Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 5 Chapter 6: Etiquette imitation

"Mr. Please show your invitation!" even if Ye Qi walked. In the surrounding poor lions hunger. The waiter of the Northstead family still gestured to him politely; and after Ye Qi took out the invitation from the other family, the waiter made a powerful gesture to make a gesture: "Please follow me. Come here."

"The hall of the party is here." The waiter pointed to the direction of the scarlet velvet carpet, and then bent back and retired: "If you have anything. You can always call the waiters around. I think they will serve you wholeheartedly!, small

Stepping forward, looking at the tall and magnificent buildings in the distance, even the rows of crystal ornaments and various statues, let Ye Qi have the illusion of visiting a palace, especially the soft and comfortable velvet under the feet; These things that Qi knows are from distant faraways. They are expensive. Generally, the rich will cut them as clothes. The extravagant ones will be used as the curtains in the master bedroom or on the bed, but like the Northder family. It was the first time that Ye Qi first saw a velvet carpet that was nearly a hundred meters long.

“Do you feel the extravagance of the big family, is it too much?” The voice of the wolf slowly wandered around his ear: “This is the benefit of wealth. Remember to do it according to what I said. Otherwise you are absolutely Will become the laughing stock of the upper class in the entire Gulf!"

"You help me so unconditionally, what is the purpose?" After the main entrance of the hall. Ye Qi glanced at the hall that was enough to be a football field. After finding a corner and sat down, he immediately asked him if he could not believe that the wolf would help him so well, especially if there was no such advantage; The only explanation for this situation is that the other party has a bigger plot or will get more benefits; the laughter of the wolf's dry voice rang: "How come? We are companions! One glory and one loss ".


Ye Qi disdainfully licked the corner of the mouth. Anyone who said this sentence, he would consider the authenticity of the other party, but only the devil who said the wolf said, he would even negate the consideration without considering it; Knowing that if he had not had a systemic body protection, he had already signed a soul contract with the other party and became a thoughtful sorrow; even after several transactions, he helped him, but the other party also benefited. For the other side, this will be the spleen of interest-centered, he has already understood very clearly, the other party is willing to help him absolutely what interests he does not understand.

As for the companion? The companions in the devil's mouth are generally used for selling, aren't they?

Fingers tapped on the armrests, and Ye Qi was comfortably leaning against the back of the chair to wonder what the other party was trying to do. However, Ye began to think about it and was interrupted by the sudden sound of the wolf. "Bastard! What are you doing? Remember what I said before I came here? It’s a shame." The strange wolf sharply mocked Ye Qi, quite a bit of hateful iron: "This is the dinner of someone else's family, not your lounge; although it is just a private party, it is an invited guest. Show yourself the opportunity to the people in the circle! What action did you just have? Are you already getting older? Need a chair back to support your weak body?

"Now straight up the waist. Put away the disdain of your mouth, this is very rude and will be regarded as provocative." Pick up the tea cup in front of you, don't just evolve directly. Follow the illusion in your mind and see the illusion. Look at the illusion of action. "Slow when you drink, look relaxed, and look at the holographic image with his face as a prototype. It shows all kinds of movements in a glance. Although he doesn't want to pay attention to the wolf, but several people standing around. When he casts a strange and contemptuous look, he has to scoop up the gourd painting; Ye Qi's imitation ability is not bad, but the wolf is still not satisfied: "First! Well, smile to those who look at you, to be subtle and arrogant. "Stupid! Not sneer, do you want to cause a duel before the banquet? That's right, look at them."

Several people around saw Ye Qi’s smile. The jaws greeted each other and turned their attention to their own circle. After no one noticed, Ye Qi half-turned his head and talked to the strange wolf: "Bastard? Stupid? It seems that this party is really true." I value it very much! Tell me why?

"The name of Northder represents the sea in the old saying," the strange wolf's explanation was just beginning, and it was suddenly interrupted: "Someone is coming, we will finish it!"

Even if he didn't see the strange wolf, Ye Qi also felt the happiness from the other party's tone. He understood the opportunity to force the other party this time, and next time he wanted to let the other party tell the truth, then It's not easy to do it; although the other party hasn't appeared "rewarding. It's bad behavior, but it doesn't mean the other party won't do it."

"Hello, are you Mr. Ye Qi?" A teenager stood in front of Ye Qi and looked at him curiously: "Can I sit down?"

"Yes, nose!"

The illusion of showing etiquette in the brain did not stop. Ye Qi learned the way in his head and nodded to the boy.

"Great! Mr. Ye Qi, do you know?" After seeing Ye Qi nod, the young man sat down happily and then said it continuously; after a while, he thought of something, and immediately said : "Ah! Forgot to introduce myself, I am a singer."

"Have a good heart to know you, sing."

Although he didn't care about who he was, Ye Qi said with politeness.

"I am also honored to meet you, Mr. Ye Qi!" The continuation of the lyrics continues: "You

A series of questions made Ye Qi stunned, but then he shook his head in the heart and smiled. The propaganda effect of the Holy See was good. Even the 14-year-old boy had heard of these rumors that he was changed beyond recognition; but he was curious about the teenager. Heart, he did not know how to answer for a while.

Fortunately, the time for the official start of the dinner has arrived, and Ye Qi has been spared one time.

"Mr. Ye Qi, I have to leave first!" Unlike Ye Qi, the lyrics seem to be a bit sad. When leaving, I still ask Ye Qizheng: "After a while, let's go to the second floor lounge." I will introduce my sister to you!"

Until Ye Qi nodded, the other side smiled and walked toward the center of the hall; a gentle middle-aged man with gold glasses was standing there.

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