Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 12: Under the banquet

Ted, Jacob's entire relics excavation team, Heli Byron, Giffen de, and Alice Lim, who is next to his daughter, and the number of people completely Randy De Many young hunters, led by the blond hunter, including the sons of the Heli Byrons and the descendants of many hunters, apparently, so many people appear almost indiscriminately, in advance Rape.

Of course, the most surprising thing for Ye Qi is that Nufa even appeared behind the crowd and appeared in the doorway of the hall. Although the other person’s face was still cold, but the inability to flash from the bottom of the eyes made Ye Qi fans Ngbái, is the original intention, this cold-faced man is definitely not going to participate in this kind of banquet with his character, which is incompatible with the novel.

When I was a trainee apostle, he didn't get along with each other for a short time, so that Ye Qi was very fascinated by ngbái, who was a cold-hearted person like Nuofa, and more liked to read books in the room he was staying in, or directly devoted himself to At work; as for banquets, parties?

That is almost nothing at all. Anyone who sees his cold face will swallow the words of the invitation back into his stomach.

It should be the assignment of the tower of the tower of wisdom!

The obvious answer appeared in the heart of Ye Qi to remove the tower of the tower of wisdom, and the teacher of Nuofa, Ye Qi could not think of who néu changed the mind of this cold-faced man.

"Uncle Jacob, early!"

Ye Qi went to the páān of Jacob and his party, greeting with a smile.

"ng is in the morning! However, for us who just woke up, it is still the morning! So. Ye. Early!" In Ye Qi's greetings. Jacob can't help but smile, the unique hoarse voice drives a little joke néu back to his hometown, seeing long-lost relatives, for anyone, will get a good mood; not to mention, in this premise Next, I will immediately attend a banquet that belongs to and can be relaxed.

Have a look. As soon as I entered the hall, I began to cheer loudly. When I went to the table to dance on the table, I was experiencing the feelings of the people at the moment. I took off the apostle windbreaker. It was just a lot of hunters in the casual clothes. It was obviously incomparable. Looking forward to this banquet.

After Ye Qi and many familiar demon hunters raised their glasses, Jacob also greeted the crowd and pointed to Ye Qi’s chair in the corner.

"Uncle Jacob, is there something?"

When I came to the corner, Ye Qi, who had just sat down, asked for it. In the case of méu, Jacob is not kěnéng to choose such a secluded āng.

"It's something about Els!" Nodded. Jacob Méu said concealedly: "I saw Elsie once at the post this morning and discussed something with her..."

Speaking of this, Ye Qi was keenly aware of the helplessness and bitterness that appeared on Jacob's face. He could not help but ask: "What have you discussed with Els?"

"I want to let Els retired from the Rangers!"

"Retired from the Rangers?!"

Ye Qi couldn't help but whispered, then, suddenly ngbái had the helplessness and bitterness on Jacob's face. What happened to the elders of the female cavalry, naturally respected, but for the knights of choice The road is also unshakable; moreover, with Ye Qi’s understanding of his lover, once the stubborn temper comes up, its stubbornness is comparable to that of rock.

Therefore, in the face of anything, Ye Qi will patiently explain the meaning to the female cavalry chief, and then seek the understanding of the other party; instead of coming up, it will be straightforward to explain the tone, although not dào at the time The situation is like, but looking at the helplessness and bitterness of Jacob's face, I am fascinated by ngbái, who was quite frustrated by the female cavalry chief.

"For Als, I am afraid it is quite difficult!" Facing the elders who had setbacks, Ye Qi sighed with words and comforted him. He said slowly: "ng, for Els In fact, the life of the Ranger is almost everything in her memory; where she was born, raised, became a Ranger, and served as the captain, and we also met and knew each other at the Rangers Camp..."

"Yes, I am all dào!" Jacob nodded, but the helplessness in his face, but méu subsided; he couldn't help but sigh: "I really regret it now, I will leave Els at me. The Rangers Camp, should be brought up by my side!"

"Uncle Jacob, do you want me to let Els retired from the Rangers? In my opinion, Els is very good, completely a competent cavalry captain; not only in ability, uwéi Everyone also likes and loves Elsie very much!” Ye Qi asked the doubts in his heart that Ye Qi said that he was completely objectively speaking, and that méu was subjective because of the guā between the two people. In fact, the female cavalry chief is doing better than Ye Qi said; although there is no shortage of women in the cavalry, the female who plays the role of a camp captain is only one female cavalry.

