Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 61: Remains. Under the gambling


An iron chain net consisting of six black-purple iron chains crossing each other from the top of Ye Qi, while two black-purple iron chains spurred toward Ye Qi and spurred forward a small distance. After the two black and purple chains on the left and right were lost, Ye Qi returned with a knife and stood straight on the body of the undead 'servant' closest to him.


Starting from the waist, the entire undead 'servant' is divided into two. After the upper and lower bodies are slightly trembled, they are twisted into pieces by the wind from the knives. This is the third round, twelve. The fifth of the undead 'servants' was the existence of Ye Qi's existence; in the previous battle, there were four undead 'servants' who were killed by the knives. Of course, Ye Qi also paid some small cost. Fiction chapter

In the previous raid, the left forearm swept by a black-purple chain, until now, with a hint of paralysis, can not be completely free to move, so that some conventional dodge action, Ye Qi is more and more struggling to do it. In this regard, the prisoner of the prison, who stood on the side, was really happy. The "tough" and "dead support" of the young man in front of him made him see the same figure as the other teacher.

Injury and injury, you also did this in the past.

However, it seems a pity that your disciple is not as lucky as you!

How long can he last? I really look forward to it!

The warden of the sacred prison, his hands naturally fell on both sides of the body, the left arm shook involuntarily, and even the five fingers on the left palm shook with it, as if playing an unknown name. The song is normal; after seeing the damage. The strange excitement that appeared on his face from time to time. It is enough to convince his madness that is unknown. And from the bottom of my heart, from the inside out of the malicious.

"Now the time has passed fifteen minutes, and there are fifteen... Oh, no, if you add four minutes that belonged to the third round, you still have 19 minutes! My servants still have seven, come on, Young people! I am very optimistic about your passing through my third round game. Then get a new life!"

Efforts to adjust the breathing, Ye Qi did not be affected by the words from afar, he is very clear, this is just a 'small trick' to the pressure on him; whether he has passed the so-called three In the round game, the other party will not be easy to give up.

‘Oh, I’ve never been a credit-worthy person; does Jermond tell you not to believe what I’m saying? ’

Ye Qi is very sure. If he successfully passes the third round of the game, then the other party will definitely shoot him with such words, and the face will definitely have the kind of bad smile like a cat playing with a mouse. From the very beginning, the other party is in such a state of mind; watching the weak are under their control. Struggling, getting a glimmer of hope, and then being crushed by him.

for. This kind of likes to play with the existence of the people, Ye Qi is from the bottom of the heart of the disdain strong naturally have the dignity of the strong, perhaps they dismissive of the weak, but this dignity is enough to make these strong people know not to trample the soul of the weak; Ignore these wardens in front of me, obviously there is no dignity of the strong; the other is like his name "warlord", and each opponent is regarded as a prisoner in his prison, playful and tormented, only In order to satisfy my own inner excitement.

Ye Qi didn't know that the other party had such a bad character at the beginning to become the warden of the holy prison, or because the position of the prison governor made the other party become like this, but Ye Qi knew such a partner. For him, at least, the contempt that the other party showed from the beginning is enough to make Ye Qi have a good grasp of the fact that although the other party has no such emotions from beginning to end, he proposes to play with him from the other side. At the beginning of the three-round game, the contempt of the other party exists in the bottom of my heart; it is not regarded as a proper opponent at all, but only as a weak person who can be bullied.

Despite the strength shown by the two sides, the other side’s thinking is somewhat understandable, but Ye Qi’s estimate is undoubtedly the biggest mistake of the other party.

Call, call, call!

While cooperating with the remaining seven undead 'servants', Ye Qi worked hard to show heavy breathing, but in real time he quickly recovered his physical strength; even under the physique of up to 23 points, even if he did his best Ye Qi also needs only one or two breaths to return to normal state, not to mention that Ye Qi is now facing these undead 'servants' who are obviously only Japanese-level body and have no day-level ability. There is no need to do their best. Swinging the knife; therefore, even if it is a continuous battle at the moment, for Ye Qi, the physical strength of the loss is not as serious as that seen by the warden of the holy prison.

Therefore, everything is prepared for the counterattack at some point in the future.

As for the left arm rubbed by the chain?

It’s all Ye Qi’s intention to test the power and characteristics of those black-purple chains. This test also makes Ye Qi have a basic inference; it’s just a slight rubbing, his left arm. At the moment, there is still a sense of paralysis. Although it is impossible to determine what constitutes the black-purple iron chain, or what the opposite warden used to create such an iron chain, but Ye Qi can be sure that Can't be entangled by this chain; otherwise, the tower of the athletic tower is his end.

