Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 65: Relics. Entering

"This should be the square in front of the temple?" Ye Qi carefully looked through the light blue magic light, and said it after a long while; then, he could not help but shook his head: "It’s a big hand, even a god. The square in front of the temple has all fallen into the ground!"

"The material on the ground and the material inside are the same big stone..." After the main tower of the athletic tower checked the ground around the inner door, this said: "So, at the time of construction, it should be here. It's a whole!"


Ye Qi couldn't help but sigh – for his amateur 'relic explorer' who was a half-way monk, except for the size and scale of the ruins, and making some corresponding simple inferences, most of the others were outside the door. And to the extent that it is because of the power of faith.

Therefore, for Ye Qi, it was the first time I heard and met the remains of the entire square surrounded by the temple complex.

"Yes, it's a whole!" Looking at the surprised Ye Qi, the tower of the athletic tower immediately explained: "This kind of relic is not uncommon, especially under the premise of this well-preserved, many relics. The same approach is used! And the remnants of doing this will give us a very important message!"

“Significant information? What information?”

For the aspects that he does not understand, Ye Qi has always been humble and seeking knowledge.

"The gods enshrined in this ruin are quite powerful, and they have a considerable position among the gods at that time!" The tower of the tower of the athletic tower smiled in front of the wide square. Road: "So, our luck is good! There is a considerable chance. It will be a big gain!"

"But it is quite dangerous!"

Ye Qi agreed and nodded.

"Yeah! However, how long has it not entered a relic like this? The time has passed is really fast! I really can't wait!" With such a sigh, the tower of the athletic tower first walked toward the ruins - - As the two people said, as an unexplored relic, wealth is immeasurable, and the corresponding danger is unknown; in fact, when the ruins are explored, the leader. All will gain the first ownership of the wealth that may exist in the ruins; after all, the person who walks in the first place faces the danger of being countless times behind the people behind him!

Obviously, the existence of the tower of the athletic tower is impossible to be tempted by those wealth; even if you throw a samurai-level samurai in front of you, as long as there are other people in the team who are suitable for use, he will laugh. Rear. Choosing to give up - and the reason why he walked in front is undoubtedly to share a danger for Ye Qi behind him.

Just as Ye Qi saved him before - the mutual help of the demon hunters, it should have been!

Step, step, step!

As the footsteps of the tower of the athletic tower stepped into the wide square of the inner door, almost at the same time, the entire dark, wide square lit up at a moment - the bright white light, almost glaring. Let the incomprehensible tower tower owner and Ye Qi subconsciously blink of an eye.

"Ye Qi, be careful!"

After glanced around, I looked at the ground completely covered by countless pieces of three-foot square stone, and the magical light from the distant stone pillars. The main tower of the athletic tower instinctively said to Ye Qi— - Years of experience. After seeing the general arrangement around him in the tower of athletics, the strong old man. I found it almost immediately.

It seems to be in order to prove the experience of the tower master of the competition. In the next moment, there will be changes around it -

Cross rub, cross rub...

The scabbard and the spear rubbed against the armor's voice in a neat and powerful voice; there were ten in total, and the square of twenty by twenty appeared suddenly at the end of the wide square - in front of the passage leading to the inside of the relic; Without waiting for the surprise, the tower of the tower of the athletic tower and Ye Qiping recovered, and a burst of horses suddenly came.


Step, step, step...

It’s like stepping on the drums. A horse with a strong horse, under the dispatch of the knight on the horse, circumvented the first infantry array with the most good-looking sagittal array, and then, under a bright military , rushing toward Ye Qi and the tower of the athletic tower.

woo woo woo woo……

Step on, step on...

The ground completely paved with strong rocks, under the charge of such a large group of knights, can not help but tremble - although not clear what is going on, but the opposite of each of these knights have shown no less than the month The strength of the Hui class, and even more frustrating for Ye Qi, is that these sudden appearances of the knight clearly understand the combination of the attack, almost condensed the hundreds of momentum in the moment of the charge.

New Sun Yat, Sun Yat-sen, Sun Yat-sen High, Sun Yat-sen, Sun Yat-Sen...

The condensation of hundreds of momentum has continued to climb after reaching the point where Ye Qi and the tower of the athletic tower are astonished. Obviously, if such a situation is hard against each other, the unlucky ones are definitely the tower of Ye Qi and the tower of athletics. The tower master - and the two undoubtedly have no such 'generous death' plan!

Without the reminder of the tower of the athletic tower, Ye Qi immediately ran towards the side of the squadron's assault side, and ran to the side of the tower of the athletic tower next to him: "Jermond, you have met before. This is the case!"

