Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 81: Death drama

Based on the power of death, the power of the contract as an auxiliary change is almost at the moment of the emergence of Ye Qi and the attention of the tower master of the competition. The former has the perception of blind fighting as a probe, basically All the changes in the scope can be seen clearly, while the latter is the old-fashioned Japanese-level powerhouse with the rich combat experience as a reference. After the gap to the change of the old rival's breath, the face immediately changed.

Without any words or even eye contact, Ye Qi and the tower of the athletic tower were simultaneously rushing toward the warden, and the rushed over the past. The reason for the change was not clear, but the two were very Understand that if this change continues, the situation that has just been tilted on the field will have to change again.

With the "cursive technique" +8 temporary agile Ye Qi, the first tower of the competitive tower rushed to the front of the warden, the magic knife in the hand, with a flashing knife to take the neck of the other side - whether it is Speed, strength, and even the determination to kill a blow, this knife is no worse than the knife that smashed the opponent's death force shield before, but now the warden not only does not hide, it seems to fall asleep, Even the force shield of death did not appear.

Therefore, according to common sense, if such a knife goes down, the other party will definitely be decapitated, but -


The 阎 阎 没有 没有 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎It was on the neck of the warden, but there was only one white mark that appeared because of the change in power on the blade. The rest should appear like blood, head flying, etc., the same does not appear!

In the face of such a situation, after Ye Qi sneaked a little, he once again pushed hard to push the knives, but in the past, the sharp blade seemed to have lost its proper role at this moment, except for the warden. After taking a step back later, there is no role at all!

It’s not just Ye Qi’s knives, but the giant knives of the tower’s main tower are cut on the other’s body, leaving the opponent to take a step back. Basically, like Ye Qi, there is no effect -

"What is going on here? What kind of ghost did Moran engage in this guy? How did it become harder than steel?!"

The tower of the athletic tower looked suspiciously at the warden in front of him, and the tone was full of doubts. After the first knife, the strong old man would certainly not give up, and again and again he could not cut more than ten. However, the result is still the same as the effect of the first knife. Apart from the steps taken by the warden, there is basically no effect.

"I don't know, but it should be related to the strong one of the first three presiding judges who have the title of ‘Sacred Shield’ in the battle of Mount God!” Ye Qi’s brow wrinkled slightly. Obviously, for the scene at the moment, he is also somewhat incomprehensible. He can only make a simple inference based on the existing situation: "If you have not guessed wrong, the lord of the warden should use means that we cannot understand. , 'Extracting the power of the former presiding judge!'

"Extraction ability?!"

The main face of the Tower of Athletics could not be changed again. For the former presiding judge who was known as the ‘Sacred Shield’, he was still fresh in his memory—not only metalized. It can also be turned into a steel giant of more than twenty feet; the ‘the strongest shield’ that is called the Holy See’s sturdy fight with its own body and holy devices can not fall into the wind!

Basically, if it is not because his old friend broke the defense of the other party and made the other party hate under the sword, all the people in the dark world still think that the other party is the strongest defender, without any weakness; even if it is The other party hates under his old friend's sword, but for the defense of the other side, all the people in the dark world are still fresh in memory; and. There won't be any small flaws for it; for, except for the old friend who faces him, the opponent's record is basically a hundred battles.

And now, Moran this guy has extracted this ability. Joining your body, as long as you think about the changes that may occur, it is enough to make the tower of the athletic tower feel a tingling scalp - the power of death itself is hard enough, plus that The power of steel...

Suddenly, the eyes of the tower of the athletic tower looked at Ye Qi -

"The 'Sacred Shield' of that year can be ignored even if it faces the edge of the holy device. If you don't touch your teacher, he will be considered by everyone to be the strongest presence in the Japanese glory; now Moran is true. If we extract the power of the 'Sacred Shield', we have no chance of winning!"

According to his own experience, the owner of the athletic tower gave his own advice very objectively - although the strong old man believed in Ye Qi’s ability, but for Ye Qi who had never seen the 'Holy Shield' The owner of the athletic tower still believes that he needs an accurate evaluation.

After hearing the advice of the owner of the tower, Ye Qi’s wrinkled brows were even tighter – the 'Sacred Shield', one of the first three trials, was able to counter the sacristy with the body, but in the end He died under the sword of his teacher; apparently the power of the 'Sacred Shield' is powerful, but it is not invincible, or it will not be shackled by his teacher; but that is his teacher, not He, with the sharp edge of the knives, can not break the defense of the other side, enough to prove the defense of the other side at the moment.

