Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 30: Lead the snake out of the hole

In Shichi, who was ready to leave, the grocer merchant handed it to Ye Qi with a cloth bag full of all kinds of food: "This is the dim sum and brewed cider made by me and Edward Ziji; although méiyou More value, but you must accept these things!"

"Value is also determined by people! These things are, in my opinion, the best gift for Midsummer!" Ye Qi took the cloth pocket and squatted in the left hand, then said goodbye to each other. More to the 'monitor' and his ziji an opportunity, for the two people in the current situation of Shake, Ye Qi also has considerable concern; even if there are not many good friends, but the friendship between the two is enough He showed an attitude different from the stranger.."".

However, obviously, the "monitor"'s method is exceptionally clever, not only keeping a considerable distance from him, but the line of sight that stays on him every time is absolutely only a moment, and before he is alert, he will divert his attention. Perhaps you should bless [cursive surgery] to obtain a temporary sensory bonus to find the other party?

Such an idea, in the next moment, was yed by Ye Qi with a temporary perception of +8. Finding the other party is definitely not a difficult thing for Shime, but he can't guarantee that the person who 'monitors' him is what he wants. The head of the referee who is looking for is very kěnéng is only the subordinate's subordinates or helpers; and once it is the latter, nàme his snake lead out will definitely become a stunned snake and become a complete failure plan.

Therefore, after thinking for a moment, Ye Qi went to the small building where he temporarily stayed for one night according to the original plan, and there was a carriage that took him back to the Central Castle; as the ambassador for negotiating with the Holy See. Although he has the current plan. However, the attendance of shihou must be attended. Moreover, the attack last night will naturally not be revealed in such a simple opening, and it is inevitable that the other party has a saying.

Even, in the shihou last night, Ted contacted the cold-faced man in yijing, making a fuss about this matter; then, turning a few non-kěnéng clauses into kěnéng, although the leading knife priest yijing was broken. But the black deacons who executed the plan were all captured; under the torture of the thorny tower master. These black clothes deacons insisted that méiyou stayed for an hour, and they all said everything about zijizhidào.

Although the information is very messy, and the identity of the black deacon is doomed to be too much, but these are enough to become conclusive evidence. Of course, such evidence is not a shime for the Holy See; the new one Even if the red archbishop Zola denied it, it would not be expected by the demon hunters; however, it is enough for another neutral red archbishop.

What's more, the skills of negotiation are not seeking truth from facts, but using various means to trick each other; bijing. The other party does not know at all that they have mastered the fraud of the Shime language and will not appear in the life of the demon hunter; however. The demon hunter does not mind using it at the negotiating table, especially in the face of the enemy's shihou.

"Excuse me... are you Lord Ye Qi?"

Just in the shihou where Ye Qi is less than fifty yards from the small building, a young man is in front of him with a costume full of celebration atmosphere, plus a slightly blurred eyes after a hangover, and a thin and weak body, plus Zuoyou's bright fingertips and joints can prove that the young man in front of him is just an ordinary person who comes to Shak to celebrate.


"A gentleman asked me to give you a message. He said, please wait for him at a crossroad outside a block; if you don't go, you will put an important thing in him and will say goodbye to you forever. After Ye Qi nodded, the young man said straight, and pointed out the direction for Ye Qi.

"Oh? He said his name, or do you remember his appearance?"

Although zhidào is not kěnéng, Ye Qi still asks this way, and the answer ziji is not unexpected disappointment.

"In the mid-summer shihou, everyone just drinking and chatting, how can I ask someone else's name? And, after a few bottles of rum, I nénggou awake to remember that the gentleman let me pass the message, it is very yijing Not rongyi!" The young man shrugged and answered Ye Qi in a way that was unique to young people. "But he is very generous. He invited a lot of people in the pub yesterday. If you don't mind, ruguo doesn't mind. I can go to the pub next door next door to find out; although most people are drunk, I think the owner and waiter of the bar will definitely have an impact; bijing, such a generous guest, is not a common embarrassment!"

"I won't bring you shime troubles?"

The young man looked at Ye Qi's frowning look and couldn't help but ask.

"méiyoushime, I am just thinking about which friend of mine will make such a joke with me; you want to zhidào, among the people I know, many of them are such people! However, thank you for your message!" Ye Qi took out a banknote with a face value of fifty, and placed it in the hands of the young man in front of him. The right hand that has been used has been very appropriate to show the inflexibility that ordinary people can hardly detect.

"You and your friends are generous people! I wish you a happy Midsummer!"

After the young man reached for the coin, he immediately waved his arm and left.