"I have encountered a similar! But there is no exaggeration like this! Where did you come from so many heroes?!"

The main tower of the athletic tower answered Ye Qi loudly; in the face of this slightly strange word, Ye Qi was only a glimpse, and found the corresponding source from the depths of his mind - that is in the tower of wisdom In the **** era of Lorante, the books of the fascinating story; at that time, Ye Qi was only to adjust his slightly exhausted brain, as a story novel generally read.

Yingling, formed by the souls who died on the battlefield, each of them was a powerful, respected warrior, general, and commander before their death; and after death, they still did not give up this glory, without any grievances. Hatred, cold; they are just trying to fight for their own battle - the spirit, this is a group before life. After death, you should also maintain a respectable opponent!

“Is there really a spirit?!”

Ye Qi’s tone was full of surprises – according to the traditional thinking of the demon hunter. Ye Qi has always regarded the spirit as a special ghost, just like the shadow warrior dominated by magic; although the author of the book greatly praises these special warriors, but Ye Qi is standing in the perspective of the demon hunter, but Some don't take it for granted; after all, the book, which is completely essay-like, has appeared in the form of poetry and stories since its arrival. Such a style is obviously not convincing.

At least. At that time, Ye Qi thought that Ying Ling was just like a shadow warrior; however, Ye Qi now knows how wrong he is - not to mention a low-level shadow warrior, even a high-level shadow servant. These heroes behind them are not opponents at all; they are so alone or in groups!

"Of course!! Although it is now broken, the Holy Spirit Hall in the Holy See was famous at the beginning!" The tower of the athletic tower affirmed, and prompted Ye Qi: "These things. In the tower of wisdom. There are books, if you are interested, you can read it at will; however, we must be careful now!"

Ye Qi recorded the information provided by the owner of the tower of the competition in the bottom of his heart, and immediately looked at the cavalry that was chased after him; the distance between the two sides was not pulled away, but instead was getting closer; Ye Qi had reason to believe. The horses under the spirits also have a special origin; and more importantly, in front of them, before the entrance to the inside of the ruins, the ten infantry phalanx has re-started the formation with the movement of the cavalry. - Almost as a result of visual inspection. Ye Qi can be sure, in this way. He and the tower of the athletic tower will inevitably be forced into the encirclement of the infantry phalanx by the cavalry behind them; and from the volatility and breath of the spirits in the infantry phalanx, it is obviously not close to these. Cavalry!

Therefore, once surrounded, there is absolutely no good end!

In particular, Ye Qi had seen the bows and arrows hanging on the side of the horses under the heroic spirit. For the existence of these bows and arrows, Ye Qi did not think that it would be an ornament - in a large encirclement, the dense arrows under the hood As long as Ye Qi thinks about it, he feels the scalp numb.

"Jermond, are there any weaknesses in these spirits?"

For Ye Ling, who didn’t know much about Yingqi, he didn’t hesitate any more, and immediately asked loudly—in the charge of the horse behind him, it’s obviously impossible to speak quietly; even if it’s used to speak in a calm and steady tone. Ye Qi, at the moment, had to let go of the throat.

"Like the normal human weakness, if they are attacked deadly, they will return to the Hall of the Spirit to rest until they are fully restored again!" The main tower of the athletic tower is running towards the entrance to the square. The place pointed out: "Where there is, there should be a Hall of the Spirit!" The tower of the tower of the competition, continued to shout loudly: "I will lead these guys first, and you will take advantage of your speed. Enter there, and then ignite the flames enshrined on both sides of the Hall of the Spirit! Remember, don't destroy the Hall of the Spirit!"

After that, the main figure of the tower of the athletic tower was a fierce meal, then immediately turned around, and the cavalry who came after the charge quickly swung two laps, and immediately rushed in the opposite direction to Ye Qi. - Almost immediately, those heroes chased after them were attracted by the attack of the tower of the athletic tower. Almost half of them turned their horses and chased the main tower of the tower; only a little half continued to Ye Qi. Chasing.

Bear's toughness!

Curvage surgery!

After seeing the action of the main tower of the athletic tower, Ye Qi continued to cast two spells that could be used as main coordination without any hesitation; then, two dark spells were immediately thrown behind him by Ye Qi - since Like human weaknesses, vision should be blocked.

Darkness, two-level spells, has no damage effect; the only effect is to bring an invisible darkness within a radius of twenty yards in five minutes - no matter how good your vision is, even with darkness Vision, but in this supernatural darkness, it is still useless; except for supernatural vision, the existence of darkness will be in the dark.

boom! boom! boom!