Perhaps, you can take advantage of the smashing effect of the scorpion scorpion...

No, the ability of the other party may not be classified into light armor, heavy armor or magic armor...

Once it fails, it will be completely passive; temporary avoidance is the best choice!

But just withdraw it like this...

A little unwilling to rise from the heart of Ye Qi, but the inner rationality only took the advantage after a while - there is obviously another tower owner at the headquarters of the demon hunter, and there is him at the market. An elder exists; especially his elder in the market, obviously the strongest of his classmates, and the information that is spit out at random is enough to surprise anyone; therefore, Ye Qi absolutely believes. Just leave for a while, then bring the two together, or find his elder directly. It is obviously not too difficult to get rid of the warden in front of him.


Thinking of this, Ye Qi, did not hesitate, and made a gesture to the main tower of the athletic tower - although there is a card, but in the case of being able to use it, Ye Qi absolutely does not want to use his own card; after all, in ten years After the war may occur. It’s when his cards are really used!

As for [s-level mission: Moran's end 2]?

Although it is important to complete the task, it is absolutely impossible to make Ye Qi catch up with life; if I have built my own life for a task, what if I complete the task? What is the difference between those who are the urges of the dead birds for the death? What's more, after a strong back-up, this task will still exist - it has no time or place restrictions, as long as it is him who kills Moran in the end, it is enough!

Seeing Ye Qi’s gesture, the tower of the athletic tower immediately turned and left, and Ye Qi also followed. A quick retreat; the speed of the two is of course unquestionable, and Ye Qi has a +8 temporary agility bonus. The ability of the main tower of the athletic tower is the wind. Although the tower of the athletic tower habitually uses the ability as an aid, it is more adept at close combat; but this does not mean that the speed of the tower tower is slow; on the contrary, The speed of the main tower of the athletic tower is inferior to that of the tower of the sacred object. Otherwise, the tower-tower of the moon and night will not let the tower master of the competition come to support.

Therefore, after just a few breaths, the two have already appeared hundreds of yards away; even, the warden's figure has only a small point left; but it is at this time. The voice of the warden sounded in the ears of the two -

"The battle between us is not over yet, do you want to leave?"

The sound is very clear, and it is almost the same as Ye Qi's use of communication technology. However, Ye Qi and the tower of the athletic tower have not ignored it at all, but the speed is once again faster.


With a cold snoring sounded from the nose of the warden who had completely "wake up", he raised his hand slightly, and immediately the wave of the silver soul appeared in front of the fast-running Ye Qi and the tower of the athletic tower. - After the addition of [Corruption] +8 Temporary Perception. Ye Qi is completely visible to such hidden waves; therefore, at the moment of the volatility, Ye Qi took the tower of the athletic tower and stopped the pace of progress, and quickly flashed to the side.

boom! boom! boom!

The muffled sound of several consecutive sounds. With the tremors on the ground, twelve undead servants appeared in midair, and they plunged into the ground below. The robes with hoods had disappeared at this moment, but they were shimmering heavy armor. It was printed in the vision of Ye Qi and the tower of the athletic tower, especially the black and purple chain that originally had only the child's small arm, which is now comparable to the adult thigh.

Seeing the scene of Ye Qi and the tower of the athletic tower, the face of the tower has not changed. The reason why the two people once again meet the prison governor of the holy prison can gain the upper hand, because the weapons in the hands of the two It can fight against this chain full of death, especially the giant knives in the hands of the tower of the athletic tower. It makes the 'small' chains vulnerable, and the collapses are separated, and the operators with chains are also following the corpse. .

This forced the prison governor of the holy prison to change the tactics he should have, and the two gradually gained the upper hand; but at this moment, the other’s undead servants have obviously changed, only the armor indicates that the other The power of steel is very smooth 'absorbed', and the death chain of the adult thigh thickness shows the other person's intentions.

boom! boom! boom!

The concealed volatility in the air once again appeared. Ye Qi took the tower of the athletic tower and quickly evaded in the other direction, but the servant of the sorcerer’s warden seemed to be no money, crazy from the air. It appeared and then fell; just after a dozen seconds, the undead servant of a dense armor appeared on the open space in front of the ruins. It was originally seen that it was a temporary camp for Jacob’s excavation team. Under this raid, the whole face is completely different.