It is not because of the superior ability, even because of the influence of Ye Qi, guā, the female cavalry chief does not kěnéng has been holding such an important position to pursue the knight system of the knight system, each year has a test system, from Various basic training began, to the last horse station, and the firearms that were added only 30 years ago. In these tests, the captain’s performance is not as good as that of the ordinary ranger. Naturally, there will be rumors and rumors.

However, in these tests, the female cavalry commander showed the strength to the world with most of the top scores; not only the camp where she was, even the remaining seven rangers in the camp At the beginning, the battle of the eight cavalry captains, the first is the female cavalry chief.

The strength is strong, the ability is outstanding, even for women, but the female cavalry chief still has the status recognized by everyone.

"These are facts, as a fairly qualified adoptive father, the honor of raising a woman. I am still dào! But, but..." Jacob got everything for the female cavalry chief. Showing a gratifying smile from the bottom of my heart; however. This gratifying smile was only maintained for a moment, and was replaced by helplessness; after several times of opening his mouth, Jacob suddenly whispered to Ye Qi: "Is there some transfer in the headquarters recently, are you dào?" ”

"Transfer?" Ye Qiyi.

"Well, some are only mobilized when the war is about to take place!" Jacob said to Ye Qi: "As a local Shaker, I am familiar with many people working at the headquarters." Especially a few guardians. It is my good friend; but this time, some of them are sent to other āng..."

"This kind of mobilization happened once in 20 years ago, but that time it was turán, very fast; I didn't react until the war came, the meaning of these representatives! And in that war My friends died one after another, and Els’s father died in the war. Only Els, who was still in the middle of it, and me who was seriously injured.

Speaking of the sudden war. Recalling that his friend’s lost Jacob’s face was full of sorrow, he took a bottle of rum straight, opened the wine stopper, and poured a few mouthfuls. Then he continued: “I saw this scar. ?"

Jacob Brah opened the collar that was always erected, revealing the scar that had been obscured by him. It was placed above the neck, almost connected to the lower jaw, and had a three-inch-long scar. The wound was rugged and it looked like a scorpion. The cockroaches were generally around the neck; Jacob stretched his finger at the scar and said: "At the most critical moment, I diddge a bit, but I hurt the vocal cords; but I am very fascinated by ngbái, it is just luck; and luck is so illusory. The thing is not kěnéng has been with you! So, I want Els to leave the Rangers!"

"Uncle Jacob, you are worried that Els is in danger on the battlefield, so I want Els to retire?"


Jacob nodded, then silently picked up the bottle and poured it.

It turned out to be...

Sitting on the side of Ye Qi, looking at the silent drinking of Jacob, a burst of stunned and surprised in the heart is dào Jacob for me will persuade the female cavalry chief to retire; surprised that Jacob is actually néu just With a few personnel transfers, I guessed the 'preparatory action' of the Hunter Headquarters.

In the last time I went to the Thousand Marsh area to find the witch's u, I accidentally discovered the behavior of the Holy See collecting the Faith. After the Wolf told the plan that the Holy See would implement, Ye Qi took the tone and said something that néu said. All the reports to the Hunter Devils Headquarters in the face of Ye Qi’s report, the Hunter’s Headquarters will naturally not be indifferent; immediately, they will send the corresponding personnel, go to investigate, and get a 'positive result' After that, the corresponding 'preparatory action' plan was launched.

When he met the lord of the sacred tower in the sacred area, the other party also asked him in detail about the situation at the time, and also relayed to him the corresponding action of the hunter's headquarters; therefore, the whole The ins and outs of things, Ye Qi is clear; only Ye Qi méu thought, Jacob actually néu found a trace of clues, the action of the devil's headquarters is naturally strict, there is no news that the news is leaked, so, Ye Qi It is certain that Jacob's dào is completely based on changes and guesses.

And néu has such a guess, it is enough to prove that his lover's adoptive father, in some respects of course, of course, of which Jacob's guess also has some discrepancies, at the very least, about the details of the plan, he and méu guess Out, but this ng is enough for Ye Qi to be surprised; ng, Ye Qi thinks that he can't do it with Jacob, but with some personnel transfer, néu guessed that the Hunter Headquarters would have this kind of ' War preparation plan'.

"This is no surprise! ng, for me who is born and raised in Shaq, I am really familiar with everything here, especially my friends are responsible for the me situation, I am more aware of it!" Jacob looked at the surprised Ye Qi, and could not help but wave his hand, although with a smile, but the sorrow of the eyes, but méu any change, the hoarse voice is more and more low: "And it is because This kind of understanding only made me more worried! Before the war broke out, let Els retired from the Rangers. Once the war broke out, Els would definitely be the first to ask for the battlefield!"

"So, Ye. You replace me. Go again and persuade Els!"