Ye Qi and méiyou prevented the other party from leaving. It is obvious that the other party is a thin and weak body of the caller after receiving the money. The fingertips and joints of the méiyou dad with his hands are clear, indicating that the other méiyou have cultivated any martial arts, and The training of jinháng's shooting, together with the fluctuations of the "blind bucket perception" and the ordinary people, is enough to explain the identity of the other party.

I put an important thing in him...

Ye Qi chewed the meaning of this sentence in the bottom of his heart, and the action was not slow. He immediately recruited the cavalry patrolling the street. After indicating his identity, he immediately let the other party pass the message to Ted. The place agreed by the other party went though the important thing that is not qingchu is shime, but since the other party said such a discourse, nàme must be dependent; and according to the style of the knife priest last night. The other side is the back hand of that person. Obviously, there will be no noble places to go; he will be wēixié with some means of doing it. It is also very normal.

Ruguo, he méiyou understands the behavior of the other party, and the other party really makes excessive Shime, nàme Ye Qi will naturally feel regret and apology, so let Ted go to jinháng investigation, and prepare to support, and he said as the other said Going to the appointment is the most secure guarantee.

At least. The plan went very smoothly and the other party really appeared.

With such an idea, Ye Qimai walked toward the crossroads of another block from the wèizhi where Ye Qi was located to the intersection of another block, not too far, about two hundred yards away; adults walked over It is only two or three minutes of shijiān, and Ye Qi is observing zhouwéi, but it is deliberately delayed by méiyou, appearing in the normal shijiān, the place agreed by the other party.

However, zhouwéi removed the scattered zeros last night méiyou hangovers and habits of early risers. As well as the two teams patrolling the Rangers, there is any presence of méiyou. And this difāng Ye Qi stood still for ten minutes, the situation of zhouwéi is still méiyou any change

Still watching?

Ye Qi’s guess is that the other’s behavior begins with his 'monitoring', and the other party shows considerable caution and caution. Unlike the knife-priest who was last night, this caution and caution is not far behind. The existence of the former personality distorted can be compared in the same way; '狡猾, malicious', the words from the tower of the wisdom tower, placed on the other side, obviously more appropriate and appropriate.

As for the former?

In addition to smashing and twisting, Ye Qi and méiyou have too many impressions.

Hey, hehe...

The wooden wheels are crushed on the gravel paved road, giving a unique sound iron bearing and wheel-buffered rhythm, even in the streets of the early morning Shaker is not common; as a tourism-generating income The city, the atmosphere of Shaq, is full of leisure and ease in any shihou; therefore, although the carriage is its passing tool, in the early morning this kind of shihou will not appear on the street.

Looking at this carriage that was pulled by a horse, the carriage is much smaller than the carriage that Ye Qi has seen. It is a double bench size. Obviously, there are only one or two people inside. And this shihou, tongguo [blind bucket perception] induction, Ye Qi can determine any person inside méiyou

This should be the former carriage!

As the carriage approached, looking at the special groove in the front of the carriage, the driver's wèizhi, Ye Qi made an accurate judgment. Although the shihou groove is completely empty, but in the original wèizhi, According to the size of the groove, a double-barreled shotgun should be inserted here; this configuration does not appear on the carriage, especially in modern times, after the car became the main means of transportation, it is The disappearance disappeared without a trace.

However, in the shihou, which has just arrived in the 50 years of the Freedom, the carriages configured in this way are unusually welcomed by people who love to travel. Although the scenery is fascinating, the story on the journey is fascinating, but its own security is still It is quite important; therefore, anyone who travels will prepare some necessary means, especially when traveling alone, it will require considerable weapons as a necessary measure to ensure the safety of life.

"Excuse me, is Lord Ye Qi?"

The coachman jumped out of the carriage and asked Ye Qi that the other party should not be a Shaker native. After Ye Qi saw the other person’s first sight, he confirmed this way; although the other party tried to dress up and stay close to the guest, and still imitated The words and deeds of the Shakers; however, for some things, this existence is obvious, the imitation is not in place; plus the other person is as cautious as he asks, but full of expectations, a job seeker, the appearance of a migrant worker, It is enough to make Ye Qi make a guess.

It’s not uncommon for such people to be in Shaq, especially as Shaq’s fame grows bigger in recent years, and more rich people are willing to spend more holidays in Shak, some following The people who acted by Kimpton will inevitably come to Shaq to this, Ye Qi méiyou any scornful meaning; bijing, unlike those who are like vultures who are generally eating and corroding, greedy collection of Kimpton mercenaries These people in front of me are just better for ziji and family.

Therefore, Ye Qi will not be embarrassed by such people.


Minor nodded, Ye Qi made a positive reply.