哗 哗, 哗 !!

In front of the six groups of undead 'servants' and a single undead 'servant', the former black and purple chain in the hands of a large net, with the rotation of the wrist, and danced up and down; while the latter is hiding in the former Behind, the black and purple chain in the hand is like a viper. Before looking for a chance to raid, after the former six undead 'servants' formed the chain, the remaining six undead 'servants' did this. Under the cooperation of Ye Qi, it seems that it has caused a lot of trouble for Ye Qi; however, it is under the cooperation of Ye Qi; if it is really necessary to solve the undead 'servant' in front of him, it is definitely not too difficult. .

Although the undead servants in front of them all have a radiant body. However, the strength of the Japanese glory is lacking. And the more important ‘wisdom’. For Ye Qi, it is not difficult for them to deal with just a few battles. It is enough for Ye Qi to find out how these undead 'servants' work: independence, and with their own master, the prison governor of the holy prison; Two very vague ways; the reason why it is ambiguous, is because Ye Qi found that the independence of these undead 'servants' is also based on the command of the prison governor, just like the wizards themselves The embarrassment, the order was issued in advance.

And the latter's cooperation. It is also similar to the sorcerer's manipulation. The way the sorcerer's warden is undoubtedly more secretive than the wizard's way; if not, there are several times when these undead 'servants' have changed slightly at the crucial moment. If the fighting style and style are used, Ye Qi will not find this secret.

The kind of rigid, rigid fighting style and style that is different from the previous ones is like the flash of some key moments. It’s unpredictable. Ye Qi is not surprised; because he was working with him. . It shows a state of arrogance; so that the warden of the sacred prison is very confident that such changes will not be discovered; and after such a discovery. At the next time, Ye Qi entered the ‘hands-on-the-go’ situation twice, and without exception, the attacking style and style of these undead servants once again had the feeling of a flash of light.

Obviously, when faced with the tower of the athletic tower, the other party definitely took the latter and was the most closely coordinated; when it was definitely not facing him, this occasional attitude was undoubted, for the 'knowing the bottom' Jerome, the warden of the prison, has enough vigilance.

As for Ye Qi?

As a disciple of his own opponent, the identity of the younger generation, younger age, is enough to have the reason to let the other side despise; not to mention, Ye Qi’s way of entering the Japanese glory is enough to cover up his strongest breath, though The day is glory, but it is definitely not as strong as its own strength; when it breaks out, it is enough to kill the strength of the peak of the Japanese glory. Just by the breath, it is just an ordinary day.

Of course, this is not the most important reason for the sinister prisoner to despise. The warden who got the details of Ye Qi from the Inquisition did not care about Ye Qi’s other things. It’s the kind of blood, the same bloodline as his old rival: the dragon’s blood is the one who knows you the most, not your friend, but your enemy; this sentence, at some point, is exceptionally correct. At the very least, it is a truth in the warden's body; several defeats and Ye Qi's hands are enough to make the warden's determination and spend a lot of time to study Ye Qi's teacher, that The Lorient Juggernaut is revered; and such research is obviously all-encompassing, whether it is fighting methods, strength growth, or habits of life, all within the scope of this warden's research.

Such research, it is clear that the warden has some unexpected harvest of the dragon's blood is enough to make a person step into the point of looking for ordinary people, but after reaching certain limits, the power of the dragon's blood will Limiting a person's growth, if you can't break through, then the person's strength will be stagnant; and this limit is the thin, thick degree of the dragon's blood; obviously, the thicker the blood, the more The farther away people are, the thinner the blood, the more it will be, after reaching a height, it will not stand.

According to some of the information he has received from the inside of the Holy See, some of the direct descendants of the dragon's blood have just been born with the strength of the new Sun Yat-Sen, and they have entered the Sunshine without any exception after reaching adulthood; Then, when it comes to the second and third generations, the starting point of this strength will plummet, and the final achievement will be reduced. Although he does not know whether his old opponent is the first generation, he can't deny his. How horrible the talent of the old opponent is, and possessing such a talent, even if there is no such thing as the dragon's blood reaching such a height, it is exceptionally easy. As for the dragon's blood? He is very confident in his old opponent, and there is absolutely no difficulty in breaking through.

