Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 89: Promotion - Legend! on


Excessive blood loss, the neck is only a trace of the flesh-and-mortem warden, and fell to the ground and never got up again - Ye Qi had to admire the vitality above the sun, even with a series of preparations After that, the other party still spent a full hour with him, and the neck was even more than a hundred knives; Ye Qi can be sure, if not before he attacked the other side of the neck The blood of the other party is not enough; at this moment, the result of this battle is unpredictable.

However, ten will be the result of the serious injury and escape of the other party.

If that is the case, then even if Ye Qi wins the final victory, there will be no glory that any winner should have; after all, there is a part of the card without any gain, for anyone, Even the final winner is nothing but incomplete or victorious.

Especially for Ye Qi, this is especially true - first throw away the crucial card of the attribute point, whether it is the "Samigina Drive", or the shadow servant, the shadow warrior belongs to the kind of temporary Human; once exposed, it is not a good thing for him; and according to the character of the warden, the other party does not mind that he is a great book for the book, the demon person is proficient in the undead faction or is good at negative energy. Spell's message.

Once the other party succeeds in escaping, such news will inevitably spread throughout the underground dark world of Lorante in a short period of time - of course, as Ye Qi, these are not important; with the understanding and support of friends . Other people's views are basically negligible for Ye Qi; after all, the news like "The Witch's Lover" has not appeared before.

Faced with the suspicions and strange eyes of others, why did Ye Qi have been uneasy and embarrassed?

Therefore, compared to these, Ye Qi is more worried about the person who sent the message - the warden of the holy prison!

According to the character of the other party, as long as the injury is raised, he will definitely be shot again, and at that time, the warden who has been defying the millennial spirit is undoubtedly the strongest, even if the power of steel will be in some Limit the other side. But with the power of the Holy See behind the other side, a few special magical props are not necessarily difficult; therefore, as long as the other person who thinks of making up the 'disadvantage' appears in front of him, Ye Qi will feel a scalp numb. .

Combining all kinds of coincidences, Ye Qike does not regard it as a victory for himself. The existence of a thousand years of spirit in the remains, the contempt of the other side from the bottom of his heart, look down on him, etc. The premise of victory; Ye Qi knows this.


With such a fortunate idea, Ye Qi could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Falling on the ground - continuous fighting, not only makes his physical exertion serious. And the energy is also the same serious, even if it has a body of up to 24 as a support, at this moment, it is also somewhat overwhelmed.

However, when I saw the text displayed on the light blue screen, Ye Qi, who was slightly wilted, was excited at the next moment -

[s-level task: Moran's end 2 (completed); gain experience 3000000.]

Undoubtedly, this is the task with the highest level after Ye Qi has owned the system; even if there is already some speculation before. But looking at the experience of three million, Ye Qi still feels the shock of the bottom of his heart - sure enough, the system's 'fairness' is high risk, high income...

However, such a 'fairness' is still ‘traditional’!

Looking at the experience gained, Ye Qi instinctively associates with a series of battles that have taken place before. Thinking about the inadequacies of the system's evaluation of the task level - obviously, it is still a very simple comparison of strength between itself and the other party; and it is not without calculating the millennial spirit in the relics, or even the tower of the athletic tower. It is calculated only if it is counted; if so. I am not ok...

Although the difficulty is slightly larger, it is not impossible to design it!

The thoughts at the bottom of my heart changed with the face several times, and finally I was deeply sucked up by Ye Qi, and I was crushed down. A plan from appearance to completion requires countless deductions and simulations. Successful; especially this is related to his own survival plan, Ye Qi will be more cautious.

Obviously, this is not suitable for making up such a plan; whether it is the existing information or the resources that can be used, Ye Qi is wise to choose to give up at this moment; instead, he put his gaze on it again. On the light blue screen - the gaze moves down, and the experience bar below the character level is over half of the experience, and immediately reached the apex under the infusion of three million experiences; and at the beginning of the experience bar, it is beyond the part.

Obviously, his experience is enough to make him upgrade his level again -

[The character level is upgraded to twenty, is it upgraded? 】

【Yes! 】

Different from the improvement of the direct character level in the past, this time, there was another question that was only available when he was employed and transferred. In this regard, Ye Qi naturally chose a positive answer.

Just after Ye Qi chose [Yes], suddenly he was black and the whole body was shaking. When he returned to God again, his surroundings had changed from the swamps and forests in the Qiangqu area to an endless The starry sky - countless brightly twinkling stars converge on the top of Ye Qi into a galaxy that traverses the universe; but there is a dark gold star that radiates a different light from the surrounding stars, while seeing The moment of this dark golden star, a feeling of familiarity, rises from the bottom of my heart.

