Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 36: Prelude to departure

The sun in the west slanted a soft orange-red color for the Thousand Marsh area; the green forest, the low hills, and the continuous land and swamps all had a warmth in this orange red, especially It is a temporary camp that is being built outside the market. After one or two sounds come from this sunset, the exclamation of excitement makes all the people who are bathed in this sunshine involuntarily emerge. Inner smile.

Enid also took a heartfelt smile, but the performance of kicking her legs from time to time while kicking, immediately separated her from the quiet people - just like some children got in the elders After the biscuits, I was happy to jump, and this kind of happiness could not be hooked up with Jingyi.

Ye Qi and Zaka, who walked behind Enid, the other face's expression, their eyes were only the expectation of the next battle; the former contained helplessness - in front of the tent, he and Zaka just prepared to leave, Enid, who was rushed out, stopped; Ye Qi, who was already prepared, wanted to find an excuse to fool the other side, as he once did.

However, this time, it is not so simple - almost in front of Ye Qi's opening, the female hunter is yelling ‘Are you going to fight? Add me one! The words of the words, can not allow Ye Qi to refute, joined the ranks; undoubtedly, for the battle-hardened female hunting demon, the singularity between Ye Qi and Zaka is simply unable to conceal her.

After casting a questioning eye at Zaka, and the other party nodded, Ye Qi could only agree with Enid’s participation, and the female hunter immediately gave a cheer—although between him and Enid relationship. Some things don't matter at all, but Zaka is different; if Zaka does not agree. Even if Enid is noisy, he can't let the other person follow; after all, the next fight is for both sides, not for him; although not as harsh as a duel, any one joins, still Need to be agreed by both parties.

Duel, or between the demon hunters, is strictly regulated by the number of onlookers because of irreconcilable life and death. The joining of any outsider requires the approval of both parties and the referee as a duel. Among the demon hunters, it is not uncommon for friends and relatives to be injured and lose their sense of reason, to prevent a duel or to have a group directly; In particular, some traditional demon hunters, a duel, will inevitably have several duels and wait; the final result. Most of them are dead by one side; there are very few who can endure.

The odds of Ye Qi and Zaka will not be the same, but for the addition of Enid, who is obviously one of his own, from the courtesy, Ye Qi also needs to seek advice from Zaka; even if Zaka is fundamental Don't care the same - from the momentum that the other party has begun to converge after he promised, Ye Qi knows very well that the other party has entered the 'prepare for war' state; for Ye Qi who also uses the 'knife' as a weapon. He is no stranger to such a 'preparation' state, because he will enter the same state in the face of an opponent who deserves to be cautious; only he has Longwei as the basis. But it is another way.

If Zaka is in the ‘accumulation’ at the moment, then in order to avoid unnecessary troubles. Ye Qi is in the 'pressure'; however, the result is the same; all in order to integrate all the momentum into the knife in the moment of the battle - whether it is Ye Qi's 'one hit will kill' or Zaka’s 'continuously' is like this.

And precisely because of this, Enid, who is extremely sensitive to the fighting atmosphere, will instantly guess what Ye Qi and Zaka are going to do – as the first student of the year, especially with a militant character, Enid Zaka is no stranger; even, to a certain extent, it is quite familiar; after all, if two militant people come together, if there is no fighting, it is really a fantasy.

Of course, as the Enid of the time, it was not long before the advanced moonlight level. In the face of Zaka, who had already been in the peak of the moon-level peak for many years, it was a lot of defeat; in fact, if it was not Enid The accidental outbreaks of several accidents are simply the record of complete defeat; as for Zaka’s hands?

If you hold this idea and fight Zaka, then you should be taught by the long knife - as a person who will fight as a survival, want to let it stay in the battle, it is simply Let him give up the will-like difficulty of survival; after all, that is the instinct of all people, so that one can give up even instinct, then there is only a dead person.

"Here, here! How?"

In front of Enid pointed to a bushy place in the forest, happy to move towards Ye Qi - here is about five kilometers from the market, and the dense woods around, you know here There is no human smoke at all; especially the natural 'empty land' between the forests, although there is a low bush, but as long as it is slightly cleaned up, it is a perfect place to fight.

"Not bad!"

Facing Inid, like a child's treasure, Ye Qi smiled and nodded, then looked at Zaka; the latter slashed a knife - immediately a small whirlwind like a tornado Appeared in those bushes, after a few breaths, accompanied by the scattering of some plant branches and leaf fragments, a complete open space appeared in front of Ye Qi and Enid.

Zaka went to the middle of the open space without saying a word. For such a person who responded with practical actions, Ye Qi smiled and shrugged off the apostle's windbreaker and threw it straight to the side of Enid. The left hand rested on the handle of the knives and slowly walked across the other side; and Ye Qi did not notice that Enid behind him was very careful to hold his windbreaker in his arms. It’s like holding a kitten and a puppy in the past; however, even if you see Ye Qi, you won’t care; for some people who are different from others in the weekdays, once they are deeply engraved in their hearts, Then any exception will be treated as 'What do you think of from time to time? ‘Or simply ‘this guy, you have to be nervous! 'and many more.