Said. Jacob looked at Ye Qi with hope, and Ye Qi just wrinkled his brow and nodded hard with Ye Qi’s understanding of the female cavalry chief. He completely believed everything that Jacob said. All are true; once the explosive war, the nàme female cavalry chief is definitely a group of people who are required to go to the front line; although there is still a long **** in this war, Ye Qi does not guarantee that there will be no special circumstances during the period. .

Originally in mutual respect. Ye Qi and méu interfered too much with the female cavalry chief's every move, just as the other party did the same; but in Jacob's request, Ye Qi was shaken in the bottom of his heart and immediately belonged to the 'selfish' side. Take the absolute upper hand

Perhaps Els should be a safer position...

Unlike Jacob’s idea that the female cavalry chief left the Rangers, Ye Qi knew that letting the female cavalry officer retire and leave in this way was simply not a matter of kěnéng; only the female cavalry chief was still a cavalry. But it can be done as a méu dangerous job.

You should find someone from Heather or Mr. Blanc to help...

For the position system of the Demon Hunter Headquarters, Ye Qi removed the top six towers. Others are not too much to understand; don't say that it is quite inferior to the existence of Jacob's néu-detailed Shack. Even if it is compared with some of the people who are staying in Shake. Even in the face of professional things, you should find an expert. This sentence, Ye Qi can remember very hu.

"I will try to persuade Els! Just, Els..."

"Don't worry, you just have to do your best!" In response to Ye Qi's reply, Jacob smiled and then stood up again: "The party mǎshàng is about to begin, let's go and have a drink first; then And then solve the solution!"

Looking at Jacob's departure from the corner, he joined the crowd in the hall, and Ye Qi leaned back against the back. The back rested completely in the chair, thinking about Jacob's 'sense discovery'. For the demon hunter, Ye Qi naturally would not worry that Jacob would talk around; but what did Jacob Néu discover, couldn't anyone discover it?

Perhaps Jacob's discovery is based on many corresponding coincidences, but the chances of these coincidences are not very low, even the very Shak's origin, familiar with Shaker's everything, and knowing the few who are responsible for it. The guardian of the tower; except for the last two, the other two points, in Ye Qi's view, the number of candidates met by néu is a large one.

The Devil's Headquarters should be prepared!

Although there is such a thought in the bottom of my heart, but Ye Qi fans ngbái, should still be able to talk with the Lord of the Moon Tower again and again to be cautious as the habit of Ye Qi, early ng to make him dàme-like approach, is the most correct; Perhaps, u seems to be more than one in the eyes of others, but such an extravagant move is better than the final failure.


In a series of sounds, the crisp sound of the spoon hitting the glass echoed in the hall. Although it was crisp, it was grand and continuous; therefore, just a moment later, the originally confusing banquet hall was quiet and sent out. The sound of the wè looked in the middle of the hall, staggered the grill, the soup pot, a little behind the wè, the moon-tower tower and the tower of the sacred tower stood side by side, while the latter also held a hand Wine glasses and small spoons.

Apparently, néu used these two kinds of small things to make a sound like the big bell. Apart from the strong man in the legendary world, it is very difficult for others to feel the eyes of everyone. The tower of the sacred object The main path straightly threw the spoon and the wine glass in the hand to the table on the side. After picking up the wine barrel at the foot, he broke into the crowd and left everyone’s sight completely in the moonlight tower. Body.

For the friend’s behavior, Hether, who is the Lord of the Moon Tower, was used to it; he looked into the crowd, and several of them flashed into the friends in the corner of the barrel, helplessly laughing. After laughing, I turned and looked at all the demon hunters present, and said slowly.

"The journey of all of you, and méu ends, at this time, just a moment of rest!"

"ng, only a full rest is néu to make everyone's footsteps more powerful, only néu go further!"

"But some of our friends, in this journey, have gradually drifted away and reached the edge of the stars!"

"Here, let us send them off!"

The moon tower tower picks up the wine glass lifted up high, the cockroach is facing the sky, and all the hunters of uwéi are the same action; including Ye Qi, the sacred tower The Lord, méu any exception.

"I wish them all the best!"

"They will not forget their figure, their memories will always be in our hearts; we will move on instead of them!"

After a blessing, the towerer of the moon night drank the drink from the glass.

"We will replace them!"

In the hall, all the demon hunters said together when they drank the drinks in the cup.

"Whether it is sadness or laughter, we will go forward!"

"Finally, everyone, have a drink and go home!"

The moon tower main tower put down the wine glass, slowly said, ending the opening words before the banquet.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~ is not finished.

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