A series of impacts behind him and the cries of horses undoubtedly confirmed the correctness of Ye Qi's guess; however, those spirits also showed their own excellence; only after a slight panic. Just calm down, although there is no longer a horse. But the small range of detection around the perimeter - the radius of 20 yards is not large, even if the two dark techniques are covered at the same time, for a tall, strong warhorse, running is two breathing time, And taking a step forward is just a little more time.

Therefore, after a few breaths, the first heroic knight appeared behind the scope of the dark spell. A burst of sound that sounded different from the charge rang. Then, all the heroic knights rushed out of the darkness according to the sound, and orderly - darkness can cover all the light, but for the sound, However, it was unstoppable; therefore, when Ye Qi saw the heroic knight picking up the horn, he knew that the dark technique did not do its best; however. This is enough for him.

With a +8 temporary agility bough in the rot of the rot, as the battle of the heroic cavalry is blocked, Ye Qi has completely escaped from the scope of the pursuit, the whole person has come to the entrance of the ruins at the end of the square; however, here But there are two twenty-two by twenty infantry spirits blocking the block!

Every infantry squad has a horrible atmosphere. It expresses the powerful combat power after self-condensation; if the absolute combat power is expressed according to the breath, even if compared with the prison governor of the holy prison, it is not inferior; however, compared with the holy prison The power of the prison commander is strong, and the power of the infantry infantry phalanx is illusory - yes. When countless forces gather on one person, that power is absolutely eye-catching. But for the existence of contributing their own strength, they are not only not strong, but they are weak.

Ye Qi, who once saw the battle of the sea gods, naturally understands how to face the existence of such a battlefield as the main means - simply ignore the strongest point in the two squares, the same darkness as before, Ye Qi threw it around the infantry phalanx in front of him, and at the same time a piece of spider web was also released.

Spiderweb, which sends a sticky cobweb in a 20-foot radius; enemies attached by arachnoid will lose their ability to move - although the second-level spells are nothing for these heroic infantry, just a little effort Can break free, these cobwebs are tied; but with the cooperation of darkness, these spider webs play a very good role; it is equivalent to seeing a brick in front of you, you can easily walk over; but when you After the eyes are covered, even if the brick is still in that position, you will be careful to approach.

Even if it is known to be a fall, it will not be fatal; but the nature of mankind has already determined its own rejection of harm; and the spirits who inherit the weakness of humanity are the same - almost the same as the riots of the former British cavalry. In this infantry phalanx, it happened again; and because of the compactness and intensiveness of the infantry phalanx, the situation here is obviously more confusing than the English spirit cavalry encountering 'blindness'!

But unlike a small team of English cavalry being completely shrouded; the twenty-by-twenty-five infantry phalanx has already exceeded the area that two dark spells can cover; if Ye Qi has enough time, all the spirits will be It’s natural that the infantry squad is all covered, but a team of heroic cavalry that is chasing behind them, as well as the heroic infantry commander who jumps out of the two phalanx and gathers companions, is simply impossible to let Ye Qi Do this.


After two identical shouts, the commanders of the two spirits of the Allied Infantry, who jumped from afar and came to the sky above Ye Qi, took out their long sword from top to bottom. The blade did not arrive, and the air cut by the blade was already causing the pain of Ye Qi; however, in the face of such pain, Ye Qi was smiling.

After all, the two obstacles that blocked the strongest entry into the ruins have been attracted to him, and the road into the ruins has been completely unimpeded—when he came to the front of the two spirits, the Ye Qi I first noticed the two infantry commanders who gathered the forces of the British Infantry in their respective phalanx. One left and one right were on the edge of the corridor that entered the ruins; obviously, anyone who wants to pass this corridor needs to face The two hits!

If it is the ordinary state ten such commanders of the Yingling infantry, Ye Qi will not be in the heart; but in the battle array gathered hundreds of the same level of power, reached the day of the Yao On the commander of the Yingling infantry, it is not that Ye Qi at the moment is enough to compete, especially at the same time facing two similar existences, even if his cards are out, Ye Qi does not have enough confidence.

Therefore, Ye Qi had to play some means - after his troops fell into chaos, the existence of a commander naturally needed to come out to stabilize the order; this is human nature, and the spirit that inherits all human beings will inevitably The same is true; therefore, Ye Qicai began to create chaos in the ordinary Yingling infantry phalanx; originally, Ye Qi intended to attract one of them even if it was a success, but it was unexpected that two of them were attracted together!

Looking at the two long swords at the top of the head, Ye Qi did not hesitate any more, and immediately mobilized the ability of the shadow servant -

Shadow shuttle!

The whole person disappeared instantly in the same place.

Ps first more ~ ​​~ timing ~ ~ not to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation.

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