"Hello, Yeqi, your friend, let me pick you up here. Go to the picnic!"

The driver immediately took off his hat. Then the door of the compartment that opened the compartment looked a little bigger than it looked from the outside. Moreover, the entire carriage is very clean and well equipped, not only with thick fluff that makes you feel comfortable after seeing it; and under the only chair, Ye Qi smells pastries, meat and mead. taste.

"Is this your car?"

Ye Qi took back his eyes and asked the coachman that although the ‘watcher’ was quite cautious and careful, Ye Qi would never believe that the other would have such thoughtfulness.

Business Field, Yeh Hsin!

The coachman nodded humblely, then. Made a gesture of please to Ye Qi.

"A person who cares very much!"

After Ye Qizhong’s evaluation, he jumped straight into the carriage and the other party’s 'temporary staff' who was hired by the coin. It’s unrealistic to ask for the shime from the other’s mouth; and, plus, the other side The invitation of a ring and a ring will always have the moment to reveal the true face. He only needs to patiently follow the rhythm of the other party.

I hope that our respective surprises will make each mǎnyi!

With such an idea, Ye Qi straightly leaned on the only chair in the compartment, slowly closing his eyes and having to say that the driver's skills are very good. After leaving the smooth gravel path in downtown Shak, I entered the suburbs. In the rugged path, the entire carriage is still stable; although it has the role of the iron axle and shock absorber, but the most important thing is the coachman's technology.

At the very least, in Ye Qi’s view, the driver’s driving skills did not belong to the retired ranger who had come to meet the Holy See that night.

After driving away from the urban area of ​​Shak and driving for about forty minutes in the suburbs, the carriage gradually slowed down.

Here yijing is close to the border of Shak...

After looking up at the scenery outside the window, Ye Qi thought to the other side to choose such a difāng, obviously not arbitrarily designated; after wanting to 'kill him', the maximum escape from the hunting of the demon people, here is undoubtedly The best place; bijing, on the land of the demon hunter, even if the head of the inquisition is in person, it must be careful; and ruguo is out of this difāng, nàme is not necessarily.

The advantage of the terrain, any designated planner, will not be deliberately ignored.

"Lord Ye Qi, we are here!"

The driver stopped the carriage and opened the door. After Ye Qi jumped off the carriage, this led to a smoky grove in the pángbiān yijing, saying: "Your friend yijing prepared a picnic there. Tools and ingredients, do I need to accompany you in the past?"

"No, your driving skills are really good, I hope to have your chance to sit in your car next time!"

Ye Qi smiled and waved his hand and took out a banknote and put it in the other's hands. This action made the smile on the driver's face more intense, especially after seeing the denomination of the banknote. He is more respectful of Ye Qi's attitude: "Ye Qi, you need me to be here waiting for you?"

"When inviting, it is for the surprise! And the shihou who goes back, of course, needs to pass, thank you for your kindness; however, I think my friend yijing has prepared a carriage for me!" Ye Qi pointed out that there was a smoke in the distance. Difāng: "A picnic is not a banquet, but being late will make the owner angry; nàme, let's see you!"

"I wish you a happy Midsummer Festival! It is my pleasure to serve you at nénggou, I look forward to your next contact!"

The coachman shouted at the back of Ye Qi, and shouted loudly; then, he transferred the carriage and began to return to Shaq. Although today’s income is his usual income for a week, he is a person who lives outside. This driver has the simplicity of all life people; definitely not because he earned a week's income in a shijiān point, he will have to wait for the next week; let alone the annual festival of the Midsummer Festival, ruguo does not If you hurry, he will not forgive ziji; bijing, this is a great opportunity for him and his family to fight for Japanese funds.

Listening to the carriage behind him, until it was beyond the scope of [blind bucket perception], Ye Qi yijing walked in front of the smoky grove, through the gap between the trees, he clearly saw that it should have been full. There is a clearing in the middle of the tree forest

The soil that has just been turned and tamed is undoubtedly indicating that it has just been cut down and trimmed.

A white round table with golden tablecloths and porcelain vases with beautiful curves placed in the center of the table, a bouquet of golden tulips, inserted in a vase, echoing the tablecloth, illusory Thought it was a tulip of tulips; on both sides of the round table, there were two chairs.

One of the chairs, a man who thought that he was about thirty years old, a black dress with a tailored body, a modified beard and hair, and an elegant hand holding a cup; ruguo was not a slightly curved nose. If people feel uncomfortable, the other party is undoubtedly a model that can represent the style of the upper class.

"Shack's Dragon, welcome!"

The eagle-hooked man, standing up from the chair, looked at Ye Qi with a smile.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~ (to be continued.)

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