Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 69: Relics. In the test


After reconfirming the spirit, after seeing Ye Qi nodded, he immediately walked toward the middle of the hall where he was walking with a fist-sized white point. As the ordinary Ying Ling reached out and pointed out that he was now on the scarlet carpet; Then, the face of the ordinary Ying Ling started from the white point that just appeared, and went to the two sides, each took about fifteen steps, and raised his hand again to draw a white line.

Immediately, a special 'site' that extends from the center of the hall to each side for about ten yards appears in front of Ye Qi and walks back to the center of the hall. After standing on one side of the white point, the face is ordinary. The spirit of the spirit asked Ye Qi: "Do you know the movement of this kind of strength?"

"Know some, I have seen it in a knight's camp!"

Glanced at the special 'field' that appeared in front of him, Ye Qi nodded and said that this was not a cover or a lie. In the Rangers camp, Ye Qi did see such a 'game'; the age of those trainers People, every day, have to do similar games like this: two people stand on the sides of the midpoint, each holding a wooden sword, slashing each other; can not dodge the opponent's attack, can only parry, or cut; One of the winners of this 'game' is the first to hit the opponent's body in the wooden sword, or to draw the opponent's body and draw a horizontal line with obvious position. ""Look

For such a 'game', Ye Qi also participated at the time; however, with a system blessing and an escalating body, no one is his opponent in the camp of the Ranger where he is located; therefore, just playing After that, Ye Qi will no longer participate in such 'games', perhaps for young trainee cavalry. Such a 'game' is enough to exercise strength and considerable practical skills. But for Ye Qi. It is basically useless; rather than spending time, it is better to do some slightly high-end skills training or read two more books to enhance your strength and grow your own knowledge.

It’s just that Ye Qi didn’t think that he would be here again, seeing such a 'game' again from the hands of a hero.

"I didn't expect this traditional training method to be known!" The ordinary English spirit looked at Ye Qi's nod, and could not help but be a little surprised; then, softly praised: "This kind of movement seems simple, though. But it is definitely the best way for a warrior to lay the foundation; and it is also the best way to test the strength and courage of a warrior!"

"I think the master of the knight camp you have seen must have inherited a part of the great glory of my Lord!" This ordinary face is a gratifying look; and Yitch is wise not to interject, for The spirit in front of the interpretation of the nature of the Ranger Camp, although with the spirit of the Cavaliers, but no one in the mouth of the 'My Lord' warrior-like desperate; when they need to charge, the Rangers will never hesitate, but More often they exist for protection; as patrols guard Shack.

For such an explanation, Ye Qi certainly can't say that although he only talked for a while, but for the face of this ordinary English spirit, Ye Qi has already understood, absolutely the kind of righteousness. Obey the ‘traditional knight’ that all good camps should have, but have a trace of pride; if the other party knows the status of the Rangers. Ye Qi has more than 80% sure that the other party will say that 'the Cavaliers should be charged on the battlefield, not as an ornament'. This will make both sides swear words; therefore, it is only necessary to maintain a certain silence at this time.

"Since you already know these rules, then I will not repeat them!" After the appreciation, the ordinary English spirit made a gesture of asking, and asked: "Now, can we start?"

"of course!"

Nodded, Ye Qi went straight to the opposite side of the other side, with another direction of the bottom line; just standing, the opposite of the spirit of the hand reached into the waist, immediately in the hands of a long sword [dimensional bag 】? Ye Qi glanced at the other's waist in amazement, and then the next moment was attracted to the seemingly knight's standard sword in the other hand; the blade slightly wider than the ordinary sword, slightly upturned sword Compared with the slightly wide blade, it is about half the narrower than the average long sword. That is to say, if you put this long sword flat and look at it from the tip of the sword, if you have a poor eyesight, you will not see it. Go to the sword!

What attracts Ye Qi’s attention is the thick but ingenious inscription at the sword.

The work of the dwarf craftsman!

Almost when I saw the row of small inscriptions, Ye Qi had an accurate judgment as a demon hunter who walked on the edge of light and darkness. The love of weapons is basically only for relatives. Under the friend; even a lot of hunters have their own hobby of collecting weapons, and although Ye Qi does not have such a hobby, but the love of weapons is like other hunters.

Therefore, for the weapons created by the legendary crafts, although Ye Qi has not seen the real thing, some characters and patterns are familiar to him; and the special inscription of the sword in the hand of the hero in front of him is The most obvious features of the dwarf craftsmen are thick and delicate, which is almost everyone's admiration for the objects created by the dwarf craftsmen.