Zaka is still shirtless with his upper body, and his long knife is like his shirtless upper body. There are no scabbards, and any decoration - the blade has a six-foot long knife, even if it is a two-handed sword or a knives. The smooth, silky cold body can be seen in the usual care of the long knife in the weekdays; of course, from the other side shows the sharpness of the long knife!

Especially in this orange-red sunset, there was a strange red on the hard, cold blade of the metal; it could not be dispelled like blood; it immediately brought a bloodthirsty feeling to this long knife. Even if Zaka is still in the stage of 'accumulation', most people will feel chilling as soon as they see this long knife, and even turn and run.

Dangdang, Dangdang...

With the sun slanting in the west, the sweltering day of the Thousand Marsh area finally showed a slight breeze that was evening - with the coolness of the night outpost. This breeze blew the surrounding trees, the branches and leaves of the bushes, and immediately brought up the sounds of the plants, which are unique to the plants, as if they were farewell to the sun that is about to disappear, and welcomed the upcoming moon; In the cry of nature, the bell on the handle of the knives also danced with the wind.

I don't want the ‘calls’ of the plants, which are endlessly vivid and illusory, but they have the crispness and sweetness that these plants “call” are not; even in countless plant packages. It is also clear and incomparable; it is like a signal from the beginning of the battle, Zaka, who has been squinting with his eyes, instantly widened his eyes and took a knife -


Originally there should be a long knife screaming through the air, but at this moment it became like a wolf howling to the moon; and Zaka in front of it disappeared from the front, leaving only the moon and the moon. The wolves that issued the hunting command; without any hesitation, the wolves rushed to the opposite side of Ye Qi - Ye Qi, who was once taught in the central castle of Shak, was exhausted under this trick. The bitterness; for the most impressive impression of this move, except for the 'impotial shape', it seems that it really fell into the wolves. In the face of the inexhaustible attacks of the wolves, the impression of being dragged down was eventually made.

Ye Qi’s style of Zaka’s continually. It is defined from now on!

The current Ye Qi is certainly not the apostle who was still in the Central Castle and did not reach the level of the Japanese glory. Now he has the [Cold Arms Master: 59] Ye Qi, not only has the strength of the Japanese glory, but also has the ordinary day. The power that Yao Yao didn't have - almost instantaneously, Ye Qi saw the trajectory of Zachana's long-lasting sword in the end through the 'Wolf Group'; this was what he could not imagine in the Central Castle. The point!

Not only that, except for the track that looks in the eyes, and the flaws of that one are also in the eyes of Ye Qi - of course, these flaws are not completely flawed, Ye Qi can feel the hidden Killing!

As Zaka, who also reached the level of the Japanese glory, Ye Qi could not be positioned according to the traditional Japanese glory, but if he followed the system's reference, the other party also reached the master level of cold weapons use - no doubt The use of this class of cold weapons is undoubtedly impossible to see such obvious flaws; Ye Qi, who has experienced the same realm and is still struggling in the same realm at the moment, is very aware that even if it is only a cold weapon that has entered the master class, It is also enough to make up for such a flaw.

In order to make your endless offensive more complete...

Such a guess instantly appeared in Ye Qi’s mind, and then with a touch of heartfelt smile, Ye Qi took a knife - Zaka’s continuous offensive definitely allowed the people caught in it to become depressed and mad. There are scenes of knives on the front, back, left and right, and even on the top of the head. Ye Qi is a real experience; especially at this moment, after reaching the level of the Japanese glory, Zaka’s continuous offensive is becoming more and more close, and it is dizzying. In particular, the 'killing tricks' that appeared in some of these places made Zaka’s knife posture add another two points.

If we say that Zhaka’s continuous swordsmanship is like a spider web, the more people who fall into it are struggling, the more they are trapped. So at this moment, the 'snake ball' during hibernation. Thousands of snakes gather together, even if they are hibernating, but once some living things fall into them, the consequences are naturally imaginable.

Therefore, even if any of the strong players of the day-to-day level face such a Zaka, they will choose to withdraw and use the long-range attack to solve the problem. However, such a retreat will definitely make it I fell into Zangka’s continuous swords; after all, no matter what Zaka’s knife is reminiscent of. But his performance is a wolf!

In the face of the escape of prey, nothing is better at chasing and preying than the wolves - because. Up to now, Ye Qi has only seen Zaka, who has reached the master level with his own weapons and obtained the existence of the Japanese glory. Therefore, Ye Qi can’t understand everyone’s access to the weapons master. What is the basis for the existence of the 'inflated shape' after the level.

