as long as they lose, the other Still pestering you. Continue the fight. Until the win; and with reference to the first article, this win is definitely not the kind of water that can be released; otherwise, it will only make Enid feel that you are an insult to fight and are required to start again; especially when this entanglement is early That night. Eating, bathing, sleeping, and even going to the bathroom are no exceptions. It is a torment. Ye Qi is very suspicious. Some old-fashioned Yuehui-level powerhouses are ‘falling’ because of such entanglement.

However, Ye Qi immediately thought of the usual performance of the female hunting demon in front of him. Immediately smashed the gimmick and threw this idea out of the brain - perhaps the opponent's battle keen has a talent beyond ordinary people, but in the usual life, it is definitely a kind of very careless existence; needless to say that he is now 瞒After most people's disguise and acting, even if he is really an amateur-level actor who is just getting started, he can turn the other party's deception.

"If my memory is not wrong, this is our first meeting!"

Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders according to the habit of ‘Finger’. Everything was so natural; however, Enid was still standing in front of Ye Qi. Frowning and carefully looked at Ye Qi: "But why is your reaction exactly the same as some of my previous opponents, always with the meaning of escaping?"

Those people have made the most sensible choice!

With such an idea, Ye Qi smiled and replied: "This is the Thousand Marsh area! The strangers in the wild are more dangerous than those poisonous beasts; I have neglected your approach because of what I thought before, when I found out Naturally, there will be certain defenses!"

"Oh I got it!"

Enid had a look of ignorance, and Ye Qi sighed and thought that when he passed away, the other side was slightly excited: "Since the area is so dangerous, you are alone on the road to prove you. Have confidence in your skills! Come. Let's play one!"

What is this weird logic?

What's wrong with me alone on the road!

Ye Qidao: "I am not a powerful person! Just have this, I dare to go on the road alone!"

"Nonsense! In your backpack, except for food and water, I smell the metal, and it is the kind of metal that is mixed with blood! And according to this length, your backpack should be a long sword or a long The knife is right!” Enid pointed at Ye Qi’s backpack and said loudly: “So, take out your true skills and play with me!”

Are you a dog?

Enid’s words made Ye Qi brow and then shook his head: “I’m not used to fighting strangers!”

After that, Ye Qi no longer had any entanglement with Enid, and once again bypassed the other side and continued to move forward; but like the previous replay, Enid was once again blocking the way of Ye Qi; This made Ye Qi wrinkled his brows, but when Ye Qi frowned, Enid not only did not fear or give in, but was even more elated: "Is it very angry? Come, play with me." !"

"Inexplicable madman!"

Knowing that once the hands-on is absolutely entangled, it is even more difficult to get away. After a cold and cold comment on Enid’s sincere evaluation, Ye Qi once again bypassed each other; however, this time, Enid did not immediately Blocking Ye Qi’s way, he stood on the original and said: “You are a madman, this is an insult! So, I can teach you! It’s not a violation of the teacher’s agreement!”

After this kind of declarative warfare, Enid once again appeared in front of Ye Qi, raising his hand and punching it out - although a declaration of war was issued, but the attack from the back clearly violated Enid’s fighting ethics, she still Choosing a face-to-face battle; of course, for Enid's "high" fighting ethics, Ye Qi can not care, he just wants to get rid of each other as soon as possible.

Therefore, in the face of Enid is obviously a temptation, Ye Qi is short, and he has drilled from the other arm of his right arm. At the same time, the elbow of the left hand slams Enid's weakness. If you want to get rid of Enid quickly, it is not the best choice to admit defeat. It is also not advisable to beat and not fight back. If you win the other party, it is the next best policy. Only let the other party Win and feel that you are doing your best. It is the best choice.

Therefore. Just for a moment, Ye Qi decided to make a ‘game’ with Enid.

Looking at Ye Qi's dodge and counterattack, Enid not only did not panic, but instead his eyes brightened - although aggressive. But with the teachings of Kuchi and the moral bottom line of her own, she has not yet reached the point where she is free to shoot ordinary people; after all, there is a mob, not a hunter; therefore, before Einde tempted the attack. Just to test the strength of the other side; although the breath of metal mixed in the backpack and the performance of the other side from beginning to end, Ionde knows that the other party is not weak, but how strong it is, but still need her to do a test .