It’s like seeing yourself in the mirror!

This feeling is very strange, but the familiarity, Ye Qi does not think it will perceive the error.

Is this the Dragon Warlock I chose before?

Ye Qi can not forget the situation that occurred around the first choice of career; whether it is the position he is standing or the position of the starry sky. It was exactly the same as his memory of the year; except that there was such a dark golden star outside - in Ye Qi’s doubtful eyes, the golden star broke away from the entire starry sky and fell to him; In the leaping scene, Ye Qi was at the moment looking at the dark golden star, getting closer and closer to him.

This is not Ye Qi's relaxed vigilance. In fact, at any time, Ye Qi will not relax his vigilance.

However, Ye Qi at the moment has absolute certainty. This is not dangerous; after all, as long as it is a normal person, he will never hurt himself - as Ye Qi’s speculation, the dark golden star stopped at the top of his head, a square More than 30 yards long, the huge golden card with a quaint pattern carved on the corner, stood in front of him like a palace door.

At the very center of the card. A lively time dragon, the appearance of the dragon dragon is still very powerful!

Not only is the size tens of times the original card. And originally only the cards with dark gold edges, at this moment all become dark gold.

Following the memory, Ye Qi contrasts, the front represents the difference between his card and the memory of the Dragon Warlock; and the result is undoubtedly very obvious, no matter where it has changed absolutely; even if it is the most card The central dragon, from the most ordinary dragon, became the time dragon he chose.

Congratulations, your character level has been raised to 20, and the professional level has reached 10. In line with advanced legends...]

Standing in front of the huge golden card, the system's prompts appeared again - unlike the past, relying on the light blue screen, this time directly in Ye Qi's mind; the kind of dull, without the slightest emotional synthesis The sound, word by word, said that the speed of speech is very slow, just like a doll with a clockwork, the spring will soon come to the end.

but. Ye Qi did not care about it at all. He just breathed his heart and listened to what the voice said.

[Legendary profession - the ancient dragon warlocks open; legend options open...]

[Advanced legendary career - the ancient dragon warlock; yes / no? 】

[Legend option is on, yes/no? 】

After Ye Qi heard the two options, a slight glimpse - for the first one. After the completion of the character level 10 and the professional level 5, there have been [b-level tasks: professional legends open. Ye Qi is not surprised; what really makes Ye Qi feel puzzled is the so-called 'legendary option'.

Legendary option, what is this?

Inevitably, Ye Qi had such a question at the bottom of his heart; only, the dull voice did not give him an answer - Ye Qi never expected the other party to answer him; just like the system's 'fairness', this There is no such thing as 'artificial intelligence'; it is all implemented according to the conditions of satisfaction, as long as the conditions are met, it will appear; whether it is the advancement of the profession or the emergence of the task.

Turn on the legendary option!

Thinking for a moment, the fruitless Ye Qi, made a choice straightforwardly - in the face of the legendary career that has been guessed [The Ancient Dragon Warlock], Ye Qi wants to know first, what is the so-called 'legendary option'? .

[Confirm the legend option is on! 】

[System testing...]

After the two sounds flashed, he fell silent; Ye Qi stood in the same place, slightly closed his eyes and waited - for this patience, Ye Qi was not lacking; and after about five minutes, the system was dull. The sound rang again.

[Test results, in line with the legendary options, as follows...]

[a. Master class cold weapons. 】

[b. Main attributes: physique. 】

[c. Secondary attributes: strength. 】

[d. Nature's assistance. 】

[e. Gravity sanctions. 】


[Only one of them can be selected. 】

This, this is...

Listening to the extreme speed of the system, Ye Qi couldn't help but stunned it – with Ye Qi's cleverness, he realized in a moment what the so-called 'legendary option' option is!

Bring yourself close to the legendary ability or physical quality to reach the legendary level!

Even with Ye Qi’s calmness, in the face of such a legendary option, it’s unbelievable that it’s unbelievable in a flash; however, in the next moment, the entanglement is filled with Ye Qi’s heart – he has not forgotten the previous system’s prompts. [Only one of them can be selected]!

Skills [Master Cold Weapon], physical fitness, [power]. Even the special expertise of [natural aid], [gravity sanctions] and so on are undoubtedly Ye Qi's choice at the moment, and if possible, Ye Qi naturally wants to choose all of them, but the last hint is undoubtedly Tell Ye Qi, only five choices!