However, some basic guesses are there—for example, he chose the [Occupation: Dragon Vessels] and obtained the blood of the Time Dragon, thus reflecting his own blood in the performance of the master; and Zaka should It is the embodiment of personality and acting style; it is almost steadfast and never gives up, and it is almost entirely reflected in Zaka. Ye Qi, who has had several contacts with Zaka, is very clear.

Such speculation, even if there will be some deviation, but Ye Qi thinks that it will not be much worse; and for the attack that Zaka has in the next knife, Ye Qi thinks that there can be no mistakes - this is In the same realm, the advantage of the rank; Ye Qi, who has reached the [Cold Arms Master: Level 59], thinks that he will not be wrong.

Therefore, Ye Qi did not choose to back off!

What's more, the road that Ye Qi pursues. It also made him impossible to retreat - the pursuit of one-shot killing, has long decided Ye Qi's offensive style: Swords!

Regardless of any attack method, any existence, he will only slash!


In the crisp sound of the bell on the handle, with a long cymbal, the knives exude their own unique light across the dark and intertwined space at this moment - the sun in the west has fallen half. The shadows are about to cover the earth, and the moon is also exposed. The entire Qiangqu area is full of trees, because most of the places have completely lost the sun's rays, leaving only some branches and trunks. There is still a ray of light.

This open space where Ye Qi and Zakabi fight is no exception - a place that will be swallowed up by the darkness.

However, the blue, crescent-shaped knives made the light appear in this moment. Even if it is about to cover the darkness of the earth, it will be melted here at this moment; even if it is dying, the sun that is full of reluctance is retreating at this moment; it is like the breath of the **** of the atmosphere, from the blue, crescent-shaped The sides of the knife and the mantle burst out, making all the plants in the entire open space bend like a general.


The collision between the blade and the blade - the wolf that was filled in the forest completely disappeared, only the other blue knives, straight forward, until the suppression on Zarka's shoulders stopped.

"Good knife!"

Looking at the long knife that pressed himself, stopped at the shoulder, and the knives that were only about two inches away from the neck, Zaka looked calm, but said with a little excitement; and after that, did not stop, pumping Turned away and left; even Ye Qi did not take a look.

[c+ level mission: the return of the past is completed; gain experience: 5000.]

"What is this guy in Zaka? There is no end! When I fight with me, this is not the case!"

Accompanied by the system's prompt tone, Enid, who was holding the Ye Qi's apostolic trench coat, pouted and sullenly walked over—from her look at the back of Zaka, the figure could not be shaken, anyone can feel it. Dissatisfaction; after all, a battle that is considered to be a dragon fight, and may even last for one night, is ended in a stroke. There is no violent movement, just a knife and a knife, it is finished; although the two sides have just each other It is really wonderful, but it does not satisfy the Hunting Devil.

"He found what he wanted, of course he would leave!" Ye Qi slammed the other's ponytails hard, and said in the other side's 'what hurts, hurts, let go,' said: "Zaka is very clear about what road he is looking for. Every battle is in the direction of the road he is advancing! Do you think it is like you, is it for fun and fun?"

"Who, who said it! Enid is also very serious!"

Finally, I broke free from the hands of Ye Qi, holding her own head, the female hunting demon retreat a few steps, only to forcefully said.

"Oh, what do you get for each battle?"

When Ye Qi heard the words of the Hunting Devil, he stopped his curiosity and turned his head curiously.

"Of course it is happy!"

As soon as I saw Ye Qi twisting her head, the Hunting Devil immediately said with pride.

Combat is the embarrassment between life and death, any carelessness will leave life and death!

Only a fool like you can say that it is happy!

Amount, I am looking forward to your special feelings, I am really a fool!

Looking at the appearance of the Hunting Devil, Ye Qi’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch; Ye Qi, who had no answer, turned and walked towards the market – here On a busy day, he doesn't want to spend extra time understanding the ideas he can't understand.

"Hey, hello, Ye Qi, wait for me! Wait for me!"

Facing the turn and leaving, Ye Qi, the unrecognized female hunting demon, shook his own pony tail, shouting the other's name, and chasing away from the figure that left.

Ps second more ~ ​​~ decadent afternoon in the car with the phone code out! ! Always use the decadence of mobile phone code words, and feel instinct that I can quickly reach the mobile phone code word proficiency...

In other words, today it is decadent here 35°! ! Let people have a heatstroke + desperate weather, especially the decadence and the door to do things... The heart is hot, let the exhaustion feel exhausted! ! Hard to beat fat, can't afford to hurt! ! For today's hot days, there is no! !

Thanks for the reward of the intoxicating gerbutcoin, the reward of the 200 yuan for the prodigal son wandering around the sea, the reward for x200 coins, the reward for 200 yuan for Xiao Mofeng, the reward for 4200 coins for June snow, the reward for sn100 coins, Xuanyuan Yuhe 100 coins, 100 yuan for the silence of the trust ~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~

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