"This is my trophy! Although the guy is mean and shameless, but there is an amazing magical item on his body!" This ordinary English spirit patted the waist and stored the position of the [Dimensional Bag], then waved the hand Long sword, said: "And this is my sabre, a work of a dwarf master that I respect; I used to fight with me until I was alive, until I became a weapon of the spirit!"

"My long knife is not a dwarf's work, but it has a sharp edge that is not inferior to any weapon!" After receiving the opposite of the spirit, Ye Qi will take out the magic knife, also as a gift, and do the corresponding Introduction: "I used to go away from me because of one of my mistakes. Fortunately, I met a top craftsman, let it get the heart again, and I never have to worry about being damaged again." ”


With Ye Qi’s words, the same magic knife immediately gave a tremor, showing a blue body under the light source. In the tremor. It looks like a lake is so clear and beautiful.

"Except for the top craftsman. The master's mind is an important reason for its rebirth!" The ordinary Ying Ling looked at Ye Qizhong's knives with the same meaning as Ye Qi, and could not help but reveal a hint of surprise. After he paused, he continued: "If the weapon in your hand can be the same as the holder's mind, then this person is a well-deserved warrior! Weapons will never hypocritically admit a despicable villain! I can know it. The name and which owner was it born for?"

"Hunter: Ye Qi; Sabre: Devil!"

Although the name was asked by the other party because of the knives, there was no dissatisfaction with Ye Qi and there was no cover. Ye Qi made a simple self-introduction. Immediately, the name of the knives was reported for the way to get along with the spirits. At this moment, Ye Qi has already touched a doorway. Apart from the subjective factors such as strength, honesty, no cover, no use of lies as a means of communication, is a The way to get a good feeling of the spirit quickly; of course, Ye Qi is very clear, this degree of goodwill does not make the other party violate the principle of fairness to take the initiative to let him pass.

Even if it is a good feeling, the spirit will not arbitrarily make such a thing that has lost the principle of 'fairness'; otherwise, he will not become a hero, that is, in the face of a friend who is wanted by his lord. A knight who meets the spirit of the spirit will never ignore the orders of his lord because of his personal feelings. He will not hesitate and never take his friends back; then, with his friends, he will receive punishment; even if he is dead, he will not frown.

Yingling, that's how it is until the awkward existence!

However, Ye Qi admired such existence very much. Perhaps he was only an exaggerated depiction of Ying Ling in the singular talk, but when he saw the spirit in front of him, he had a very accurate understanding: that is interesting. There may be exaggerated depictions of other things, but they are real for the spirits, without any exaggeration.

"Dream? I remember! In Gettel. Fini, I am very happy to be able to fight with you!"

"This is also my honor!"

The ordinary Ying Ling answered very cherished, and Ye Qi’s answer was solemn; then, under Ye Qi’s gaze, the other party pulled out a silver sling and placed it on the thumbnail’s fingernail. Looking at Ye Qi with both eyes, he asked, "Are you ready?"


Ye Qi simply nodded to face the silence of the wolf, although Ye Qi is very similar to telling the other party is not ready, but remember that the strange wolf said not to contact, Ye Qi can only nod to promise at this moment.

"So, prepare!"

Telfini pushed his thumb up and immediately, with the sound of '叮', the silver rope flew to the height of the hall, and Ye Qi and Tel Fini. At the moment when the silver ropes flew up, they looked at each other with full concentration. The weapons in their hands have already prepared themselves in the posture of their best offensive. It is the actual preparation, only when the flying silver is falling. When it comes to the ground, it is the real beginning.


The silver crepe fell on the thick scarlet carpet and made a clear sound when it was not flying. But in this not so loud sound, Ye Qi and Tel Fini were left. One right waved his own weapon at the same time, and the respective weapons in his hand crossed different angles, and with the sound of a slap in the air, they swayed to their respective targets.


There is no bells and whistles with the unique gongs of the metal. The knives and the dwarfs have encountered the swordsmanship, and the sparks are splattered...

Ye Qi's whole person stepped back and forth again, until the tenth step, he pressed down the body fiercely. The hind foot forced the body to stabilize and fixed it. He couldn't help but shake the right hand of the knife, feeling from the wrist to the arm until half. The feeling of paralysis on his body, Ye Qi could not help but bite his teeth.

Great power!

Not a grade at all!