Ye Qi, who never thought that there was any difficulty in choosing, hesitated for the first time in the face of choice!

Call, call...

In the face of hesitant choices, even in the mind, there was a sloppy Ye Qi, and immediately took a few deep breaths. Make your brain clear again; then, immediately start a rule of exclusion that is based on the most profitable criteria -

Special expertise [natural aid], [gravity sanction] After the advanced legend, there will inevitably be earth-shaking changes; it is like the power of death or the power of steel in the mouth of the warden. In general, its ability is undoubtedly powerful; however, it also has certain limitations...

Ye Qike will not forget the sudden decline in the speed of the warden's power after taking the [Steel Power] - especially the 'potential' in the mouth of the warden, which makes Ye Qi careless; [The power of steel] is evaluated by the other party as having very low potential. What is the potential of special expertise [natural aid] and [gravity sanctions] after advanced legend?

In the face of such an unknown choice, Ye Qi immediately made a decision - the risk of the unknown is too great to be clear. Temporarily excluded!

Perhaps special expertise [natural aid], [gravity sanction] will show extraordinary potential after the advanced legend, but the relative will also appear [the power of steel] for the case of the warden - this is almost Half to half of the gamble. For Ye Qi, nature will not choose; natural cautious, has already made Ye Qi insulated for games like gambling!

What's more, in addition to this, Ye Qi has other options -

[Master Cold Weapon] and the choice of the main attribute [Physique] and the secondary attribute [Power]!

The former, at the moment, has reached 60; according to the choice of proficient-expert-master, to reach the point of legend, Ye Qi's speculation must reach at least 100. Even higher; and by this level up to 60 level calculations, then it is nearly 40 skill points, and even more skill points.

For at least 40 skill points, Ye Qi will never be underestimated; after all, from the beginning to realize the precious points of the skill points, to the current position, he accumulates the skill points. But only 63 and - in the face of the equivalent of two-thirds of their own worth, anyone will pay great attention!

Ye Qi is no exception!

The choice of the main attribute [physique] and the secondary attribute [power] is also quite the same - in the previous battle with the warden, [cursive surgery] +8 temporary agility, took advantage of speed; even There is a saying that 'the shortcoming of strength is the weakness' as a support. However, the other party's choice of the wizard's road has such agility, which is enough to make Ye Qi infer that the above-mentioned general and lowest attribute range in the legendary realm is between 28-30.

Naturally, it will be different according to the characteristics of individual abilities. For example, if you have the power of [Steel Power], the physique is absolutely 30 or higher, but the agility is absolutely only 28 or even lower.

Therefore, if he chooses the main attribute [physique] or the secondary attribute [power], according to the former 24 as the starting point, there will definitely be 4 to 6 attribute points as an increase; if the latter is selected, the starting point is 23 If there are, then there will be 5 to 7 points of attribute points as an increase - of course, with the system's main and minor descriptions of the two attributes of "physique" and "power", Ye Qi has reason to guess if he If you choose [Physique], you will definitely reach the maximum attribute point increase, and if you choose secondary, you will only get the basic attribute point increase.

To put it simply, selecting the main attribute [Physique] will increase the 6 points attribute, while selecting the secondary attribute [Power] will only increase the attribute point of 5 points.

After following this arrangement, there are no doubt that the three options in the legendary option have become the choice direction that Ye Qi needs to think about -

The precious points of attribute points and skill points are naturally obvious!

Each attribute point represents a one-third increase in the dot attribute; each skill point represents a breakthrough in craftsmanship at a critical moment; it can be said that it is a cherished existence!

It is precisely because of this cherishment that Ye Qi is now caught in a more entangled choice.

Which one should I choose?

Ye Qi couldn't help but narrow his eyes - as the core of his choice of road, he represents the skill of 'one hit and killing knife'. [Cold weapon] is self-evident; but every three characters can be grown. The property points obtained its precious place is also self-evident.

Especially at this moment, it is almost a one-time increase of 5 or 6 points. It is almost the accumulation of 15 to 18 human figures!

Which one should I choose?

Ye Qi, who was holding her eyes, could not help but frowned, and the distress was obvious.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~

Really hot! ! ! It’s a sinister day, but every bit is cool, just like a steamer... It’s a sweat from the morning, when the code is more, it’s shirtless, and the sweat beads are squatting down; sitting Then, the big pants are soaked; if it is not afraid of the light, the code words that really want to be completely stripped...

The fat man has passed the summer, and the heart can't afford it! !

Begging for the spring breeze, cool and pleasant weather! ! To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (.) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation.

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