And this test result can be seen from Enid's excited expression, it is very good - the power is quite good, the speed is slightly slower; such evaluation flashed in the heart of Enid, and then immediately put out The best coping strategy.


Enid’s left hand stretched out into his arms. Immediately blocked Ye Qi's elbow, while the left hand grasped tightly, grabbing Ye Qi's elbows and pushing forward; immediately, the right hand that Enid hit before bent, and leaned back - suddenly. An elbow strike that was directed at Ye Qi’s face was formed; without the strength that was brought back from the body, but only the strength that Enid’s own arm had at the moment was enough to make a well-trained The demon hunter turned pale; after all, the apostles who passed the Stars and Moonlights were promoted. Enid's body is already far beyond ordinary people, especially in places like elbow joints and knee joints. There is even more destructive power that ordinary people can't estimate, plus some corresponding skills, which are completely different from the weapon.


In the face of such a counterattack, Ye Qi did not hesitate, and the empty right hand immediately made a fist to hit the head of Enid's head; the wind on the fist made the fist look unusually fierce, and Ye Qi chose A little change in the style of play, but this is a fierce once again a strong point.

Ye Qi’s fist fell into the air, and the elbow hitting his face disappeared into his sight. Enid gave up the original attack at the last minute, and chose to withdraw and retreat—although such a punch Her back of the head is almost in the scope of nothing, and her elbows can definitely make the other side hit down the ground; but I don’t know how long it has been in the Qiangyu area, there is no one who has no one to play with, and it’s not like this. End a rare match.

After a light and two-step jump, after the two opened a safe distance between them, Enid looked faint in excitement and looked at Ye Qi. He smiled and asked: "Military fighting techniques? Not bad! Are you a soldier?"


Ye Qi pretended to scream, and then punched again, but after the fist hit half, immediately a meal, a whip leg was drawn to Enid's head - although not participating in the army, but with To reach the level 15 freehand proficiency, to apply these basic skills, Ye Qi still has no problem, especially the military fighting techniques, which have always been known for their simplicity and effectiveness, and make Ye Qi’s fists powerful.

Even those who have more vision than Enid saw Ye Qi’s fierce transformation and fierce play at the moment, and he also thought that Ye Qi had a background of military origin; after all, he wanted to be very simple, according to the move. It’s just like a plan, but it’s like a god, but it’s a matter of experience – just like military fighting. If you don’t go through the military’s experience, you can’t play the sizzle between Ye Qi’s feet. Of course, some special existences are also the same. Yes; for example: a scorpion hand stained with a lot of blood; although Ye Qi has a lot of blood from dark creatures, it can be called an alternative hangman, but at this moment he can display such fierce and fierce fists. It is entirely based on proficient level of freehand fighting.

Compared with the master class of cold weapons, the level of freehand combat is undoubtedly lower than two major orders, countless small levels, whether from the power or practicality, for the current Ye Qi ~www is already unbearable; but this kind of unbearable use is only for 'rì耀级'; for Enid, especially on the premise of releasing water, it is just right.


Faced with a fierce slap in the head, Enid crossed his hands and even had no knees bent, so he resisted hard; then, just like this, he raised his right leg. Sighted at Ye Qi's chin - seeing the other's straight ankles, Ye Qi did not think about it is a bow, and then rolled over; escaping Enid's scorpio and the next squat .

Call! boom!

One by one, the sound of the wind, the strength of the landing, let Ye Qi have reason to believe that even if the two bouncers were smashed, it is the smashing of the smash and the skull.

You should not be a demon hunter, it should be a mad warrior!

Looking at the eagerly hunter-hunting demon hunter, Ye Qi immediately associates with a profession that disappeared into the sacred age; however, his hand is not slow, and the broad sword in the rucksack behind him has been held. In the hands.

Ps second, decadence is still on time to send ~~~ again, the word is more ~~~ decadent again seeking power, seeking protection~~~

Thanks to the reward of Xuanyuan Yuhe 582 coins, the reward of 200 yuan for the prodigal son floating around the sea, the reward of 4200 coins for June Snow, the 100 yuan for the silent forest and the reward for a monthly ticket, the reward for x100 coins, and the sn100 coin. The rewards, the blame of Kidd sr100 coins rewards ~~~ and a, with the wind of the na each month a ticket reward ~~~ decadent thank you all support the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~

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