The fluctuations in the perception of the blind bucket are constantly flickering, and Ye Qi has a clear understanding of these newly emerged servants of the dead. The celestial servants of the dynasty are twelve, and the moonlight is thirty-eight. Fifty; obviously. The servant of the warlord’s glory, in the battles of several times, was basically exhausted; especially after encountering the spirit in the ruins, according to Ye Qi’s guess, the other party’s 50 The servants of the Sun Yat-Sen class should be annihilated by the whole army; otherwise, they will not be supplemented by the servants of these moons and stars.

But in this nearly one hundred mortal servants, although there are only twelve servants of the Sun Yat-Sen class, this does not make Ye Qi feel any ease - for the servant of the warden, Ye Qi and the tower of the athletic tower The Lord is the same idea, that is simply not enough to worry about; after all. Only the undead servants of power, even the glory of the day, are nothing more than a powerful, fast-paced singer, even the average moon-level apostle is inferior.

What is really worrying is the chain of death in the hands of these undead!

Before the child’s arm was thick, these chains of death had the power to make Ye Qi and the tower of the athletic towers taboo. Now, whether it is the servant of the Sun Yat-Sen, or the servant of the moonlight and the star-level undead They are the chain of death of the adult thigh thickness - the former can be broken, but the latter?

Even the tower of the tower of the athletics holding a giant sword. At the moment, there is also a lack of confidence.

"Go into the forest!"

A glance at the undead servants who gathered together, and behind these servants of the dead. The governor who is approaching, Ye Qi and the tower of the athletic tower look at each other and say at the same time - undoubtedly under such circumstances, if they are still in the open area, they will be for those straight chains. Absolutely inferior, only in the dense forest, relying on the obstruction of trees in the forest, they have a chance; whether it is to continue to retreat, or counterattack!

Thought to enter the forest. Can you escape?

It’s childish!

The warden smiled disdainfully, then raised his hand and waved a little; immediately surrounded by him, the undead servants who had just completed a transformation were half-divided, and rushed into the wolf like a tiger. The forest - looking at the trees with the thickness of the adult's waist, was smashed in the face of his undead servant and flew in the air. The prison governor of the holy prison could not help but laugh.

In some ways, the power of steel is really unique!

The warden of the sacred prison glanced at the undead servants in armor, and the chains of death that had been numerous and numerous in the hands of these undead servants. I couldn’t help but give such a sigh; but soon, such admiration turned into resentment. The power of steel is unique. For me, it’s just a icing on the cake. It’s impossible to combine the power of toxins. It has become a kind of qualitative change in the [withering]; even if it is [the inflammation of the dead] and the cold of the undead, it is more powerful than the power of this steel in the long-term perspective.

With long-term potential, in exchange for the power of the moment, as long as it is a rational person, you know how to choose!

Even if there are some ways to make up for it, the energy it takes and the difficulty of getting some special items are enough to make any strong person above the sun feel difficult; therefore, let him fall into The two men in such a difficult situation, Ye Qi and the tower of the athletic tower, the prison governor of the holy prison absolutely wants to frustrate the two!

Of course, compared with the sole role of the tower tyrant of the athletics, it is only made into a servant of the undead to supplement his consumption. Ye Qi, who has the blood of the dragon family, has no doubt for him. A considerable role - whether it is the blood of the other dragons, and the specific ability to show, or the other teacher, his old opponent, has made him have a considerable obsession with the capture of the other.

Live the one on the left and kill the one on the right!

After issuing such an order, the warden of the sacred prison immediately saw the former opponent who had blocked the giant sword with his chest, and the giant chain of his undead servant flew straight, unable to open his mouth again, using that The voice of arbitrariness said: "Jermond ~ What's wrong? What strength are you proud of? Why can't I see it!"

Faced with this ridiculous voice, the tower of the athletic tower did not take care of it. His body quickly flashed the giant chain that was rushing in the dense woods around him, but with a hint of anxiety in his heart. As one of the old opponents, he knows very well about the ability of the warden; and it is because of this clarity that he can make him understand that at this moment, the undead servant encircles the other way, and the other party is commanding behind him. It is what the other party is really good at!

When I met last time, the other party was in such a position that it blocked the support of the Devil's Headquarters for the old John; the other party did not develop this chain of death at that time, just with the Holy Spirit's magic. An infinite servant, picking a suitable place, dragged about one-third of the total number of support at that time.

Now, the opponent's ability has obviously improved qualitatively, and there are also changes in the skill that make him unprepared; therefore, the tower of the athletic tower is very clear, and if he goes on like this, he and Ye Qi will both fall into each other. The rhythm goes; and once they get stuck, then the two of them will definitely be fierce.

Ps first more ~ ​​timing ~ not to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation.

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