In fact, the same is true. The battle of Shenshan is enough to prove his correctness and foresight. It is precisely because of this correctness and foresight that he is very certain that Ye Qi will not have such a degree; from the other side has just appeared in Tallinn. The identity of the ordinary hunting demon in the district until after the awakening of the flame talent. Only to become a trainee apostle. The warden is sure. Ye Qi's original blood is already unusually thin, certainly after the tenth generation!

If it is not because his 'father' is his old opponent, he can guarantee that Ye Qi does not want to say that the current strength of the Japanese glory, even if it is an apostle, it is absolutely impossible to wake up because it is because of him. With the help of the blood of the old opponent, the owner of the dragon blood after his tenth generation has achieved his present achievements; after all, after entering the realm of his present. The warden can clearly perceive changes in his body, not to mention his old rival with a dragon's blood. The change must be more intense, enough to make his blood, pulled. Back to the tenth generation, even the sixth and seventh generation standards.

However, the help of the blood is limited, even if it is the descendant of the sixth and seventh generations of the dragon's blood, but its growth to the Japanese glory is the limit; if you want to break through, unless you have his old According to the data of the opponent's talent level, the talent of young people in front of him is not outstanding. It is even very general; therefore, the Japanese glory is the limit of the other party!

The warden was so determined. Even if the other party's strength and speed are stronger than the average Japanese glory, it is only the help of the dragon's blood in his eyes; however, the strength and speed of the Japanese glory is still strong. Level only!

In the face of his existence, what is the existence of the Japanese glory?

Therefore, for Ye Qi, the warden is full of contempt for playfulness.

As for why is this confirmed the relationship between Ye Qi and his old rival?

The warden can never forget that he had always had the same hair color and twilight of the young man in front of his old rival; and according to the time, the age of the young people in front of him was just right. What is doubtful in the face of the evidence?

As if seeing through all the hidden fog, the warden feels that he is in control of everything, looking down at the chess piece in front of him and struggling in front of him.

The chain of six iron chains meets and is formed under the hood. This time, Ye Qi did not dodge in advance, but only took action at the moment when the danger was dangerous and was about to be shrouded; one side rolled and then The knife was slashed; immediately half of the manipulators in the chain were shredded.

Of course, Ye Qi is not without harm. In order to successfully complete this Yokohama, his left shoulder is again swept by the chain, and that paralysis feels once again from the bones, even because this time. It is the reason of the shoulders, even with Ye Qi half body seems to be paralyzed; so that the next dodge, Ye Qi can only be used on the ground to roll this way to make people look lost.

And when the warden who stood in the distance took everything into his eyes, he smiled and everything did not come out of his expectations, or accurately said that everything was operating and happening according to his imaginary trajectory; Whether it is the evaluation of Ye Qi's strength or his reaction, he is re-enacted in front of him.

Now that I have started to hurt with injuries, then the upper limit of physical strength will be reached!

And then, facing these servants, I can exhaust you!

When everything is solved, you will find that everything has just begun!

I can't wait to know now, after I made you a servant of the undead, what kind of expression will your teacher, my old opponent have?

Is it sad? Is it anger? Still shy?

I can not wait any more!

In my mind, it seems that my old opponent has appeared. The whole body is shaking and looks sorrowful and angry. This full-waiting warden is inexplicably excited and shivering; he squints at some eyes, like some swallowing clouds. Like the addict who spits on the fog, he relaxes his body and looks at the chess piece that is about to become his main chip in front of can't help but smile; not the kind of half-truth is a casual smile, and It is completely sincere and full of happy smiles.

Such a smile, even if the remaining four undead 'servants' were strangled by the young people in front of them, did not make him have any change. For the nearer 'victory', the loss of this point is obviously not The warden is placed in the heart, even if it is more than doubled and ten times as sacrificed, he will not hesitate for the 'victory'.

Of course, before the real victory, the process of collecting the interest is wonderful. He needs to taste it slowly. Therefore, the warden patted the palm of his hand and presented the crisp applause of '啪,啪' toward the Ye Qi walked slowly.

"Good, good! People who can completely pass my three-round game, you are the first one! Congratulations, young people!"

I walked back to the place where Ye Qi was about five yards away. After straightforward combat, I couldn’t hear the words of blessing, and I said it from the mouth of the warden; and looked down at the young man who was breathing, this The prison governor couldn’t help but smile. Then, full of malicious words, he blurted out: "After all, my three rounds of games are also the first time!"

Ps first more ~~~ not to be continued. . .

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