Such an idea rises from the heart of Ye Qi in an instant; however, there is no expression on Ye Qi’s face, and the performance is still very calm. When the numbness of the right hand is slightly reduced, the knives are again held. At this time, the opposite of the Ferry Finney came to the front of the eyes again, set the attack posture; even in such a fight, the spirit did not have the habit of swearing. Even the danger of this horrible person seems to be the pursuit of victory for most people.


There was no fancy collision again. This time, Ye Qi is still worse than the previous one. Almost his feet flew backwards from the ground; even the knives in their hands almost came out. If it wasn’t for Ye Qi’s right hand, the knives would be smashed at the moment of collision. Flying; and in this case, Ye Qi has been retreating to twenty yards before standing again. Of course, this distance, Ye Qi naturally lost.

Sure enough, the gap is too big!

Involuntarily, Ye Qi smiled and shook his head like this failure. It is expected that Ye Qi is expected; although the strength of 21 points is enough to make him proud of any existence of the same level, it will be regarded as a superman by ordinary people; but in the face of the existence of far superior level, such power is obviously is not enough.

[unallocated attribute points: 3]

Looking at the unallocated attribute points in the system bar, Ye Qi has a long sigh in his heart. I am afraid that only by adding the three attribute points to the power, it is possible to compete with the other side; however, such a counterbalance is not enough. It’s a short-term stalemate. After that, I’m afraid I will still fall behind.

"Don't be discouraged, your strength is not as bad as you think!"

The match between the two forces is a sturdy body. The Finney is obviously a winner; but the winner is not proud of being the unique integrity of the spirit. Finney will not go. Enjoy the victory at the moment; fight against a person who is much weaker than himself, and he has already violated his wish. If it weren't for the last order of the loyal ‘Lord,’ even Ter Fernan would not shoot at all; and if that was the case. If you still enjoy the victory, it is simply that Tel. Fini himself is trampling on his own dignity.

"I just took the blessing of time, it will be stronger than you!" As a hero, the unique integrity makes Tel Finney explain: "If you have the same time, you will definitely be stronger than me!"

"I am not as vulnerable, I need to be comforted by others!" Shakes the palm of his hand, and Ye Qi with a smile walks in front of Tel Fini, about five yards, very sure. Said: "Although it is true that you are stronger than me at the moment, but for me, you are just a goal beyond!"

Although Ye Qi is cautious and careful, he is the standard he believes in, but this does not prevent him from having a systematic blessing on his own pride. However, all kinds of tasks are done by him as much as he can. Falling down; such an experience is very much in line with the principle of 'fairness'; therefore, Ye Qi is very proud of his ability to gain the present strength, different from the arrogance of self-respect and superficiality, but from the bones. The firmness of anything!

Therefore, in the face of rare defeats, the one that Ye Qi’s bones can’t be opened, the strong firmness appears as most of the hunters, and under the unruly surface, there is always a Unbelievable and unyielding heart.

"I am very honored to be such a goal!"

Just after a glimpse, Telfini once again revealed a smile full of sunshine. For a spirit like him, tenacious, unyielding opponents are worthy of respect; they are not afraid of each other as a cowhide. The challenge, on the contrary, they are looking forward to such a challenge; and whenever such an opponent appears, they will always be elated and not at all encounter any battle against the strong.

And this is the real reason why Ye Qi will calmly say his inner thoughts. If you change to another opponent, even if you have such an idea, Ye Qi will bury everything in his heart.

“Need a break?”

Terfer Finney asked Ye Qi, showing that after a heroic confrontation with an approved opponent, he should have the grace that Ye Qi believes that this is based on his previous performance; if he is before The performances in various tests are extremely unbearable, and it is impossible to get such a 'polite' treatment at all; I am afraid that once it appears, it has to be the soul of the sword.

"For the time being, you don't need it!" Ye Qi shook his head.

As the highest of the five attributes has reached the physique of 23, so that Ye Qi has an advantage in the endurance of the response and supernatural resistance; perhaps not able to face the splash The surface of the sulfuric acid does not change color, but the arm and body that are paralyzed by the collision of power in several breaths are easy for Ye Qi.

"Then we will start the second test! Remove the power that has failed; you have two options for speed and skill. What do you choose?"

"I choose..."



Facing the question of Tel Finney, the wolf once again came out. Although the wolf did not say clearly, how to help him win, and before in the struggle of power, completely silent, but for the wolf The trust, Ye Qi still gave the answer according to the proposal of the wolf.

PS first more ~~~ timing ~~~

It’s finally raining this morning! ! ! It’s not easy, it’s a lot of cool today.~~~ It’s really a summer heat~~~(To be continued...)

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